The Official P45 Asus P5Q Motherboard Thread

Question: I just built a new from scratch p5q-pro system. I have a WD Caviar SE16 640 GB sata2, also brand new. When they are put together, the mobo cant find the HDD "SATA1 Not Detected" in bios splash

-- I've turned off marvell drivers
-- Turned SATA=IDE in bios
-- moved the sata port, changed the sata cable, changed the sata power
-- At the moment, the sata is on sata 5
-- BIOS usually detects disk and calls it an IDE hard drive

Disk *does* spin (at least for a while)

When I try to load windows, it cant find disk to install to
When I load the latest drivers from a flash drive, vista loads them, but doesnt find the disk either

Another weird thing:

I have 703 bios loaded. When i try to use EZ flash, it can backup the current bios to a flash drive, it can see and validate the new bios, but when it tries to load it says "Unable to update bios due to an internal error"

Drive is OEM if it matters and has no jumpers

Thanks for the help
Update. Was able to flash the bios by powering down, letting it sit, and then flashing the bios without backing up the old one (I already had backed it up anyway).

Still only sees the HDD some times, other times bios says its not detected
Question: I just built a new from scratch p5q-pro system. I have a WD Caviar SE16 640 GB sata2, also brand new. When they are put together, the mobo cant find the HDD "SATA1 Not Detected" in bios splash

-- I've turned off marvell drivers
-- Turned SATA=IDE in bios
-- moved the sata port, changed the sata cable, changed the sata power
-- At the moment, the sata is on sata 5
-- BIOS usually detects disk and calls it an IDE hard drive

Disk *does* spin (at least for a while)

When I try to load windows, it cant find disk to install to
When I load the latest drivers from a flash drive, vista loads them, but doesnt find the disk either

Another weird thing:

I have 703 bios loaded. When i try to use EZ flash, it can backup the current bios to a flash drive, it can see and validate the new bios, but when it tries to load it says "Unable to update bios due to an internal error"

Drive is OEM if it matters and has no jumpers

Thanks for the help

Well you to see to have a similar mobo/HD setup as me. Make sure you have the HD in the SATA1 Port. Thats the upper most port. Make sure your SATA power and data cables are secure. My PC wouldnt boot a few times bcuz either cable was loose. Download and save the 803 BIOS to a flash drive. Flash the BIOS. Make sure you remove the USB flash drive before re-entering the BIOS. Go back into the BIOS and set the the SATA storage configuration to AHCI (Only if you're using Vista). Change the Boot Priority to your CD/DVD-ROM Drive. Hit F10. Reinstall Windows. Install the latest Chipset Drivers from Asus. Go back into the BIOS and set your Boot Priority back to your HD. Hit F10. Then you should be good to go. Also when the BIOS post it will ask you to hit F1 to resume since its in AHCI mode. I assume this is normal since I have to do it everytime but I've had no issues thus far. Good Luck!

No luck. There was no 803 bios, but there was a 703. Thats what my board came loaded with, it didnt work either. I tried to nail down the problem a little. I erased my cmos memory and started from scratch

Erase cmos
-- no sata
power reset
-- see IDE
-- Says "Primary master hard drive error"
-- F1, get a asus wait screen of death (it just says wait forever)

Ctrl Alt Del (CAD)
-- sata not detected
-- set sata=ahci

-- sata not detected
-- F1, "error loading OS"

-- sata not detected

Power reset
-- sata not detected

-- sata not detected
-- disable marvell IDE

-- sata not detected
-- set SATA=IDE

-- Finds IDE HD
-- F1/ "Primary Master HD error"

Still cant load OS tho :/

any ideas?
I've recently changed my Stock Cooler with TRUE. Since then its not loading Express Gate despite reinstalling it couple of times. Can someone help me in finding a solution??
I've recently changed my Stock Cooler with TRUE. Since then its not loading Express Gate despite reinstalling it couple of times. Can someone help me in finding a solution??

I'm in the same boat, and I also have the TRUE, but I don't know what the cooling would have to do with Express Gate. What happened to me was: I first installed it when I had all of my hard drives operating in IDE mode. It worked fine, but I wanted the extra performance of AHCI, so I changed to AHCI, did the proper registry edit in Vista. Vista is definitely happier now, and my HD score jumped from 5.7 to 5.9! Yay! Express gate wouldn't work, so I figured it must be a similar issue to Vista, and that splashtop just can't find the IDE drive it used to be installed on ... So I completely uninstalled Express Gate, reinstalled - no dice. Still says from pre-BIOS screen that it's not installed. I tried a different drive - again, no luck. I also tried downloading the latest version. Express gate installs fine, but I can't ever see it.

I know that doesn't help you, but you're not alone with your express gate woes. I'm not switching back to IDE just to run express gate. Vista feels a tad snappier after the switch, and I do lots of HD intensive video and photo editing/decoding, etc.
I also changed my HDD from SATA 1 to that orange port. That might be the reason. But I didn't feel any significant increase in increase. In specification it says 3GB per sec, but when i tried to move 6GB data from one partition to other, it was displayinh 78 MB per sec.:confused::confused:
Your SATA connection is able to transfer 3Gb/s (bits, not bytes) which is 375MB/s. There's a big difference between Gb and GB. The fastest disks still top out below 150MB/s (that I know of anyway), so it's not yet possible to saturate a SATA bus with just 1 or 2 disks.
Silly question Maverrick, you've got express gate turned on in bios right?

I seem to recall reading something about expressgate not working with raids. Even though AHCI isn't raid, it kind of rhymes. Since Express is just a linux partition, I wouldn't be surprised if the (linux) bootloader cant find it in the vista drive.

Oh and I RMA'd my drive. Even the WD lifeguard boot disk couldnt communicate with the drive. I hope that is what it was, otherwise, I guess is my mobo :/

No luck. There was no 803 bios, but there was a 703. Thats what my board came loaded with, it didnt work either. I tried to nail down the problem a little. I erased my cmos memory and started from scratch

Erase cmos
-- no sata
power reset
-- see IDE
-- Says "Primary master hard drive error"
-- F1, get a asus wait screen of death (it just says wait forever)

Ctrl Alt Del (CAD)
-- sata not detected
-- set sata=ahci

-- sata not detected
-- F1, "error loading OS"

-- sata not detected

Power reset
-- sata not detected

-- sata not detected
-- disable marvell IDE

-- sata not detected
-- set SATA=IDE

-- Finds IDE HD
-- F1/ "Primary Master HD error"

Still cant load OS tho :/

any ideas?

PM me your email address I will email you the 803 BIOS I downloaded from the Asus website. Are you trying to use Vista? And is this a fresh install or do you have Windows already on the HD? Did you connect your HD to the SATA Port1? Did you set the Boot Priority to CD/DVD-ROM first bcuz if you did you shouldnt get any error msg. It should boot, POST and then give you a msg to Press any button to continue to boot from DVD. If you're trying to do a fresh install it should load into Windows off your DVD-ROM drive. When it gets to the step where Windows asks you to choose a HD then it should be blank if your SATA data/power cables isnt properly connected. If it is connected you should see your HD there. Also remember to DISCONNECT your USB flash drive when proceeding any of the steps. If not the mobo will try to boot from it.
I'm considering replaing my current 680i sh*tbox with either the P5Q-E or the Deluxe.
I haven't read through the ENTIRE thread...but have read through the first few and last pages and did a little googling.

My question is if I get the -E, do I HAVE to install the ExpressGate stuff to my drive? Does it create it's own partition or how exactly does that work?

For the Deluxe version...I see it has the ExpressGate on an SSD. Can this be disabled? Or can I use the SSD for say, a TinyXP or Nlite'd XP install?
My question is if I get the -E, do I HAVE to install the ExpressGate stuff to my drive? Does it create it's own partition or how exactly does that work?
No you don´t.

For some reason EG didn´t work on my old HDD, even the installation went fine. Haven´t tried it on new HDD, though. Running on 1306 bios.
For the Deluxe version...I see it has the ExpressGate on an SSD. Can this be disabled? Or can I use the SSD for say, a TinyXP or Nlite'd XP install?

It can be disabled, but you can't use the SSD for anything else. It's not really an SSD in the usual sense of the term; it's just a flash memory chip with Splashtop preloaded.
Silly question Maverrick, you've got express gate turned on in bios right?

I seem to recall reading something about expressgate not working with raids. Even though AHCI isn't raid, it kind of rhymes. Since Express is just a linux partition, I wouldn't be surprised if the (linux) bootloader cant find it in the vista drive.

Oh and I RMA'd my drive. Even the WD lifeguard boot disk couldnt communicate with the drive. I hope that is what it was, otherwise, I guess is my mobo :/

I do have Express Gate turned on in BIOS
OK I wouldn't bother about express gate anymore. Because I would hardly use it. But is there any way I can get rid of that error message it displays in the beginning?
OK thanks. Now I want to try some overclocking test. So increasing the voltage and simply running Prime95 will be suiifcient? Or I need to use some more utilities?
IntelBurnTest is currently the best load-testing app out there. The best way to go would be to combine that with P95 runs and see if anything crashes or errors out.
And for setting up the voltage should I set it in BIOS or using the utility provided by ASUS? I don't want to set fixed voltage. Is there any way of setting variable voltage with a thrashold voltage of 1.35 volts?
Come Monday I'll be joing the Asus P5Q owners club and retiring my POS flaky-as-hell 680i ;)

I ordered the P5Q Deluxe. Debated between the P5Q-E and the Deluxe, figured what the hell why not and went with the Deluxe.
I've had my P5Q-E for about a month now. I had Windows XP installed fine on SATA IDE mode, but I want to install on AHCI. After doing the F6 ahci drivers, the installation BSODs. Has anyone ran into this problem?

I'm using a TechNet XP SP3 disc.
not sure if this will help you or not, but on my Thinkpad T60 I'm able to install the OS using the compatible mode, then once the OS is installed, I install the AHCI drivers (manually pick it in the device properties to update driver), and reboot then go into bios and set the drive to AHCI mode. Windows then comes up and detects new hardware, installs the drivers automatically, and reboots.
I had that problem at work; there's a lot of possibilities, but in my case it turned out to be a bad floppy disk and a bad floppy drive.
Well I tried installing Vista via AHCI and it installs ok, but on booting into Vista it says ntoskrnl.exe is missing or corrupt. I'm pulling my hair out, damn you ahci, damn youuuuu!

I know it's not a bad floppy drive or disc, since I used it on my Gigabyte ep35-ds3r.
hi guys, it turned out my disk was bad. I used another hdd that my friend had laying around and vista installed first time, easy.

Thanks for the help anyway
And for setting up the voltage should I set it in BIOS or using the utility provided by ASUS? I don't want to set fixed voltage. Is there any way of setting variable voltage with a thrashold voltage of 1.35 volts?

You should set it in the BIOS. However, there is no way of setting a variable voltage. What you set it at is what it will run at (Vdroop notwithstanding).
I ordered a combo deal P5Q-PRO and an E8400 CPU and just got them. I noticed so far that if I leave a USB floppy plugged in and I don't disable USB 2.0 in the BIOS, the PC will not boot.
Anyone know if this is a known issue? Thanks
I ordered a combo deal P5Q-PRO and an E8400 CPU and just got them. I noticed so far that if I leave a USB floppy plugged in and I don't disable USB 2.0 in the BIOS, the PC will not boot.
Anyone know if this is a known issue? Thanks

Yes bcuz it will try to boot an OS from the floppy thats why it hangs. You need to power off the PC, boot into the BIOS, change the Boot Priority to either your DVD drive or HD then you should be good to go. It does the same thing if you have a usb flash drive in. I kept having that problem until I figured it out
Yes bcuz it will try to boot an OS from the floppy thats why it hangs. You need to power off the PC, boot into the BIOS, change the Boot Priority to either your DVD drive or HD then you should be good to go. It does the same thing if you have a usb flash drive in. I kept having that problem until I figured it out

that's the way floppies have worked for the last 25 years...
Does the on-board audio not support EAX? (running on the deluxe version).

JUst wondering, because in many games the option is either not selectable/grayed out and I'm not getting that good of a surround sound support from games.

Kinda weird that my last mobo would have more support natively then this one.

Bit out of the loop on sound cards (last sound card I bought was an audigy 2 and when it bit the dust I just used the on-board audio instead of buying a new sound card, it worked fine foranything that was Eax 2.0 or below.

However with this motherboard it seems there's no eax support, period, which many games use.

Just got warhammer online and the EAX option isn't selectable. Also going through the Witcher now and when I click enable EAX it crashes (i'm assuming because it doesn't support it).
Does the on-board audio not support EAX? (running on the deluxe version).

The chipset will support up to EAX2, except only in XP. Vista does not have DirectSound support, so EAX does not work unless you have a wrapper like ALchemy or the one ASUS uses in their Xonar cards. If you're running Vista, you'll have to either purchase a Creative card that includes the ALchemy software, or one of ASUS' Xonar models in order to use EAX. Otherwise, you're pretty much SOL.
that's the way floppies have worked for the last 25 years...

I had done that before I even posted, that's not the problem. I'm saying that the PC will not even finish POST when the USB floppy is plugged in and USB 2.0 is enabled in the BIOS. It has nothing to do with the boot order.

In any case, I have a bigger problem, I just updated to the latest BIOS and now I have no video :( I'm hoping a simple CMOS reset will fix it
I went through quite a drama with my P5Q Deluxe this week. At first we blamed my PSU, but now I suspect it was my UPS.

We swapped out the TT Toughpower 1000W. Shame because I really liked it. Now that things are stable with a new UPS I'm wondering if I could go back to the TT 1000W?

Has anybody used these two components together?
what's a good max temp for the CPU/Mob in PC Probe II?

In PC Probe II my current idle values are 41c for CPU and 41c for MB. The current max values are 65c for CPU and 45c for MB.

Real Temp 2.70 is showing 32c for my CPU, so PC Probe II seems about 10 degrees too high.

I'm thinking that 45c max for the MB is quite low since the CPU max is 65c.

Also, is there a way to auto shut down my system in the bios when the temp gets too high? I'm just looking for some recommended safety settings.
That sucks :(. Hope the next one works out better for ya.

IS anyone here running the the deluxe board with Logitech Z5500 speakers?

I forgot to mention that In the soundmax control panel, I have to select "Switch center/subwoofer" otherwise it will play the center sounds to the subwoofer.

Aside from that, in the Hardware>device manager, what should I have listed for it? I have Soundmax Integrated Digital HD Audio along with audio codecs, legacy audio drivers/video capture devices, media control devices, and video codecs.