The official "clean desktop" club.


EDIT: This is my 1337 post! :D Never posting again. :p
New setup, back on 7.
I'm not done with it, but photoshop is taking foreverrrr to install. Most of the other mods will just be recoloring icons to match the scheme.
Wallpaper is from Depthcore's ( latest pack, Freestyle.
Edit: updated screenshot with my final setup.
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Is that a Miranda IM theme? link please!
Sure thing.
For some reason when I click on a contact, I have a grey bar that extends out past the left edge of the skin. I can't figure out how to fix it, if you know please share the info :)

Willister, Photoshop on a netbook?

I know, I know, but it's what I'm used to. That and I don't do heavy duty stuff like I used to anymore. At least not until I build another rig. I mainly stick to recoloring, simple touchups, things like that.

I edited my last post with my miranda icons reshacked so they flow along with the taskbar icons swapped with gaia 09 and the steel orb start icon.
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I know, I know, but it's what I'm used to. That and I don't do heavy duty stuff like I used to anymore. At least not until I build another rig. I mainly stick to recoloring, simple touchups, things like that.

ah, okay. I can understand that. :)
Removed/uninstalled a few games/applications....I still wish I had the space of a 30" screen.
Put my background on rotation- every 30 mins. Finally got some folders setup to get ready for my wallpaper website. :)

On my tiny netbook screen I saw black. And I scrolled down, only to find more black. Then I went to the right :D

New Build of Win 7 Professional x64, Still working on it, but i like the way it is right now, and that songbird mini theme will be changed soon...
No, not just someone, i knew that you would in particular, WiLLiSTER

Something would have been wrong if I didn't :p[IMG]

New Build of Win 7 Professional x64, Still working on it, but i like the way it is right now, and that songbird mini theme will be changed soon...[/QUOTE]

Looks really good. I completely forgot about songbird until now. I'll have to check it out again.