The Final Step To Ending Months Of Headache

Try loosening up your memory timings. Increase the CAS Latency by one.

Also check to see what range of voltage those DIMMS can handle and maybe up the voltage one tenth of a volt, but don't go out of the manufactures specs.

Have you run the Memtest yet? Run it for several hours, like overnight.

Oh, and BTW, your thread rocks. Hope you get some resolve. I doubt it's your PSU, but PSU's like to take the blame first when crap like this happens.
i wanted to respond to the other post before this one about the multimeter, i really am depressed about having 4 PSU's now, a total of 400 dollars... i am pretty sure im going to just bring it to a tech tommorow...this is craziness, so i gotta ebay atleast a PSU, maybe 2... im really not in the mood to go buy a multimeter to prove that my PSU's are fine and im just an idiot, and THAN go to a tech because im out of ideas, what im saying is i built these computers, i didnt over clock them, i didnt try and pull any nonsense, i game occasionally but most of my time goes into music, video editing, and photoediting, and i have just really fed up with the fact that my gf who has a mac doesnt have any computer problems, no spyware, no BS, and my friend whos got an x-box 360 just plays his games and is happy and content, i just feel like for the past what... im 19...been a PC gamer since starcraft 1, wolfenstein 3d...been gaming since dos, and i mean hardcore gaming, constantly upgrading, buying games, upgrading, buying more games, so anyone wanna do the math of the years put into it? for what? for mouse and keyboard aiming superiority? cus thats what it comes down to, and maybe the occasional game that is just SOOO awesome and on the PC that u cant get on console... im just questioning whether its all worth it, because if u approached me 4 months ago, i would have sworn by PC's and everything,now that i know the new morrowind is coming out on the 360 also...its like salt in the wound, i mean 200 dollars on just power supplies... thats already 2/3 of the price of like a barebone 360... whatever maybe im crazy...

Met-AL said:
Try loosening up your memory timings. Increase the CAS Latency by one.

Also check to see what range of voltage those DIMMS can handle and maybe up the voltage one tenth of a volt, but don't go out of the manufactures specs.

Have you run the Memtest yet? Run it for several hours, like overnight.

Oh, and BTW, your thread rocks. Hope you get some resolve. I doubt it's your PSU, but PSU's like to take the blame first when crap like this happens.
i dont know how to do any of the things u just said ,except memtest, i may do it when i go to sleep tonight
As I've said before, stay away from the antec PSU's, not because they are bad PSU's, although some are (NeoHE), but because their customer service sucks. Enermax or OCZ or Seasonic I say.
JJU357 said:
As I've said before, stay away from the antec PSU's, not because they are bad PSU's, although some are (NeoHE), but because their customer service sucks. Enermax or OCZ or Seasonic I say.
Boy, things sure must have changed since my days of owning an Antec PSU. I fried my PSU buy hooking up a floppy power connector by "feel" and not checking it by looking. I told Antec what I did and how it was my own carelessness and was inquiring about getting my 100 dollar PSU repaired with charge to me. They instead RMA'd me a new one with no charge.

I consider that good customer service.
Ian -

I had the same issues with shutdowns during certain games (most games actually).. My setup is as follows:

Asus A8N SLI-Premium (latest bios)
AMD Athlon 64 X2 4400+
2x eVGA 7800GTX 512meg
dell 2405fpw (game at 1920x1200)
2gb ocz memory..

I didn't list PSU for the reason that it has recently changed and FIXED MY PROBLEM! Fortunately I did not have to go through months of headache like you, but it was thanks to lee63 who tipped me off to what PSU he used with the same mobo and video cards..

I _was_ using the Antec TruePower II 550w.. I got shutdowns in many games within minutes.. I got the Silverstone Strider 600w PSU and it solved my problem.. no more shutdowns.
roper512 said:
Ian -

I had the same issues with shutdowns during certain games (most games actually).. My setup is as follows:

Asus A8N SLI-Premium (latest bios)
AMD Athlon 64 X2 4400+
2x eVGA 7800GTX 512meg
dell 2405fpw (game at 1920x1200)
2gb ocz memory..

I didn't list PSU for the reason that it has recently changed and FIXED MY PROBLEM! Fortunately I did not have to go through months of headache like you, but it was thanks to lee63 who tipped me off to what PSU he used with the same mobo and video cards..

I _was_ using the Antec TruePower II 550w.. I got shutdowns in many games within minutes.. I got the Silverstone Strider 600w PSU and it solved my problem.. no more shutdowns.

where were u a couple weeks ago before i ordered the true power...sigh... well i guess ill be ebaying 3 PSU's, is anyone interested in buying either a truecontrol 550w antec, or a truepower 2.0 550w antec? if THIS is the problem than this is ridiculous that i have to get ANOTHER psu....christ almight...the dudes on the phone at antec said even the true control should be fine...what kind of phenomenon with asus boards and this garbage happening

alright but i mean...what can i do...what if i order that PSU and it doesnt fix the problem?
Ian -

I spoke too soon, after several more hours of gaming on my PC, the silverstone shut off and made a clicking noise for a couple minutes.. now the computer will not power on..

i'm back at square 1 :(
roper512 said:
Ian -

I spoke too soon, after several more hours of gaming on my PC, the silverstone shut off and made a clicking noise for a couple minutes.. now the computer will not power on..

i'm back at square 1 :(

well that being said, im taking my computer to a local tech and HOPEFULLY he will be able to solve the problem, again another problem is im going down to florida for like 10 days but hopefully my mom calls me up and keeps me updated on if the guy can fix my computer cus than ill post my results from one of my friends computers.... thanks though
One thing I don't think I've seen mentioned in here is the possibility of overheating. The fact that it doesn't do it right away makes me think that maybe it isn't *only* a power supply problem. Here's what I would try next. Take the side off your computer, get one of those desk type oscillating fans (example), and lock it into a stationary direction right at your comp's innards. Once you have it going, try playing your game for a while, and see if the cooling makes a difference.

Best of luck

uzor said:
One thing I don't think I've seen mentioned in here is the possibility of overheating. The fact that it doesn't do it right away makes me think that maybe it isn't *only* a power supply problem. Here's what I would try next. Take the side off your computer, get one of those desk type oscillating fans (example), and lock it into a stationary direction right at your comp's innards. Once you have it going, try playing your game for a while, and see if the cooling makes a difference.

Best of luck

You may be on to something, uzor. I don't recall any mention of monitoring heat under load. May very well be the situation.

Good call! ;)


Heres a question that I don't remember being asked. What is your idle and load tempratures (To ensure you achieve peak load, run two instances of prime95, or some other CPU torture device)
Something that has not been mentioned in this thread at all... VIA chipset motherboards suck. You could have done everything right and still have a very unstable system. Whenever possible use Intel/Nvidia chipset motherboards. Via had some serious growing pains as a 3rd party chipset maker and they have been making chipsets for a long time, but they just are not as stable as Intel/Nvidia.

I have been running antec powersupplys for a long time and have not had any problems. ( Until i start looking for a new SLI powersuppply then i think i am gona go with the Enermax Liberty 620 Watt PSU, 22 amps on both 12v rails! )
it was heat, i jumped to conclusions a while back when i cranked up the TRUE CONTROL...what i also barely remembered was opening up my PC also and just blowing out some dust here and there, and then left the side panel on while i tried out a game, and voila it worked for 40, but so much dust sucked into my VGA fan that when i took it into the pc guy, he said there was so much dust in it no air was getting to the VGA...there is still a stuttering problem with FEAR... like if i stand still i can turn and render fine, but when progressing i get a stutter effect every once in a while... and not during game or something...just walking down a corridor... i am going to make a new thread in another section of the forum with pictures of my RIG and ask what i can do to plop another fan in, and maybe some help with wire management...i never really have had the experience in keeping my PC very ventilated only because i figured because i have 4 fans i didnt need to... thx to everyone that helped but in the end i was an idiot for not noticing the overheating of my video card.