The Declaration of Internet Freedom

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Although I'm not sure what good this Declaration of Internet Freedom will do, it can't hurt to check it out. You can sign the declaration whether or not you agree with it, and it gives you the option to explain your position.

We stand for a free and open Internet. We support transparent and participatory processes for making Internet policy and the establishment of five basic principles:

  • Expression: Don't censor the Internet.
  • Access: Promote universal access to fast and affordable networks.
  • Openness: Keep the Internet an open network where everyone is free to connect, communicate, write, read, watch, speak, listen, learn, create and innovate.
  • Innovation: Protect the freedom to innovate and create without permission. Don’t block new technologies, and don’t punish innovators for their users' actions.
  • Privacy: Protect privacy and defend everyone’s ability to control how their data and devices are used.
Declaration: Sign this petition so we know what dissidents to keep track of. :p
Sound like people who want to pirate with out fear of repercussion petition
Sound like people who want to pirate with out fear of repercussion petition

I doubt it has much to do with piracy. Unless you're a complete moron, you can pirate software, music, whatever, with complete impunity, and will continue to be able to do so for the foreseeable future. That's not really the part of the Internet that is at risk. Piracy has always been two steps ahead of attempts to crack down on it.

But other types of activity on the Internet are not as resilient. Any type of expression that attempts to be open and reach a broad audience can be crippled by censorship and corporate/governmental asshattery.
Adding yourself to the terrorist watch list for free! :)

I'm sure I've been on that list since I purchased many years back in my think stupid things, do stupid things phase. However I did let it run out a few years ago so it's open if anyone wants to fast track their name onto the top of the NSA/DHS watch/black-List. Still it's F88k the gov even now, just try not to let them know it as (NSA spyderbot makes note in my file)

Unfortunately, a true story.
THIS is the America that I'm proud to be a part of - not BS crap like DMCA, NDAA, etc.

Screw protecting corporate profits, let corporations die, a dozen (or maybe even hundreds?) of other small business are just waiting for the chance to grow and take up the slack. Competition is good - we need to stamp out this "greed is good" festering disease that's taken hold of almost all of America's corporate leaders.
Privacy: Protect privacy and defend everyone’s ability to control how their data and devices are used

Unless they are an internet provider... :rolleyes:

Until you are running the gear to make your own network, you are just camping out in someone else's yard... and have to abide by their rules.
Except, their tard is the only one's that's allowed these days. Seen some of these ISP trying to get gov to ban competition?
Although I'm not sure what good this Declaration of Internet Freedom will do, it can't hurt to check it out. You can sign the declaration whether or not you agree with it, and it gives you the option to explain your position.

Simply put, these people want free access, do whatever they want
and make the rest of us pay for it.

I'd call it "internet welfare".