The Next Chapter of Eve: Dominion

I wish POS combat is really like that but erm its not, for those of you that don't play.
The game they show in the trailer is awesome, sadly we are still stuck playing EVE instead.
Well, I know there's a lot of talk about this, and I'm actually excited for the other changes, like the IGB, and the graphics. The only nullsec space I've been in is the wormhole that my now-defunct corp had a POS in, so the sovereignty hasn't phased me, yet.
Cool trailer and yeah, I want to try that game but I guess I'll load up EVE instead =D
Gave the video a looksee.....Yeah, I agree with ^^

That video kinda made it seem simple. That totally isnt the EVE I know and I havent even been in a "real" low-sec fight yet. Though, it was cool to watch. What was with the voice acting though? Or were they trying to show what it "could" be like in a fleet battle?

My friend thought it looked cool too. But he thought you could move the ships around like a flight sim. I told him it wasnt quite like how it looks when your actually piloting a ship. Had to explain to him that what we were seeing was as if we were in a some sort of camera type ship lookin out at what all was going on.

I bit on the misleading side..Still a fun game though :)
So what was misleading? Moms getting two shotted (unless they undo the HP changes again between now and Dominion's launch)? Nhagflar's not what they used to be? Someone sounding like a robot on TS? Support fleets ignoring FC to chase kill mails and subsequently getting roasted for their tactical errors?

The only things misleading are the music in game not like the music in the trailer, it's unrealistic to play the game with the UI turned off (and they've already done trailers with the UI turned on so I don't care), it's doubtful anyone is going to use tech 3 they way they were used here and the graphics were touched up to make the game even more presentable (the only serious problem).

Sure on any different day the flow of battles and in game chatter would be very different from what was depicted in the trailer but it's not unrealistic (though I find it questionable the Russians weren't spotted and that they would call themselves something as cheesy as (LOL) Dragon Fleet.)
Uhm ..., except for the difference between the 60 fps full details+ trailer, and the 3-5fps all details turned off low lag overview settings enabled reality.
I was just thinking that it WOULD be cool if CCP introduced the voice acting into mission runs. (for those of you reading who have not watched the video thru the link above, then you wont know what Im talkin about).

I think it would be kinda neat to have a Commanders voice start talkin to ya when you enter the mission. Starts tellin ya what your primaries are and perhaps highlights them. Maybe yells out a warning when some rats sneak up behind ya..."Watch your ass, you got 2 frigs closing fast".

It would all be done for the purpose of "training" you, to get you to know what to watch for, how to pick out your primaries, basically, an in-mission tutorial Commander which you can disable when you felt confident in what and how to go about destroying the enemies ships.

I dunno. I think it would be a neat little add-on. Id use it, if anything, to see if there is a better way of doing the mission than what I have already been doing. One of the things that I really enjoyed when I very very first started playing and was doing the missions was having that female computer voice giving me directions.

On a side note, hehe....Make the female computer voice flirt with ya too, lol. Like, when you complete an objective, it says in a soft, seductive voice...."Thats my big boy". HAHA....That would be funny. Im just messin though :)
From my experience it's people bullshitting, the FC telling caps where to go and then everyone else warping off, leaving me to wonder wtf they went. :D
I'm having issues getting AA to work consistently with EVE.

I can enable AA by forcing it in CCC as long as Catalyst AI is set to Advanced, and it usually works when I load up EVE. However, if I alt-tab to desktop and back, I lose the AA. Furthermore, I lose the AA if I change graphics settings ingame. I also sometimes get issues with AA and HDR being enabled at the same time causing crazy blinking white circles on the edges of some objects like asteroids.

Is this just a WinXP issue, or do other users have this problem too?

Ive read several guides about it, I know how to use it. What I dont get is once you locate someone with it, then what? Is the scanner supposed to be used to see approximately where someone is located and then you launch combat probes to that approximate spot to probe them down to get a warpable signature?

Is that about right? I just want to make sure Im understanding the scanners intended use, it wasnt quite clear to me.
Uhm ..., except for the difference between the 60 fps full details+ trailer, and the 3-5fps all details turned off low lag overview settings enabled reality.

Get a better computer. Sorry, graphics lag is not caused by the servers on CCP's end. My laptop stutters exactly as you describe it, but my desktop is very smooth with everything maxed out.

Kaldskryke, the AA and HDR blinking is a known bug on ATI cards. I suggest you turn off the HDR and simply leave the AA on. Should solve your problems. :)

One more thing about graphics: make sure you set the interval to 1. This basically forces V-Sync. If you don't do this, then the Trinity engine runs the FPS as high as your GFX card can take. People have had cards overheat and die due to this issue in Eve. I speak from experience here. :(

Ive read several guides about it, I know how to use it. What I dont get is once you locate someone with it, then what? Is the scanner supposed to be used to see approximately where someone is located and then you launch combat probes to that approximate spot to probe them down to get a warpable signature?

Is that about right? I just want to make sure Im understanding the scanners intended use, it wasnt quite clear to me.

You don't use the on-board scanner when you're probing really. The only good use for the on-board scanner when you're toting a probe launcher is to have situational awareness so that you know how far people are from your safespot, ie. it gives you an idea if people are closing in on you. From what you've said you're talking about combat probes which are mainly used to scan down other ships. You use the probes to focus onto the signature until it's 100% in strength and thus warpable. Granted I do not have much experience in combat probing but I do have extensive experience in exploration where I would probe out wormholes and other exploration sites. I would highly recommend starting with exploration first and using basic probes instead of combat ones.
Get a better computer. Sorry, graphics lag is not caused by the servers on CCP's end. My laptop stutters exactly as you describe it, but my desktop is very smooth with everything maxed out.

Kaldskryke, the AA and HDR blinking is a known bug on ATI cards. I suggest you turn off the HDR and simply leave the AA on. Should solve your problems. :)

One more thing about graphics: make sure you set the interval to 1. This basically forces V-Sync. If you don't do this, then the Trinity engine runs the FPS as high as your GFX card can take. People have had cards overheat and die due to this issue in Eve. I speak from experience here. :(

For me, what I did was make a Profile in CCC, disabled Catalyst AI, set my AA, AF, Mipmap, etc.

Also, you have to disable HDR as Mad Cat said above for AA to work in-game.
You don't use the on-board scanner when you're probing really. The only good use for the on-board scanner when you're toting a probe launcher is to have situational awareness so that you know how far people are from your safespot, ie. it gives you an idea if people are closing in on you. From what you've said you're talking about combat probes which are mainly used to scan down other ships. You use the probes to focus onto the signature until it's 100% in strength and thus warpable. Granted I do not have much experience in combat probing but I do have extensive experience in exploration where I would probe out wormholes and other exploration sites. I would highly recommend starting with exploration first and using basic probes instead of combat ones.

Thats good advice for those who are new to Exploration. Myself, I have no problems hunting down WH's :)

Im just a bit confused on the whole "Probe for ships" vs. "Scanning them down" scenario. Ive read many people saying they "scanned down" so and so then engaged them. When they say this, do they actually mean to say they "probed down" so and so?

One guy I was reading in Corp. chat was saying he scans down drones which people have left behind and then sells them. I understand how to scan something down, but I dont understand the rest of the picture. How does one get to what they scanned down UNLESS they use a combat probe? Is there something Im not understanding about scanning or is this how its done?
The trailer is completely misleading. And that is just sad seeing as Star Trek online is going to take a chunk of their users.

I played EVE for close to 2 years. That "dark" feel along with status and who you know determining your quality of play is really a bummer. Spending hours humping gates to get your ass kicked and never get replacement ships. etc...

And the "WH Space" system is a joke. It goes from crappy rats and crappy loot (But still enough to nearly instapop mining ships) to classes that can blow up spider tanked batships to ones that can devestate fleets in a flash. The loot is almost never worth the loss and the difficulty to access the better regions.
The trailer is completely misleading. And that is just sad seeing as Star Trek online is going to take a chunk of their users.

I played EVE for close to 2 years. That "dark" feel along with status and who you know determining your quality of play is really a bummer. Spending hours humping gates to get your ass kicked and never get replacement ships. etc...

And the "WH Space" system is a joke. It goes from crappy rats and crappy loot (But still enough to nearly instapop mining ships) to classes that can blow up spider tanked batships to ones that can devestate fleets in a flash. The loot is almost never worth the loss and the difficulty to access the better regions.

Yeah, that Star Trek Online ingame trailer really is just WOW in space. A good chunk of Eve Online players ditched WOW so yeah.

Never get a replacement ship? Just don't fly what you can't afford to lose. Besides, many good corps or even alliances have members/corps totally dedicated towards the production of ships for their PVP buddies. In fact one corp I was in had free T1 frigates and half-priced T1 cruisers and battlecruisers for all their members. Another alliance I was in actually offered to replace any T1 Battleship as well as T2 ships under $100 mil for free as long as those ships were lost during defensive ops. They don't do that anymore since they have to save ISK for Dominion but still. That alliance still offers discounted ships of all types at the very least.

I don't do WH so can't comment on that.
Get a better computer. Sorry, graphics lag is not caused by the servers on CCP's end. My laptop stutters exactly as you describe it, but my desktop is very smooth with everything maxed out.
Well, I went for dramatic effect and was called out on it. My comp is fine really, Intel E8400, ATI 4870, I basically never see the EVE environment anyway between all the chat windows and the overview. That's part of my "it's an unrealistic video" complaint. The other part is that module lag is very real and not client side.

The Dominion video shows an arcade like game, when in reality it's nothing like that. In fleet battles you never actually watch the environment, you watch the overview, the targets, the watchlist, and the chat.

re: WH
I just spend two weeks in a c6, and I am not impressed. The PvE part wasn't challenging, bring a couple Scorpions and a couple-three Guardians and it was easy to do the combat sites. Of course we did have the benefit of solid WH guides that list which ships are triggers and so on. Trailblazers had a harder time, I am sure.

In terms of effort/payoff it's really in the combat sites. Sure, gas still sells but it's meh for the time invested. We actually ran out of sites and had to resort to mining for a while. We did have a Rorqual deployed which make the return of the ore to w-space easier. In the end we removed the POS and left to be back in time for Dominion.

I think WH space is much of an all or nothing type of deal. Either go all on, or skip it, and I am not in a WH corp, so we didn't go all in. I think if you find an open c6 and deploy a number of POSes there to handle material processing, construction, refining, and so on, then it would be worth doing. There are only 119 (or 116, or some such) c6 WHs in EVE, whoever reinforces their's first is likely going to keep it. Once you start cap ship (carrier/dread) production in there no one will be able to get you out.
Thuleman: Yeah, the lag can suck at times. However, it's better than it used to be and CCP continuously upgrade the servers. Well, what can we do but whine and keep playing? ;)

Also, patch notes are released. Sweet mother of all that is good! They're awesome! Tons of new content, fixed tons of old bugs, UI issues and other annoyances, AND the gave me my Navy Domi! After the usual cool down of a week of sever crashes and random bugs for a month or two, this may be the best upgrade in a long time! :eek:

(Yes, I am excited.)
The Dominion video shows an arcade like game, when in reality it's nothing like that. In fleet battles you never actually watch the environment, you watch the overview, the targets, the watchlist, and the chat.

It is true you don't watch the environment... usually. Some people in eve had figured out how to tell a ship is equipped based on the an eyeball scan of the modules on the hulls and the effects projected from hulls(very useful in small scale engagements while not so practical when you reach your limit because of fleet sizes).

Even when you don't watch the environment a person watching the combat as a spectator could get similar results as the Dominion trailer (which is really a reflection of 3 minutes out of excitement out of several hours of the not as exciting drudgery of combat.
I can guarantee that that fight would not actually play like the dominion trailer, think lag fest. CCP's servers just cant handle huge amounts of people in one area fighting from my experience. The game is still great and I wont stop playing it, but I am not a huge fan of blob fighting. Just thought I would voice my opinion.
Some people in eve had figured out how to tell a ship is equipped based on the an eyeball scan of the modules on the hulls and the effects projected from hulls(very useful in small scale engagements while not so practical when you reach your limit because of fleet sizes).

Yup yup. Always happy to have those people who can eyeball a ship and get a general feeling for the fittings of those ships. Especially if you're in a Inty roam or T1 frig roam where a smatbomb equipped BS would be death. Then again those are getting easier and easier to spot for me.

Ive read several guides about it, I know how to use it. What I dont get is once you locate someone with it, then what? Is the scanner supposed to be used to see approximately where someone is located and then you launch combat probes to that approximate spot to probe them down to get a warpable signature?

Is that about right? I just want to make sure Im understanding the scanners intended use, it wasnt quite clear to me.

Here's how I understand it:

Directional scanner: Find direction and distance of the ship you want to probe. Ship is not alerted. Fast results.

Combat probes: Sent to the general area (.5 AU) provided by the directional scanner. 1 scan finds the ship without needing to dick around refining results. Warp, shoot..
Here's how I understand it:

Directional scanner: Find direction and distance of the ship you want to probe. Ship is not alerted. Fast results.

Combat probes: Sent to the general area (.5 AU) provided by the directional scanner. 1 scan finds the ship without needing to dick around refining results. Warp, shoot..

I read more and more about scanning over the past few days at the Eve forums. I believe I have read enough about it now that I have a better understanding....well, moreso than I did. I think what confused me was the many readings about how people "scanned" down a ship and warped to it. Its kinda misleading when you read it like that, cause it makes you think they were able to use the scanner to find the ship (which they did) and then bam, warped to them....(which they also did)....BUT, they leave out the part of "where" they engaged the ship at.....i.e. a planet or moon or were near "SOME" sort of structure. It was "THIS" structure that they actually warped too, NOT the actual ship. So, technically, they didnt need to use a probe to warp to that ship.

However, if they are at a POS, or deadspace area or their own little safe spot, THAT is when the probe is needed.

Even though I knew both of these things already....its was the misleading words in what people said that had me confused.

Problem solved :)
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search youtube for good guides on scanning and probing, its actually fairly easy once you understand it.
wow... mammoth patch notes & long DT this time.. make sure to read notes & set long skill to train (++4days at least)

grr to npc tax when I've just got a lvl4 mission alt (and thermo being more accessible), but yeay to lots of stuff that actually matters :)
Thb, NPC corp tax is far too low, ought to be like 33% or something. Nearly risk free missioning shouldn't be possible imho.
I am STILL reading thru the patch notes. Damn thing is so long, I cant read thru it in one sitting....I came to the UI notes and dropped my jaw to the floor....Will have to read this a bit later after kids go to bed.

That new NPC tax.... :( booo, booo, booo :(
Serves you right for a relatively risk free as well as war-dec free life :).


The learning curve should be payment enough, ehh, hahha

I wonder what would happen if I spent ALL my isk by the time the "dues" are to be paid? I guess it would just take me into the negative and then, the first time I make any isk, it would probably auto-deduct from my account. Just like real life..Gahhh, first CCP wants to auto-deduct 15bucks from me and now the game too....HAHA!!!

Heh, im just troll-messin with ya guys :). The 11% tax isnt going to bother me...just roll with the flow. Nothing I can do about it, so, never mind it then.

On that War-Dec stuff though....I read that alot of corps dont want you to log on when Decced. <---Aside from being attacked, why is this? I mean, how can ya get anything done if you cant even log in your character to play? If I was in a Corp and they got Decced, then told me not to log in, Id probably leave that Corp.

What's You's Guy's Got's to Say's about's that's?

Welp...back to more reading :)

This is CCP talkin bout me....

People who really fail at PvP can now navigate through their loss mails beyond the first page.
Here I was, about half way through melting the last BB's structure in Lvl 4, Worlds Collide when my time ran out before the extended downtime. Just 5 more min is all I needed dammit! haha

I suppose now instead of seeing Ibis's littering the outsides of Caldari mission hub bases, I'll see craters on the nearby moons. :) I even have a sacrificial Bantam waiting for the honor of being turned into a moon wart. NASA's got nothing on Eve, lol.
Well I bit on the $5 steam offer for EVE and hopefully I'll learn how to play this game by 2012 lol.

"Thank you" to those who posted their opinions earlier on in this thread.
Wave goodbye to your social life. Just kidding. Make sure you enjoy the game but keep your priorities straight, and join a group to learn from. Hope you love Eve!
They're doing the back-end server upgrades for Dominion now. When does the client update?
Ahhh, bloody filthy hell.....When am I going to learn that Iceland and this game is a day ahead of me....kinda. They say Tuesday, I think "MY" tuesday. Glad I already had an 11 day skill training. Had 6 days left as of last night when I logged off. Commonnnn T2 drones....woohoo!!!

Lets talk about Drones a moment :)

Just prior to throwing in the skill for T2 drones, I had completed all the needed skills to use those ECM, Web and Tracking Drones. Does anyone use these? How do you like it? Is it worth using one of them in lieu of a combat drone?

So far, all ive used are the Heavy ECM drone and the Tracking drone. TBH, I hadnt noticed much effect, but then again, I could be using them wrong, which in all likelyhood, I probably am. So, whats the skinny on these little boogers?
Anyone got a 21 day trial I could have? Been looking to get into this game. Shoot me a pm.
Lets talk about Drones a moment :)

Just prior to throwing in the skill for T2 drones, I had completed all the needed skills to use those ECM, Web and Tracking Drones. Does anyone use these? How do you like it? Is it worth using one of them in lieu of a combat drone?

So far, all ive used are the Heavy ECM drone and the Tracking drone. TBH, I hadnt noticed much effect, but then again, I could be using them wrong, which in all likelyhood, I probably am. So, whats the skinny on these little boogers?

Never seen or used them. I only see and use combat drones and sentry drones. Then again there's always a first time and I do miss a few things during combat.