The New 'Mass Effect Trilogy' Trailer

Is it me or was the whole video cut scenes and cinematics? I guess they do not want to spoil their profit margin by actually showing game play.
$60 is a pretty awesome price for the set. Potentially several hundred hours of gameplay for the price of a single new game. If you haven't played ME yet, this will definitely be the best way to experience it.
Does it come with all the downloadable content? If so I may get it even though I have the first two. I was waiting until I hit a drought of new games to play to go back and replay the first two before I start the third.
$60 is a pretty awesome price for the set. Potentially several hundred hours of gameplay for the price of a single new game. If you haven't played ME yet, this will definitely be the best way to experience it.

The first two games have been available for about $5 each and the third has been down to $12 iirc, so even if it comes with all the DLC I don't think it's a good deal. I also can't imagine that there are many people that are interested in ME that don't already have at least one or two of the games. Even if it comes with all the DLC the only way it would be worth half that to me is if they don't require origin for it(yeah right).
This trilogy deal represents all that is wrong with todays dlc and patchfest that follows almost all major releases. No all the dlc is not included. Plus different versions for different platforms of the trilogy do not match in content.

In a word, a mess.
Sigh, if they went through and remade the first 2 games using Mass Effect 3 engine, ui, and controls ... I would be all over this. Otherwise its just what every mass effect fan already has which is collecting dust because at least the first one is too painful for most to play these days due to compatibility, what is now a bad gameplay, and just looks dated.
The first two games have been available for about $5 each and the third has been down to $12 iirc, so even if it comes with all the DLC I don't think it's a good deal. I also can't imagine that there are many people that are interested in ME that don't already have at least one or two of the games. Even if it comes with all the DLC the only way it would be worth half that to me is if they don't require origin for it(yeah right).

True, but I was thinking on the console side of things. I guess that is because I played them on 360 since that's where I played the original, and I wanted to keep my Shepard....had a crappy pc at the time.
Sigh, if they went through and remade the first 2 games using Mass Effect 3 engine, ui, and controls ... I would be all over this. Otherwise its just what every mass effect fan already has which is collecting dust because at least the first one is too painful for most to play these days due to compatibility, what is now a bad gameplay, and just looks dated.

I have to agree with you on this one. The first ME did not stand the test of time. I tried to go back and play if before ME3 but couldn't stand it. Also I was so disappointed in the 3rd one story wise that I just cant ever bring myself to buy another bioware game after the last few games being terrible. Seems like many Developers that were great before have all dropped the ball. Had faith in Bioware and Blizzard both have just been pushing out over hyped crap.
I liked Mass Effect 1... but it's too unpolished with it's horrid UI and incredibly repetitive maps. EVERY MAP is the SAME!

I did like the looting though. I miss it in the later games. While I also like the stuff in thelater stuff... I just wish they mixed it up and had a multiple armor pieces and loot. Instead of a bunch of one time chances to pick up this item or that item.
Like it has been stated already, the big problem is that for most players, they already have most versions of the game. And if they are missing one, they can easily buy the missing one for a hell of a lot cheaper. Without some sort of remastering or redoing at least the first game in the latest engine, it just seems like another cash grab.

ME1 - awesome flesh out RPG, albeit a bit buggy and unpolished
ME2 - pretty good action-RPG with some of the best story and immersion I've experienced
ME3 - was more akin to ME2 than ME1 and seemed to miss a few notes but mostly a positive experience... till the end =|

All in all they're all definitely a piece of game history but I'm not quite sure the price is justified when you can purchase each separately for cheaper.
I have to agree with you on this one. The first ME did not stand the test of time. I tried to go back and play if before ME3 but couldn't stand it. Also I was so disappointed in the 3rd one story wise that I just cant ever bring myself to buy another bioware game after the last few games being terrible. Seems like many Developers that were great before have all dropped the ball. Had faith in Bioware and Blizzard both have just been pushing out over hyped crap.

The second one will always be my favorite, but I would play through the first and third one anyways for the character development. Of course I make that claim now because I'm not actually playing the first one...
If I didn't already own them and I didn't know much about the series, the ending to 3, etc etc. Yes, this trailer would have me wanting to buy them (or line up to watch the movie)
did they port all the ME's into one game? or is this just all 3 games seperate sold as a package?
On the PS3, Mass Effect 1 will include

Bringing down the Sky

It does not include

Pinnacle Station

On the PS3, Mass Effect 2 will include

The Cerberus Network
Lair of the Shadow Broker

It does not include

All Alternate Appearance Packs
All Firepower Packs
The Equalizer Pack
The Firewalker Pack

Mass Effect 3 PS3 does not include any DLC. Below is a list of what will NOT be included on the PS3

From Ashes
Extended Cut


Mass Effect 1 on the PC will include all DLC. Below is a list of all the DLC it includes.

Pinnacle Station
Bringing Down the Sky

Mass Effect 2 on the PC will include the following DLC.

Zaeed - The Price of Revenge
The Firewalker Pack
The Firewalker Pack
Cerberus Assault Gear
Arc Projector Heavy Weapon
Normandy Crash Site Mission

Mass Effect 2 on the PC will NOT include the following DLC.

The Cerberus Network
Lair of the Shadow Broker

Mass Effect 3 on the PC will include

An Online Pass

Mass Effect 3 on the PC will NOT include

From Ashes
Extended Cut

Xbox 360

Mass Effect 1 on the 360 will not include any DLC. Below is a list of all the DLC it does NOT include.

Pinnacle Station
Bringing Down the Sky

Mass Effect 2 on the 360 will include the following DLC.

Cerberus Network

Mass Effect 2 on the 360 will NOT include the following DLC.

Zaeed - The Price of Revenge
Lair of the Shadow Broker
The Firewalker Pack
The Firewalker Pack
Cerberus Assault Gear
Arc Projector Heavy Weapon
Normandy Crash Site Mission

Mass Effect 3 on the 360 will include the following DLC.

An Online Pass

Mass Effect 3 on the 360 will not include the following DLC.

From Ashes
Extended Cut
Give it a couple months, and i'll bet they release the Digital Deluxe ME Release for 59.99 that includes all the DLC.
Give it a couple months, and i'll bet they release the Digital Deluxe ME Release for 59.99 that includes all the DLC.

To this day that's never happened on any of the Mass Effect games excluding ME1. And even then only on the PC.
Bioware still trying to milk that titty?

What is and isn't included for the various platforms is a fucking mess. :(
Bioware still trying to milk that titty?

What is and isn't included for the various platforms is a fucking mess. :(


That being said all three games and some of the DLC for that price is a fairly good deal. All three games are good to excellent. With the Extended Cut ME3's ending isn't quite as bad. Could have been better certainly but overall it no longer makes me want to run over kittens with a lawn mower as the original ending did.
To this day that's never happened on any of the Mass Effect games excluding ME1. And even then only on the PC.

I know... but I have no faith that EA won't do it once this version doesn't sell enough.
PS3 might sell since they never had ME1, but in general anyone wanting to get into the series can get it cheaper buying the parts (360 you can get ME1 for $5, ME2 for $10, ME3 for $25) .. Even from amazon right now I can get all 3 @ $40/xbox or $26/PC
I admit I'm surprised so many think ME1 isn't any good anymore. I admit it's a little buggy and the graphics are dated and the side missions are all on the same map but the story is still there and makes it worth it to me. It is my least favorite of the 3 but I still give it high marks. I routinely do a playthru of all 3 and never have an issue when playing 1.
I admit I'm surprised so many think ME1 isn't any good anymore. I admit it's a little buggy and the graphics are dated and the side missions are all on the same map but the story is still there and makes it worth it to me. It is my least favorite of the 3 but I still give it high marks. I routinely do a playthru of all 3 and never have an issue when playing 1.

Same here. ME1 is dated somewhat graphically but some sections of the game actually look surprisingly good for the game's age. It's a fun game once you get past it's shortcomings.
Is it me or was the whole video cut scenes and cinematics? I guess they do not want to spoil their profit margin by actually showing game play.

A few of those were in game engine cut scenes, although their profit margin won't be hurt, as your still going to have to buy the outstanding DLC for ME3, your only getting the free multi-player DLC, and the slightly remade ending.
Same here. ME1 is dated somewhat graphically but some sections of the game actually look surprisingly good for the game's age. It's a fun game once you get past it's shortcomings.

I think the secret with ME1 is to give it at least 1 hour. That's enough time to figure out if you're gonna be hooked on the story and characters enough to overlook its shortcomings so if you're bored to tears after 1 hour, then it's probably not the game for you.
I think the secret with ME1 is to give it at least 1 hour. That's enough time to figure out if you're gonna be hooked on the story and characters enough to overlook its shortcomings so if you're bored to tears after 1 hour, then it's probably not the game for you.

Not true. It depends on how you play the game. The controls and combat have a fairly steep learning curve initially. Not much happens either until you complete Eden Prime. Once that's done you go to the Citadel. That right there is a turn off to a lot of people. I know a couple people who quit playing on the Citadel. Like them I'm a completionist who does everything possible in a single area before moving onto another to ensure I miss nothing. Doing that on the Citadel makes for a boring several hours of game play.

I almost quit the game doing that myself. I stuck it out and finally finished that part of it and once I did the game was a whole different animal. Though I'd occasionally get that same "it's not worth it" feeling doing the Mako stuff. Again I stuck it out and it was worth it going into the final few hours of the game. Great game but depending on how you play it there are some things that are really boring and annoying.
Not true. It depends on how you play the game. The controls and combat have a fairly steep learning curve initially. Not much happens either until you complete Eden Prime. Once that's done you go to the Citadel. That right there is a turn off to a lot of people. I know a couple people who quit playing on the Citadel. Like them I'm a completionist who does everything possible in a single area before moving onto another to ensure I miss nothing. Doing that on the Citadel makes for a boring several hours of game play.

Yes, the Citadel dragged on and on. Once you get by that the game gets 10x better but I've talked to a few people who didn't give it that long.
Yes, the Citadel dragged on and on. Once you get by that the game gets 10x better but I've talked to a few people who didn't give it that long.

And when you don't know the Citadel navigating it can be a chore which makes that process even worse. I've known a couple people that simply quit the game before it really got started.
ME1 - awesome flesh out RPG, albeit a bit buggy and unpolished
ME2 - pretty good action-RPG with some of the best story and immersion I've experienced
ME3 - was more akin to ME2 than ME1 and seemed to miss a few notes but mostly a positive experience... till the end =|

All in all they're all definitely a piece of game history but I'm not quite sure the price is justified when you can purchase each separately for cheaper.
Sorry to nitpick, but ME1 had by far the best plot and presentation.

ME2 had almost no plot itself, it was all about your squad members.

ME3 had too many missteps and wasn't fleshed out enough. It was fun to finish the story and the combat has been refined to the point where it's good. But the SP was ehh-fairly good on it's own. Overall. Screw the ending.
Unless there is something substantial in this release I'm gonna pass.
Sorry to nitpick, but ME1 had by far the best plot and presentation.

ME2 had almost no plot itself, it was all about your squad members.

ME3 had too many missteps and wasn't fleshed out enough. It was fun to finish the story and the combat has been refined to the point where it's good. But the SP was ehh-fairly good on it's own. Overall. Screw the ending.

I tend to rank the games as such:

ME2 - Best overall experience and the most fun game. It is the longest of the three currently with all DLC's factored in. Story is generally satisfying and is fun to play through. Combat is solid but needs a few tweaks to be truly good. ME2's actual story is simple and straight forward. It's all about the characters and building the team. This is essentially what the game was about. And character interactions, even though breif are actually where ME2 is strongest. What's there conveys that well with great characters, good invididual character stories, missions, etc. This game was by far the most polished of the three.

The biggest downsides for this title are lack of meaningful inventory and oversimplification of the skill trees. Armor customization is cosmetically satisfying for the most part. Though ME1 had more meaningful customization though nothing ever changed with regard to the appearance of anything. The game's overall story wasn't all that interesting on it's own which required side missions, loyalty missions and character arcs to cover for a lot of that. Fortunately the game was still good in spite of it's lackluster story.

My rating: 9.5/10

ME3 - Best combat in the series by far. Customization mechanics are outstanding and add additional dimensions to the game when experienced on harder difficulties. The game up to the Priority Earth mission is probably the best of the three despite shortcuts taken in the game's design to get it finished faster. Ending is jarring and doesn't feel right with the experience being borderline traumatic in it's original form. In extended form it's not quite traumatic but definitely doesn't quite fit the game or series. Game includes a mutliplayer experience which wasn't that great to start but had a good foundation. Added free MP DLC's have actually made the multiplayer experience excellent with only a few real flaws remaining. Due to the multiplayer this title may actually be the best value in the series.

ME3's overall plot is ridiculously simple. The other subplots in the game are often more engaging than the main campaign story itself is. The game's presentation is usually refined and well thought out. The game has obvious shortcomings due to the short development cycle. The ending mission was obviously rushed but the Extended Cut polishes up some of the experience. Enough for it to be passable in my opinion but still far from the strong point it should have been.

My rating: 8.5/10 (I'd have ranked it much higher if the ending mission were better, autodialog wasn't used so frequently, and the journal weren't borderline useless.)

ME1 - Gets high marks for being the catalyst which started the franchise. Game's story and characters are solid and engaging and this is the hallmark for the series in general. ME2 and ME3 don't get as much credit for this, not because they didn't do it as well but because they are only extensions of this game in that vein. Universe is clearly explained and established with lots of work being evident in the game's design with regards to back story and plot. This game is closer to a pure RPG than the other two but is still a hybrid shooter but suffers in that area with regard to combat mechanics. The game is also filled with repetative sequences from the side missions to the Mako driving parts. These aspects of the game are tiresome but if you can power through them then the overall story and game play are a rewarding experience.

ME1 had a good plot but I wouldn't say the presentation was all that great. Yes the story aspects were well presented but the game overall lacks polish in a number of areas. Inventory management being on area which was lackluster in a big way.

My rating: 8.0/10 (Points are deducted for the sloppy inventory and menus and ultra repetative side missions and Mako driving sections.)

The Series as a Whole
As a series the game universe is unique and fun. It has clear influences from most other popular franchises and sometimes nods to invididual ones. The universe is a geek fest of epic proprotions. The game is one of the few hybrid types that has enough roots in the game styles they attempt to bridge to make the game good without being the mediocre experience hybrids of anything tend to be. The basic premise of the story is far from original but the presentation feels unique with many memorable moments and characters. Characters are rich and diverse and ultimately where the trilogy shines the most. It is the relationships built between your customized protagonist and the characters which add substance to the series.

Game choice is still somewhat illusionary with only a finite number of outcomes in a scenario possible with some choices which seem small being huge and other larger choices being relatively far from being a big deal. In any case the series sets the standard for a individualized gaming experience with all it's variables and possibilities. Replay value is high for the series as each play though feels different than the last thanks to overall solid game mechanics. When people talk about these games it's often interesting to find out just how different scenarios played out or how people's take on events were different from your own.

Combat is generally satisfying with relatively diverse enemies. On harder difficulties strategy is every bit as much of a concern as fine aim. Managing and choosing squadmates is essential to survival adding depth to what would ordinarily be relatively linear shooting missions. While some squad mates overlap in abilities most of them bring something different to the table and justify their existence fairly well. (Except Jacob.) The series has a unique blend of science fiction, RPG and shooter mechanics, weapons, powers, style, relationships, dialog and scenery to make it a truly memorable and rewarding gaming experience. If you've never played these games the Mass Effect Trilogy is worth the money. There are is easily 200+ hours of entertainment in the box for $59.99 which is more than most games can say.

My rating: 8.5/10
On the PS3, Mass Effect 1 will include

Bringing down the Sky

It does not include

Pinnacle Station

On the PS3, Mass Effect 2 will include

The Cerberus Network
Lair of the Shadow Broker

It does not include

All Alternate Appearance Packs
All Firepower Packs
The Equalizer Pack
The Firewalker Pack

Mass Effect 3 PS3 does not include any DLC. Below is a list of what will NOT be included on the PS3

From Ashes
Extended Cut


Mass Effect 1 on the PC will include all DLC. Below is a list of all the DLC it includes.

Pinnacle Station
Bringing Down the Sky

Mass Effect 2 on the PC will include the following DLC.

Zaeed - The Price of Revenge
The Firewalker Pack
The Firewalker Pack
Cerberus Assault Gear
Arc Projector Heavy Weapon
Normandy Crash Site Mission

Mass Effect 2 on the PC will NOT include the following DLC.

The Cerberus Network
Lair of the Shadow Broker

Mass Effect 3 on the PC will include

An Online Pass

Mass Effect 3 on the PC will NOT include

From Ashes
Extended Cut

Xbox 360

Mass Effect 1 on the 360 will not include any DLC. Below is a list of all the DLC it does NOT include.

Pinnacle Station
Bringing Down the Sky

Mass Effect 2 on the 360 will include the following DLC.

Cerberus Network

Mass Effect 2 on the 360 will NOT include the following DLC.

Zaeed - The Price of Revenge
Lair of the Shadow Broker
The Firewalker Pack
The Firewalker Pack
Cerberus Assault Gear
Arc Projector Heavy Weapon
Normandy Crash Site Mission

Mass Effect 3 on the 360 will include the following DLC.

An Online Pass

Mass Effect 3 on the 360 will not include the following DLC.

From Ashes
Extended Cut

What kind of crap is this? They should just include all the DLC if they're going to sell old games as part of a bundle; I actually thought about buying this until I saw they weren't going to include all of the DLC.
$59.99 for all three games and some of the DLC content is still a pretty good deal I think. But at the same time I also think they should have included the same stuff in all three versions to avoid the confusion.
$59.99 for all three games and some of the DLC content is still a pretty good deal I think. But at the same time I also think they should have included the same stuff in all three versions to avoid the confusion.

Both ME1 and ME2 were $10, total, not that long ago, so this basically feels like $50 for ME3.
Both ME1 and ME2 were $10, total, not that long ago, so this basically feels like $50 for ME3.

They are rarely that cheap. Even if they were it's still nice to have everything in one package and the series is worth it. And if you want to get technical and add up some of the individual DLC prices that are included (which never get discounted) then the dollar total is about right if not on the cheap side. (Depending on the version you get anyway.)
Total for ME2 DLC that's worth a damn, $35 your getting three games for $59.99, current separate prices would add up to at least $25 more than the bundle before DLC for ME2 and ME3 (and only one of at least two DLC quests for ME3 have been released so far).
Total for ME2 DLC that's worth a damn, $35 your getting three games for $59.99, current separate prices would add up to at least $25 more than the bundle before DLC for ME2 and ME3 (and only one of at least two DLC quests for ME3 have been released so far).

Technically you have From Ashes and Leviathan out now. The former came with the Collector's Edition but is a stand alone DLC as well. Omega is supposed to drop later this month I believe.
$60 for a 5 year old game, a 2 year old game and a 6 month old game doesn't sound like that great value to me unless they go by the Blizzard attitude of not dropping the price on old games.
$60 for a 5 year old game, a 2 year old game and a 6 month old game doesn't sound like that great value to me unless they go by the Blizzard attitude of not dropping the price on old games.

ME1 still sells for $20, ME2 depending on which one you get either $16-$30, and ME3 is selling for $30-$40, now I almost flunked math, but that seems to equal out to $50 if you go for all the standard editions, but the trilogy pack gives you what is basically the collectors editions of all three games.

And normally Bioware give you an addictive storyline to play through (well the last one was okay until Earth, and that bloody assassin that wasn't good at his job), thanks to Karpyshyn (a few old republic books, games, and the first two ME games), and Gaider (Dragon Age, and the books), so there is more to it than the original game being a little kludgy on the controls.