The Internet is Distasteful, Ugly and Uncivilized?

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
The internet is a horrible, horrible place. Thank god the iPad and iPhone came along! :rolleyes:

The Web is a teeming commercial city. It’s haphazardly planned. Its public spaces are mobbed, and signs of urban decay abound in broken links and abandoned projects. Malware and spam have turned living conditions in many quarters unsafe and unsanitary. Bullies and hucksters roam the streets. An entrenched population of rowdy, polyglot rabble seems to dominate major sites.
It sounds like someone who just learned how to get on the internet and can't figure out how to use it. 1996 called, they want their warez back.
Still kills me remembering the apple ad from the 80s that resembled 1984. And the article talks about the app store being policed for protection, how things change.

This crap makes me sick tho. Advertisements posing as articles
I just bought an iPhone and I really really wish I had the money for an iPad with 3G right now. There's liking certain apple products becuase they are fantastic devices and then there's this crapcake nothing short of brainwashed "steaming horseshit" as Monkey God put it. I shudder at the fact that I'm lumped into a category with people like this woman.
I'd rather have an "uncivilized" and "free" Internet than the walled garden that many people and organizations are trying to turn it into. Then again I'm not an average Joe.
The internet is a horrible, horrible place. Thank god the iPad and iPhone came along! :rolleyes:

I was thinking this myself, earlier, when using Soundhorn to check some song lyrics on my iPad. Just a small example but I wasn't sold ringtones, or having to navigate links full of tits and ass, just to find some song lyrics. Just a lovely polished wood app finish and some relevant links to YouTube videos of the same song, which played within the app and went full screen with a multitouch pinch. No urban decay for me. Lovely. =)
wow...and i thought that article would be an interesting discourse on the social trends and human nature on the web...

instead it's a pole ride for apple....
Holy hell, what did I just read? I know what the words mean, I just don't get how they're put together...

...Many apps are to the Web as bottled water is to tap — an inventive and proprietary new way of decanting, packaging and pricing something that could once be had free.

This is a good thing? Now we can buy something that is essentially free?

And what the fuck is wrong with being a polyglot? I've worked hard to learn a couple more languages.
"Apps sparkle like sapphires and emeralds for people bored by the junky nondesign of monster sites like Yahoo, Google, Craigslist, eBay, YouTube and PayPal"

Wow. That's a pretty serious rimjob for Jobs & Co. there.

Every time the NY Times "weekender" commercial comes on TV and that guy says "The best journalists work for the New York Times, and there's really no disputing that" I laugh.
In the migration of dissenters from the “open” Web to pricey and secluded apps, we’re witnessing urban decentralization, suburbanization and the online equivalent of white flight.

ROFL. White flight was caused by various court decisions forcing white students to be bussed to shitty, faraway schools in the name of racial "integration." Apple style walled gardens are the result of marketing to and capturing a segment of people too dumb to use the real internet.
I think this guy makes a point, and in making that point also proves the point.

The point being the world is full of retards, give them a place to come together and they will. Good job in joining the ranks or retards who have failed at internets.
Ok, so the internet is dirty and evil, and *PAID* Apple Apps are our saviors? I will take my dirty free Android Apps any day, thank you. Why would I want to pay Apple their 30%? Just horrible. What ever, let the sheep keep buying apps that I get on Android for free.
Aren't the browser apps the most used applications anyway? Apps seem like a refinement of specific tasks. They might be more convinient than opening the browser, but I don't think anyone preloads their phones with everything they will ever need.
This article disgusts me.

That's right, folks. Put on your blinders and follow the rabbit, nothing to see here. Keep your women and children out of this savage land. Put your money in the pot and you shall have salvation. Premium subscribers only, little people. :rolleyes:

If anyone is capable of reverting the internet to AOL, it's Murdoch and Apple. This times writer didn't give an opinion, only an observation of what is likely her Apple centric experience of tech. Poor, poor Virginia. Its time to put away those toys and witness real the power of the internet, where the people are free to express their views and functions may be *gasp* duplicated in a Darwinian attempt at improving efficiency, functionality, and the user experience. So much choice is intimating, I know, but sticking your head in the sand is not an appropriate response. Although you need to be cautious, you should never be afraid of the internet.

Apple gave mobile development the HUGE jump start they needed, but our relatively free market isn't going to allow Apple to govern the web. It will take time, but public opinion of Apple will eliminate their stranglehold. There are 100,000 Android phones activated every day and while the Android is outselling the iPhone, it is only a matter of time before Android outnumbers all iPhone OS devices. Like when a religious zealot campaigns for public office, their followers will make such a ruckus we cannot hear anyone else. But on election day, when the votes are counted, the rational minds will have outnumber the excitable sheep and our institution will stay intact.

For someone that promotes the benefits self-publishing ( ), I am sure she can comprehend the capabilities Murdoch and friends have to destroy this beautiful culmination of humanity.
The NYT == liberal. Socialism == centralized control. Apple= = centralized control. Apple == Socialism. The NYT <3 socialism, so therefore NYT <3 Apple. Article explained.
The Steam coming off this PILE has a "through my monitor" stench that will not easily come off!
The NYT == liberal. Socialism == centralized control. Apple= = centralized control. Apple == Socialism. The NYT <3 socialism, so therefore NYT <3 Apple. Article explained.

No Sorry, the NYT may be liberal. But Socialism is not the equivalent of "centralized control". Socialism is about redistributing wealth. And your argument just fell on it's face. :eek:

Now you might want to pick it up and try again. However, that will take some thought and you obviously aren't skilled at the process... :p But if you read a few books on Economics, Political Science, and Logic you might be able to do better next time. ... You do know how to read don't you? :rolleyes:
No Sorry, the NYT may be liberal. But Socialism is not the equivalent of "centralized control". Socialism is about redistributing wealth. And your argument just fell on it's face. :eek:

Now you might want to pick it up and try again. However, that will take some thought and you obviously aren't skilled at the process... :p But if you read a few books on Economics, Political Science, and Logic you might be able to do better next time. ... You do know how to read don't you? :rolleyes:

Sadly, for all your disrespectful demonizing of that are 180 degrees for the truth.

And as for the Original Post…..fuck that shit!
Apple is not Socialism. Jobs is probably as much a capitalist as Gates is but ran with the whole "stick it to the man" thing because lots of people will go for a rebel cause. The thing is that now Jobs IS the man.
Apple is not Socialism. Jobs is probably as much a capitalist as Gates is but ran with the whole "stick it to the man" thing because lots of people will go for a rebel cause. The thing is that now Jobs IS the man.

I don't know about Apple in general, but most lefties are capitalistic with their own affairs. It's everyone else they seek to make sacrifice for their causes.
I don't know about Apple in general, but most lefties are capitalistic with their own affairs. It's everyone else they seek to make sacrifice for their causes.

Lefty does not = progressive. You want to differentiate, a typical Liberal should be all for free market and constitutional rights. The issue is, progressive populists have corrupted this message and they have gained enough traction in both sides of that political spectrum that it can be hard to tell the difference.
The NYT == liberal. Socialism == centralized control. Apple= = centralized control. Apple == Socialism. The NYT <3 socialism, so therefore NYT <3 Apple. Article explained.

Just because you hate it doesn't make it socialism. >.> Besides, socialism has to do with economic policy. You were probably thinking communism, but even then you would be incorrect. The word you were looking for is fascism.

Apple == Fascism
With good comes bad....or is that the other way around.
“The App Store must rank among the most carefully policed software platforms in history,” the technology writer Steven Johnson recently noted in The Times. Policed why? To maintain the App Store’s separateness from the open Web, of course, and to drive up the perceived value of the store’s offerings. Perception, after all, is everything: many apps are to the Web as bottled water is to tap — an inventive and proprietary new way of decanting, packaging and pricing something that could once be had free.

Nothing has actually "shocked" me in a long, long time, but this article gave me quite a jolt. I had forgotten, really forgotten, that people this ignorant of technology in general, not to even mention Internet technology, actually still existed and were writing articles in major newspapers, no less. Of course, newspaper "computer columnists" have always been pretty slow and pretty far behind the 8 ball, but this guy takes the cake!...;)

In just the little snippet of quote from his article above, the raw stupidity just leeches from every word to the degree that I feel conflicting desires to both throw up and hold my nose at the same time!

This is exactly what happens when people learn just enough about computer technology to be dangerous, to quip the old pun. There's no doubt this guy and people like him are dangerous to the real evolution of technology in the marketplace because they'll almost always unconsciously oppose it whenever they see it because they understand so little about it and are therefore so intimidated by it. If they can't "throw off" on it, they're left speechless because they don't have clue as to what the Internet is or how it works.

But...this is exactly the kind of people that Apple brings to the party--it's this kind of screwball quack who thinks because he writes for a newspaper that he'll be forgiven for even such a massive display of stupidity as this article of his.

Picking up an iPad and finding that Apple is maniacal in the control it insists on exerting on its customers through the app store, this guy is thrilled because suddenly he doesn't have to find his way around the web anymore, because Apple is making all of his destination choices for him--and he likes it!

Did you get his use of the word "app"? This guy is apparently so stupid that he thinks an "app" never existed prior to the Apple Store, and he probably thinks "app" is an abbreviation for "Apple" instead of for "application"...!

Most amazing of all, this guy doesn't seem to understand that there's just one Internet--there are no suburbs and no slums--there's just the Internet and anybody at anytime can go anywhere on the Internet he wishes to go--and an Apple product isn't required at all. In fact, the vast majority of the people who visit the sites he can't find without an iPad aren't running iPads themselves...;)

Can anybody really be this stupid so that he writes something as absurd and idiotic as this article and not realize how idiotic he reveals himself to be? Rhetorical question, because not only did he sign his name to this utter rubbish--that to date has to be one of the ugliest opinion pieces I've read on the Internet, and I find this kind smug, smarmy ignorance very ugly indeed--but his editors at the paper had to be just as dumb as he is to approve this sort of pure tripe for publication! So he's clearly not alone in Dumbville, USA.

Going beyond the fact that this guy has no clue about anything, I think there's a between-the-lines story here worth mentioning. Most newspaper people pretty much hate the Internet in all its forms, including even the prison of the iPad (although this guy pretends to love it), because the Internet slowly but surely is driving the traditional newspaper right out of business. I used to think that was too bad, and a shame, really--but newspaper articles like this one only serve to make me pine for the day when the last newspaper shuts its doors for good.

This guy is so stupid that the he thinks the Apple App Store is "policed" just so Jobs-and-snobs can offer iPad customers a "pollution-free Internet"--but the dunce really doesn't seem to know that all Jobs can do through the App Store as it is currently run is to limit the places the people who buy "apps" can go and what they can do. Nothing Apple does whatsoever changes the Internet at all or in any way creates a "separate Internet" for snobs only--Apple only changes the behavior of Apple's iPad customers, and if this guy had any sense at all he'd recognize that.

But, again, that's the psychological makeup of your typical Apple customer, isn't it? He's a bird-brain who has been deluded by slick marketing to think that less is more, and that every time Apple offers a product it offers a "less" that is "more" than the "more" Apple's competitors are actually offering...;) Really, the only thing "more" that Apple provides its customers is "more price"...;) But, to some people, that's all that matters--they use their Macs as conversation pieces in the witless conversations they undoubtedly have with their witless friends of a like mind every day! Heh...;) I've said enough--'scuse me while I go and vomit.