The Official HardCraft Thread

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Its up, but 1.4 is what we're using...

BTW why do mobs keep spawning INSIDE my house... i have plenty of light... thought i had skeletons in my basement tonight, turns out a couple of sheep were stomping all over my damn crops, i can't win i would rather deal with creepers then replanting all my damn crops:


Heres a photo of my automatic cactus farm btw
no offense to anyone, but this looks like a 10 years old's game, i could never see my self playing this game.
no offense to anyone, but this looks like a 10 years old's game, i could never see my self playing this game.

No offense, but you have no idea what you're talking about.

Also, if you never see yourself playing it, why come in here and shit all over the thread?
no offense to anyone, but this looks like a 10 years old's game, i could never see my self playing this game.

thanks for your opinion. But its not valid since you didnt even try the game.
no offense to anyone, but this looks like a 10 years old's game, i could never see my self playing this game.

I never understand why people do this... "derp derp, this game is crap, i didnt try it but it sucks."

no offense to anyone, but this looks like a 10 years old's game, i could never see my self playing this game.
I never understand why people do this... "derp derp, this game is crap, i didnt try it but it sucks."

You can see why someone might say it looking at the screenshots, (not why they would come into a community thread and say it, but anyway...) It's not really an "advanced" game graphically.... but it's not about that.

It's raw gameplay. If you never enjoyed a set of Legos/Erector set/Knex/etc then you'll probably never get it.

Certainly not a "10 year old's game".
Does the server use McMyAdmin Professional (yes, paid license)? If not, it is worth using and worth the $20 (one time fee).
arr4s wheres my video :)

btw i took out the lights and as soon as i did like 6 monsters spawned, i had to hightale itoutta there... i then cam back, busted open the skylights to kill zombies, and dropped in to kill the one creeper... its lit up now, but no idea what to do with the space now
break time again since arr4ws thinks i'm always on....

Corsair lake now has the base of the outer wall of the boardwalk up and most of the inner base.

still in need of A LOT of cobble stone though.
I have a 35x35 dark room thats like 6 blocks high, mobs spawn in it, now what... how should i kill em?
Because the sword is made for killing things?

A bow and arrow works too.
Ill give you the video tommorow. Daughter isnt cooperating tonight. Im in for a very very long night.
I goofed up my entire box, i was trying different things now its a mess, lol
New Bugs:

Repetitively putting Smeltable items in the furnace counts as a crafting statistic

Side grass will not work if on "Fast" graphics.

Achievements only work in SMP if you have already completed first achievement in Single Player.

FPS counter shows Chunk Updates instead of FPS, usually while generating new chunks

Crash when Detector Rails are placed beside normal rails.

Blocks can't be placed on snow.

If you change Advanced OpenGL to on and then back again, giant holes will appear that you can see through.

Jumping off a fence in SMP triggers an anti-flight kick.

Rain will fall through transparent blocks and stairs, acting as if there is no block there. This can be a problem if your house has a stair-made roof

When hitting a grass block the destroying animation is darker on the side than the animation on top of the grass block, though only on fancy graphics.

Flowing water no longer pushes empty minecarts that fall into it

GUI: create new world input boxes misaligned under small and normal settings

Sometimes you might not get an achievement even if you do what it requires to get. This can usually be fixed by doing it in another world.

Locked Chest is once again obtainable through inventory editing or SMP /give commands. The chests can be placed, but can't be interacted with, and they disappear shortly after placement.

In singleplayer, game resumes when 'Achievements' is clicked on the pause menu, instead of remaining paused.

Riding in a minecart from the south into a corner going from north to west (so it's not connected to the current track) will crash the game. Possibly also true for other directions, yet if you're going in the same corner coming from the east, it will work as usual.

Trying to redirect a rail corner to another track using redstone (a switch) will crash the game.

Detector rails does not transfer power to rails connected on a slope.

Burning animation on furnaces may remain after done smelting.
no offense to anyone, but this looks like a 10 years old's game, i could never see my self playing this game.

Good for you. So you don't really have any reason to come into this thread.


Anyway, looks like a vast array of bugs in 1.5. Disappointing, but I'm sure we'll get some bugfix releases soon.
that bug, really effects me, I jump off a LOT of fences... on a very regular basis. and you make no noise on the fence... when when you get off the fence all the walking sounds catch up, it's funny.
no offense to anyone, but this looks like a 10 years old's game, i could never see my self playing this game.

no offense, but why the hell, if you feel you will never play this game, did you go into a thread about said game, and drop a deuce where you obviously do not belong?
Its actually a very good game that id recommend to ALL children and ALL adults. It forces you to use your creativity and your mind. Its almost a puzzle game. I think its a TERRIFIC tool that could teach kids a lot. I think they should actually bring it into schools and do some sort of creativity class. Because its not a fighting game really, its a design game. Im really impressed by what you can accomplish if you put your mind to it and have a design.
I also had the same opinion at first when I saw it. "Holy crap, those graphics are horrible; there is no way that game is any fun at all." Then when I watched some videos, I sucked it up and bought it to try and really started to enjoy it. It's nice that you aren't swamped with complex fancy graphics that take away from the gameplay. It's a nice change.
Looks like I just got whitelisted, so I went in and took a look around the city area. Been looking on the map for a nice place to set up my humble abode, so if anyone is bored and wants to help construct a new mancave I should be on later
So is the server finally running the 1.5 update? And if not, how do you keep your client from auto-updating?
the client asks before you start the game if you want to update or not. just click "Not now!"
*Sighs* I'm so bored! Cant even connect to the server. I was one of millions who clicked and updated... I tried clearing my cache and ran MC that I downloaded on 4/11/11 again and it doesn't even prompt that option to not update. Log on... automatically updates to 1.51. Solutions anyone?
thanks for the hardwork on the lake guys!
it's looking good so far!

once the boardwalk is done we need to put in shops and homes and what the hell not around the thing!
*Sighs* I'm so bored! Cant even connect to the server. I was one of millions who clicked and updated... I tried clearing my cache and ran MC that I downloaded on 4/11/11 again and it doesn't even prompt that option to not update. Log on... automatically updates to 1.51. Solutions anyone?

Running Windows 7? You can go into Appdata/Roaming, and right click on .Minecraft folder and restore to an earlier version (if it is setup to do restores...)
Finally a reason to use system restore... Unfortunately I disabled it LONG LONG Time ago. (36gb Raptor is getting too crowded for it) :rolleyes: So no back up available. :(

EDIT: Nevermind I figured it out! So simple it's stupid. In AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\bin delete the minecraft.jar and rename the minecraft-1.4_01.jar to minecraft.jar. Voila! LOL
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so the walls for the boardwalk are up.
still needs the wood deck installed on most of it.
after that i'll go to work on the interior (sewers!)

be sure to have the latest installer , the one with the news section.

Yeah, apparently I didn't have the latest installer / launcher, it just auto-updates.

Just got the newest launcher and it worked.
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so the walls for the boardwalk are up.
still needs the wood deck installed on most of it.
after that i'll go to work on the interior (sewers!)

Ha! I was wondering if you were going to do the sewers ;)
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