The [H] TOTY Award Thread

Did you play MP3? I tried, but 90% of the game was dominated by either cutscenes or interactive cutscenes where you walked around while some voiceover played. If you're a completionist like myself, where you actually enjoy revisiting levels to collect all the collectibles, MP3 sucked. 5+ minutes of unskippable dialogue for every two minutes of gameplay got old fast. And even then the gameplay was nothing special.

Alan Wake I actually enjoyed. Until I got past the prologue, hit the "back in my home apartment" level and realised "aw, fuck this" and lost interest. It wasn't the worst, but after waiting so long for it to be ported it was a huge bummer.

Idk I didn't mind MP3, it's a different kind of game. I didn't mind the cutscenes either, but a lot of others did. No one has patience anymore heh. The combat was downright awesome.

Alan Wake is in my top 10 fave games of all time too.
I've seen Prototype 2 bashed a few times but I had a blast with it & it seemed quite improved over the first game. *shrug* Might just be a personal preference but free-roam gameplay is quite enjoyable. What are the reasons why people hate it?
For me, it wasn't D3. It disappointed me yes, but I can still play it and enjoy it.

SW:ToR is hands down the biggest pile of shit ever released this year.
It had more hype than D3 I think. It promised more, it claimed it was gonna be
more, and when you got to Lvl 50, and the PVP started at world PVP and then
all that excitement, like a raging, semen filled boner gives you, and it felt like flipping
to a picture of your mom spread eagle. You instantly went limp and the game had
to be thrown away and you had to seek therapy.

It was that bad
For me it was Guild Wars 2, followed by Borderlands 2 actually.

Sure there were other bad games out there but i never expected much from them in the first place. GW2 on the other hand had so much promise and fell flat on so many levels that i consider it to be a turd. Same with Borderlands 2.
I've seen Prototype 2 bashed a few times but I had a blast with it & it seemed quite improved over the first game. *shrug* Might just be a personal preference but free-roam gameplay is quite enjoyable. What are the reasons why people hate it?

The PC version was apparently a bit rubbish. Also, Activision.
For me it was Guild Wars 2, followed by Borderlands 2 actually.

Sure there were other bad games out there but i never expected much from them in the first place. GW2 on the other hand had so much promise and fell flat on so many levels that i consider it to be a turd. Same with Borderlands 2.

You played Borderlands 2 alone didn't you..
I am Alive needs to be mentioned. It's just terrible. You just go around a completely grey world climbing stuff with an annoying "survival" mechanism.
Resident Evil 6 takes it for me. My roomate and I played through Resident Evil 5 two or three times. It wasn't a great game but it was very fun in co op. Then they turned RE6 into a weird quasi action game that was frustratingly difficult in later parts as well. Not fun at all, wish I never bought it. I never buy games before the review is out either, I just assumed it would be similar to 5. It was not, bleh.
Diablo 3 and Rage were the two that left me cold. I got Rage cheap off Steam but paid full price for D3. I broke my rule never to buy a title upon release but made an exception for D3. Burned again. The only other 2012 game I played was Dark Souls. Fromsoft put Blizzard and id to shame!
It seems like Diablo III is the inaugural Turd of the Year winner!

Hats off to Jay Wilson, who we at [H] offer this most humble award to.


No stats customisation when levelling, no skill trees, half the number of players in each game, and having all player customisation tied to items makes this not a Diablo game, but Auction House Tycoon: Diablo Edition.

What was billed as a fairly benign feature to undermine third-party item/gold sellers turned out to be a horrendously malignant cancer that infected every single facet of the game, by making the damage and survivability of the player solely dependent on gear. This was clearly done to maximise the "appeal" and player use of the two Auction Houses, generating a steady surplus income for Blizzard. Not only was dumbing down the game done to maximise sales, it was also done to maximise microtransactions. With all gameplay elements designed to reap the most amount of money from the playerbase, Diablo III is little better than any game created by Zynga. Add in an always-online DRM that provides zero benefit to the paying consumer and a bunch of problems like lag in fucking single-player games, and a truly terrible story, and Diablo III is a deserving winner of the TOTY Award.
It seems like Diablo III is the inaugural Turd of the Year winner!

You may have spoken too soon, what with this last minute entry, War Z. It appears to be an even more blatant money grab than Diablo III, and without any gameplay whatsoever to back it up. I might have to change my vote!
I would say Diablo 3 wins hands-down, but the more I read about this debacle known as War Z, the more I think it might win by default. I mean, how many times has a game in alpha randomly been put on sale out of the blue? Not to mention, apparently they didn't even put much effort into what they had in the alpha since it appears to be nothing more than a slightly reskinned version of an older game of theirs with some zombies thrown in.
Diablo 3 gets my vote. It was just sad how bad it made me feel when playing it. Went back and played D2 and LoD after essentially throwing away D3.
Call me old fashioned but I think the bar for the Turd of the Year needs to be pretty high (or low, depending on your perspective :) ) ... although D3 disappointed some it was a functional product and many people put hundreds of hours into it before setting it aside ... I think true Turds are games that are so buggy they can't be played or ridiculously short or flawed in multiple ways ...

one could argue that the rerelease of Doom 3 might fall into this category (they messed up the graphics, made it incompatible with previous mods, and didn't really add much to the game) ... last years release of Duke Nukem Forever definitely was a top candidate for TotY in 2011.

I haven't played Ninja Gaiden or the new Resident Evil but I would say from some of the reviews they make much better TotY candidates than D3 or ME3 ... just my take ;)
I have to agree with the majority, Diablo 3. I have never felt after finishing a game that I wanted a refund, and so frustrated through out the time I played than the mess that is D3. In fact never been so disappointed/frustrated at a game in my life so I would give D3 so far the TOTM (M for millennia.)
The WarZ saga will come and go within a short time. Diablo 3 though, it was 8+ years in the making and had such a large shoe to fill. The problem was it didn't even come close to what was expected.
The problem was it didn't even come close to what was expected.

They just didn't even seem to try. The game will feel much better when the expansion hits, because all those cut features will finally be in the game. Of course, to get the complete game they'll have hosed you for 120 bucks.

I still play it on and off, because the gameplay is rather satisfying... however, after awhile i just feel like, 'why am i still grinding this same level over and over and over and over and over again with 0 return?'

So yea--here's another for the lame D3 created by Blizzard's greed.
Would have to be SW:TOR - I believed it was doomed before they even started. D3 gets a 2nd place for me - I actually played it - beat inferno diablo and left it at that - zero point in going past that. RAGE wasn't as horrid as some portray it to be but it was way to short and the story was lame. The up close textures on a lot of things were washed out and fugly too. Can't say I agree Hitman was a complete turd - it wasn't really a good hitman game but it played ok.
War Z. D3 does not even come close to it. D3 had 10 years of hype to live up to and still is getting better with each patch.