The New Turok!

King Icewind

Supreme [H]ardness
Jan 17, 2008
I was thinking of getting the new Turok for my PC, and was just wondering what everyone thought of it.

~I have all the old ones for the N64, thought they were pretty amazing for their time. So ill prolly get the new one anyways :p
By all accounts the game sucks, and people have been experiencing problems with the PC version. I would stay away.
I was thinking of getting the new Turok for my PC, and was just wondering what everyone thought of it.

~I have all the old ones for the N64, thought they were pretty amazing for their time. So ill prolly get the new one anyways :p

I would just stick with those N64 ones, dont ruin your image of Turok..!
it sucked. Boring generic FPS gameplay, graphics were "mediocre". Decent in closed spaces, but open areas looked nasty.
It sucks. I loved the original Turok for N64. This one is a 15GB install and barely looks better than the N64. It still has the freaking fog!
I played the 360 demo and liked it a lot.. played the Original Turok but I can't really comment on that because I was like 9 years old when I did
Yeah I played the new turok... kind of wish I hadn't... Don't fret though, there's a lot of good shooters out there that are fairly new.
The controls are horrid (at least for consoles), and overall the game is pretty craptacular.
wow talk about disappointing i wish actually planning on buying it used here soon to play online via xbox live, i better look at something else now lol
It sucks. I loved the original Turok for N64. This one is a 15GB install and barely looks better than the N64. It still has the freaking fog!

Ok, I don't like the new one either, but that statment was just silly...
wow talk about disappointing i wish actually planning on buying it used here soon to play online via xbox live, i better look at something else now lol

I rented it the second or third week it was out, and besides taking upwards of 5 minutes to find even one person, then longer to get a lobby full enough to play with, the controls made it absolutely horrific as far as a gameplay experience.

I tried it for about 3 days, and ended up thinking "I took CoD4 out of my drive to play this?"

Plus, (and not that it matters), probably half of the achievements on the 360 version are online, and they will likely be impossible to get, some were anyway, banking on the chance that you would know 15 people who own the game personally with which to play a full 16 person private match with.

Probably the worst game besides 'Hour of Victory' I've had the misfortune to come across on the new consoles.
I would skip this one and pickup a copy of turok 3 for N64 from
I played it on the 360 for about 3 hours.. I liked it, but it didn't really grab me so That's why I only played about 3 hours.
It lacks the cerebral bore. Need I say more?

No cerebral bore :mad: Well i guess i wont be getting this game...no1 said one nice thing :p

~And btw, already have Turok 3 :p

Thanks for the posts. Looks like i might have saved some money ;)
The one on the n64 was only popular because it was like...the 6th game out on the system, they dont seem to realize that is pretty much all it accomplished. Overall it is a very mediocre game and the sequels seem to be even worse.
The sequels to Turok are better then the original, excluding Turok evolutions and the new turok. The original had an outrageous amount of fog, and no multiplayer features. Not to mention no high res support (in the N64 version).