The Great Xbox 360 Repair Debacle, Been waiting over a month for your console?


Jun 1, 2004
Good Read :)
Those in the UK who have recently sent Xbox 360 consoles away for repair and are waiting for them to return, be prepared for a very long wait. As a writer for we play Xbox, I have been without my Xbox 360 console for over a month and am writing to share my experience with Xbox support and an update on why Microsoft now say that repairs are taking up to 25 working days.

My Experience So Far
I’d had my console since it launched in the UK in December 2005. Regrettably on May 17th 2007, my console started to show 3 red lights and eventually stopped powering up completely. I called Xbox Support and arranged to have my console collected, repaired and returned. The support process went fairly well and I was generally pleased with the procedure.

Unfortunately, on receipt of my repaired Xbox 360, two problems were clearly apparent:

1. The Xbox 360 I had sent to support was in pristine condition. Although it was over a year old, I had kept it in perfect condition and it looked as new. The Xbox 360 I had received back had a rather large crack on the back and was not in good condition.

2. More importantly, the Xbox 360 I’d received back still did not work. After a few minutes of use, the picture on my screen became garbled and pixilated, the console itself continually froze and I couldn’t do anything with it. Though the accompanying letter assured me that my repaired console had been tested thoroughly, this obviously was not the case.
I therefore sent my replacement Xbox 360 back to support once again on July 5th 2007 and despite being told that my replacement would be with me in 10-15 days, I’m still waiting on a replacement. I’ve phoned support on numerous occasions and have been told that the only information available is that the console is at the repair centre. I’ve asked if I’m likely to receive the same cracked console in return, and have been told on numerous occasions that they simple don’t know. According to a Microsoft representative, their policy is to always repair the same console. This can’t be true as the broken console I received back had a different serial number and MAC address to the one I had sent to them.

Though I appreciate the large number of returns that Microsoft are required to handle, I’ve found their service to be far below standards. Here are summaries of three calls I’ve recently placed:
  1. When calling Xbox Support on week beginning July 11th, I was assured that the console would be returned to me that week. On Friday 15th, having not received the console, I called Xbox Support once again. I was advised that the console would definitely be with me the following week. It didn’t arrive.
  2. On week beginning July 18th I placed another call to support a few days ago and spoke to a most unhelpful representative who continually gave false information. Unhappy with the lack of information and unwillingness to help or reassure me, I asked to speak to a supervisor. The representative went away, put me on hold for approximately 10 minutes and on his return advised that the supervisors were too busy and didn’t want to talk to me. He suggested I call back later. I advised that I’d rather stay on hold and speak to them when they’re available. He then put me on hold for a further 30 minutes before cutting me off.
  3. Today, July 26th, I spoke to Xbox Support once again and spoke to a very rude representative who again showed no signs of being willing to help. She simply advised that my console was still to be repaired and due to unforeseen circumstances, it could take a further 10 days. When asking what was causing the delay and if I would receive any compensation, I was simply told that no information was available right now and I’d need to call back in a few days. When trying to query the matter further, the representative ended the call.
The experience so far has of course been nothing short of a complete nightmare. Having missed the entire Halo 3 beta, I’ve also now got Forza Motorsport 2 and Colin McRae DiRT sitting here unplayed. (Apologies for the lack of reviews on those two!)

So, what is causing these delays? Why must we wait so long when we’re being made to pay for this repair service? Here are a few theories.

Possible Reasons for the Delay.
The New Heatsink
We reported not long ago that repaired Xbox 360’s were being sent back with a new heatsink installed to help aid cooling. We even provided a guide on how to tell if your repaired 360 has the new heatsink. Originally, I’d assumed that this new piece of hardware being installed was the reason for the repair delays. Now that the wait becomes longer, I’m not so sure.

Overflow of Broken 360’s?
With the sheer number of broken Xbox 360’s being sent back to Microsoft it’s entirely possible that they’re being overwhelmed by the amount of repairs needed. Smarthouse recently reported that “retailers are claiming that Microsoft has had to handle a failure rate of over 30% with their Xbox 360 console”. Though Microsoft have often stated that the failure rate is approximately 5%, it is clear to see that the actual figure must be a lot higher.
*update* are now reporting that Microsoft are receiving 2,500 broken Xbox 360’s per day in the UK.

Overseas Repairs?
Over on the official Xbox forums, many users have been suffering from the same problem as I. They sent their consoles for repair a few weeks ago and are still left waiting. Mr Campo, a forum user had the following to add about his experience:
“Just an update for people who currently have or are going to be sending a console to the Microsoft Repair Centre. Ive just rang them up, and still my console is sitting in a room and has not been looked at (Been around 3 weeks now). I spoke to the manager and was told that the repair centre is being moved to a different country. Yes thats right “country”. This is adding on an extra two week wait for the repair time. So instead of 15 working days, its now 25 working days.”
Though we won’t know for certain what is causing the delays, unless Microsoft are kind enough to step forward and offer an answer, we can assume that the three factors mentioned above may all be lengthening the time taken to receive your repaired console.
Why We Customers Have Due Cause For Concern.
There are two key points that we must emphasis before moving on:
  1. The Xbox 360 console in its current form is not reliable. Only a true optimist could argue this point. I’d had a launch console for over a year and had never thought that the reliability problems would affect me. Be warned, if you have an Xbox 360 console, there is undeniably a chance of failure. A good chance.
  2. We’re being made to pay for repairs. If your console is outside of the standard 12 month warranty, Microsoft will only repair your console for a fee of approximately £70. Considering that the current hardware has such a high failure rate, being charged at all is questionable.
Now, considering that the Xbox 360 console has a high failure rate and we’re being made to pay for repairs when the console is out of warranty, one would assume that the repair/replacement procedure would be swift and sufficient. This however is not the case and is primarily our cause for concern.

Microsoft representatives at the repair centre are now telling customers that the original 10-15 day quoted repair time has become up to 25 days. That’s 25 working days by the way, a whole 5 weeks. Over a month without your console. A shockingly slow turnaround for a paid repair service.
On April 19th, Mercury News were able to interview Peter Moore (pictured above), Corporate Vice President of Microsoft’s Interactive Entertainment Business division, and put forward a few reader questions. Here is one of those very questions:
Q (from reader): I’d like a straight answer on issues with hardware quality (have suffered through 2 defective 360’s in a 7 month span and am about to call it quits with this system). MS claims an ‘acceptable’ 3% failure rate but I imagine the actual number to be much higher — perhaps 2x or 3x more?
A (Peter Moore): I can’t comment on failure rates, because it’s just not something – it’s a moving target. What this consumer should worry about is the way that we’ve treated him. Y’know, things break, and if we’ve treated him well and fixed his problem, that’s something that we’re focused on right now. I’m not going to comment on individual failure rates because I’m shipping in 36 countries and it’s a complex business.
We can almost understand the above, if failure rates are high you do commit to treating customers well and focus on fixing their problems. However, My Moore, we assure you that customers are being treated very poorly and problems are now taking an age to fix. We’ve got to ask; If Microsoft aren’t improving the 360’s hardware or admitting to systematic faults and aren’t it would seem focusing on customer support anymore, what is it that you are doing?

I will keep this article updated with news of my missing 360. It’d be nice to hear from others who are suffering a similar fate.
Great read, i know its like the 3rd time but just figured you guys would like the whole summed up thoughts about it from a pro. The dates are off i think though. Hopefully after all these complaints microsoft will admit their problems and finally come to the table and make a deal or something. Its just ridiculus how they never admit the problem when there really is a huge problem.

A Chicago man sued Microsoft for overheating problems on his Xbox 360. Here’s a link to the article on Cnet’s Anecdotally, the Xbox 360 system that Microsoft provided to me crashed once while playing Perfect Dark Zero. The game crashed in the middle of a cut scene on the Nightclub level. Also, my Xbox 360 wouldn’t start at first, ostensibly because of a heat problem. It started working when I turned the console flat, instead of positioning it vertically. At first, the red lights on the ring of light were flashing, but they went away once I repositioned the console.
Someone did stand up but i guess the court systems take along time to bring a case to anyone. Hopefully we'll see something out of this :)

The Great Xbox 360 Repair Debacle - Part II
Following on from Tuesday’s article; The Great Xbox 360 Repair Debacle, I now have some updates to share with you all, including word from none other than Xbox Live’s Director of Programming, Larry Hryb, a.k.a. Major Nelson.

*update at 20:28* Thanks to Major Nelson, I have just been called by a Microsoft representative and have added further news to the bottom of this article.
After publishing the article two days ago, I received a message via Xbox Live from Major Nelson which read:
“Hey there…read your story about your Xbox 360. Can you sent me an email with your support ticket numbers so I can investigate? My email is [email protected].
Major Nelson“
Naturally, I was delighted. Somebody from Microsoft was finally stepping forward and willing to try to provide at least an explanation. Unfortunately, here is how the discussion has developed:
From: Parm Mann, Sent: Wednesday, June 27 2007, 12:36
Hi Larry,
Thanks for getting in touch, it’s very nice to hear from you and I hope you’re well.
My current Xbox Support reference number is ##########.
As stated in my article, I first sent off my original Xbox last month only to receive a broken and cracked Xbox in return, the reference number from that repair was ##########..
I do appreciate you taking the time to get in touch with me and your assistance is sincerely appreciated.
Kind Regards,
From: Major Nelson, Received: Wednesday, June 27 2007, 15:05
“Thanks. I am escalating now..“
From: Parm Mann, Sent: Wednesday, June 27 2007, 21:20
Hi Larry,
Just a quick note to ask if you’ve had any updates on the Xbox 360 repair delays? I know you must be very busy but myself and a lot of readers are waiting for news on their consoles and any information you can provide will be very much appreciated.
Kind Regards,
From: Major Nelson, Received: Thursday, June 28 2007, 04:12
“I do not, sorry.“
From: Parm Mann, Sent: Thursday, June 28 2007, 09:25
Is there likely to be any further information?
From: Major Nelson, Received: Thursday, June 28 2007, 14:59
“If I get any, I’ll share them.“
That’s all so far. Whilst we still wait to hear from Major Nelson again in the hope of getting some information, we don’t expect to hear much more. It is possible that Major Nelson has been too busy to investigate the matter just yet, which is completely reasonable.

*update at 20:28*
A Microsoft representative, asked by Major Nelson to call me has just been in touch. The man was very polite and by far the most helpful representative I’ve spoken to thus far. First and foremost, he clarified my scenario and sincerely apologised. He advised that my console was still at the repair centre but assured me it would be with me within the next seven days. Stating that he wanted to be completely honest with me, he informed me that there had been a large amount of consoles sent in for repair over the past few weeks and the unexpected influx had caused the delays.

In addition to his apologies, he was willing to offer me compensation in the form of a wireless controller or Xbox 360 game. Though appreciative of his offer, I advised that all I really wanted was my console. I went on to explain that a lot of customers feel detached from Microsoft right now as those in a similar situation to mine have been without a console for quite some time and have been able to get no explanation. I asked him to pass my comments to Major Nelson and implored him to suggest that an explanation and an apology for the current delays be publicly announced via or He understood that we customers currently without our consoles needed reassuring.

He assures me that Microsoft are working as hard as they can to bring the estimated repair time down from 25 days back to 10-15 days. I hope that by shedding some light on this situation, all those still without consoles get them back sooner rather than later. I’ll keep you updated on the arrival of my own.
It includes a sound recording with the microsoft representative and how they reacted calling him a lier and more!! look :)

XBOX 360 - Micromart has now withdrawn from offering a Repair Service for the dreaded 3 Red Lights fault.

[SIZE=-4]This problem is endemic on the XBox 360 console and the volume has made this repair non-viable.

[SIZE=-4]Other repairs to the XBox 360 are still being supported. [/SIZE]
[FONT=verdana,geneva]Microsoft deletes mass Xbox 360 crashing claims from Forza 2 forums

[FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]In what appears to be an effort to conceal the over 900 replies gamers provided on the official forums about Forza Motorsport 2 crashing on the Xbox 360, Microsoft has deleted the long thread, now stating that it’s “exclusive content for reg[FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]istered forum users” only. However, the thread was removed entirely, even to registered members.

[/FONT][/FONT][FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]This comes after the thread was revealed and reported on yesterday, gaining plenty of attention. In the thread, hundreds of gamers posted their stories on what happened to the 360 when playing Forza 2, and expressed frustration, anger, and disappointment.

[/FONT][/FONT][/FONT] [FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Gamers on the forum are not going down quietly. In another thread entitled “Was the massive thread about xbox freezing deleted?,” one user writes, “[/FONT][FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]omg? You see, they don't *** care about us. All they want is money. I demand an explanation! What a bunch of pricks. Screw this, i'm phoning MS.”

[/FONT][/FONT][/FONT] [FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]In yet another thread, a user says, “I've decided to make a thread to try to get an actual count of people who've had their Xbox 360 die since their Forza purchase...” Within minutes, more gamers have begun posting away with their problems.[/FONT][/FONT]
...c'mon now. This is starting to smack of propaganda. This is great discussion material for one thread, but to continually start new ones?

I know you don't like the 360 (do you even own one by the way?) but this is weaksauce.
lol i play the 360 at my friends house all the time and it was fun and everything until a couple weeks ago the 3 lights of death. Its one of the best systems out along with the wii and ps3. I just think its ridiculous that they haven't admitted that theres a problem and they haven't done much to help the existing user base. They just are trying to fix the new xboxes. lol i played the gears and all that also along with guitar heroes. Its fun and everything but when something like this is widespread its got to be heard practically :)
Its fun and everything but when something like this is widespread its got to be heard practically :)
That's the problem... we've heard it, and heard it, and heard it. It's nothing new to any gamer on the internet. :D
lol i said this is my last one summed up so thats mostly it ;). Probably the next one will be when 10000 comes in repaired or something lol jk. I'll post something new next time though :cool:
A chicago man did file a lawsuit again microsoft but nothing has happened yet. The problem has been known it seems like since 2005 in december and still no fixes yet.:confused: I updated the top link with a tale of a 11 dead 360s for one person. It includes an interesting mp3 of the tech support also listen and find out what happened.
He sent it into the future!!:D

Back to the future with doc ;). Most likely a typo :), more than likely someones bubble is going to burst sooner or later. The belly of microsoft will rupture and people will file suits as soon as it gets real bad most likely. Quality control should have ruled out these factors way before launch thats for sure. Hopefully the elites don't have the same issues :)
Hey mechanic shops do it too, there is just oh so much that a shop can handle. But hmm... maybe opening a 360 repairing shop wouldn't be a bad business venture!

I own TWO Xbox 360s, it is my favorite console of this generation (I also own a PS3 and Wii), but if you believe the Xbox 360 failure rate is really under 3% then you are crazy. Having worked at a GameStop at the time of launch and an independent game store for a little while after that, I can tell you that the failure rate of Xbox 360 consoles is much higher than 3%. Not only that, but many friends/family of mine have had problems with their consoles. There is no way the failure rate can be under 3%.
I called up Microsoft on Sunday asking for a Forza 2 book (none was in my game package). They said it would take 2-4 arrived 3 days later on Wednesday. I personally have had nothing but good experiences with Xbox support.
I called up Microsoft on Sunday asking for a Forza 2 book (none was in my game package). They said it would take 2-4 arrived 3 days later on Wednesday. I personally have had nothing but good experiences with Xbox support.

I heard about this. Apparently a whole batch of Forza 2 games were all missing manuals. It's good you eventually got one though.
Man it seems lately that the 360's view is going down and the PS3 is going up...I know there are good things and bad things with each. But man...

I have both so I am not more for one side...but PS3's future looks bright! 360's looks cold and dark. I love the 360, but I dont like not being able to play it for a month out of the year. :p
I called up Microsoft on Sunday asking for a Forza 2 book (none was in my game package). They said it would take 2-4 arrived 3 days later on Wednesday. I personally have had nothing but good experiences with Xbox support.
I would hope a stack of paper would have a quicker ship time than a $400 game system...
Man it seems lately that the 360's view is going down and the PS3 is going up...I know there are good things and bad things with each. But man...

I have both so I am not more for one side...but PS3's future looks bright! 360's looks cold and dark. I love the 360, but I dont like not being able to play it for a month out of the year. :p

as a consumer you have to make a choice. either have a system that can play games but has none, or have one that can't play games but has a ton.

good luck.
Well, I'm on my third console since May 23rd (day I bought the 360). Luckily, I haven't had to deal with Xbox customer support. I just exchanged them at Target. I picked up the Target warranty, so after the yearlong warranty from Microsoft runs out, If my Xbox dies (the first two with problems were manufactured in late 2006 and my current one Nov. 2005) I'll use my Target extended warranty (3 Year) rather than deal with Microsoft.
Well, I'm on my third console since May 23rd (day I bought the 360). Luckily, I haven't had to deal with Xbox customer support. I just exchanged them at Target. I picked up the Target warranty, so after the yearlong warranty from Microsoft runs out, If my Xbox dies (the first two with problems were manufactured in late 2006 and my current one Nov. 2005) I'll use my Target extended warranty (3 Year) rather than deal with Microsoft.

lol i think thats what people have to depend on now in days for the xbox360 is the actually retailer warranty. 1 year isn't good enough these days for the microsoft console. Every day it seems like more and more bad news is coming from it. Just added an article about microsoft deleting a thread on the official forza 2 forums about a crash. It had like over 900 replies. Now you know microsoft is trying to cover themselves up ;)
so has the original guy updated his page? Is he back playing his 360? I am kind of curious if he got one that wasn't cracked in the back this time.

on a side note I went to a few different Best Buys on the day of the PS3's release and every store I went to had a Microsoft representative in it. I talked to them while I was in the store and I was told that they were amazed by the lack of quality on the PS3. They were saying it was a one in five return rate for the PS3 on the Day of the launch. They also went on to tell me that they thought it would be much higher due to the amount of Ebay squatters that were buying them up and not trying them in order to sell for high profits. I took their word for it and avoided buying the system until late march. Was this true or did I fall for a marketing ploy?
so has the original guy updated his page? Is he back playing his 360? I am kind of curious if he got one that wasn't cracked in the back this time.

on a side note I went to a few different Best Buys on the day of the PS3's release and every store I went to had a Microsoft representative in it. I talked to them while I was in the store and I was told that they were amazed by the lack of quality on the PS3. They were saying it was a one in five return rate for the PS3 on the Day of the launch. They also went on to tell me that they thought it would be much higher due to the amount of Ebay squatters that were buying them up and not trying them in order to sell for high profits. I took their word for it and avoided buying the system until late march. Was this true or did I fall for a marketing ploy?

Wasn't true i think. This time around i think sony's systems were actually a lot better quality than microsofts this time. Of yea, i updated it ;). The guy got a response back from a head hancho at microsoft. :p
...c'mon now. This is starting to smack of propaganda. This is great discussion material for one thread, but to continually start new ones?

I know you don't like the 360 (do you even own one by the way?) but this is weaksauce.

Nonsense, I have ZERO trouble believing this. My 360 died less than 3 months after I got it, and the inept fucktards at the repair center took 6 MONTHS, and that was with some addling by Major Nelson himself, to get me a fully working console with a hard drive. In the interim they'd sent me 2 DOA consoles (OK, to be fair, one of them worked for 36 MINUTES before it died) and a dead hard drive to replace my previously *working* hard drive.

I hate that this is true, because I really *wanted* 360 to be the killer system of this generation, but the bottom line is that Microsoft botched it, and 360 is *trash*. Whether it's a design flaw or whether they just went for the uber-cheapest manufacturing methods they could get, I don't know, but it really doesn't matter. 4 Xbox 360's later, and I'm done. Sold my piece of shit 360 and I'm finished with the system. MAYBE I'll replace it in a year or two when the price drops and the 65nm revised versions are out, but at this point I have zero desire to do so.
Nonsense, I have ZERO trouble believing this. My 360 died less than 3 months after I got it, and the inept fucktards at the repair center took 6 MONTHS, and that was with some addling by Major Nelson himself, to get me a fully working console with a hard drive. In the interim they'd sent me 2 DOA consoles (OK, to be fair, one of them worked for 36 MINUTES before it died) and a dead hard drive to replace my previously *working* hard drive.

I hate that this is true, because I really *wanted* 360 to be the killer system of this generation, but the bottom line is that Microsoft botched it, and 360 is *trash*. Whether it's a design flaw or whether they just went for the uber-cheapest manufacturing methods they could get, I don't know, but it really doesn't matter. 4 Xbox 360's later, and I'm done. Sold my piece of shit 360 and I'm finished with the system. MAYBE I'll replace it in a year or two when the price drops and the 65nm revised versions are out, but at this point I have zero desire to do so.

I never stated that I had trouble believing it. Honestly, I don't. What I had a problem with was that it was beginning to look like a friggin smear campaign- there were 3 posts up at the time all against the 360 and all by Conker.

... that I have a problem with.
I never stated that I had trouble believing it. Honestly, I don't. What I had a problem with was that it was beginning to look like a friggin smear campaign- there were 3 posts up at the time all against the 360 and all by Conker.

... that I have a problem with.

LOL, well that I could understand. Although if he's had a lot of issues, I can understand that frustration too. $400 is too much to pay for something that breaks over and over and over again.
interesting article.

I wonder when ms will do something. My guess is they will continue with the coverup along with the whitehouse style press conference answers in interviews.

I demand Iraqi Information Minister photochop stating "There is no problem with Xbox 360, none!". ;)

Don't own a 360 myself, but have seen friends' 360s bite the dust. *shrug* Abnormally high failure rate due to bad design? Only MS knows I guess.
I've been very lucky with my console. I do have a launch console as well but it has not red ringed on me as of yet. I do not nearly play it as much anymore but that will change once Blue Dragon drops in the US. I'm hoping it doesn't crap out on me yet. I will agree that there system failure rate is much higher than they are admitting to. A lot of my friends own an Xbox 360. I'll round that off to 40 friends that I regularly play with throughout NYC. At least 30 of them had to send there systems in due to the red ring issue. I am the only within that group however who has not send in there launch console. The other guys that did not experience a red ring yet did not get there console on launch day.
I demand Iraqi Information Minister photochop stating "There is no problem with Xbox 360, none!". ;)

Don't own a 360 myself, but have seen friends' 360s bite the dust. *shrug* Abnormally high failure rate due to bad design? Only MS knows I guess.

Speaking of MS reps.. something lately pissing me off is all of the misinformed retailers out there trying to push that the 360 is so much better reliability wise. I have been to many a store where employees claimied either to myself or other customers that the ps3 has had a significantly higher failure rate than the xbox 360. I can't believe these tools call themselves "gamers" working in a video game store spreading biased misinformation like that.

:end rant:

That being said, my new 360 has warranty until July 2008 and I plan to extend it for $24.99/year as long as I own it... My ps3 I am not in the least bit worried about *knocks on wood*