The Police Are Now Calculating Your Threat ‘Score’

Welcome! Welcome to Precrime! Please, step into your designated cell. Your imprisonment for things you might do will begin in a second you potentially violent scumbag!


Sorry! We determined you were too much of a risk to our safety. You have been eliminated. Good bye!
Big data at work.

I see bright red in your future, Retroym. Bright, bright red.

By including his post in your reply you just associated his threat level to yours!

And I included your reply in my reply, oh no!
Why not, it's public in China and your friends score has an impact on your score so associations matter. That way they leverage pier pressure to keep people in line, including your neighbors.

Damn. Makes you paranoid as fuck about your associations, too.

I'll become a hermit... Ted Kaczynski. Maybe a few friends... Anti-social, probably ready to snap at any moment. Lots of friends.... 4 of them are closet rapists with a high threat score.

You're fucked no matter what. You would need to worship your government, obey every law, submit to any questions or search from government - just to get a good score.

Man, this can get scary. They really aren't using any (officially) private data, but they can use it to manipulate people and judge people before they do anything wrong.

Not sure if it'd fit the definition exactly, but it sounds similar to Mcarthyism from the 50's.

McCarthyism is the practice of making accusations of subversion or treason without proper regard for evidence. It also means "the practice of making unfair allegations or using unfair investigative techniques, especially in order to restrict dissent or political criticism."

Not exactly, but pretty close.
Darunion, why you going to ask some stupid shit like that?

You should know better man. I know your joking, everyone here probably knows your joking. The guys who ain't got no sense of humor, they do not KNOW you are joking.
I actually think this is a good idea. This will help them identify potentially less violent people and scale down accordingly. It might save some lives.

Conversely it might make them a bit more trigger happy than they should be for someone who was wrongly labeled a high threat.
Damn. Makes you paranoid as fuck about your associations, too.

I'll become a hermit... Ted Kaczynski. Maybe a few friends... Anti-social, probably ready to snap at any moment. Lots of friends.... 4 of them are closet rapists with a high threat score.

You're fucked no matter what. You would need to worship your government, obey every law, submit to any questions or search from government - just to get a good score.

Man, this can get scary. They really aren't using any (officially) private data, but they can use it to manipulate people and judge people before they do anything wrong.

Not sure if it'd fit the definition exactly, but it sounds similar to Mcarthyism from the 50's.

Not exactly, but pretty close.

Ahh but you see it. You don't actually have to dig up anything, just post some median scores and randomly drop a few now and then, let the rest sort itself out.

Ahh, your score dropped because you asked us what your score is :(
Please say it shows everything in 3D for the 911 operator as it hacks the deep web and calculates the score.

Darunion, why you going to ask some stupid shit like that?

You should know better man. I know your joking, everyone here probably knows your joking. The guys who ain't got no sense of humor, they do not KNOW you are joking.

Ah, next time I shall use the sarcasm tag :D

Good hopefully it puts me high in the threat list, so when I actually need to dial 911, they will get here quicker instead of the normal 45minute response (i live out in BFE).
On a side note, did you know that according to BATF, only handguns can fire Armor Piercing Ammo?

Actually it's cause for the type of body armor available beck when the law came into effect, any rifle would penetrate them regardless of bullet type so it only made a difference with handgun ammo and of course, handguns are more likely to be carried so...
The problem I see and have with this is short of stereotypes how do you compute some of this stuff?

You are going to have the no shit things such as arrest record, but that should be a given anyway and is already used. If somebody has been picked up for minor things in the past and suddenly gets picked up for something major they will think that is out of the normal and didn't expect that as they wouldn't consider him a non violent offender. However if somebody has been arrested for rape, murder, assault, and is being looked at for this person they will consider him a violet and dangerous person.

Now, using their example somebody calls the cops because their boyfriend has a knife to their throat is and threating to kill them.

So you look at previous arrest and you get that information about what they have done in the past ok fine. Lets say he has no records, so lets search facebook. No post about murder. So next, white male living in a nice subdivision vs black male living in the projects. Which one makes you get a higher score? At that point should anything else mater besides the fact that somebody has a knife to somebody's throat? Should that not show that the person is a threat and could have just snapped?

How often do you hear, I am surprised this person did this as they were a quiet person. He was a loving husband and father so I couldn't believe he chopped up his family. He was a quiet kid, I can't believe he killed some classmates.... Sometimes people just snap, this program won't be able to detect that.
The problem I see and have with this is short of stereotypes how do you compute some of this stuff?

You are going to have the no shit things such as arrest record, but that should be a given anyway and is already used. If somebody has been picked up for minor things in the past and suddenly gets picked up for something major they will think that is out of the normal and didn't expect that as they wouldn't consider him a non violent offender. However if somebody has been arrested for rape, murder, assault, and is being looked at for this person they will consider him a violet and dangerous person.

Now, using their example somebody calls the cops because their boyfriend has a knife to their throat is and threating to kill them.

So you look at previous arrest and you get that information about what they have done in the past ok fine. Lets say he has no records, so lets search facebook. No post about murder. So next, white male living in a nice subdivision vs black male living in the projects. Which one makes you get a higher score? At that point should anything else mater besides the fact that somebody has a knife to somebody's throat? Should that not show that the person is a threat and could have just snapped?

How often do you hear, I am surprised this person did this as they were a quiet person. He was a loving husband and father so I couldn't believe he chopped up his family. He was a quiet kid, I can't believe he killed some classmates.... Sometimes people just snap, this program won't be able to detect that.

Well, social class has a lot to do with increased crime, and is documented. So suburbs vs projects is an easy one.
Too bad this only works when you know the name of the suspect... this system would not save the innocents that are gunned down because the officer "felt threatened." Im sure in the future this system will be upgraded with stuff like facial recognition. The only reason this exists, is due to the nature of large cities... police forces can't keep track of a million individuals. The article is based from fresno california, which is a pretty large metro area of about 1 million people, which is more than the population of quite a few states. Policing such an area would be quite difficult using normal tactics of "getting to know the area." Now if 1 mill people are hard to police, imagine a place like metro LA where there is an upwards of 13 million or NY metro with 23 million... the police have their hands full.
Too bad this only works when you know the name of the suspect... this system would not save the innocents that are gunned down because the officer "felt threatened." Im sure in the future this system will be upgraded with stuff like facial recognition. The only reason this exists, is due to the nature of large cities... police forces can't keep track of a million individuals. The article is based from fresno california, which is a pretty large metro area of about 1 million people, which is more than the population of quite a few states. Policing such an area would be quite difficult using normal tactics of "getting to know the area." Now if 1 mill people are hard to police, imagine a place like metro LA where there is an upwards of 13 million or NY metro with 23 million... the police have their hands full.

They aren't supposed to keep track of anyone except for criminals. Even then, that's the job of the probation and parole office
Anyone know any good sources for police armor piercing bullets that will accept money orders?

I would also like to order some cell phone jammers, pipes and pipe caps, water proof fuses....

wait I hear someone on the porch, brb.......

Ebay. :)

Armor piercing bullets. 7.62x39 had some so-called armor piercing bullets that they had to stop selling. Because the SKS and AK's could have a folding stock making them more like a pistol (or converted). I don't know if there is some available for others (.223, as the AR can become a 'pistol', too).

I know you're joking, but just thought of it when you mentioned it.

You can get pipes at most smoke shops. Or... different pipe?
I actually think this is a good idea. This will help them identify potentially less violent people and scale down accordingly. It might save some lives.


scale down accordingly

I think SCALE UP would be the only result of this dumb idea. Additionally if the Po-Po make a mistake they can just call their buddy in the "rating" division and ask them to "bump up the rating" for person X because I shot'em good and dead. A CYA feature.

Cops would love this because the rating scale would START at "potentially dangerous" and go up (down) from there all the way to "child pedo, ISIS, terrorist, douche-bag" so when they shoot a person they can say, well our rating system tagged him as "potentially dangerous" so I had to be sure....etc. BULLSHIT IDEA.
I actually think this is a good idea. This will help them identify potentially less violent people and scale down accordingly. It might save some lives.

It won't do any such thing since police training requires that police view everyone and everything as a threat. It's the training, not the score.
It's gonna get hacked by crime orgs to make themselves less of a threat.

Or wrong person gets flagged for a serious crime. The innocent gets gunned down by the police even easier.

Subject: El Chapo Guzman
Threat level: Zero
Known Crimes: petty theft. botanist, champion of Mexico.

Every passing day the point of intersection between US and Chinese governance draws nearer.
This is just common sense, if a particular citizen has a long history of violent, anti social behavior and has demonstrated a willingness to harm or kill others, especially law enforcement officials, it only makes sense to use extra caution, wouldn't you do the same in their position?
I rather have police evaluate actual conditions with current information and not possible conditions and assumptions made by a program. Basically be ready for anything, be prompted and with backup as needed before getting one self in trouble or assuming you know what is going on without even evaluating actual reality.
Joking aside, we are entering the information age's hubris stage.. I expect 30 years of this shit, hopefully less.
Anybody remember the movie "Minority Report". Where in the future, police would arrest and/or take out those citizens who were judged for committing a crime they hadn't committed yet?

Anybody remember the movie "Minority Report". Where in the future, police would arrest and/or take out those citizens who were judged for committing a crime they hadn't committed yet?


If you have a high threat score can they withhold privileges or something?

<399 = can have guns
400-499 = cannot have guns, can have car
500-599 = cannot have car
600+ = must take anger management classes

Can I get a custom license plate with my score so people won't cut me off in traffic?

Can you sue the gov if you commit a crime because they didn't stop you or offer treatment even though they KNEW you were a high risk?
The problem I see and have with this is short of stereotypes how do you compute some of this stuff?

You are going to have the no shit things such as arrest record, but that should be a given anyway and is already used. If somebody has been picked up for minor things in the past and suddenly gets picked up for something major they will think that is out of the normal and didn't expect that as they wouldn't consider him a non violent offender. However if somebody has been arrested for rape, murder, assault, and is being looked at for this person they will consider him a violet and dangerous person.

Now, using their example somebody calls the cops because their boyfriend has a knife to their throat is and threating to kill them.

So you look at previous arrest and you get that information about what they have done in the past ok fine. Lets say he has no records, so lets search facebook. No post about murder. So next, white male living in a nice subdivision vs black male living in the projects. Which one makes you get a higher score? At that point should anything else mater besides the fact that somebody has a knife to somebody's throat? Should that not show that the person is a threat and could have just snapped?

How often do you hear, I am surprised this person did this as they were a quiet person. He was a loving husband and father so I couldn't believe he chopped up his family. He was a quiet kid, I can't believe he killed some classmates.... Sometimes people just snap, this program won't be able to detect that.

If the prison system is supposed to be "correctional" then this concept sorta flies in the face of that concept don't it?

I mean, a whole lot of tax money has gone toward the idea of prison reform focused on rehabilitating convicts and helping them reenter society as nice boys and girls. But this is just another example of why reality doesn't match up well with the touchy feelly folk's ideas. We all know most crime is committed by repeat offenders, etc etc and then now we are going to weight in on people's threat score and I think you get the picture.
So now a software glitch may get you shot.

a software "glitch" ?

No, even if a software error results in a stronger police response when the cops do show up, if you get shot, it's cause you fucked up.

Everyone trumps up the cops shooting people stories and point there fingers at instances where cops have shot people when they shouldn't have used that level of force. But ain't nobody have any video of a cop just executing someone who wasn't doing anything at all wrong. Every single person killed was doing something wrong, they were ignoring the cops instructions, they were struggling against them, the taser had failed, they had weapons in their hands, something was going on.

So when I say you fucked up, it's a no brainer, your the one that got shot right?

You fucked up :D
a software "glitch" ?

No, even if a software error results in a stronger police response when the cops do show up, if you get shot, it's cause you fucked up.

Everyone trumps up the cops shooting people stories and point there fingers at instances where cops have shot people when they shouldn't have used that level of force. But ain't nobody have any video of a cop just executing someone who wasn't doing anything at all wrong. Every single person killed was doing something wrong, they were ignoring the cops instructions, they were struggling against them, the taser had failed, they had weapons in their hands, something was going on.

So when I say you fucked up, it's a no brainer, your the one that got shot right?

You fucked up :D

I am usually one to be like "WTF?" when I see someone in that scenario shot. But not one mention ever comes up about how the cop must feel. The level of emotional damage that comes when after shooting in defense the cop walks over to find a plastic toy in the kids hands. Most go their whole career barely pulling their weapon out.
I am usually one to be like "WTF?" when I see someone in that scenario shot. But not one mention ever comes up about how the cop must feel. The level of emotional damage that comes when after shooting in defense the cop walks over to find a plastic toy in the kids hands. Most go their whole career barely pulling their weapon out.

It is without any doubt, there are some cops who should not be cops. They have gotten too old and slow, or they don't have the right psychological make up for the job, or they are too stupid to have good judgement, or the worst, they joined for a chance to kill someone.

It is also without doubt that some people are getting killed when they shouldn't have. I can't say if this is an upward trend or not. I imagine that as we put more and more armed cops on duty that we are going to see an increase in unjustified lethal force incidents. The population growing is enough to do this all on it's own.

But you are right. People are so fast to rally around the victim and completely ignore the cop who was faced with a bad situation and had to make a hard choice.
I'll pose a situation, a twist on something that just happened.

Four teenagers raped this girl, they had a gun and chased the father off with it. But that gun could have been a toy, a fake. But what if a cop had come across this sooner and was faced with the four teens and one has a toy gun that looked real enough to chase off the father? If the kid points that gun at the cop would the cop shoot? That's what they are trained to do, I think it would be very likely. How many people would condemn the cop because hindsight is 20/20 or just because they will always condemn the cop given any excuse?

I can't imagine how this father feels, helplessly chased away while these assholes rape his kid.

They caught all four of them. If an animal attacks a human unprovoked, you put the animal down. I feel the same way about things like this and I don't give a damn if they are only 14. If a human acts like an animal, then they should receive no better treatment then what they have earned.
I'll pose a situation, a twist on something that just happened.

Four teenagers raped this girl, they had a gun and chased the father off with it. But that gun could have been a toy, a fake. But what if a cop had come across this sooner and was faced with the four teens and one has a toy gun that looked real enough to chase off the father? If the kid points that gun at the cop would the cop shoot? That's what they are trained to do, I think it would be very likely. How many people would condemn the cop because hindsight is 20/20 or just because they will always condemn the cop given any excuse?

I can't imagine how this father feels, helplessly chased away while these assholes rape his kid.

They caught all four of them. If an animal attacks a human unprovoked, you put the animal down. I feel the same way about things like this and I don't give a damn if they are only 14. If a human acts like an animal, then they should receive no better treatment then what they have earned.

I think many people just like to scream out "F to police" any moment they can. The moment our police start falling to fear of these kinds of people, is the moment they have no use anymore, and that is a scary thought. It's is cool to hate on the police currently. I myself have had bad experiences but also good experiences with them. The same could be said about any group of individuals. I wonder, how many people hate all cops because of a few bad ones or even situations a person didnt agree with will also give up all of coffee because of one or two bad cups.

I can't imagine how the girl or father feel right now. The father having to leave of be shot, maybe the kid wouldn't have shot him, but not a gamble I myself am ready to take from the business end of the gun.

We always like to play the what-if card. Maybe a cop stopped this from happening before it took place, kids get off on lighter charges and go off and do something worse. Reminds me of the butterfly effect movie, we like to think if something happened differently everything would be better, but that is not necessarily true.
If this threat score uses nothing objective, and is done completely automated by a computer based on a scoring system to previous criminal conduct, then I think this is FANTASTIC!

A police officer should be alerted to when he is approaching the vehicle of a gun who has three felony assaults on his record, two drugs arrests, and so forth via a quick estimate based on collected statistics, because this is actually SAFER for the person in the car because he's less likely to be surprised and may call for backup while detaining the person and go slow and careful, leading to less people getting shot.

Plus, it means he knows he can relax more when pulling over grandma who has only ever had one speeding ticket back in 1972.

Very smart concept, just needs a good execution!
If this threat score uses nothing objective, and is done completely automated by a computer based on a scoring system to previous criminal conduct, then I think this is FANTASTIC!

A police officer should be alerted to when he is approaching the vehicle of a gun who has three felony assaults on his record, two drugs arrests, and so forth via a quick estimate based on collected statistics, because this is actually SAFER for the person in the car because he's less likely to be surprised and may call for backup while detaining the person and go slow and careful, leading to less people getting shot.

Plus, it means he knows he can relax more when pulling over grandma who has only ever had one speeding ticket back in 1972.

Very smart concept, just needs a good execution!

Cops don't pull people over without running the tag and checking the vehicle owner info before they hit the lights. Then they check the car and passengers, collect license, IDs, registration, insurance, go back to their car and run it all. The license plate doesn't tell you who's in the car, only who's car you are stopping.

This Threat Score won't change that, you have to go face the occupants before you can find out who they are and check their score. Nothing in that changes.

The same is mostly true about other calls like domestic disturbances, etc, the cops can look up who the occupants might be, many times they can't find out, or it's not even the property occupants who are causing the problem, it's a guest, a friend, a neighbor, a stranger.

Again, I think this is a terrible idea that only sounds good if you don't think it through, it's money wasted on bullshit but someone sure thinks they can sell it.