The Fixer 3 is coming...

boy is that badly acted.


and i think those cards were 7970/280x Dircect CUs
LoL! That was good, acting was.. Appropriate to the gendre.

BTW that was a R9 290x DC2 card. (Hint 280x DC2 has no backplate and the accent red pieces are already glued on)

With 4GB. No, really.
it was somewhat amusing to watch. Wish they would have put a hotter chick in there. The one they had looked a little rough imo :D The 4GB jab at the end was funny though.
Looks like AMD is getting ready for something. The fixer videos normally equate to something up their sleeve. Although rightnow I am sure its just extra marketing to push the 290 and 280s.
Looks like AMD is getting ready for something. The fixer videos normally equate to something up their sleeve. Although rightnow I am sure its just extra marketing to push the 290 and 280s.

Yeah, a price cut for GTX 970 owners that want their extra 500MB lol. Seriously, a waste of effort over something that could have boiled over naturally.

The issue didn't need AMD's half-assed spitting into the fire and really it was a complete waste of an opportunity to build hype for their next-generation by dripping details. Besides the uber nerds, nobody is talking about returning their cards, much less trading them in for an AMD card, over this controversy.
Something must be close, they are having fire sales on 290X cards right now. They NCIX has them for 239 after rebate.
I’d gladly give up 500MB of video RAM to be rid of the random black screen lockups.