The greatest game/game series soundtrack/music of all time?

I've played so many games it's hard to remember. Though in recent memory, I think the sound track to the end parts of Mass Effect 2 was really good. Aside from that I can't think of anything really good in the last few years. Then again most of what I play have been first person shooters and while some of them had good music, none of it counts as "epic" or worth listening too outside of the game.

This not epic enough?
Evil Genius theme by James Hannigan :

Total Annihilation theme (Forest Green) by Jeremy Soule :

Simcity 4 - Terrain :

I tried to link some that people might not know off the top of their heads. I liked some of the tracks from Devil May Cry series as well.

Off topic, but a little on the same wavelength. Some memorable video game cinematics from back in the day that was made alot better from their music and atmosphere.

Quake 2 intro :

Descent 2 ending :

Anyone agree with any of these?
Evil Genius theme by James Hannigan :

Total Annihilation theme (Forest Green) by Jeremy Soule :

Simcity 4 - Terrain :

I tried to link some that people might not know off the top of their heads. I liked some of the tracks from Devil May Cry series as well.

Off topic, but a little on the same wavelength. Some memorable video game cinematics from back in the day that was made alot better from their music and atmosphere.

Quake 2 intro :

Descent 2 ending :

Anyone agree with any of these?

I don't agree with anything that isn't Super Sonic Racing....try to keep your feet right on the ground...when your Super Sonic Racing.

See what I did there.

TA theme is awesome though.
I've next to no idea who composed the music for any game I've ever played.
A handful of the more prolific video gamer composers:

Bill Brown
- older Tom Clancy games (R6, GR)
- Wolfenstein games
- C&C

Tom Salta
- newer Tom Clancy games (GRAW, HAWX - yes there's a reason why you hear the GRAW theme in the first HAWX mission)
- various console games I don't really care about like PGR

Matt Uelmen
- Diablo
- Starcraft
- WoW
- Torchlight (surely you could already guessed that based on the similar sound to Diablo)

Harry Gregson-Williams
- MGS (Sons of Liberty and later)
- CoD4
More well known for his movie work though.

Inon Zur
- BG2, IWD2
- DoW, CoH
- Fallout, FO3
- DA:O
- various RPGs and MMOs (Lineage, Everquest)
- full list here

Jeremy Soule
- REALLY not gonna bother listing everything

Video game composing is a bit like video game voice acting, you see some big names like Jennifer Hale that are really prolific.
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Jesper Kyd (wikipedia)

2012 - Heroes and Generals
2011 - Forza Motorsport 4
2011 - Assassin's Creed: Revelations (with Lorne Balfe)
2010 - Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood[13]
2009 - Assassin's Creed II

2009 - Borderlands (had a few catchy themes)
2008 - The Chronicles of Spellborn (has some great stuff in it)
2008 - The Club (main theme)
2007 - Assassin's Creed
2007 - Unreal Tournament 3 (with Rom Di Prisco)
2007 - Kane & Lynch: Dead Men
2006 - Hitman: Blood Money
2006 - Gears of War (concept music)
2005 - Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory (cinematics)
2004 - Dance Dance Revolution ULTRAMIX 2 (songs .59 -remix-, Istanbul café, and Red Room)[14]
2004 - Robotech: Invasion
2004 - Hitman: Contracts
2004 - McFarlane's Evil Prophecy
2003 - Freedom Fighters
2003 - Brute Force
2002 - Hitman 2: Silent Assassin
2002 - Minority Report: The Video Game
2001 - Shattered Galaxy
2001 - The Nations: Alien Nations 2
2000 - Hitman: Codename 47
2000 - Messiah
2000 - MDK2
2000 - Soldier (unreleased)
1999 - Time Tremors
1996 - Scorcher
1996 - Amok
1995 - Adventures of Batman and Robin
1994 - Red Zone
1993 - Sub-Terrania
1993 - AWS Pro Moves Soccer
1989 - USS John Young

My personal favorites of his bolded. I'd argue those are some of his best works but YMMV. ;)

Jeremy Soule: Look his name up. Anything you see is awesome. Another vote Bill Brown here as well.
A handful of the more prolific video gamer composers:

Bill Brown
- older Tom Clancy games (R6, GR)
- Wolfenstein games
- C&C

Matt Uelmen
- Diablo
- Starcraft
- WoW
- Torchlight (surely you could already guessed that based on the similar sound to Diablo)

Harry Gregson-Williams
- MGS (Sons of Liberty and later)
- CoD4
More well known for his movie work though.

Inon Zur
- BG2, IWD2
- DoW, CoH
- Fallout, FO3
- DA:O
- various RPGs and MMOs (Lineage, Everquest)
- full list here

Jeremy Soule
- REALLY not gonna bother listing everything

Video game composing is a bit like video game voice acting, you see some big names like Jennifer Hale that are really prolific.

Nice information. I recognize and pay attention to voice actors. For some reason I can't help but do so. I can recognize voice actors almost immediately even if all they've done was fairly obscure. It annoys some of my friends. I can't watch anything animated or see clips from games without identifying the voice actors.
Jesper Kyd (wikipedia)

My personal favorites of his bolded. I'd argue those are some of his best works but YMMV. ;)

I played a lot of those games but some of them were played so long ago that I don'r really remember them all that well. Some of those games, I simply haven't played. I started Assassin's Creed 1 and couldn't get into it. Far too repetitive for my tastes I guess. The only Hitman game I liked was the second one. I never really bothered with the rest after playing their demos. But some of those I recall well enough.
Nice information. I recognize and pay attention to voice actors. For some reason I can't help but do so. I can recognize voice actors almost immediately even if all they've done was fairly obscure. It annoys some of my friends. I can't watch anything animated or see clips from games without identifying the voice actors.

I'm the same way with a lot of soundtracks. Certain composers I can identify their styles pretty quick. Movies or games.

Yes, it's pretty nerdy. What can I say? ;)
Quake I had a better sound track. I thought Quake I was a better game aside from a graphics standpoint but that's another topic entirely.

Agreed on both points. Definitely liked the gritty gothic style of Q1 over the tech/sterile Q2...and both were so much better than rainbow and bubble-wrapped Q3.
I'm the same way with a lot of soundtracks. Certain composers I can identify their styles pretty quick. Movies or games.

Yes, it's pretty nerdy. What can I say? ;)

For films I can do that. For games like Call of Duty, I noticed it was Hans Zimmer, but for games I rarely notice. I think part of my problem is that I'm too picky about the games I play. Or rather which ones I'll stick to and finish. I rarely buy games either, only doing so when a game seems interesting enough to me.
For films I can do that. For games like Call of Duty, I noticed it was Hans Zimmer, but for games I rarely notice. I think part of my problem is that I'm too picky about the games I play. Or rather which ones I'll stick to and finish. I rarely buy games either, only doing so when a game seems interesting enough to me.

Games or movies it just depends.

Voice acting it's a bit tougher unless it's an obvious big name like say, Samuel Jackson or Patrick Stewart or someone like that otherwise it might be me saying "Hey, that's the guy who voiced the terrorist in Rainbow Six Raven Shield" or something like that.
I'm glad to see somebody else mentioned Total Annihilation before I had to. I'm also a fan of the DoW soundtracks.

One I haven't seen mentioned yet is Homeworld. I remember from the first game right at the beginning as you were saving what is left of your race, this song played in the background. I had to look it up and never realized it was actually a remake of a classic song.

After listening to multiple versions of Adagio For Strings, I still like this vocal version the best.
I'm glad to see somebody else mentioned Total Annihilation before I had to. I'm also a fan of the DoW soundtracks.

One I haven't seen mentioned yet is Homeworld. I remember from the first game right at the beginning as you were saving what is left of your race, this song played in the background. I had to look it up and never realized it was actually a remake of a classic song.

After listening to multiple versions of Adagio For Strings, I still like this vocal version the best.
Famously used in the movie "Platoon" as well. Very moving.

I'm glad someone else mentioned Halo. I absolutely LOVE the Halo music. I find that when comparing the overall quality of the sound it isn't as good as other more recent AAA titles, but the MELODIES, man! They are so memorable and emotional!

Halo 3 Final Tank Battle: "I repeat, two scarabs!"




I'm SO glad someone else appreciates S&K music!
Totems of the Grizzlemaw - World of Warcraft
Love that song so much, I could just park my character in the zone and listen to it for hours.

Nerevar Rising - The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
Spent so much time playing that game that the song brings waves of nostalgia.

Can't believe no one mentioned the only game song ever to win a grammy award..
Baba Yetu - Civilization IV
One of the best songs I've heard in a game.
Why did you just decide to waltz in here and make everyone cry their damn eyes out?
From the Killer Cuts CD

Its a Jungle -

Another from Total Annihilation because frankly the battle music from that game was simply awesome. In some respects the battle music reminds me of some modern huge bombastic scores done for films today.

Brutal Battle -

I'm just going to say this, but Final Fantasy XIII had a really awesome soundtrack. Masashi Hamauzu did a wonderful job on it. Even if you do not like the game (at all) at least give a listen to the OST.

Prelude to Final Fantasy XIII -
Chocobos of Pulse -
Fabula Nova Crystallis -

From Metal Gear Solid 4, which yet again, had a great score.

Old Snake -

The Mass Effect series as has already been stated had great music. But I like the opening theme to Mass Effect 1 more than Mass Effect 2 personally.

Finally, Mirror's Edge, love it or hate it, had not only a highly striking art direction. But an excellent score. If you have it just play through the introduction of the game for that one piece of music.

Still Alive -
Edit: Actually I found that track.
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