The "DOPEFISH" - Found in DOOM 3!!!!!


Jul 29, 2003
I believe I have discovered the always elusive "Dopefish"!!! in DOOM3. Ironically, it has been literally all around us in the game and can be seen NUMEROUS times.

Below is the picture from the .pak file for the pentagram used throughout the game.


Now, look closely at the CENTER of the pentagram - representing the virtual ORIGIN of the supernatural and occult. Do you see it?!?! I do!




The "fish" (not the "Dopefish") has long been a symbol associated with Christ.

The inherent duality of the symbolism by placing the Christ symbol (fish) inside the Satanic symbol (pentagram/pentacle) is incredibly clever and thought provoking. And easily overlooked apparently.

Look at it - It clearly shows the "outline" of a fish - albeit flattened for use in a symbolic drawing. The eyes are there and even the teeth can be seen "flattened" and jutting out the front of the face. Am I the only one who sees this?

I say - "The Dopefish Lives".

If you can't see it - may god have merce on your soul. Because the Dopefish is coming - FOR US ALL!!! ;)

Incidentally, also in the pentagram you can CLEARLY see the "DOOMGUY"!!! Look in the bottom left quadrant, around 7 o'clock - there he is.


I've got an email to the Keeper of the Dopefish to confirm or deny this sighting. I see the Doomguy, but the Dopefish is a bit "fishy".
Torgo said:
I've got an email to the Keeper of the Dopefish to confirm or deny this sighting. I see the Doomguy, but the Dopefish is a bit "fishy".

No pun intended of course. :D
the pentagram/pentacle isn't a satanic symbol, its a pagan symbol that's been portrayed in popular movies and fiction as satanic due to anti-pagan religions started by christians/catholics
Torgo said:
I've got an email to the Keeper of the Dopefish to confirm or deny this sighting. I see the Doomguy, but the Dopefish is a bit "fishy".

I posted this originally on the planetdoom forums at THIS LINK and Joe Siegler, the webmaster of had the following to say:

asked id Software about a month ago if there was to be a Dopefish gag in Doom 3. They told me "NO!". In fact, the response was so emphatic that I would tend to take it as gospel.

I think this is a case of someone wanting something to be there when it really isn't.

Joe Siegler
Webmaster - 3D Realms &

However, I disagree and I stated why elsewhere in the post. I would like for id to address this. Hopefully they will.

you should read the da vinchi code, its very interesting, I can't put it down, but I don't think its all true... its very entertaining though, for a book about religion
Yeah, I've got emails both to Joe and Tom who pretty much are behind the whole thing. Looks like Joe got back to you sooner.
jblue42 said:
you should read the da vinchi code, its very interesting, I can't put it down, but I don't think its all true... its very entertaining though, for a book about religion

I have read ALL of Dan Brown's books and enjoy them a lot! He writes about stuff I have always been interested in. It is even further exciting, because I have been to many of the places he writes about. :)

I am eagerly anticipating his next book, which revolves around the Freemason society. Oddly enough they also use elements of the "pentagram" extensively within their symbology.

You have to watch out when you're reading Dan Brown books for stuff that isn't true (even though he says in the beginning of his books that everything mentioned here is factual blah blah blah). Like there are a few things that I know for a fact that he pulled out of his ass. In "Angels and Demons" he mentioned a hypersonic transport plane called the Boeing X-33. Now the X-33 was a Lockheed Martin prototype for the next generation space shuttle. And the way he described the book X-33 was exactly the way the X-33 really was, a wedge shaped plane with stubby wings pointing up at 45? angles. There were some other things I noticed in his other books too so just keep a sharp eye open.

Sorry for the thread hijack. :p
So if this is the fish symbol associated with Christ....
Why does it have legs?!
JustForFun said:
I believe I have discovered the always elusive "Dopefish"!!! in DOOM3. Ironically, it has been literally all around us in the game and can be seen NUMEROUS times.

Below is the picture from the .pak file for the pentagram used throughout the game.


Now, look closely at the CENTER of the pentagram - representing the virtual ORIGIN of the supernatural and occult. Do you see it?!?! I do!




The "fish" (not the "Dopefish") has long been a symbol associated with Christ.

The inherent duality of the symbolism by placing the Christ symbol (fish) inside the Satanic symbol (pentagram/pentacle) is incredibly clever and thought provoking. And easily overlooked apparently.

Look at it - It clearly shows the "outline" of a fish - albeit flattened for use in a symbolic drawing. The eyes are there and even the teeth can be seen "flattened" and jutting out the front of the face. Am I the only one who sees this?

I say - "The Dopefish Lives".

If you can't see it - may god have merce on your soul. Because the Dopefish is coming - FOR US ALL!!! ;)

Incidentally, also in the pentagram you can CLEARLY see the "DOOMGUY"!!! Look in the bottom left quadrant, around 7 o'clock - there he is.



thx for my new background image
that pic right there would be the hottest flashlight mod have that shining on the walls
the pentagram/pentacle isn't a satanic symbol, its a pagan symbol that's been portrayed in popular movies and fiction as satanic due to anti-pagan religions started by christians/catholics

Someone is reading the Da Vinci Code. Great book, really freaks you out because it makes so much sense....

And its a PENTACLE!!!!! lol

OT. What is Angels and Demons about?
to original poster: you are really grasping at straws man . . .
i did read angels and demons and the davinci code, although i knew most of that stuff before i read it. sorry to hijack, those books are well written and easy to read, but i definately think they're over-hyped, i mean they're good and all but i don't see how everyone can think they're mind-blowingly incredible
Especially when you consider that just about the only thing correct in the Davinci Code is the spelling.
So what is wrong with the theory that the Da Vinci Code and countless other books talk about?
I agree, people are taking this too closely, play the game and enjoy, i like seeing easter eggs like dopefish in games, but this game has no fricken dopefish!. I Like the doom guy in the "fricktagram".
(christianity isnt a relegion, its life)
(much unlike catholicism)no sarcasm intended."not ment to be read in offence."
jblue42 said:
you should read the da vinchi code, its very interesting, I can't put it down, but I don't think its all true... its very entertaining though, for a book about religion
I'm reading that as well. I haven't gotten far in it though. Too many games to play, so little time.
Dome said:
the pentagram/pentacle isn't a satanic symbol, its a pagan symbol that's been portrayed in popular movies and fiction as satanic due to anti-pagan religions started by christians/catholics

Actually, in the modern age, the pentagram (as the inverted symbol is commonly referred) has become so closely associated with Satanism because of the decision of Anton LaVey to use it for the original cover of his Satanic Bible. That fucker took something and gave it a seriously negative connotation, similar to the way the Nazis stole the swastika...but I won't even go there.

An interesting side note...the concept of the pentacle is actually really really old, and in one of its most famous incarnations, it was the symbol of King Solomon, one of the greatest rulers in history according to Judeo-Christian texts like the Old Testament/Pentateuch.
Let there be no doubt!!
The DopeFish Lives!!!
And that's final !!!
The Pentacle is any encircled regular 5 pointed star. The Pentagram is just a regular 5 pointed star without a circle.

The Satanic inverted pentacle (goat head) is the Sigl of Baphomet.
The pentacle is what you see there, the star within the circle, not a pentagram.
(what akuma said)

A penta-GRAM is simply the star shape on its own.

a right-side-up pentacle is an important symbol to many pagan cultures, including wicca.

And UPSIDE-down pentacle is the one commonly referred to as the satanic cultists emblem.

its like the cross, an upside down cross is bad, right side up is good, etc..

im not religious but i just thought id point that out..

Remember now kids, its Pentacle! Not pentagram!
(most people dont know this, because they are uninformed :))
Arctura said:
(..........., because they are uninformed :))
..and that , sportsfans, is the reason why misinformational literature such as books like "The DaVinci Code" , any of the Mormons add-on books to the Bible, Jehovah Witness' version of the Bible ..etc, etc are so dangerous . When you take a smidge of truth to add to your B.S. to try and make it have the appearance of some sort of credibility .. those that dont know anybetter , and/or dont want to know any better (read:willfully ignorant) eat it right up as the gospel truth and thus in the process of decieving themselves ...decieve others as well.

..but hey , dont take my word for it ..check it out for yourselves :)

oops ..thought i was back in an old GM thread ...darn
Arctura said:
The pentacle is what you see there, the star within the circle, not a pentagram.
(what akuma said)

A penta-GRAM is simply the star shape on its own.

a right-side-up pentacle is an important symbol to many pagan cultures, including wicca.

And UPSIDE-down pentacle is the one commonly referred to as the satanic cultists emblem.

its like the cross, an upside down cross is bad, right side up is good, etc..

im not religious but i just thought id point that out..

Remember now kids, its Pentacle! Not pentagram!
(most people dont know this, because they are uninformed :))

I am somewhat surprised at all of the response this thread is getting. When I posted it, I guess I didn't expect that it would take all of these weird tangents, i.e. Dan Brown books, the correct use of pentagram and pentacle, etc.

I simply wanted to share what I think is the discovery of the "Dopefish" in Doom 3. And I still do.

But I do think people here are really funny when they try to define the words pentacle and pentagram as if "their" definition is the correct one and EVERY one else is a boob and uninformed. This is very shortsighted if you ask me.

Our lexicon is "dynamic" and word usage and meanings change at a frantic pace. What a word "means" today could very easily be different tomorrow. Even more likely is that a word will have "multiple" meanings and usages as it changes through time.

My point is that at this point in time, "pentagram" and "pentacle" are commonly interchangeable. This acceptance does not negate the fact that in the past both words may have had different interpretations or meanings. But to simply say that a pentagram is "this" and a pentacle is "this", is inaccurate.

Se what I mean:

*note the redirect to "pentagram"*

This is a common problem with symbols. They ALWAYS mean different things to different people.


Looks like lots of Art Bell fans here. If not then you should be.

What the hell is a dopefish and why the hell is significant about it?