The Official Halo 3 Discussions/Reviews/Gamertags thread!

I just got home from grapping mine. I hope that the disc isn't scratched.
List of GTs updated, gonna go check it out now :p
I picked mine up at midnight. Loving the campaign so far, muuuuuuuuuch better then that POS Halo 2.
I didn't feel the need for a new thread so I hope someone sees this to answer my question with their opinion.

Question: Is Halo 3 worth it just for single player? No XBL...

Reading across the internet on boards and community pages everyone seems to be saying, Halo 3 online is awesome!! yay! Which is to be expected.

But what about single player? Everywhere I read everyone is saying single player was a let down, it was super short and whatever this and that.
So I guess my question is, is Halo 3 worth it just for the single player portion and if you removed XBL from that game does it drop its ranking considerably??

The reason I ask as I am off XBL at the moment and I don't want to get a game I will beat in 8 hours and be done with unless single player is really good.
I thought the single player portion was pretty good. It is a bit short though and there isnt much replay value other than simply beating it at a higher difficulty or looking for skulls. I will say that the multiplayer portion is a blast even if you are just playing it split-screen deathmatch/co-op with friends, so even if you dont have xbox-live you can still get alot of multiplayer fun out of it locally.

So I would say rent it if you only plan on doing the single player and never touching any form of multiplayer, or buy it if you have some friends that enjoy halo and are up for a little deathmatch/co-op action.

Either way I think its a game every 360 owner should play, unless you really really dislike halo in general.
Ya, I think I will really enjoy split screen since my friends and I play lots of split screen games together.

Thanks for the input!
Mind you, I only got to test H3 single player at MS for a couple days, but the single player missions we played were imo a fricken blast to play... great challenge. Cant wait til later tonight to see how they improved it
Got my copy at GameStop at midnight... awesome fun so far.

Gamertag: Awesome Indeed
My bro and I put 3 or 4 hours into the campaign today. We had a blast playing it on Heroic. It was a nice change from the tactical shoots we have been playing lately, such as GRAW 2, Vegas, or even Gears to an existent. I had a great time messing around with the deployables and Brute hammer. The enemy AI is challenging and in general the game is fast past fun (with grenades flying everywhere).
I've only been able to handle Normal, lol :p

I think I'll step it up to Heroic after studying for my Bio test. MEH! Honors Biology is t3h sux due to it's incessant tests :mad:
has anybody had any major problems with lag in multiplayer? I have had some major problems....

but my other 360 games are all fine.. it seems to be a problem only with halo3..

help please? at least any insight?
So how many people got the Limited (collectors?) edition - the one with the tin box? Was the disc scratched?

I wish I would of read about the problem before running to Target an hour ago and then right here to work. Debating whether to return/exchange it for the normal copy..
Long but really interesting article.

Now, it may just be a placebo effect, but I think I can see the some results with all of that. I've only played an hour or so into the SP campaign so far, but it feels incredibly polished.

The graphics look great on my 1080p Panasonic plasma. A notch below Gears and Bioshock in terms of "wow" factor, but great nonetheless.

It isn't groundbreaking, but it's definitely Halo in it's absolutely, positively most refined form. Single player campaign has been great fun so far. I don't have a Gold sub at the moment either, though I think I still have a free month I need to redeem. I'll finish the campaign before playing online certainly.
So how many people got the Limited (collectors?) edition - the one with the tin box? Was the disc scratched?

I wish I would of read about the problem before running to Target an hour ago and then right here to work. Debating whether to return/exchange it for the normal copy..

My game disk was a little scratched, but a microfiber cloth and some water fixed that.

I had 5 people over for a mini halo party after school today. 2 boxes system link, it was insane. We always had halo 2 parties, so this is going to be awesome!

And to the person with the question about xbl: If you don't have xbl, personally I wouldn't get it unless you play with friends split screen alot, campaign is too short.

GT: ampedxc27
Well, due to things happening at work I can't escape for a couple mins to go back to target so I took a chance and opened my copy.. No scratches, although both game disks were off the little plastic nub. I can't believe anyone didn't catch that before shipping. Just looking at it it looks like the cd would have no trouble popping off of it.

7 more hours and I can try it out..
The campaign is too short, but the game is alot of fun. 3 players on legendary was awesome.

GT: Profcrab
I would have like to see about 1-2 more hours of gameplay, but on Heroic, I think it would have taken me about 10 or so hours to beat it solo (took three of us 8 hours on Legendary). Not terrible, not great. A little more would have been nice.

Co-op is fantastic though and from what I've seen of multiplayer, it looks just as good.

My tag is rocketpig76,
I just got done playing up to the fourth level. So far I'm really liking the single player campaign. I'm holding off on the multiplayer and the online co-op, until I finish the single player on my own. Anyway, I can already say this game is better then Halo 2. The game starts out a bit slow, but once you get to level three things really pick up. I don't want to spoil any battles you might see.

I'm playing it on Heroic and the AI is very good. The Brutes are no longer a pushover like they were in Halo 2. You can't just run around them shooting, expecting to survive the chaos. The higher ranked Brutes, that carry the Brute Hammers are very tough to bring down, especially if you're not getting head shots. It's great taking out the big guy, and watching the grunts flee. I was also surprised when a grunt ran at me with two plasma grenades in each hand, kamikaze style.

I'm digging all the new weapons and vehicles so far. Since I'm only up to the 4th level I haven't been able to try them all, as far as the vehicles are concerned. It took a while to get use to the reloading being the bumpers, even though I played the multiplayer beta. I went back to Halo 2 afterwards, as well as other games, so I got back into that habit. By the end of my gaming session it wasn't a problem anymore. The new shields, and gadgets you deploy with X are really cool, and since you can only carry one at a time it adds a little strategy. Should you pick up that bubble shield, or hang onto the trip mine, in case you might run into some enemie vehicles.

The graphics aren't spectacular, but they're still nice. I've seen some people say it looks just like Halo 2. I looks noticably better, but it's not "OMG, better then Gears of War" amazing. Certain areas look better then others, but overall I'm happy with the game. The soundtrack of course is everything you expect from Marty O'Donnell.
Well. in my humble opinion, which is heavily co-op experience based. I haven't played but one level by myself, so 'grain of salt' me if you will please in regards to the campaign experience.

Graphics are consistent, and in certain areas, absolutely awesome. The entire presentation is very good. I am a big fan of the design style they use in the game, and the architecture and structures are neat. Anybody stating it hasn't changed from Halo 2 is simply being Penis-y on purpose.

Multiplayer has so many variants it's ridiculous. Haven't had to mute anyone yet, surprisingly. Did have a few singers though, and in case you're wondering, it's in the Terms and Conditions, "No Singing on Xbox Live"

The Replay option is more robust than any game recording system ever. Period. Somewhere in one of the Halo threads, someone downplayed it bigtime, saying that "Carmageddon 2 had one, so whats the big deal?" It's awesome, thats what, and you won't figure it out until you play with it. I don't know how they get it to work like that, but it's a technical marvel. I've been playing games since Wolfenstein and before, and I've never run across something so cool as this. I wish BF 2 had this feature.

As far as the story goes: I never played One or Two to completion (although I've seen both played through) I've spent the majority of the game asking my friends "what's going on?" I personally don't feel that Bungie does 'Endings' or 'Flow' very well, and 'Transition' seems to have been thrown right out the fucking window.

When Bungie puts it all together, I feel that Gameplay gets all the attention and Story implementation stays rough. Felt the same about Halo 2, Halo 1 never really grabbed me in regards to single-player. I enjoy what they are trying to show me, enough to continue on... I'll put it that way. It's definitely a story I'd like to read.

Gameplay has dropped my jaw more than a few times. The big battles with the Covenant machinery, vehicles zooming around, Marines firing rockets from the back of the Mongoose, etc. Some of the game events are simply "Holy Shit" moments with little equal, especially with 3 friends along for the ride.

Co-op is wonderful. The inclusion of a team based scoring system as an incentive to replay the game (and unlock achievements) is an incredibly fun one. I love co-op, I've been wishing it would make a comeback in proper form for a long time, and that wish has been granted for me with the 360 in more than one title.

I like it a lot. It's not my Holy Grail, and a game like Bioshock is a perfect example of 'my style' when we're talking about single player only gameplay. I find Halo 3 to be a freaking hoot, especially with the "fun with friends" factor tallied into the equation.

It's no 10, and theres no such thing anyway, so thats moot. It's a solid A-/B+ when you rate single player and multiplayer together. Really though, co-op saves it for me on the single player side.

Hope everyone has been having as much fun with it as I have.
I played single player for about 30 minutes just getting used to the new items/weapons and whatnot (ones I could find anyway). Just long enough to get ready for MP. Campaign mode looks like it'd be fun. I'm not going to talk about the story or anything like that. I'm sure it's good but I don't have alot of gametime with 2 kids and a girlfriend that complains every time I play MP it is for me 99 percent of the time. Ok here we go:

Graphics are better than Halo 2. Not by much. Graphics look like a rehash of Halo 2 played a much higher resolution (I've got my settings at 1920x1200 via VGA...not sure what it actually runs at in the game, but it looks decent as far as resolution) and at a slightly higher detail and poly count. The game also runs at a higher FPS than Halo 2 (I think..don't quote me). I think Halo 2 was 30 fps and I think Halo 3 is 60fps. Again..not certain on this. Just appears that way to me.
You can edit the gravity and game modes and whatnot, yes. I'm going to talk about the default settings.
It plays identical to Halo 2. The movement, the hitboxes (or whatever they have on XBOX and Halo), the "shooting people in the face while they calmly kill you first anyway", the bash kills, the sword, the dual wield, etc. All identical to Halo 2. There are, of course, new items such as the bubble shield and power drain that come into play on MP. There are new game modes, etc. Basically, Halo 3 is nothing more than a mod for Halo 2. It's about the equivalent of Battlefield 2142 to Battlefield 2 on the PC. Looks/plays the same, but looks slightly better with a few different game options.
Now, that's not to say Halo 3 isn't fun or isn't worth buying. If you liked Halo 2 and you have an XBOX 360, then Halo 3 is like the Halo 2 for the 360 and you should get it and play it. There are other options such as the theater, the "Forge" etc that make things interesting. But, don't expect a much different gaming experience out of Halo 3.
I played through the first 2 "levels" and so far it's okay, but not groundbreaking.
I'm at 1080p via VGA and the graphics are *certainly* better than Halo 2 and most other shooters, but they pale in comparison to most PC shooters or even the recent 360 version of Bioshock. *HOWEVER* Halo moves a lot faster than most of those games. Games like Far Cry, FEAR, Quake 4, etc. tend to move pretty slowly, while Halo is very fast. Still, Half-Life 2 is 3 years old and looks significantly better.
It took me a little getting used to the UI. I wish the weapon switching was a different color or something. It's pretty easy to pass things up if you're not paying attention. Using the top buttons threw me off at first, but I think I'm used to it now.
The first environment looked really good, but the base looked bland. It felt like a port of an old level with better textures.
Weapons look and feel the same, although I like being able to use the Brute halberd. Grenades are plentiful and it's obvious that they're encouraging you to use 'em instead of horde them. Weapons, too. They're forcing you to use lots of different weapons early in the game. They're everywhere...but they're not always exactly what you want.
Enemies are more or less the same thus far, although the Brutes obviously fight differently from the way the Elites used to.
I'm not far enough to draw any major conclusions except that so far it feels like the same game with better graphics and Brutes instead of Elites. If you're a fan - no big deal, you'll love it. If you hated Halo 2, you'll hate this one. If you're like me, it's fun, but it's not game of the year or really anything new.
I played like the first 20 minutes last night, it's all the time I had. I should hopefully play a lot more tonight. So far I'm liking it, I just have to get the feel for it, I'm playing on Heroic. The grapihcs are'nt stunning, at least in the first level they did'nt really catch my eye, but I could care less because I'm having fun blasting away at Covenant. I have'nt touched MP yet, and don't plan on doing so until I'm finished with the Single Player campaign.

My review:

Just finished single on Heroic and I'm contented. You stay as master chief the whole time which is what Halo 2 did wrong IMO. The story progressed down a linear line yes but I happen to like that linear line. IMPORTANT!!! WATCH AFTER THE CREDITS! I was pissed until afterwards then I felt fine again. Can't wait to beat it on legendary so I can see the differences. I will be playing the campaign a lot in Coop with various friends I thinks.

Multiplayer just takes what halo 2 did well and refine and toss in awesome extras like the forge and video capture. The matchmaking variants need to be expanded. I personally think they should just have a HUGE list of social non ranked playlists. Like a Specialty list that is only rockets, only shotguns, only swords, only grenades, etc. That would be fun and I have faith in bungie that they will continue to expand the multiplayer over time. The weapons seemed to be very well balanced clear short- medium- long- range weapons. Everything just seems very polished.

Overall since I'm a Halo fan I give it a 99/100 since nothing is perfect, very few gripes on my part. If I wasn't such a big Halo fan I can see 90/100 being fair. The graphics are awesome but not the best, the gameplay is smooth/fast/furious, the story isn't earth shattering but it's not a POS either, the multi is AWESOME and the extra features (first real map editor on a console and the awesome video system) make it a great game for anyone.
