The Difference Between Broadband and Google Fiber

Only thing fiber is slow at is getting to your state or home.
I'll probably never see fiber here.
Been waiting a long, long time for fiber to come to the Denver area. How does a city like Provo or Kansas city get it before larger cities do? :confused:
This is so bad.:(

I watch this and realize I'm lucky to have ANY speed and these people are getting this amazing technology.
Meh screw google fiber, let other companies do it. I've had enough google.
If the water was coming out of something on the truck, what was that other fireman with the hose doing?
In no way did that explain the difference between the two.

I'd call it misleading too. It would be more appropriate to have the guy filling dozens of small bottles with water. The speed difference for most traffic will be negligible.
And yet I am doing good to get 5 mbps at my house, by radio. att will only shove 768 kbps out dsl.
I have no reason to upgrade from my 25 Mbps connection... Now our 6 Mbps connection at work for a 250+ person facility... That could use google fiber!
Fiber wastes so much natural resources

There have been studies that show the increased speeds of fiber will consume the internet at such a fast rate that there will be no internets left in about a decade ... think of the children :D

That's the best representation of humor to point they could come up with? Jackass could have done better with their ceiling fan and the jet engine shooting footballs at people.
While I applaud the fact that someone is rolling out fiber to the home/perimeter, I'm not too pleased that it is Google. I'd be pouring over any service agreement with a fine toothed comb to see if they're mining everything I do and creating more obscene attacks on privacy than they already attempt.

That said, as many others note Google Fiber won't be available everywhere... and really, it is sad state of affairs for broadband today. Everywhere is a monopoly locked up by a private telecom - Comcast, Verizon, ATT mostly - that are also being subsidized with our tax dollars... yet they roll out only the bare amount necessary to places they think profitable and then keep coming up with excuses to not allow people to use their infrastructure. Think everything from download monthly limits, to upstream being limited, to restrictive TOS and even filtering/blocking of high bandwidth use applications.

The only solution I can think of that is actually viable, is to put an end to the corporate ownership of the lines in the ground. We have a situation right now that is digital yet similar to the US roadway system prior to the reforms of the Eisenhower administration and the creation of the Interstate. The Interstate system was a high bandwidth, publicly funded operation that bolstered our infrastructure, taking over from a patchwork system of local and state, poorly maintained roadways that only went where it was profitable to do so. The creation of the Interstate was a large component of the US rise to economic prosperity postwar, allowing for goods to be safely and swiftly shipped just about everywhere. Plus, it created a fuckload of real, useful jobs in a way not seen since the New Deal projects in the pre-war period. There were a bunch of detractors - usually wealthy industrialists, who wanted to leave it up to private industry, lay toll roads everywhere etc... but thankfully people had the good sense not to allow that ruse.

We need the same thing for the Internet. We need universal fiber, owned and maintained by We The People. We need true net neutrality and privacy protections. We need to stop subsidizing those who impede progress and double-dip into our pockets to fill their ill-gotten coffers and instead start subsidizing that which will actually benefit We The People. This can all be done if we have the courage to ignore the fearmongering that will be swung about by those that profit from the status quo. The nations with the highest bandwidth and most affordable broadband are those that follow this model, at least to a point. Time to stop leaving the future of our Information infrastructure up to unscrupulous corporate interests who act in opposition to the common good.
I work with an older guy that constantly brags how he has a fiber connection from Surewest.

But he doesn't have a computer, he only has his phone and his tablet and it's all wireless via the router they gave him when he signed up 5 years ago.

Don't even try and tell him he's wasting his money on the fiber... lol
I work with an older guy that constantly brags how he has a fiber connection from Surewest.

But he doesn't have a computer, he only has his phone and his tablet and it's all wireless via the router they gave him when he signed up 5 years ago.

Don't even try and tell him he's wasting his money on the fiber... lol

Maybe Surewest is his blackmarket oat bran supplier :D
Fiber is messy and it fucks up your lawn? Count me out.

Yup that is what I get. It works for a few minutes then breaks in a way that damages your property. Count me out as well.

If the water was coming out of something on the truck, what was that other fireman with the hose doing?

helping fill it up

I'd call it misleading too. It would be more appropriate to have the guy filling dozens of small bottles with water. The speed difference for most traffic will be negligible.

I agree. I was going through something similar at work about a year ago (small telco/isp). Trying to come up with a display for our lobby to show customers the difference between 50Mbps and 5Mbps DSL service that we could offer them. Years past we used a high res image to show the difference between dialup and 5Mbps DSL. kind of loses its effect when it comes to 5 vs 50. The average person isn't going to notice much difference. For a single connection you can stream HD the same, surfing the web will be the same. might save some time on downloading songs from itunes but that is about it. So instead I got MPEG 2 HD video and started streaming it on one computer with 5Mbps DSL and it had to stop to buffer a few times every now and then. One another computer I had it streaming 2 different HD videos using the 50Mbps connection. Then we put up a sign stating how with faster service you can have more devices on your network doing more at the same time. Some people want us to instead just show how fast it downloads, but I pointed out that for the average person that won't mean anything. We need to explain that if they have video game systems, phones and laptops all running at the same time, the faster speeds will allow all these devices to run different streaming at the same time.

Even now we just broke ground tuesday on our first large scale fiber to the home deployment. Have a subdivison of 150 homes that we are going to service with FTTH. And reading the letter that we sent out... I think this video would have been about as useful as to explaining to people why they should want to get the full speed (doing GPON instead of ActiveE so max we will offer is 100Mbps) that we will offer them over fiber. Do they explain that you can run multiple devices at once. no instead they explain that you should want it because it is a strand of glass smaller than the size of a hair that transmit limitless capacity to your house. Plus it can make your house's value raise up to $5000 by having FTTH instead of DSL.
I question if it is actually fiber to the home, because from what I have seen it is always copper to the home i.e that there isn't an actual fiber line whether SC, FC or whatever in your home but intead a copper line.

Maybe Google fiber is different

It DISPLAYED the practical difference between the two, but it did not even attempt to EXPLAIN the actual difference between them.

Most consumers don't give a crap how it works. They care to some degree what it does.
Recently got fibre here. Never thought I'd see the day. 50mbps down 30mbps up. It's awesome. I can get up to 250mb down but any package after 50 has a cap. TV and phone is through this fibre too (separate dedicated bandwidth)
Fiber wastes so much natural resources

Huh? And miles of standard copper wire is not a waste of natural resources? :rolleyes: Far be it for me to speculate that the materials used in fiber wires, namely Silicon dioxide (made from SAND) are far more abundant and easier on the environment to obtain. I hope you're just trolling there.
Huh? And miles of standard copper wire is not a waste of natural resources? :rolleyes: Far be it for me to speculate that the materials used in fiber wires, namely Silicon dioxide (made from SAND) are far more abundant and easier on the environment to obtain. I hope you're just trolling there.

lol I think the quy you quoted was just joking bro.

The whole video is suppose to be funny....

People looking at this video expecting technical details need to go else where.
Why is google using the midwest to open up fiber markets?

Because the midwest is one of the places no other ISP has ever given enough of a shit about to lay fiber? There's also the office angle ofc.

And yet I am doing good to get 5 mbps at my house, by radio. att will only shove 768 kbps out dsl.

That is what your speed *rating* is, not necessarily what you get. My Old Man pays $50/month to get "up to" 6meg down/ 768kb up. IRL he is lucky to get between 1-3megabit down even at off hours depending on what frequency his DSL calls on, due to ISP overselling their network. When he called to complain to get his speeds back, and all he could get was 3megabit, the tech were surprised he was even able to get that much....they also never admitted the nature of his actual problem, i.e. the Asshole ISP oversold their capacity severely.

Gasoline you have to get what you pay for...just about any other business you have to get what you pay for. Only in ISPs this "up to" shit that may be 50%* more snake oil than reality is tolerated.
Damn, 6mbps here in Canada makes me feel like I'm filling the pool with a drinking straw