The new Zelda trailer is amazing

There's a high res version over at, it's a bit busy at the moment though.
I wish they had the drooling smiley like GenMay, because it would get used right about now :eek: :eek: :eek:

/me wants this game!
Oh maaan.

In case anybody else doesn't know, btw, they're doing a deal starting April 1st where, if you put $10 down for this Zelda game, you get a re-worked version of Wind Waker featuring the same graphical style as the upcoming Zelda game for free. In other words, a version of Wind Waker that looks as realistic as the new Zelda.
I already have the new Legend of Zelda reserved at Gamestop :D How long I will have to wait until I can actually get the game, I do not know.

I put 5 dollars down on a copy last November when I picked up Metroid Prime2, the free Samus T-Shirt was just too good an offer, oh, and also my Guild Wars Beta CD (definately buying that game also)
finalgt said:
Oh maaan.

In case anybody else doesn't know, btw, they're doing a deal starting April 1st where, if you put $10 down for this Zelda game, you get a re-worked version of Wind Waker featuring the same graphical style as the upcoming Zelda game for free. In other words, a version of Wind Waker that looks as realistic as the new Zelda.

Someone wrote in to IGN asking about the free Wind Waker re-make with a preorder but they said that it was an April fools joke started by EGM. Too bad, really.

Check the mailbag from March 1st on
Chickennog said:
Someone wrote in to IGN asking about the free Wind Waker re-make with a preorder but they said that it was an April fools joke started by EGM. Too bad, really.

Check the mailbag from March 1st on
Anytime something says April 1st you gotta be weary.
Mother fucking SHIT. Normally I laugh at shit like that, but Nintendo has had promotions like this in the past, such as the reworked (sorta) version of Ocarina of Time. I really think this is just fucking lame of EGM.

Chickennog said:
Someone wrote in to IGN asking about the free Wind Waker re-make with a preorder but they said that it was an April fools joke started by EGM. Too bad, really.

Check the mailbag from March 1st on

EGM is the KINGS of gaming april fools joke, seriously they always do stuff that many people still believe.

Hell they got me on the Tomb raider "naked" trick wayyyy back when, spent hours trying to do it...and then years and years later found out it was an april fools joke.
Awesome. Yeah IGN aprils fool jokes always get me and that Zelda one was no different. I think this time around Nintendo will give A Link to the Past as pre-order bonus. It is the only Zelda game they have not released for the cube. Cant wait. :cool:
nice lighting,i just think all the fighting spark(aside from the fire arrow explosion)is still cartooning it up
Ballz2TheWallz said:
nice lighting,i just think all the fighting spark(aside from the fire arrow explosion)is still cartooning it up

It is running on the Wind Waker engine, so it's possible that that will be ironed out before launch.
when will nintendo learn to come up with new ideas, instead of just recycling old ones? thats why the ps2 is so much more successful...
A couple of years ago I made my choice of consoles...I went for an Xbox. Reasoning that it had the best hardware specs and the brightest future. Now, while that maybe be true...I gotta get Zelda...looks like I'm getting a Gamecube to add to the collection! :)
joethemole said:
when will nintendo learn to come up with new ideas, instead of just recycling old ones? thats why the ps2 is so much more successful...
You can stack any Zelda game up against every PS2 game and it will pwn them.

The game world Miyamoto (sic?) created with Zelda is fabulous. You obviously haven't played them.
Chickennog said:
Someone wrote in to IGN asking about the free Wind Waker re-make with a preorder but they said that it was an April fools joke started by EGM. Too bad, really.

Check the mailbag from March 1st on

I wouldn't want Wind Waker on the new engine anyway... WW wouldn't be WW on a realistic engine... it was made for cell shading.
Don't pay attention to joe, he thrives on trollery.

Just out of curiousity, to see if you actually thought about that boast before you posted it...what game on PS2, exactly, would you be comparing Zelda to? I didn't think Sony was very much in the "stellar action RPG" segment any more.
S1nF1xx said:
You can stack any Zelda game up against every PS2 game and it will pwn them.

The game world Miyamoto (sic?) created with Zelda is fabulous. You obviously haven't played them.

-10 credibility points for using the phrase "pwn".

Nintendo needs some new franchises. The three that they love the most are growing a bit stale (Production values are always fabulous with the Metroid, Mario, and Zelda franchises, but I'm really ready to see them do something new...especially since they keep claiming to be the biggest innovators in the industry).
i agree. i saw that months ago and im still amazed by it...

edit: damn, i thought we were talking about the first one@! the second one is awesome too!! i think they said this was slated for june, right?
Damn Nintendo. Damn them! :mad:

I can't afford another console, then they go and do this. Why couldn't they just keep making stupid Pokemon crap and leave me be?! ;)
finalgt said:
Don't pay attention to joe, he thrives on trollery.

Just out of curiousity, to see if you actually thought about that boast before you posted it...what game on PS2, exactly, would you be comparing Zelda to? I didn't think Sony was very much in the "stellar action RPG" segment any more.

finalgt: stop harassing me. just cause my opinions are different, theres no reason for you to keep on cracking down on me. i thought we already had this conversation, you know, the one about you keeping your 12 year old opinions to yourself.
Yay! Now you can go defeat Ganon... again!

Seriously, what kind of lousy hero is Link to allow Ganon to rise to power and terrorize all of Hyrule like 6 times? Kill the fucker already!
gamz247 said:
Yay! Now you can go defeat Ganon... again!

Seriously, what kind of lousy hero is Link to allow Ganon to rise to power and terrorize all of Hyrule like 6 times? Kill the fucker already!

And Bowser, Diablo, Sith, Zombies ect..ect.. are exceptions? Me thinks not.
joethemole said:
finalgt: stop harassing me. just cause my opinions are different, theres no reason for you to keep on cracking down on me. i thought we already had this conversation, you know, the one about you keeping your 12 year old opinions to yourself.

Okay, I'll explain this one more time. You have every right to have the opinion that something sucks. You also have every right to proclaim that opinion in a thread where nobody else agrees with you. But when you don't even back up that opinion ("Zelda isn't nearly as good as ______") then hey, guess what? That isn't an opinion any more, that's you trolling for attention. Please come to understand the difference between the two.
gamz247 said:
Yay! Now you can go defeat Ganon... again!

Seriously, what kind of lousy hero is Link to allow Ganon to rise to power and terrorize all of Hyrule like 6 times? Kill the fucker already!

True, but this is what many fans (including myself) want. Even though the plot is somewhat similar each time, the gameplay is not.

I loved ocarina of time, and believe it was one of the best games ever made. This new game seems to follow the same style of gameplay. I can't wait :p
DarkenReaper57 said:
True, but this is what many fans (including myself) want. Even though the plot is somewhat similar each time, the gameplay is not.

I loved ocarina of time, and believe it was one of the best games ever made. This new game seems to follow the same style of gameplay. I can't wait :p
bingo. thats what fans, thats what i want. the zelda series is the most amazing game series ever, i just got done beating minish cap and i had a hell of a time with it, even though the ultimate goal is similar to all the other games, the way of achieving that is differnet and keeps my interest more than any other game is able to.
DarkenReaper57 said:
True, but this is what many fans (including myself) want. Even though the plot is somewhat similar each time, the gameplay is not.

I loved ocarina of time, and believe it was one of the best games ever made. This new game seems to follow the same style of gameplay. I can't wait :p

This does not compute. o_O

Although, I do agree that Ocarina of Time was great fun. Building something new upon that basic gameplay would rock, which is what this looks like.
finalgt said:
Mother fucking SHIT. Normally I laugh at shit like that, but Nintendo has had promotions like this in the past, such as the reworked (sorta) version of Ocarina of Time. I really think this is just fucking lame of EGM.


Hahahaha EGM did this to me too back a few years ago. When SSB:M was out they had an April Fool's Day joke that if you did this EXTREMELY hard mission (beating like 50 of those wire-frame guys on the hardest difficulty, or something like that) you would unlock Sonic and Tails. I tried for so many hours to do it....but was too damn hard. They had even used some paint program to make a screenshot of them playing with Sonic and Tails. It looked 100% authentic, so I just kept on trying. Then on the next issue there were letters on it from frustrated people like me, then they told us it was an April Fool's Day joke.... AAAAAAAAH THOSE BASTARDS!
I see Nintendo as the Apple of console gaming. The GC may not have as many titles as the PS2 (most of which are garbage, anyway) but what they do, they do extremely well.

I'm not a console gamer, per se, but I have played all the way through one, and only one, console game. Wind Waker was absolutely seamless from beginning to end. EVERYTHING about the game was flawless, including gameplay, graphics, sound, story, the feel of the control interface, hardware interaction, EVERYTHING.

Seems like everything the PS2 can do, the PC can do better. Wind Waker, OTOH, was a whole seperate experience. So long as Nintendo keeps that level of quality up, I'm all for them.

I'll be buying the new Zelda, too. Most definitely.