The fatigue is setting in .... been trying to find a 24" lcd


Limp Gawd
May 18, 2008
I've been lurking here for a while, gathering info while building a new system and the monitor is proving to be the toughest part of the decision. I know I'm probably overthinking it, there are lots that would make me plenty happy but they so often get discontinued or 'deactivated' that it can be frustrating.

It's for multiple purposes but I want it to look the best for gaming. I'm not big into online FPS so a response of 6 ms is probably fine but input lag would annoy me - and backlight bleeding annoys the crap outta me. Price is a factor, I'm trying to get something <$500 shipped. SWMBO would look upon me buying a $700 screen like the Doublesight DS-253N with extreme disfavor. I like the BenQ 241VW but it's another that seems to be discontinued.

Has anyone used the HP LP2465? This one might be a contender if there are no glaring issues. I'm on the verge of just getting the BenQ 2400WB from Newegg. I know it's TN but it seems to be a quality one and I'm getting worn out :(

I would go with the BenQ FP241W, I have two and they are perfect for gaming. You can still purchase them new from BenQ USA's online store (I think they still have some). If image quality is more important than gaming performance then go with the NEC LCD2490WUXi. If you can't find the BenQ FP241W anywhere, then the LG L246WP is about as good as your going to get for your price range.

Here is a link to a comparison of these models, the only problem is that some of these models are getting hard to find.
Only thing to note about this monitor is it is very bright. It does bright well, doesn't do dark so well. You need probably 200 nits or more to get the full contrast range. So long as you have your room lit it should be fine but this isn't a dark room kind of monitor.
I would say you can look at the following:

- BenQ FP241W - Still available, but likely not for long. Input lag seems lower than indicated
- BenQ G2400W/G2400WD - The WD is a new version of the W which looks promising. No input lag basically and it's a G2400W with overdrive and dynamic contrast. I'm assuming both can be toggled on/off
- Samsung 245BW - If TN is in your view and you don't need HDMI or console abilities, it's a nice, bright TN, with ok viewing angles. The 2493HM is a viable alternative for a bit more $$
- LG L245WP - If you can find it in your price level, though it's getting hard to find and LG reputedly has no more for refurbs in case you need to make a warranty claim.
- Gateway FHD2400 - Possibly decent.
- HP LP2465 is an MVA monitor that also looks decent if you can find it at the price you've indicated. Input lag is reported to be around 40ms which is ok, but not for high-speed FPS players.

Not sure if you can also find a Dell 2407WFP-HC but it's worth a try on Dell's refurb site.

I would have recommend the DS263N as well but as you've indicated it's not viable.



I've been lurking here for a while, gathering info while building a new system and the monitor is proving to be the toughest part of the decision. I know I'm probably overthinking it, there are lots that would make me plenty happy but they so often get discontinued or 'deactivated' that it can be frustrating.

It's for multiple purposes but I want it to look the best for gaming. I'm not big into online FPS so a response of 6 ms is probably fine but input lag would annoy me - and backlight bleeding annoys the crap outta me. Price is a factor, I'm trying to get something <$500 shipped. SWMBO would look upon me buying a $700 screen like the Doublesight DS-253N with extreme disfavor. I like the BenQ 241VW but it's another that seems to be discontinued.

Has anyone used the HP LP2465? This one might be a contender if there are no glaring issues. I'm on the verge of just getting the BenQ 2400WB from Newegg. I know it's TN but it seems to be a quality one and I'm getting worn out :(

(Disclaimer : I used to work at Sun Microsystems.)

Has anyone used one of the new Sun 24" LCD's? The previous generation sucked big time, but the latest one is beautiful.

This monitor was the reason why I switched to using LCD's in the first place. Yes, it's ****ing expensive, but IMHO you get what you pay for.
- No lag. Like, seriously. None I could notice. And it looks like I'm pretty sensitive to lag.
- Very good colour reproduction.
Negatives :
- Only one DVI input

It's a Samsung S-PVA panel I think - so I have no idea what electronics they added (or did not add) to come up with a monitor with so little lag.

I recently bought the Dell 24 inch because of it's features. The input lag left me with a headache - even in normal desktop use. And don't even talk about gaming. I'm returning it, biting the bullet and buying the Sun LCD.
I completely sympathize with you, I'm feeling the exact same way. I've scrounged this forum and others, user reviews and pro reviews, and still feel stuck. Personally, I'm very close to buying the Benq G2400w based on the thread here at hardforum.

Obviously the V2400W is barely even out, but do you have any thoughts on it? If you had to buy a monitor in the immediate future, would you jump on that, or stick with the G2400w? It would definitely benefit all here if you end up reviewing it, so hopefully Benq will send one your way so can compare it directly to the G2400w and FP241W.

**EDIT: based on the review at trustedreviews, there are a few features of the V2400W that I personally find off-putting. Personally, I want to be able to remove a monitor's stand and mount it on an ergotron stand/arm, although others may not see the need. Obviously, performance is what matters most, but since the G2400W is so well received, I just keep leaning more and more in that direction. /edit ;)

Thanks everyone, g'luck Tuf with your decison.
I'd advise against BenQ FP241W, it is too bright and is noisy.
I used HP LP2465. It has that "sparkly" effect or glaring. It is because both anit-reflexive coating AND due to the *VA technology (gamma shift making thinkg lighter when looking from an angle). Otherwise it is a quiet monitor and not too bright.
Try reading some of these reviews:
(but only monitors sold in Europe)
guys, thanks a ton for the links and input. I have a decent home theater so I don't really worry about HDCP or scaling too much. It's 100% for computer usage. I've read some people really notice the difference in IQ when looking at TN and *VA and IPS panels side by side so I went out and looked for some only to find BB and CC carrying nothing but TN. For the BenQ G2400WD and HP LP2465 I'm looking at 415 and 470 shipped respectively so I'm probably in decent shape whatever I choose. If the Doublesight was still available I might just go ahead and ask for forgiveness instead of permission but I don't feel like waiting until they start hitting shelves again.
Ultimately it's a tough find,

Nanahachi: I'd love to review the V2400W and measure it vs. big brother. I find the TrustedReviews lack real "meat". They concentrate two or three pages on the monitor's design, but not much on the panel. Yes, we know it's TN, but unless they are willing to take some photos, not everyone knows exactly how TN looks, or how it varies between IPS and VA. I do agree about the stand though, because I use the Ergotron 45-184-195 stand too.

Tuf: I'd take the FP241W over the VW. As Sycraft mentioned it does bright well, but the W seems to have slightly better color calibration than the VW and the height adjustable stand. I'd take either over the HP to be honest as well. The HP is known to make some noise.

There is also the HP W2408H which is a good gamers' screen too, and wide gamut (saturated and bright colors) but it's a glossy display.

The reason I mentioned HDCP is because I'm sure "one day" it will be needed in Vista. Maybe. Possibly. For videos.

Good luck,
