The official Red Orchestra 2 thread

And people wonder why so many developers are wary of releasing any kind of open beta? I guess some people just don't understand, beta's WILL have bugs/problems, the entire point is to iron out those things for the release, that's what its there for.

If you judge the retail game on teh beta, then you obviously don't know what a beta is./meant for. You want a demo, not a beta.
And people wonder why so many developers are wary of releasing any kind of open beta? I guess some people just don't understand, beta's WILL have bugs/problems, the entire point is to iron out those things for the release, that's what its there for.

If you judge the retail game on teh beta, then you obviously don't know what a beta is./meant for. You want a demo, not a beta.

If companies actually released demos these days I would agree with you. Since they don't, I don't blame anyone who judges by what they are given access to.

The other problem is beta doesn't mean what it used to mean. These days betas are stress tests and less about fixing actual bugs.. They also use them as a marketing tool.
Yeah. It's pretty rough but it plays quite well for me. Hopefully they have a hefty day one patch ready after all the feedback from this beta.

Every time i play I play it for several hours straight without a problem.
Applied for a refund today. I simply can't pay money for this. It's very clearly a work in progress and it's a pretty broken one at that. The gunplay is fun and accurate...when it works. The game modes are terrible.

Its a fucking BETA. jesus christ i know you aint an idiot man! u know very well this is a BETA. treat it like a fucking BETA
Its a fucking BETA. jesus christ i know you aint an idiot man! u know very well this is a BETA. treat it like a fucking BETA

He is treating it like a beta. For the past 3 years or more a beta means a product that is pretty much the end retail product, i.e. finished art assets, animations, maps, gameplay, etc. Aside from the very minor like map glitches or little things like that, a beta is generally 99% of the release product.

A poster above me summed it up well, and you seemed to miss it in your foaming fanboyishness, because honestly, the only people that still scream "but it's a BETA!!" as if the retail product will be drastically different and magically fix everything are the fanboys. And when the release comes out exactly like the beta, save maybe some balance tweaks or something, you never hear from those fanboys again, until the next game.

Try being more realistic.

If companies actually released demos these days I would agree with you. Since they don't, I don't blame anyone who judges by what they are given access to.

The other problem is beta doesn't mean what it used to mean. These days betas are stress tests and less about fixing actual bugs.. They also use them as a marketing tool.

Hit the nail on the head.
Except this is an actual Beta and the devs have used it to make a fair amount of changes and fixes in the first update and I imagine there will be plenty more in the next update.

They are cutting it quite close to release, but with Steam they're pretty much working on the game until zero hour.
Except this is an actual Beta and the devs have used it to make a fair amount of changes and fixes in the first update and I imagine there will be plenty more in the next update.

They are cutting it quite close to release, but with Steam they're pretty much working on the game until zero hour.

Sorry, not buying it. Read the actual updates and it will simply show some minor UI/server browser/stability fixes. The gameplay is not being changed and never will be to any drastic amount. That is what we have been saying. You can either accept the facts or keep foaming away.
Is there any word on a demo? I'd like to try this game, but I'm not down with pre-ordering just to try a beta, especially since it requires a version I wouldn't even purchase.
Is there any word on a demo? I'd like to try this game, but I'm not down with pre-ordering just to try a beta, especially since it requires a version I wouldn't even purchase.

They'll probably do a free weekend sometime after release, if their past history is any indication.
Is there any word on a demo? I'd like to try this game, but I'm not down with pre-ordering just to try a beta, especially since it requires a version I wouldn't even purchase.

I got two 10-day passes for RO2. Already promissed my friends Id give em my passes, but I bet others have spares
Sorry, not buying it. Read the actual updates and it will simply show some minor UI/server browser/stability fixes. The gameplay is not being changed and never will be to any drastic amount. That is what we have been saying. You can either accept the facts or keep foaming away.

You are partially right, game play might not change very much at all, but it isnt broken as some people are saying. If you don't like the game that's fine, but for certain people here saying the game is broken seems a bit of exaggerated. The hitbox thing seems the most pressing but my experience with it has only been bad on certain servers, just played for an hour and it seemed fine to me.

Sidenote, just had my best game 19/3 as Elite Riflemen on Barracks map ( using one of the two available slots in this server. I am way better at this game then BFBC or COD
I do rather well in this game. Typically about a 3 or 4 kpd ratio. It's quite easy if you're use to more methodical games such as ARMA II like I am.

However this game is a work in progress. The beta = the game you're going to be getting on the 13th. Hence the release date delays. As said before, you people bitching at me for getting a refund are the ones who'll be stuck with an unfinished game at release and you won't be the fanboys behind the computer screen anymore. The game is still quite broken.
I wish I can get a refund, I haven't even played the beta but since they pushed the release date I completely forgot about this game and lost interest. Too bad I ordered from GMG in hopes of saving $5.
Steam is downloading a 1 gig update. hmmm I wonder what changes are coming?
And now the changelog:

-New maps (Commissar's House, Station, Spartanovka, Pavlov's House)
-Client Performance Optimizations
-Client and Server crash fixes
-Improvements to hit detection
-Punkbuster Anti-Cheat can now be used by servers and is on by default
-Added enable PunkBuster setting and PunkBuster disabled warning in Server Browser
-Removed the ability to swap teams from the class select menu. Instead, there is now a button to open the team select menu. This will reduce some confusing 'Role is taken' messages.
-Adjustments to weapon unlocks for each class. Veteran marksman now unlock semi auto sniper rifles, veteran anti-tank now unlock satchels, and more.
-RO1 players will now get automatic bayonet upgrades for the Kar98 and Mosin rifle without needing to level these weapons first.
-Mid-game map voting will now immediately change maps if enough players vote.
-Fixed some reloading issues for weapons with stripper clips (G41, Kar98, etc)
-Fixed problems with enemy spotted from inside a tank
-Fixed occasionally seeing your dead self with no head or arms
-Fixed an exploit with cover allowing super speedy firing for rifles
-Fixed getting stuck inside geometry in some places when mantling
-Fixed glitchy camera view when rotating into a wall while prone
-Fixed an issue with map boundaries during Firefight sudden death
-Several spawning bugs squashed
-Fixed some issues with player progression
-Added sorting by column to the Server Browser
-Fixed server crashing due to Steamworks not being properly cleaned up
-Fixed server crashing when using PunkBuster UCON system
-Fixed Ranked vs. Unranked issues. It really works this time. Really Really
-Fixed some Spawning and Role Selection issues
-Fixed VOIP notifications not appearing and often crossing Public/Team channels
Video Settings menu refinement
-Added ability to cancel changes
-Exposed Ultra texture quality settings to only machines that have enough memory
-New Occlusion Culling Graphical Setting - higher setting will have less object "pop-in" but be slow (original default in previous beta), normal setting will run better but have a bit more object "pop-in" (New default). Will provide significantly better frame rates on normal setting.
-The maximum video setting a system will be assigned on startup is high.
-Added MaxAnisotropy of 16 to Ultra texture settings
-Added 'stat perfdump' console command to get better information about poor performance people are seeing.
-Memory Optimization for 32 bit machines.
-Fixed exploit of glowing characters on low shadow settings
-Ping now shows in the scoreboard
-Fixed binoculars not working properly when a non-standard ironsights FOV was set on rifles
-Modified network relevancy checking to reduce characters popping in
-Added the ability to enable and disable VAC for servers on the commandline (overrides what is in the ini files). To enable VAC add the switch -VACSECURED to your commandline. To disable VAC add -NOVAC to your commandline.
-Added the ability to override the automatically calculated Steam query port. Use SteamPort=<OverridePortNumbe> on your commandline. Note: Has not been heavily tested, use at your own risk
-Fixed an issue with AI swapping positions while a player was dead and waiting to take over positions in a tank. This made it appear that some positions were "coming back to life"
-Fixed some vehicle AI bugs
-Fixed not being able to kill the hull MGer or tank gunner in the Panzer IV if they were a human player
-Created an intelligent system to grab bullet from partial clips before moving on to whole clips. This prevents you from ending up with all of your clips having just a few rounds missing.
-Fixed getting bullet whizzed by guys that are not even facing you (I.e. shooting away from you). Also fixed double replication of some hit impacts/bullet whizzes.
-Refined speedhack detection to have less false positives
Remember guys, this isn't an actual Beta :rolleyes:. At this rate there will be another large update or two before the game releases.
Remember guys, this isn't an actual Beta :rolleyes:. At this rate there will be another large update or two before the game releases.

And yet the game after the patch still feels the same and I still regret my purchase.
Its a fucking BETA. jesus christ i know you aint an idiot man! u know very well this is a BETA. treat it like a fucking BETA

That's what it's called. But in reality this *is* supposed to be the finished game. The 'beta' label is just an excuse to dismiss any complaints regarding bugs, crashes, and an overall unfinished product. Granted, if this was two months ago or had it been a month long rather than two measly weeks, it might have been a fair reason. There wasn't this type of hostile uproar from the BF3 alpha, was there?
That's what it's called. But in reality this *is* supposed to be the finished game. The 'beta' label is just an excuse to dismiss any complaints regarding bugs, crashes, and an overall unfinished product. Granted, if this was two months ago or had it been a month long rather than two measly weeks, it might have been a fair reason. There wasn't this type of hostile uproar from the BF3 alpha, was there?

Those people were all happy they were in the alpha. How do you know the BF3 beta won't have any bugs, the alpha was a small map without any vehicles and most of the features that will be in the game. :rolleyes:
So is this worth $31?

It's honestly become my favorite multiplayer shooter.

My brother, who usually doesn't much care for any FPS I show him, sat and watched me play it for an hour yesterday and said it looked way better than any other multiplayer FPS I'd shown him.
Do we have anything organized for beta players yet? I picked it up yesterday and was having fun, but would like to get in an actual squad, etc.
So is this worth $31?

Worth far more in my opinion. But I'm not bothered by bugs as much as I am by shitty game design, as I've said before. I can overlook all manner of bugs if the core game is based on a good concept with some good design choices, so stuff like Stalker SOC and this and whatever else have always seemed worth it to me because at the heart of it they are good games and the bugs are just a momentary annoyance.
That's what it's called. But in reality this *is* supposed to be the finished game. The 'beta' label is just an excuse to dismiss any complaints regarding bugs, crashes, and an overall unfinished product. Granted, if this was two months ago or had it been a month long rather than two measly weeks, it might have been a fair reason. There wasn't this type of hostile uproar from the BF3 alpha, was there?

I don't know about BF3, but at least bfbc2 went live with a lot more significant problems than currently exist in RO2 (and I played bfbc2 some 5 hours straight when it came out).

With bfbc2 the server browser was a mess and didn't display pings, punkbuster wasn't available for days after release, there were numerous bugs and exploits, like being able to spawn in the enemy's spawn, uavs taking down choppers without taking any damage, etc, etc.

This isn't to "hate" on bc2, which is the game that i've played the most over the past year. Simply to point out that bugs, crashes and "unfinished products" pretty much describe most if not all pc games nowadays.
Played the update all nite, game is running alot better. The only thing I dont like and think that needs a bit more attention.

The gun sounds, Not from the players view, but from in the distance. You can hear em, but not as good as they should be. you'd definitely be able to hear a KAR firing 60m from you alot better than you can right now.. Its kinda hard to tell where your getting shot from until its too late..

Maybe its just me, but eh. Either way game is awesome, cant wait for the 13th!!

edit** Oh and the damn server browser.. I click on a server that says 35-64 and it shows people in the server info.. but join and noone is there..
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Played the update all nite, game is running alot better. The only thing I dont like and think that needs a bit more attention.

The gun sounds, Not from the players view, but from in the distance. You can hear em, but not as good as they should be. you'd definitely be able to hear a KAR firing 60m from you alot better than you can right now.. Its kinda hard to tell where your getting shot from until its too late..

Maybe its just me, but eh. Either way game is awesome, cant wait for the 13th!!

edit** Oh and the damn server browser.. I click on a server that says 35-64 and it shows people in the server info.. but join and noone is there..

Right click the server, then select join and it'll work fine.
Keep having so many memorable moments in this game.

A kill in RO is worth 100 in any other FPS game, it really is just so satisfying. AMAZING game
Downloaded the Beta. Sadly, I can not find any servers. Punkbuster installed properly and I have no filters.

Nothing in the sticky worked for me aside from the one option fix below:

Though I still have to try downloaded the Steam beta, which I can not figure out. If someone can walk me through the steps of how to download the Steam beta I would appreciate it. The thread linked to in the link above does not make sense, or their version of Steam is different from mine. I can not find a "Change..." area. Also, does downloading the Steam Beta delete any other Steam games we have installed?

Hopefully I can get this up and running.

Edit: Here is a quick half- fix. Find a friend (or join the official RO2 group). Right click on them, join their game. You can't pick your own map or server settings but at least you can play.
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A video of some realism gameplay:

Highest settings, runs rather poor for me. The game has a good base, but the gameplay is not very refined. It is also very buggy at this moment. I doubt they can fix all of the bugs in the next 5 days.

But after a good mod comes out and patches fix the game, I think it will have to potential to be a great game. As it is now (even with patches) the game isn't that good.