The iPad has taken over me....


Jan 13, 2005
Well after the conversation on my tablet thread and figuring out that I could remote into my pcs via logmein and do the few things I would miss having an iPad over a net book I took the plunge and bought one.

This thing is probably the most initiative thing I have ever used. First thing that one must realize is that it is not designed to replace your laptop/desktop for word processing or work.

But for what I do everyday (email, Facebook, browse the web, talk to you people, etc), I truly believe that apple hasy hit the nail on this head.

Consumption of content has been changed, I almost feel guilty because I have only gone to my pc to play a game so far, and I do not do much word processing/work from home to begin with.

Any thoughts? Would like to put this out there to see if anybody is considering taking the plunge and has any questions.
Shit bad grammar in the thread title....even the iPad can't fix stupid.
I was thinking about a ipad, but i think ill grab a mac mini server first.!
If I could understand what you are trying to say, I would agree.

I love my 'pad.
I like my iPad, but I do believe you are suffering from new gadget syndrome (NGS). Don't worry, it's not terminal, and it wears off. Soon you will stop drooling over your new toy and use it for what it's good for and forget about using it for what it's not good for :p
We can all agree that apple has started some thing here. I use my iPad every night. I still prefer daily computing on a desktop with a keyboard and mouse but it's my number one portable right now. Honestly you add a USB port and hdmi and I may very well make love to the device.
I am in the process of "making over" my computing experience because of the iPad. The last things tying me to my laptop are my music library, videos that are incompatible with the iPad, and a decent RDP client. Once I deal with those things, I will be ready to shut down my laptop and use the iPad and server exclusively.
Just to let you know, my job sent me and some co-workers to a team building event in Miami so we partied on South Beach everday for 7 days. I couldn't wait to get home to get some rest.

Went to the Apple Store on my way home to pick up my iPAD....BAD IDEA. Haven't had more than 3 hours sleep in the last two weeks and not sure if it's the iPAD adrenaline, the coffee or the 5 hour energy keeping me up.

But I love this thing. I am an eBook reader, web surfer and this is far better than any eBook reader out there. Plus, it does everything an iPhone does just on a larger scale.

It will never change computing as I don't see 5 iPADS used to move an app across 5 different screens, but revolutionary indeed.
Just to let you know, my job sent me and some co-workers to a team building event in Miami so we partied on South Beach everday for 7 days. I couldn't wait to get home to get some rest.

Went to the Apple Store on my way home to pick up my iPAD....BAD IDEA. Haven't had more than 3 hours sleep in the last two weeks and not sure if it's the iPAD adrenaline, the coffee or the 5 hour energy keeping me up.

But I love this thing. I am an eBook reader, web surfer and this is far better than any eBook reader out there. Plus, it does everything an iPhone does just on a larger scale.

It will never change computing as I don't see 5 iPADS used to move an app across 5 different screens, but revolutionary indeed.

Get some sleep then, we don't want to hear that you passed out and dropped your ipad.

I to would like to buy one, however i will wait, i do see that this is going to get big with the e-books, Just think of how easy it will be to move :) I currently buy about 3 - 5 different magazines a month, if they could all be on the ipad, dam the world would need less paper :)
I can't wait to get a tablet. Not going to be an iPad, but it's nice to see different tech start and grow.
I am in the process of "making over" my computing experience because of the iPad. The last things tying me to my laptop are my music library, videos that are incompatible with the iPad, and a decent RDP client. Once I deal with those things, I will be ready to shut down my laptop and use the iPad and server exclusively.

Have you checked out Remote Desktop by Mochasoft? I just have the free version but it works well.
Have you checked out Remote Desktop by Mochasoft? I just have the free version but it works well.

I've looked at the options a couple times and nothing really stands out as being "what I want", you know? Besides, the bigger issue is moving my iTunes library over to the server and figuring out what to do with all the movies that need to be transcoded (or, as I would rather, re-encoded for higher quality).
why not build or use yor server to do everything, exactly like what i do, i have a rdp windows 2003 server i bought ( cheap ) and i rdp to it for everything, ie, email ( outlook 2007 ) word calandar, files storage.

HOWEVER, soon i will be buying a mac mini server, and it will do everything for me.
While fixing my landlady's desktop, I was surfing the net on the iPad for replacement/update options for her PC . . . as well as researching the malware and other issues that were on her system.

I've missed having an instant on option for so long!
I am in the process of "making over" my computing experience because of the iPad. The last things tying me to my laptop are my music library, videos that are incompatible with the iPad, and a decent RDP client. Once I deal with those things, I will be ready to shut down my laptop and use the iPad and server exclusively.

Logmein Ignition is what I use. It's a little pricey at $30 but I have a server, my main comp, 2 media centers, and a laptop that I remote into and the client software is free. I could have used safari and logged in remotely but the $30 was worth it in my case since I have so many computers to log into and upgrading to windows pro for rdc wasn't worth it.

As for videos I use Air Video which can transcode my mkv's and directly stream all the mp4's. I've begun converting my library to streamable mp4's but I'm in no hurry. Air video is nice cause it'll stream over the net as well but you'll have to play with the settings as transcoding results in degraded performance but native mp4's play at the same high quality.

For audio I use media link player to stream my music and photos but it can't do it over the net. Personally I don't find myself listening to music that much on the iPad and since I have comps or airports connected to my bedroom and home theater, I use Apple Remote to control iTunes playing the music and get music through my HT or my two channel setup in my bedroom.

Rumor has it air video is working on getting audio streaming as well so that should solve all your problems.
Does air video work with mkv's that are using DTS-MA HD or Dolby TrueHD audio tracks?

I don't know that streaming will work for my anyways. If i'm at home i'm watching on my HTPC's anyways. I mainly need it when i'm on the road but with recent changes to AT&T's data plans I don't think that will work either.
I don't know. Streaming HD audio would take a lot of bandwith. You can adjust the audio transcode and lower the bit rate but I haven't tried the two lossless formats. When I convert my bluray discs I save the lossless formats but to stream the uncompressed videoober gigabit Ethernet. I have another copy in dots or ac3 for wireless.
Does air video work with mkv's that are using DTS-MA HD or Dolby TrueHD audio tracks?
I don't believe so. If Air Video Server could be configured to access the DD or DTS core streams, then it should be able to properly decode and thus transcode them to AAC.

One alternative would be to embed an AAC stream within the MKV as an alternate audio track. This wouldn't take much work, but it would involve remuxing your existing files.
Get some sleep then, we don't want to hear that you passed out and dropped your ipad.

I to would like to buy one, however i will wait, i do see that this is going to get big with the e-books, Just think of how easy it will be to move :) I currently buy about 3 - 5 different magazines a month, if they could all be on the ipad, dam the world would need less paper :)

Magazines???? is your friend and there is an iPAD app for it
I use mine all the time while watching TV and working at remote sites. It's easier to carry than my laptop and I can still RDP to my desktop.
I was going to get an iPad but I got a Macbook Pro 15" instead!

I'll have to wait awhile before I get the iPad. Perhaps I'll just wait for the 2nd gen.
I was going to get an iPad but I got a Macbook Pro 15" instead!

I'll have to wait awhile before I get the iPad. Perhaps I'll just wait for the 2nd gen.

similar to what i'm doing :) i played with one last night, love it, sweet little toy. However a 15" mac book pro was ordered instead as its my main computer, maybe later on ill save $$ for a ipad.

besides 32gigs for 650$ Canadian is a bit steep, ill wait for sure.!
While people I know around here don't appreciate something like a convertible tablet it is a least an option for those who really want both a laptop AND a touch screen and/or pen enabled device.

Pretty much everything I see people do with their iPads I can do with my TPC plus I have a laptop that I sit on a table, it's just handier usually than two separate devices.
While people I know around here don't appreciate something like a convertible tablet it is a least an option for those who really want both a laptop AND a touch screen and/or pen enabled device.

Pretty much everything I see people do with their iPads I can do with my TPC plus I have a laptop that I sit on a table, it's just handier usually than two separate devices.

No bullshit? :rolleyes::p
No bullshit? :rolleyes::p

No shit. Just making note of the fact that the two prior posters to me had to decide between an iPad and an MBP and just thought it would be neat if they could have their cake and eat it too.;)
OR you can save up for a few extra weeks and get the best of both worlds instead of the worst of both. ;)

Excellent notebook with the MBP on the one hand, and an excellent tablet in the iPad with a purpose built touch UI, far more responsive display, better practical speed, uber-battery life, and gorgeous IPS display on the other.
I laughing so much right now! Venn diagrams made me lol.

I thought about a tm2 but I liked garageband and logic too much. Final cut is cool too.

So I'm going the Serpico route and getting an iPad a bit later.
Excellent notebook with the MBP on the one hand, and an excellent tablet in the iPad with a purpose built touch UI, far more responsive display, better practical speed, uber-battery life, and gorgeous IPS display on the other.

This is the way anybody should go if they need a new laptop/desktop. Also, if you need to be productive on the go the an ipad is not what you should get. Understand what the ipad does is an important step to appreciating it. The ipad is not used for productivty/creation, it is used for consumption of content. The ipad did replace my laptop personally because all I used if for was consumption, I like to sit at my desktop when I need to be productive and create comething. I also do not need to be productive on the go.
I've all but abandoned my laptop, save for iTunes syncing and the occasional lengthy blog post or forum reply.
This is the way anybody should go if they need a new laptop/desktop. Also, if you need to be productive on the go the an ipad is not what you should get. Understand what the ipad does is an important step to appreciating it. The ipad is not used for productivty/creation, it is used for consumption of content. The ipad did replace my laptop personally because all I used if for was consumption, I like to sit at my desktop when I need to be productive and create comething. I also do not need to be productive on the go.

Not for creation? Errr.. I've started using mine for drawing with apps like LiveSketch HD, Sketchpad Pro, Brushes, ArtStudio, etc. I'm not even an artist, but I seem to becoming a better one.

I guess it just depends on what you consider "creating" and being "productive".
Haha I still don't think that counts unless you're selling it to make money. I think being "productive" stems from "Production" which entails making money for your time and services. My 2 cents... because I'm never productive when I'm home on any of my computers. That's what work is for. But many a member on this forum actually use the own computers for work... for them the iPad is a FAIL... but fine for the rest of us lazy unproductive lemmings :p
Well, when something goes down at work I do use it for RDP to fix the problem because I don't feel like getting up to go to my desktop if that counts then ;) See Productive!
Hehe I RDP from work into my home computers to manage my comps... hehe that's anti-productive! ;)
I don't think the iPad is just for consumption, it's really good at it but what the iPad does is directly related to what applications are available for it.
Look at auto desk sketchbook pro. I've never used the desktop or other versions of it but this is way more than a simple doodling app- 75 brushes, layers with blending modes intuitive gesture system for changing brush size/opacity quickly.
At NAB this year there was an ipad app that turns the ipad into a teleprompter-update- it's called pro prompter and it's a dual iPad/iPhone app, you can control the text scrolling speed remotely with an iPhone/iPod touch .
There's a company i heard of the other day using the ipad to control the lens on cameras for focus pulling/iris control. This is just the first month, within the next year there are going to be all sorts of apps that make the iPad a valuable tool.

I may be looking at the iPad differently since I got it as a gift but from a business partner who also got one, with the idea that we use it as a tool for projects we work on. I never originally planned to get one and when I actually used it, i was blown away , it's way more than an oversized iPhone.
I love the email, full safari(no flash has hindered maybe 1% of my browsing since many sites also offer html5 video also), airvideo let's me stream all the videos on my tower(mkvs, avi) with on the fly conversion. I can see myself using sketchbook pro for mocking up shirt designs for work. I'm not sure about it as a tool for people in an office setting(ie spreadsheets, typing documents) it may not be better than a laptop for that type of work, but as someone who works in multimedia I can see this will have many uses and be a great tool for the arsenal.
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Id really like to buy one but I cant justify the price for the hardware. Im going to try and hold off until next years model.

Hahah thats great man, so funny. You realize had that been an anti-apple sentiment expressed you would have gotten a warning and probably had this thread and that post deleted/locked ??? And post 24 and 25 were pretty much bullshit comments too.

So....I been thinking about this Ipad thing. My Mom has 0 computer knowledge whatsoever. Help me decide if an Ipad or netbook is right for her. Is it a stand alone system or would I still need another PC/Mac/Server to feed it media? What kind of apps does it come with for creation etc (something similiar to Word or Excel ) ?? Also, I am kind of wondering about the hard drive size. She wants a ton of stuff available on the go with her (photos, home dvd's, music) About 300 gigs worth of stuff. So obviously a mere 64 gig hard drive isnt enough, is there a way to use an external usb drive or an empty drive bay thats unused for expansion ??? Also I see people saying certain flash only websites are unavailable. Would anyone mind listing any of the "big ones" ?? ( IE, Youtube, Wikipedia ) Also, is there a way to add an external keyboard and mouse? And when you guys type on it, do you lay it flat on its back on a table or ? ( Stand maybe to hold it upright so you can see it ?)

Also, Im really uneducated about the whole 3g, 4g, etc. So if Im not mistaken, this device uses 3g for internet access, and cant use Wifi ???