The highly rated HP Pavilion Slimline PC thread

I just called Seasonic about their Seasonic SS-400H1U PSU.

Purchase for $45 using $5 off coupon.
Hey Archaea, Tax Rebate for the state came in. Do you have the info on that coupon or is it a single use thing? I think I have convinced my wife now. :) I am also hoping that the new PSU runs a little cooler, this one gets the case pretty hot. Even before using the 9500GT.

I agree though bummer on the missing posts.
So here are the replies from the jonnyguru site and from the seasonic tech support regarding the fan volume on the seasonic 400 watt unit

This first reply is from calling and leaving a message - this is the responding e-mail chain.

Hi Jonathan,

Thanks for favoring Seasonic products.
All our 80+ certified product are quieter than before.
I personal tested it and it's pretty quiet to me.

Thank you,

Kevin Han
Seasonic Electronics, Inc. (USA)
1330 Mountain View Circle
Azusa, CA 91702
Tel: (626) 969-9966
Fax: (626) 969-9986
[email protected]
Power Silence, Hard, Efficiency!



I'm wanting to put this in small form factor desktop PC. Is <40db the loudest it can get? Would it be quiet at idle? Can you tell me what sound levels this PSU would typically put out with a 15-18 amp load oad on the 12 volt rail. Your aswer will help me determine if I buy one of these units or the Shuttle PC 50 300 watt PSU.

HP Slimline S3600T's components...

Intel Core 2 Quad Q9300
(1) 1.5TB SATA drive




Hi Jonathan,

Thank you for calling Seasonic.
Regarding 400H1U's noise, it is < 40db(A).
If you have any questions, please feel free to contatc me.
Thank you.


Zoe Liu
Seasonic Electronics, Inc. (USA)
1330 Mountain View Circle
Azusa, CA 91702
Tel: (626) 969-9966, #302
Fax: (626) 969-9986
Email: [email protected]

This second message is from e-mailng their tech support directly.

----- Original Message -----From: Lee Joe(&#26446;&#21407;&#20219;) [[email protected]]

Dear Sir,Thank you for favoring seasonic products.Our SS-400H1U is for Industrial PC & Server Power Supply , so it's too loud for a desktop PC.The Noise level is <40db(A), but we have no db level indication for the PSU, and the SS-400H1U is not retail product, If suitable we suggest that you may consider our retail products, you may refer to you for your e-mail.
Best Regards,


Support TeamSea Sonic Electronics Co.,
Ltd.Tel: +886-2-2659-0338

This last e-mail if from Jonnyguru's tech

From: oklahomawolf[@]jonnyguru[dot]com]
I don't know what to tell you - I could hear those fans over the two 120mm noisemakers in the SunMoon, but I have no idea what you'd consider to be loud. I also have no way to measure SPL, so I can't give you a number there either. Sorry

So really, with this conflicting information I'm no more knowledgeable about the noise level than I was to start with.
Interesting read Arch..

To bad about the forums..
I even lost my account..
Plus to top it all off I had to reformat my HDD and re~install Vista from scratch (Not even able to run in SafeMode)..
So I lost all info that I had gathered..

Guess its back to round 1 with me once again..

I was also thinking about using the SS-400H1U PSU..
Plus for $45 you cant beat that at all (even if it doesnt work for some odd reason with the SlimLine)..
I would really like some pix as well as details once you get it tsmorty..

Not to change the subject but scents its been deleted I will post this again..

I have used a Nyko Intercooler that is made for the 360 in order to cool my Slimline..
$5 used at GameStop/Game Crazy..
I figured this would be a lot cheaper then picking up 2 fans for the same price..
Plus I already had it and it wasn't being used so I said what the hell..

I took it apart and used the 3 40mm fans and hooked them to an old USB plug I had lieing around..
Then hooked them up to the +5v line and all is well..

1 of the fans is inside the case while the other 2 are outside..
Works like a charm and barely any hums from these fans (Slimline is about 4 feet away from me)..

Temps are as low as 60F/16C at idle on the chips and about 115F/46C max during a stress test with EVEREST (for 12hrs.) MCP maxed out at 150F/66C..
NOTE: Air Temp in home was 65F that day..

Heres a Pix:

NOTE: Just to clarify the install on the 2 mini picks are for the Xbox 360..

That's cool with the Nyko fan. I am assuming the ones on the outside are on the back. Where did you put the one that was located inside?

Too get the 5 Dollar coupon off on the PSU, maybe I'll get these 2 fans, then I will already have the fans I need.
Sounds like a good Idea in theroy :)

Got the Adapter Ordered, Will try to get the Sparkle and Fans ordered after I take a look in the guy and see if I need anything else. It will be nice not to have to worry about power anymore. :)

I will take pics after I get everything

The seasonic one, the SS-400H1U PSU - is $87 at the cheapest place I've seen it. The sparkle 270 watt is the $45 dollar one.


I just got the low profile 9800GT today. At idle you CANNOT hear it.

I've got two power supplies jerry rigged into my BE-2400 45 watt processor slimline using a slimline 180watt PSU, and a 400 watt sparkle desktop PSU attached to the six pin 9800GT power feed. :)

I was too anxious to wait until all the parts came. I'm posting on the frakenstein slimline right now!

So it looks like I'm going to proceed with this setup. I really required the 9800gt to be silent at idle - and it is before proceeding. Now I'm downloading the 9800GT drivers...I'm going to loop 3d mark and see how she sounds when she's under some workload.

Knowing now that the 9800GT is silent at idle makes me that much more cautious about buying a silent power supply. The only one I know is silent from multiple reviews is the Shuttle PC50. So I think that's probably going to be my next purchase. It'll be awesome to have a s3600t with a quad core and 9800gt and still be silent!
Arch, that's awesome! Assuming you're running Windows Vista on that Slimline, can you tell us what the performance improvement is for Graphics and Gaming graphics?
Arch, that's awesome! Assuming you're running Windows Vista on that Slimline, can you tell us what the performance improvement is for Graphics and Gaming graphics?

In my s3200n With the AMD BE-2400, 500GB 7,200RPM hard-drive, 8500GT, and 2GB of PC6400 RAM my WEI score was:

Processor: 5.0
Memory: 5.9
Graphics: 5.3
Gaming Graphics: 5.3
Primary Hard Disk: 5.8

Now, with the 9800GT - it is...

Processor: 5.0
Memory: 5.9
Graphics: 5.9
Gaming Graphics: 5.9
Primary Hard Disk: 5.8

I just went through an entire 3d Mark 05 session right now and the fan never sped up. The 9800GT remained silent. It got hot --- I'll need to make sure I have some good airflow ---but the fan remained silent!
so since I can't get affirmation on the true decibal rating of the 400 watt seasonic. My hand is being forced to go with the verfied by many to be quiet Shuttle Silent X 300 watt PC 50 or the sparkle 270 watt. I spent a LOT of time searching for prices and reviews.

I found that several people are running 8800GTS and 8800GTX's on the PC50 --- so a 9800GT should be fine.

The cheapest place I found the PC50s is here ($75.50)

I found a single open box - that I won't purchase - but somebody might be interested - so I will list it here as well. ($69)

The consensuspc store is the cheapest for the sparkle and apparently it's silent too!

silent note from another [H]ard forum member.

I put it to a vote:
I'm watching this closely Arch. My PSU came in today (IN WIN) and I'll be taking some pictures about the process. Those LED fans are coming tomorrow according to UPS but no word on the 9500GT. Depending on your success I might follow your steps on my second slimline.
Ya 2 fans are on the rear of the case while the other is screwed on the inside of the bottom of the case (under the TV Tuner)..
Sents there's vent holes there it works very well (TV Tuner was always hot other wise)..

Ok now that makes sents.. I was woundering about the price being so low for the SeaSonic SS-400H1U PSU..
I must of read the post wrong.. Thanx for clearing that up..

Im still lost on weather I want to get a new PSU or a new 45w CPU..
Im still holding back until my refund comes in..

Plus as John16 had siad:
Ill wait on any success storys I hear about in the near future..
In my s3200n With the AMD BE-2400, 500GB 7,200RPM hard-drive, 8500GT, and 2GB of PC6400 RAM my WEI score was:

Processor: 5.0
Memory: 5.9
Graphics: 5.3
Gaming Graphics: 5.3
Primary Hard Disk: 5.8

Now, with the 9800GT - it is...

Processor: 5.0
Memory: 5.9
Graphics: 5.9
Gaming Graphics: 5.9
Primary Hard Disk: 5.8

I just went through an entire 3d Mark 05 session right now and the fan never sped up. The 9800GT remained silent. It got hot --- I'll need to make sure I have some good airflow ---but the fan remained silent!

Those are pretty good scores. Your base score is still 5.0. After putting in a video card (ATI 4550), my Windows Vista Performance score went up for Graphics from 4.2 to 5.0 and it went up for Gaming graphics from 4.0 to 5.3 compared to the motherboard graphics. It looks like the 8500 GT is rated a little higher, at least for non-gaming graphics. That's great your fan didn't get loud. Have you OC'd that 9800 GT yet? That may get the fan ramped up.
Archaea is your 180w psu stock? Perhaps mine is 160w and that is why I can't get the 9800gt to run? I have the 400w supplemental and that should take care of things, but still no luck. How did you get yours to run?
I think Arch is running a 45w CPU..
As the stock runs around 65w..
That could be why he's able to run this if it is a stock PSU..
I doupt it is thou..

I know Im running a 160w PSU and I wouldent think of running the 9800GT on stock PSU or CPU..
However having a 400w PSU as you do I dont see why it shouldent run..
Maybe it has to do with the 12v split on the PSU rail..
I dont know..

No my test slimline I'm is an AMD based s3200n. --- But it has a 180watt stock HP slimline PSU and is utizlizing the BE-2400. I ebayed off the old 160 watt stock HP PSU long ago, and put a 180 watt in there that I acquired with one of my dozen or so slimlines I've owned and sold. I also have this setup very much jerry rigged up right now. I have a standard ATX 400 watt PSU sitting aside my gutted sprawled out slimline feeding the 6 pin power feed. I also stripped out all the components that weren't necessary. I unplugged the CD-ROM, extra usb stuff ect. So the 180 watt slimline PSU is powering the 45 watt CPU, 2GB of RAM, the hard-drive, the motherboard, and at least part of the 9800GT. I believe the PCI-E slot can supply up to 40 watts, and the rest is supposed to come through the additional power feeds on the card. Thus said - the majority of the power feed is from the six pin adapter at the end of the graphics card and that is getting fed by the 400 watt atx PSU out of a standard desktop sitting beside the slimline. I jump started it by shorting the a black and the single green connector after connecting the six pin PCI-E power lead.

I was thinking about your situation Mioss. Just for kicks I unplugged the 400 watt CPU from the 6 pin ATX additional power feed on the end of the 9800GT to see what would happen. I powerd on the slimline (of course it was off when I did this) and I got nothing, but fan spinup and light -- No post, no beeps, no video --- but everything does spin up, the CPU fan spins and the 9800GT fan spins at FULL BORE. -- It's loud and angry in this arrangement.....

The "nothing" sounds like what you are getting IIRC.

Do you for sure have the six pin power feed on the end of the 9800GT supplied with power?
^ We need to see a pic of the dual-PSU Slimline you're running there, Arch! :cool:

As you wish --- it's just temporary --- because I wanted to see how loud the 9800GT was. If the card was a screamer, I was just going to scrap the whole idea.


here's a better shot of the card itself. The slimline case will need to have one piece of metal bent or removed on the hard-drive cage in order to make the card fit. If you've taken apart your case you might remember that there is a metal unecessary tab that hangs down that basically matches up with the pocket drive bay. That's in the way IMO...I'll just cut it off with a hacksaw and polish it down with a dremel tool.



Here is the six pin PCI-E additional power supply I hope you have hooked up?

Alright I got the IN-WIN going. I have to say that it is a pain to get the cables tidy enough to where air circulation can happen. I also trimmed the old connectors to eliminate unecessary wires. Here's the pics:

Below you can see the IN-WIN with the respective adapter.

This is what your stock PSU might look like.

After removing the hard drive enclosure and the DVD drive, I had enough space to get to work!

Got the heatsink out as well and I had full access to the PSU.

Taped the PSU main wiring to maximize airflow.

Conclusion... It fired up with no problems. So far it is very quiet with the exception of the cooling pad that it is currently sitting on. My concern is that it may overheat regardless of my precautions. I will install two LED fans tomorrow and monitor the temperatures. With the cooling pad it runs at very chill temperatures. I plan on upgrading my other Slimline as well but I may choose a PSU that has the fans on the back instead of underneath. The next test will be pushing this baby once my 9500GT arrives :D
Simply amazing..

Great work guys..

Did you also reverse your fan on your PSU John?
Heard that helps on cooling issues with the IN-WIN..

No my test slimline I'm is an AMD based s3200n. --- But it has a 180watt stock HP slimline PSU and is utizlizing the BE-2400. I ebayed off the old 160 watt stock HP PSU long ago, and put a 180 watt in there that I acquired with one of my dozen or so slimlines I've owned and sold. I also have this setup very much jerry rigged up right now. I have a standard ATX 400 watt PSU sitting aside my gutted sprawled out slimline feeding the 6 pin power feed. I also stripped out all the components that weren't necessary. I unplugged the CD-ROM, extra usb stuff ect. So the 180 watt slimline PSU is powering the 45 watt CPU, 2GB of RAM, the hard-drive, the motherboard, and at least part of the 9800GT. I believe the PCI-E slot can supply up to 40 watts, and the rest is supposed to come through the additional power feeds on the card. Thus said - the majority of the power feed is from the six pin adapter at the end of the graphics card and that is getting fed by the 400 watt atx PSU out of a standard desktop sitting beside the slimline. I jump started it by shorting the a black and the single green connector after connecting the six pin PCI-E power lead.

I was thinking about your situation Miosis. Just for kicks I unplugged the 400 watt CPU from the 6 pin ATX additional power feed on the end of the 9800GT to see what would happen. I powerd on the slimline (of course it was off when I did this) and I got nothing, but fan spinup and light -- No post, no beeps, no video --- but everything does spin up, the CPU fan spins and the 9800GT fan spins at FULL BORE. -- It's loud and angry in this arrangement.....

The "nothing" sounds like what you are getting IIRC.

Do you for sure have the six pin power feed on the end of the 9800GT supplied with power?

I don't have my multimeter here to test the power coming out of the six pin, but what you describe "sounds" exactly like what I am experiencing. With that being said it is possible to assume that there is perhaps no power coming out of my 400w. Without yanking the six pin out of the 9600 GT while typing this, I am wondering would the 9600 GT run with no power on the six pin? If it did run (which I can't imagine it doing so) the it is definitely the six pin/ psu issue. But in short I do have the six pin cable connected and 9600 GT runs great. Also not sure if it would help troubleshoot this issue but here is more info. I have a s3421p with AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 5200+ 2.7GHz.

What do you mean by "I jump started it by shorting the a black and the single green connector after connecting the six pin PCI-E power lead."?




Simply amazing..

Great work guys..

Did you also reverse your fan on your PSU John?
Heard that helps on cooling issues with the IN-WIN..

I didn't. For the sake of science I'm gonna let it run normal so I can post the results after I install the video card. If the numbers are not where I would like, I will definitely reverse it.
Yesterday I powered up my Slimline s3020n and got a completely blank screen. Unit had powered down to install a VISTA (i believe) automatic update. It was working fine the day before and I hadn't moved, opened or added a thing. No boot, no post, can't get to bios, the HD doesn't spin, just the blue power on light and the DVD drive opens and spins.

Won't run recovery disks. Pulled the battery to reset cmos and no change. Pulled the RAM stick by stick, disconnected the HD, DVD, nothing. This was a refurb from COMP USA a year and half ago, so I don't expect any support from HP.

Do I just buy a new one? Having spent only $300 for it, doesn't seem worth putting a whole lot more effort into repair unless I've missed something obvious. I really liked this little unit, but it's the first system I've ever had that just died.
What do you mean by "I jump started it by shorting the a black and the single green connector after connecting the six pin PCI-E power lead."?

Simple enough - see in the first picture -- where a paper clip in the 24 pin ATX connector is shorting the green and one of any of the black ground wires? Shorting those two pins acts like the power switch for the ATX PSU and turns it on. It's a good trick to know for these types of tests....If you have a spare desktop power supply you could easily preform the same test I have to verify your sparkle 9800GT is good.

To your other question on what behavior to expect without the six pin plugged in......I believe, in my past exp. of just normal standard sized desktops - if the secondary connector is not plugged in and the power supply is capable --- you'll get to windows desktop and a message will pop up that says auxilary power is not plugged in and as such your 3d performance will be limited....I've seen this message before on various Nvidia cards over the years when I've mistakenly forgot to plug the 6 pin back in after some hardware work. That being said ---- I've no idea if that's the way this low profile 9800GT should react or not. Perhaps it's not able to come on at all if it isn't getting all the power it needs.
Wow guys ... these Slimlines are looking pretty sweet!

I got the 8400GS last night and plopped it in. Thing runs pretty cool and quiet. I’m hoping it stays that way. The Chaintech 8600GT definitely ran much hotter. Haven’t tried games but for my main purpose of photos and just having something better than the woefully inadequate onboard graphics, the $29.99 (after MIR) 8400GS suits me just fine. Most importantly, I don’t have worry about power.

Question for you guys who have attached 40mm fans to your case. I’ve always had mine wired to a usb which I then plug in. I was wondering if I could just tap into the wires of the HP pocket bay thing which I just removed entirely. Which wires could I tap into for those fans?

I was going to grab the Sparkle PSU, For cooling I wanted one inside(Maybe front to pull in from HP Pocket Slot or bottom below graphics card to push air across it better) and 2 on the rear(USB). Since I am not work I am not infront of my PC, did someone say it has a 3 pin fan connector on the Motherboard? I was looking at grabbing the fan Archaea had listed up. I would mount it using some screws I have.
Also to mount this PSU am I going to have to pull off the CPU Cooler? If so I should probably grab some thermal grease too.

Did someone say it has a 3 pin fan connector on the Motherboard?



Some of the slimline motherboards have an extra fan header - some do not. You'll need to look at the schematic on HP's website for your motherboard to determine.

I ordered the Sparkle from censuspc. If it doesn't work then I guess I'll sell it and go for the seasonic 400watt server PSU and then see about putting some silent fans in there if it's too loud.
Just purchased the PSU and ordered some Thermal Grease with it. Don't have any lying around and if I need it I don't want to wait for it. Will grab some fans for cooling later. I'll let yall know what happens when I get it.
Question for you guys who have attached 40mm fans to your case. I’ve always had mine wired to a usb which I then plug in. I was wondering if I could just tap into the wires of the HP pocket bay thing which I just removed entirely. Which wires could I tap into for those fans?

Good question..

I would like to know as well..

Being a half azz USB port I don't see why it shouldn't work thou..
Should have a Red (+) and a Black (-) wire when split that runs +5v..
Or does the expansion bay run 12v?..

Would defiantly make a cleaner install as I doubt Ill ever use the expansion bay as well..
Good question Ron..


Im loving the pix guys..
It makes it a bit easyer for us NooBz to get our systems set up..
Keep the pix coming if you would please..


the.ronin on your system running the 8400GS..
Did you get the fanned or non fan version?..
Also is it interfering with your TV Tuner you have installed (Beleave you have a Vista Veiw)?..
Plus witch manufacture was the card made from?..
Sorry for all the questions but this is the card that I would love to get and need as much info as your willing to bring bud..
Archaea and Moisis,

SICK pictures! How is the performance of the 9800GT? In all honestly it really doesn't look as beastly as the 9600GT but I guess looks can be deceiving. (Who would've thought?) That heat sync really kills that extra PCI port too I see.

I want that card so bad! :mad: I guess it's EBay time!:p
the.ronin on your system running the 8400GS..
Did you get the fanned or non fan version?..
Also is it interfering with your TV Tuner you have installed (Beleave you have a Vista Veiw)?..
Plus witch manufacture was the card made from?..
Sorry for all the questions but this is the card that I would love to get and need as much info as your willing to bring bud..

I got the Zotac 8400 GS with the fan. I do not have a TV tuner though.

Thanks for the tip on the wiring. I think I will try to run the 40mm fan wires to the HP media bay wiring like you described.
Archaea and Moisis,

SICK pictures! How is the performance of the 9800GT?

The performance is pretty much identical to the 8800GT.

I put the low profile sparkle 9800GT in my full size desktop rig.

Abit IP35E Motherboard
Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 overclocked to 3.15Ghz
8GB PC6400
10,000RPM Raptor OS Drive
Galaxy 8800GT

I ran 3dmark 06 on the setup above and got 12,513 as my score.
I pulled out the 8800GT and put in the 9800GT and ran the benchmark again -
I got 12,718 as my score. So everything else was the same except the video card...(the Nvidia Forceware driver is good for the 8800GT and the 9800GT - without even changing drivers)

That makes sense because the 9800GT is basically the 8800GT with the physics hardware ----- but 3dmark06 wouldn't support the physics hardware --- so it should be a wash and 200 points pretty much is a wash....

The good news is that this sparkle low profile 9800GT isn't performance neutered due to its size...It's running like it should!

By the way --- if interested, my AMD BE-2400 Slimline, with 2GB of PC6400 RAM, and a 500GB 7,200RPM drive when tested with the 9800GT only scored 8,273...(so it was like 2/3's of the score of my full size desktop gaming rig. The 2.3Ghz 45 watt CPU score was much lower than the overclocked Core 2 Quad's CPU score.
Pic of the day...

I just received the LED fans and thought I would mount them right away. I gotta say that I really like this mod.


Hey John16,

get that modem out of that slimline fast! :)

You aren't using it and it's using 5 watts or so of your precious PSU output for no purpose.

By the way --- which fans did you buy? (Are they the notebook cooler fans?)

AND - - Did they come with the grills? AND - - How loud are they?
hahaha yeah I need to get that modem out of there. The fans are the ones you recommended on the first page, the ones from newegg. They got here in about 3 days pretty fast. The fans are surprisingly quiet and they move a lot of air out of the case. I'm blowing air into the case from the bottom (laptop cooling pad) and out through those blue LEDs. Question: How can I get accurate temperature readings? Oh and yes they include the grills.
Nice job John! They really help don't they?;)

But anyways, I have run into an issue with my Slimline that I cannot figure out what the heck is going on. The problem is that my audio seems to be a bit staticy. It's almost like it's skipping, but it's not. It doesn't appear to be a hardware issue since all my temps are within normal range. They were a bit higher as of yesterday due to my moving my slimline into my room, but even so the temps only idled at 85-95F. Completely withing normal operating range. I was doing some video converting yesterday and today and the temps were going up to 120-130F, which is high, but still normal nonetheless and shouldn't cause issues. I really doubt anything is overheating because I do also have than mod that John just did.

Now here's is the funny thing. I am only getting this problem when running iTunes and Winamp. Whenever I open up some music on Windows Media Player, there is absolutely no problem. Everything plays fine. So I am confused beyond belief here. I reinstalled my audio driver as well with no luck either.

For the fun of it I took a huge fan and stuck it up the side of my slimline just in case it was a heating issue. Temps are idling at 70-75F and sometimes dipping into the high 60's. Still, I get some choppiness in my music.

So yeah, I am out of ideas here. My Slimline, the s3220n, was not on the recall list. Therefor, this only becomes even more confusing. Any ideas? I'm lost.:confused: