The most accurate SSD benchmark?


Apr 23, 2009

HD Tach



PC Mark Vantage.

What do you guys think?
Why? What are you trying to model/ prove? Turns out, it actually depends on what usage model you are trying to look at.
They all have their use. The first 4 test the theoretical limits of the drive and controller, while PC Mark Vantage shows you the performance of the drive in semi-real world usage.
Well i'm trying to figure out why does CDM and AS-SSD show quite a difference, i know HD tach is more of a HDD oriented, and Vantage all round really decent, not sure how does IOmeter performance translate directly to real world performance knowing the IOPS are extremely high on the high end models for every day tasks anyway.

BTW what software of this list, does make the least impact of the SSD's performance? i read somewhere that CDM is extremely heavy on SSD's as it write huge amount of data during testing.

Anyone got any info about this?

ATTO is probably the easiest of the ones listed when it comes to effecting the SSD, along with IOMeter.

The default CDM run writes 15GB of data, but once you turn up the test size and repetitions you're looking at 30GB+. I'm not sure about AS-SSD though.

The reason the score look so different is because of the methods used. They all do the test in their own way which means results can't be compred across them. To get a look at how a drive looks as a whole, you need to run multiple tools(though with the settings that limit the amount of data being written) and draw a conclusion.