The Lord of the Rings Online Refer-A-Friend Program


[H]F Junkie
Jul 13, 2004
So, folks, in answer to the many threads requesting the 10-day buddy passes for The Lord of the Rings Online: Shadows of Angmar, I am posting this to encourage our [H] LotRO Players to share their refer-a-friend tickets.

According to the LotRO site, every registered user currently has 5 free passes to give out.

So here's how it works:

1.) PM me your email address. For the first five I receive, I will make sure you get a guest pass. This is on a first-come, first-served basis only. If, in the future, Turbine gives out more Refer-A-Friend passes, I will give out more. I must have your email address. Simply replying to this thread stating that you want a key will not work, and it will be ignored and possibly deleted by a moderator.

2.) I strongly encourage any other [H]ard|Forum LotRO players to offer theirs as well. So, if you play LotRO and you are willing to give out your guest passes to your [H]ard brethren, please post a reply indicating your willingness to participate in this thread.

The purpose of Turbine's Refer-A-Friend program is to allow people to try the game for 10 consecutive days without having to pay for it. I will not send more than one guest pass to the same person, and I am fairly sure that Turbine would not allow it anyway.

So, have fun, good luck, and PM me if you want a guest pass. And if you have the game and are willing to share your guest passes, let it be known.
Since we've got a lot of demand for these, I'm going to stick this thread.
Apparently, once the passes I send out are activated, they give me more. So I still have 2 left if anyone else still wants one.
I'd love a buddy pass to check it out, i have been playing MMOs since EQ day 1, EQ2, and WOW, thanks for sharing!
edit: nvm its hopeless. dont PM me. nobody bothers to read the OP and send me an email address.
I'll grab one if anyone has any more :cool:
edit: PMed the person above this morning, and didn't get a reply, didn't know you needed an email address.
[email protected]
If anyone needs a 10-day trial key, shoot me a PM with your email address.

Also, I have a founder's account, so if you decide to purchase the game after using one of my trial keys, the $9.99/month or $199 lifetime subscription is available to you (its normally $14.99 I believe).
I've got 3 open 10-day trial keys again. Again, I have a founders' account, so if you choose to buy the game the discounted Founders' pricing of $9.99/mo is available to you.

Shoot me a pm for a key.