"The Next Counter-Strike" - Minh Le announces Tactical Intervention

Aug 6, 2006
Minh Le, the creator of Counter-Strike, just announced his new game Tactical Intervention. Valve did start on a Counter-Strike 2, but Le said it "never really got off the ground." Tactical Intervention is, in a way, Le's interpretation of Counter-Strike 2. The game is being built on a highly modified Source engine.

Some changes in the engine include...
  • Cloth physics, running off SOURCE™’s physics engine, HAVOK™.
  • Optimized player animation systems (mixing ragdoll physics simulation with player animations)
  • A vast improvement in processing map physics props.
  • Vehicle improvements.
  • Enhancements to the particle engine.

The game is nearly complete, will go into beta-testing soon, and will release later this year.


It just sounds like CS with a new engine...which is what Source was. Not to take anything away from CS:S, but more serious gamers still won't shift from 1.6 (I didn't, when I was seriously into 1.6), and this isn't going to sway them either. Perhaps this will move the group that is into Source over to this?
Screenshots look.. kinda.. like ass... ? CS:S looks better in comparison... I'm hoping the gameplay is refreshing... maybe even slightly different than CS? prolly not much.. :p
It just sounds like CS with a new engine...which is what Source was. Not to take anything away from CS:S, but more serious gamers still won't shift from 1.6 (I didn't, when I was seriously into 1.6), and this isn't going to sway them either. Perhaps this will move the group that is into Source over to this?

It actually sounds a lot different. The gameplay is a lot faster (rounds are 2 minutes or less), Counter-Terrorists have dogs which they can sic on Terrorists, there's rappelling, third-person stuff, hostages which can be used as shields, etc.
I will give it a try. The only games that have grabbed me over the past 8+ years are CS and TF dominating about 90% of my total gaming hours.
  • A vast improvement in processing map physics props.

Thank fuck for that. The number of times I've nearly nutted my monitor because I got stuck on a fucking bucket or tyre's something that makes me want to kick the shit out of whomever neglected to address it.

Fingers crossed for maps that don't show shadows through walls and floors, too.
It actually sounds a lot different. The gameplay is a lot faster (rounds are 2 minutes or less), Counter-Terrorists have dogs which they can sic on Terrorists, there's rappelling, third-person stuff, hostages which can be used as shields, etc.

To be honest, it sounds like a modded CS. I'm not terribly interested though, but I'll leave the thread to those that are.
It just sounds like CS with a new engine...which is what Source was. Not to take anything away from CS:S, but more serious gamers still won't shift from 1.6 (I didn't, when I was seriously into 1.6), and this isn't going to sway them either. Perhaps this will move the group that is into Source over to this?

aren't there more css players than 1.6

oh and the game looks (graphically) like crap. Lets hope the gameplay is there
From what I can see from the screen shots, I can only describe as really good user created maps. But its still early and game play cant really be experienced from a screen shot.
I agree that the graphics look like crap. The guns look good, but the rooms or stuff around the character look ultra crappy. Maybe it's just because it's unfinished. I hope. A game doesn't have to have superb graphics for me, but it does have to look better than the year pre-2000.
aren't there more css players than 1.6

Indeed, but note how close the current players statistics are between them (expand at the bottom)? If you include CZ, things are even closer. The most impressive thing is how absolutely ancient the original CS is, and then those stats become even more impressive.

If you get the gameplay right, the players will come. CS proved that, and who knows, maybe this will be The Next Big Thing ™
It looks kinda like a cross between CS:S and TF2. Graphics don't really bother me though provided the game kicks ass. ;)

i used to say that too, but with todays technology there's really no reason at all to not demand both because it's totally doable, i feel slighted when a game that plays really nicely looks like crap, i mean, look at Grand Turismo from the playstation, i spent so many countless hours playing that game, and always loved playing it, tried to hook up the old PS last year sometime thinking i was going to have some GT fun for old times sake and oh my god what was on my screen horrified me, it was painful to look at, so much so i turned it right back off and said...oh well...gameplay isn't everything
the graphic seems to be a massive nerf down there....WTF?

nvm, this is not even CS...

"After years of waiting, the creator of Counter-Strike finally reveals his new project."
"Minh moved to South Korea in April 2008 after a friend put him in touch with a South Korean businessman with capital who was looking to get into the video game industry."

We can pretty much expect this game to be another CS:O type of game..or kimchi game w/e you want to define it...

PS: Many games with creator from xxxx are mostly a failure, include most famous "Hellgate London", so don't put your hope up on this one...
i used to say that too, but with todays technology there's really no reason at all to not demand both because it's totally doable, i feel slighted when a game that plays really nicely looks like crap, i mean, look at Grand Turismo from the playstation, i spent so many countless hours playing that game, and always loved playing it, tried to hook up the old PS last year sometime thinking i was going to have some GT fun for old times sake and oh my god what was on my screen horrified me, it was painful to look at, so much so i turned it right back off and said...oh well...gameplay isn't everything

Fantasitc :)
The only thing that makes cs so popular was because hl was popular and it was a free mod for hl. It was something new at that time and people just stick with the new idea. Other games came out that is similar to cs but people don't like it as much because they felt it is just a copy of the game.

Making org ideas are hard. Reusing ideas is easy. People want creative new games. Not rehash of old with some extra freatures from some other games.
Also suck to hear the CS2 was canned. I was hoping for a new CS that fixed the problems of CSS. Maybe bundled with HL3 in 2020.
I'll give it a try. He did invent counter-strike, so I'll give him the benefit of the doubt. Concept sounds fun though!
Having been an avid CS:S for 5 years running I'm still pretty disappointed with it. Looking forward to something different.
LOL, read the comments..

"the f$#$ing guns are still backwards. what the hell is wrong with this guy? clearly he had to re-model all of the guns and he did it again."
yeah reading the IGN article it seems like a rushed product or maybe half assed done ? Time will tell, but it seems no different than CounterStrike.

Too bad there was never a CounterStrike 2...I always wanted Valve to make a BattleField 2 type of game done on the Source engine, with CS gameplay, but huge outdoor maps and vehicles, oh well...
It will never be as good as CounterStrike. We will have to wait until after Half Life 3 comes out to get another sequel to CS. That is the way its always been.
It looks horrible. It seems to as if he's trying to capitalize on CS because of it's success and it's lack of an update.

Looks like a garbage version of Vegas imo.
This looks fun. Very simple gameplay like CS, easy to understand hard to master, but with more options for wierd tactics. I didnt play CS much, mostly with my friend at LAN's, and like Mihn Le I always thought the snipers were too powerfull, the rounds were a bit too long, and the general gameplay relying greatly on your aim.
The graphics dont bother me, they do the job. The game looks good on IGN's 1280x1024 screens. Cloth physics and better vehicles sound great :D
I think the main reason I played CS so long was because it was in beta for so long. Started playing when beta 1 released, and then there was a long stream of patches and new beta releases that made changes, added guns, and used new maps, new models...

Adapting to the changes kept refreshing the game for me. After the game went official and major changes stopped, I lost interest pretty quickly.

That long beta also functioned as an extremely long playtest since there was years of user feedback.
Hmmm.. it does kinda look like a Vegas redux.. Only time will tell. Wonder if it will be on steam :) lol.
I never really liked CS:S. I hope the new CS will be low on resources and they´ll focus on the gameplay insteand of the graphics like (too)many game developers these days. I´m definitely gonna try it out even though it won´t be available on steam;)
Keep in mind the original Counter Strike (pre-valve) didn't look that great, but people loved it because it had/has great gameplay. I'll give it a go when its released.
See.. I don't need glasses... I have 20/20 vision :p I'm also not alone on the graphics comment... ;)