The Great Ravenholm Debate


Jan 15, 2004
I've noticed that a lot of people have some really strong opinions about Ravenholm, so I thouhgt this could be a good place to express them.

::Spoiler Alert:: For those who have not yet played through Ravenholm you probably want to avoid this thread, as many secrets may be divulged.

Personally I liked Ravenholm. I found it to be very exciting and fast paced, although it also bordered on the overwhelming on occassion.

The dark atmosphere was very spooky, I thought. still jump when I play through the original Half-Life and a Headcrab pops out of nowhere at me. I jumped very often during Ravenholm. Honestly, what's scarier than walking into an empty room and suddenly hearing that unearthly screech and have something land on your face and start flopping about?

The traps were excellent, if a little hard to figure out the very first time you encounter them. I thought they were veyr impressive. I especially loved the cars that squished anything that walked beneath.

Encountering the three different Zombies, and both sets of Headcrabs, was very intense, especially when they attack you for the first time. Without that shotgun from the Father I would never have made it.

I do think that, at times, the ammount of Zombies I faced was excessive, costing me a lot of time, ammo, and Quick Loads.

Following Father Gregory through the graveyard was intense and difficult. I hated that there weren't more sawblades around )thankfully they can mow down multiple Zombies)

Overall I thought Ravenholm was a good addition to the world of Half-Life 2. I thought it really set the mood to show you how horrible the Combine is; that they would unleash Headcrabs on an unsuspecting civilian population and turn an entire residential section into a Zombie infested wasteland.

Now it's your turn: state your opinion in the Great Ravenholm Debate!

8==[ ]==8


I think that Ravenholm does fit well within the game. The first time you play through it does seem a bit out of place. I mean, why would a secret Lambda lab be connected to a Headcrab infested residential area?

I think Ravenholm accomplishes a few important things.
It shows the destructive capabilities of the Combine. They (seemingly) indiscriminately released Headcrabs on a civilian population, which resulted in the destruction of that entire town. I think this shows a very important thing about the Combine mindset: Humans are disposable.

COMPARISON: Half-Life 2 vs Doom 3

No, Half-Life 2 is not as scary as Doom 3, and I say that as a good thing!

Doom 3 was very scary... too much so. It was scary to the point of bland repetition by the 3rd level. By that time you have seen every trick they can throw at you. I'm not saying this is a bad thing, it's just a fact.

Now, repetition is a bad thing, and the aforementioned game is very repetitive, whereas Half-life 2 is constantly fresh and constantly moving.
Bane said:
Prettiest post i've ever read.


Ravenholm for me was one of the most memorable levels. The atmosphere was beautifully crafted and left me scared to continue at many points. I can't say I enjoyed it the most because I like the more straightforward onslaught and hectic pace of the last few levels. Plus blowing stuff up with some super gravity gun was badass.
The new headcrabs that are introduced here absolutely terrify me. It's something about the noise that they make, plus just knowing that they can take your health down to 1 with a single bite.
Bane said:
The new headcrabs that are introduced here absolutely terrify me.

I completely agree. The first time I saw one of the new Headcrabs (sorry, can't resist :D ) I thought it would be two Crowbar wacks away from death.

Boy was I wrong!

When I saw my health drop to 1 I freaked!
I never understood all the people that complained about the diversity in HL2. Some people I know said they didnt think that the go-cart or air boat levels fit in well, or that ravenholm sucked because there werent any combine. I know these are their opinions but im tempted to shout at them: "Well damn! What the hell do you people want?" I honestly think if HL2 was just shooting combine I would have gone nuts, all of the changes in the game realy kept it interesting for me. [/rant] As for ravenholm, it was one of my favorites. It reminded me of resident evil, complete with scarce ammo.
The fast zombies were the worst. I freaked out and spun around trying to find them everytime I heard them.
Ravenholm was engaging. It just didn't belong in Half-life 2.
WSlyce said:
The fast zombies were the worst. I freaked out and spun around trying to find them everytime I heard them.
They sound like a Tie Fighter coming at you.
WSlyce said:
The fast zombies were the worst. I freaked out and spun around trying to find them everytime I heard them.

The first time you see them off in the distance, then all of sudden one comes charging at you, I about wet myself.
Those guys that jump were cool. I loved when i could hear them coming from across the map and climbing the pipes. If it was made shorter it would be so much better
Ravenholm was definitely out of place. It seems to me like it was an afterthought rather than a natural progression of the game. It didn't make any sense the way it was and was the only part of the game, save the short tunnel part, where you have the "terror" aspect of a game.

As far as Ravenholm is considered on it's was definitey fun. And the damned "super" zombies were nasty! :eek:
I liked the addition of the new head crabs...kind of mixed things up a bit. Made you wonder when you saw something skittering off in the distance which one it was.
I also think that, on it's own Ravenholm was well done with one wasn't really scary. I did have to be on more guard than most of the rest of the game but to me it was missing some of that nervous feeling that a game like Doom3 had.

Overall I liked Ravenholm a lot. What a hated was that damned mine level just after it. LOL
Those poison headcrabs scare the shit out of me since they are so similar to spiders. All headcrabs have those damn fangs now. Makes me shudder.
The new headcrabs are the worst. Those black fanged big ones scare the bejeebus out of me.

Overall I think Ravenholm was good. But it's atmosphere was slightly out of place. It felt more like that Zombie addon that was made for HL1.

As far as the airboat and due buggy levels I thought they meshed very well with the game. I liked that on the run feeling I got when I was running from the combine. Then I liked returning to City 17 for a little payback.
The one thing that I didn't get about Ravenholm was that all the zombies were scientists. I understand that they are from the first game, but why are scientists in Ravenholm to begin with?? It made sense in HL1 because you're in a scientific research compound, but definately not in Ravenholm. The zombies should have been civilians, not scientists.

As for the level as a whole, I felt it was just tossed in there just for the whole "look! we can do things with physics!" thing. It did not fit in with the game overall.

if you don't understand why ravenholm is like it is, then it wouldn't seem like it belongs. but its what happens to a part of a city that is bombarded with those headcrab canisters, it eventually turns into zombie-ville. possibly a tactic by the combine, if they want to wipe out a section, without going there. thats just imagination + piecing the story together
I need to save most of my comments for a game design breakdown (the next one is coming tomorrow) but one of the few things that bothered me were the walking zombie head crab models. Apparently, as long as you don't wear a white lab coat, then they won't attach to your face.
Torgo said:
I need to save most of my comments for a game design breakdown (the next one is coming tomorrow) but one of the few things that bothered me were the walking zombie head crab models. Apparently, as long as you don't wear a white lab coat, then they won't attach to your face.

Wasn't Ravenholm the place where many of the scientists who worked in the Black Mesa compound lived? That's what I thought, so it kinda made sense to me at the time. :p
S1nF1xx said:
Wasn't Ravenholm the place where many of the scientists who worked in the Black Mesa compound lived? That's what I thought, so it kinda made sense to me at the time. :p
I happen to work at a place where there actually are a bunch of guys (and gals) running around in white lab coats. As soon as their shift is over, the white lab coat is gone. I mean, they aren't pajamas that you lounge around in all frikkin day.

Although there would be a person or two that I wouldn't mind seeing a head crab attached to...
ravenholm was planned from the beggining. It was in the leak too, and scared the shit otta ,e wen I saw the fast zomie.
I did think ravensholm was well developed and the new characters were a good idea, but its not for me. I disliked it because it scared the shit out of me. I've played it once, and once only. Those fast moving jumping suckers looked scary at first, but once you realized that they don't really do too much damage, I didn't mind them as much. Only when they come out of nowhere, did I hate them. The things I hate, really really really really really hate are those poisonus headcrabs, especially when 3 of them are on one person. I'll maybe play it again, but only druning the day. I have yet to play any of HL2 at night, its just too damn scray. No matter where you are in the game, theres always something to pop out of no where
Whats weird about the black headcrabs, and what I think makes them scarier, is that you never get hit with them in the back. You always see them coming at your face then get hit.
the black headcrabs are creepy. even when im shooting their ragdoll corpse it creeps me out. just the way their long legs are i guess.
The poison ones don't really bother me. They are so slow and easy to dodge. After they miss you just turn a pump a shotgun shell into them. But the little fast ones are a pain in the ass. They are so hard to hit when your are trying to conserve ammo. Sometimes I'll get hit 3-4 times before I finally kill it.

I thought Ravenholm worked very well for HL2. There is some good foreshadowing to it when Alyx says that they don't go there anymore and looks really freaked out. Even if you didn't see the E3 demos, you know you are going there soon.
I thought Ravenholm felt very out of place in HL2, and I thought the enemies were very dated looking graphically. The "headcrab zombies" looked very 90s. If you compare them to the zombies in Doom3 they are, well, no comparison.

IMO Valve partially made HL2 a Source engine tech demo; if you notice, nearly every type of game theme is thrown in from scifi fps to horror fps to vehicular combat to squad combat to extreme physics demos to overuse of shaders on turrets & in cities, etc. It seems they went less for coherence and consistency and more for showcasing.
I am halfway throught he game and where the heck is the story? Are these headcrabs and zombies sent by the aliens? Are the combine aliens or are they all humans in those suits? This game has huge potential and has a cool backdrop but a progressing story or cut scenes of what the hell happened would suer help me a friggin ton
tranCendenZ said:
... Valve partially made HL2 a Source engine tech demo; if you notice, nearly every type of game theme is thrown in from scifi fps to horror fps to vehicular combat to squad combat to extreme physics demos to overuse of shaders on turrets & in cities, etc...

If that's the case, then that's the best damn tech demo I've ever played! In fact, it's better than most FPSs IMO. I still liked System Shock2 though. I wish they'd remake it using the Source engine.

huxley said:
I am halfway throught he game and where the heck is the story? Are these headcrabs and zombies sent by the aliens? Are the combine aliens or are they all humans in those suits? This game has huge potential and has a cool backdrop but a progressing story or cut scenes of what the hell happened would suer help me a friggin ton
Did you play the first half-life.You should at least know where the headcrabs and zombies come from.
Ravenholm seemed out of place for me in the Half Life scenario. Another thing I didn't like was I became short on ammo and it appeared I was "encouraged" to use the gravity gun which I was just introduced to.
The problem was getting used to it in frequent close quarters. The saw blades were cool, but not enough of them laying around which left me with using explosive barrels. The only problem with that was I found myself too close and took damage as a result.
It was a scary level. A little too gory for my taste.
I didn't like it much.
the@ntipop said:
Plus blowing stuff up with some super gravity gun was badass.

Running out of ammo and impaling zombies with split 2x4's is more badass for sure.
Alowishus said:

It has nothing to do with the plot or setting. To me, it's just a cheap way to lengthen the game for a couple of hours. HL2 isn't a horror movie. While it's useful to see the devastation the Combine have wrought, there were so many better ways to do this.
I also must concur that Ravenholm was out of place, I think it was put in to show that HL2/Source could do dark and scary... kinda like some other game out there called... Doom3.
I though Ravenholm fit into the game really well. A different style of envorment and immersion, rather than the same one over and over. Do you want the same repetative enviroments or a nice Salad of enviroments? I prefer the Latter. The same enviroment over and over agian can make a game really boring.

Some people are calling the game (or that level) a Tech Demo. To a degree, it was a tech demo. But every game you buy is a tech demo.:p
Torgo said:
I happen to work at a place where there actually are a bunch of guys (and gals) running around in white lab coats. As soon as their shift is over, the white lab coat is gone. I mean, they aren't pajamas that you lounge around in all frikkin day.

Although there would be a person or two that I wouldn't mind seeing a head crab attached to...

Right, but do you think they had them all in lab coats to signify to the player that these were all former scientists? I agree that it's pretty dumb that they all have the same coats on, but maybe there was a rhyme or reason they did it that way. Be it for atmosphere, nostalgia from the fist HL, or just pure lazyness.
S1nF1xx said:
...or just pure lazyness.
I'll take that last option. Don't forget that many of these scientists were probably living there with families. Think about how creepy if there were a child or two with a head crab. Yes, it's morbid, but it would have added so much more to the game on several levels. (If needed, I can explain.)
Add 'em said:
The first time you see them off in the distance, then all of sudden one comes charging at you, I about wet myself.
yeah... i played the demo before i got the full game... god DAMN you should have seen me jump when the one comes at you right after the Father gives you a shotgun. i didn't see them off in the distance, and all of a sudden there was a zombie RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME... i don't usually say stuff like this (l33t sp34k) but OMFG that was scary.

anyways... i think it fits too. stays true to the roots of the game too (killing zombies) IMO.

definitely a cool level (especially the train thing at the end... that thing kicks ass) and it shows of the physics pretty well too.