The FCC Has Repealed Net Neutrality


Aug 20, 2006
Companies now control the internet, and there's no way to stop them. The Federal Communications Commission voted on Thursday to eliminate its power to ensure net neutrality, effectively paving the way for internet providers to begin charging companies and consumers for faster internet access.

Led by Chairman Ajit Pai, the Federal Communications Commission and its two other GOP members on Thursday followed through on a promise to repeal the government's 2015 net neutrality rules, which sought to force Internet providers to treat all online services, large and small, equally. The agency also went a step further, rejecting much of its own authority over broadband in a bid to stymie future FCC officials who might seek to regulate providers.
It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine.

Back to pre-2015 baby. Now it's time to end government interference for physical internet connections so we can get some real fucking competition for internet access!

Then it won't matter if Comsuck (or equivalent in your area) decides to throttle this, or charge more for that. Just say "FUCK YOU!" and go with a competitor.

Whatevs, it's not like I currently live on my own money anyway. I am an American, therefore I will likely always be indebted to someone, making payments to someone, and living in a corporate-owned residence. I personally hope for a huge fee on social media packages so we can get back to what it really means to be a friend to someone.
A vote, a choice, a decision, a rule, the needs of the many...
its all useless
because they can be changed
Well, if you share Grover Noquist's opinion of government ("drown it in a bathtub"), then this probably seems like a good idea to you.

Otherwise...not so much.
This could be a problem for GOP folks running for re-election in 2018. Self nuke deploy!

Not all the GOP senators are in lockstep with the FCC. If the Dems can put together a decent piece of legislation, it would only take a few GOP senators to get it passed in the Senate assuming the Dems could pretty much vote together. One advantage of a nearly even split is it only take a couple of members willing to work with the other side to either block or force something through.

Not real hopeful. The Dems seem about as disorganized as the Repubs. OTOH, elections often encourage action so those running have something to brag about.
Not all the GOP senators are in lockstep with the FCC. If the Dems can put together a decent piece of legislation, it would only take a few GOP senators to get it passed in the Senate assuming the Dems could pretty much vote together. One advantage of a nearly even split is it only take a couple of members willing to work with the other side to either block or force something through.

Not real hopeful. The Dems seem about as disorganized as the Repubs. OTOH, elections often encourage action so those running have something to brag about.
Not in todays party first attitude that has encapsulated the republicons.
It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine.

Back to pre-2015 baby. Now it's time to end government interference for physical internet connections so we can get some real fucking competition for internet access!

Then it won't matter if Comsuck (or equivalent in your area) decides to throttle this, or charge more for that. Just say "FUCK YOU!" and go with a competitor.


and just how will that happen? Please explain. The "last mile" isn't opened up for anybody to use. So how will there be any new competition in say Bethany Beach, DE where my in-laws have a house? Mediacomm has 100% monopoly up there. They are the ONLY TV and Internet provider for that area and they already charge high prices for jack shit.

You can't just drop new fiber and turn on the network...

In Canada the Internet is considered a right so bullshit like this can never happen. They're even adding it to the NAFTA agreement to protect themselves from US company trying to pull this bullshit.
Not all the GOP senators are in lockstep with the FCC. If the Dems can put together a decent piece of legislation, it would only take a few GOP senators to get it passed in the Senate assuming the Dems could pretty much vote together. One advantage of a nearly even split is it only take a couple of members willing to work with the other side to either block or force something through.

Not real hopeful. The Dems seem about as disorganized as the Repubs. OTOH, elections often encourage action so those running have something to brag about.

TBH I like them in a state of deadlock. I don't want more laws / taxes at every turn.
It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine.

Back to pre-2015 baby. Now it's time to end government interference for physical internet connections so we can get some real fucking competition for internet access!

Then it won't matter if Comsuck (or equivalent in your area) decides to throttle this, or charge more for that. Just say "FUCK YOU!" and go with a competitor.

That's very easy to do when the competitor doesn't offer speeds that allow 4k and cost of infrastructure isn't allowing the small players outside of direct metro areas. I live in a first tier upscale suburb of the 13th largest market in the US. I have Comcast or Century Link DSL (at 2010 speeds still). If you have options good for you, but it fucks a lot of people without many.

And let's not forget the corporation now controls what content you get. You better do your research on your ISP or your favorite fringe website(s) may just stop working!
It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine.

Back to pre-2015 baby. Now it's time to end government interference for physical internet connections so we can get some real fucking competition for internet access!

Then it won't matter if Comsuck (or equivalent in your area) decides to throttle this, or charge more for that. Just say "FUCK YOU!" and go with a competitor.


Stop living in a dream world. Wireless access doesn't have physical monopolies yet they are way more expensive. Now terrestrial ISPs will just follow wireless ISP and charge you for plans like "30Mb/s, 350GB a month limit but Netflix is free for only $80 a month".
So now the government can no longer define Broadband, The promise to have broadband in every American home no longer applies.
There's still opportunity for appeals and court battles, but this is bad news.
It is going to be hard but we need to take it on the chin and boycott any and all ISP that go full retard. That means canceling all services for months if not years so we can hurt them where it hurts. Their wallets.
Someone's comment got deleted about Obama appointing Ajit, so I presume this is coming from some rightwing chainmail being spread around facebook or whatever inner circle cons are a part of, so lets just set the record straight.

Ajit was not hand-picked, selected, or even desired by the Obama admin. He was a republican nominee that Obama simply did not object to, as is common practice when dealing with these matters. The republicans fronted him and Obama didnt obstruct his appointment to the position, that is all. So enough with this "lol you stupid libruls AJIT WAS YOUR MAN!" No. He. Was. Not.
Someone's comment got deleted about Obama appointing Ajit, so I presume this is coming from some rightwing chainmail being spread around facebook or whatever inner circle cons are a part of, so lets just set the record straight.

Ajit was not hand-picked, selected, or even desired by the Obama admin. He was a republican nominee that Obama simply did not object to, as is common practice when dealing with these matters. The republicans fronted him and Obama didnt obstruct his appointment to the position, that is all. So enough with this "lol you stupid libruls AJIT WAS YOUR MAN!" No. He. Was. Not.

Obama, Pai ? nope nothing in common there ..
We were screwed regardless of the decision. Doesn't matter what the laws say - corporations are in control and they'd do whatever they wanted anyway...
I love that the same people that were complaining that the government created monopolies in telecom are now praising the removal of NN because there will be competition. It makes zero sense. If it is monopolies, where does the competition come from?

Let's sit down and think about what you are posting prior to posting instead of just post for the sake of your ideology because of something you read earlier on an anti-NN website (we all know who they are). Please.