The Portal 2 Thread **Warning May Contain Spoilers**


Mean Old Administrator
Jan 12, 2004
Now that the game is released, I'm closing the pre-release thread and starting this one. While the game is out, it's new enough that almost no one has gotten through it, so please watch the spoilers!

If you want to discuss something specific about a particular level, character, event, etc, that might reveal an important part of the story please avail yourself of the spoiler tag:

[ spoiler=topic]text text text [ /spoiler] <--minus the space at the start of each bracket.

It comes out looking like this:

They look like this
love it so fairly well in eyefinity as well...

getting a solid 120fps at 6440x1152 max settings plus 2xMSAA and 2xAF

looks simply stunning ...
Thanks for the spoiler warning.

Game does indeed look awesome. I'm also loving the soundtrack. Does anybody else hear the Max Payne main theme in a bunch of the cues?
I got the PS3 version and am playing that until my PC copy gets done downloading at ~700k/sec. So far it's pretty entertaining/funny. I miss the female/GladOS voice though (I know she comes later), but this other bot that follows you is entertaining enough :D. I wish the PS3 version had KB&M support though :mad:. They had it in the Half-Life port to PS2!
Level 19................
Laser inside the edge of the square yet no dice. lame
Haven't played any SP yet. Played a bunch of co-op together, completed the first 3 areas. So much fun. :D

What has my curiosity up is that interactive teaser for Super 8...
Got through a good chunk of it. It definitely needs an FOV fix, and is anyone else missing crosshairs?
Default FOV is 74 vertical (90 horizontal, which Source pads) as reported by fov_desired. What's wrong with it?
can i ask, what is this game about, i saw it on T.v but i dont get it. what do you do? run around?
It's great. I played about 30 minutes of SP and 45 of Co-Op and it's beautiful, the source engine is at it's best naturally. It runs butter smooth and looks fantastic, impressive use of physics with destruction and walls crumbling and the textures are actually quite detailed as well, even distant ones.

Co-Op is great, it's a new take on working with someone else and it's all incredibly fun. Good humor as well. I need to sleep but I can't wait to play more.
I have no idea how far I am but:

GladOS is now a potato and I fell down a long shaft....

So far the puzzles seem a lot easier than the first one. That or I'm just better at figuring them out, but so far no stage has taken past 10 minutes at the top end. Very good writing, but I wouldn't mind some beefier puzzles.
I am absolutely in love with the co-op! Spent maybe 20 minutes in the single player and it just seems like more of the same, which was great, but the co-op is just fantastically fun.
So there is 5 chambers with 8 levels per in coop? I've gotten to chamber 3, couple levels in, I still wish they would've made the single player coop also
Anyone see this yet?

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I have played through Chapter 1 so far. I just now stopped where Chapter 2 begins. Absolutely awesome, I love this game. Playing silky smooth at 2560x1600 8X MSAA/16X AF highest in-game settings on a Radeon HD 6970 and the game looks great. Nothing ground breaking visually, seen it all before, but it has polished feel to it. I love the look and feel of the game, and the run-down broken nature of where you are. The humor is A+ in Portal 2. I'm loving every minute of it. It is all about fun, and Portal 2 has it in spades.
^ It is a non-issue for me, in this game. The game looks great on the PC, plays great and it is FUN, which matters the most for this kind of game. I'm playing Portal 2 to have fun, and I am having a ball, I love it.
Too bad that the other games didn't get such lenience for this issue...Crysis 2 got flak even after they fixed the "Press Start to..." message...

It's really amazing how double standards work.
Too bad that the other games didn't get such lenience for this issue...Crysis 2 got flak even after they fixed the "Press Start to..." message...

It's really amazing how double standards work.
Valve gets no special treatment from me! I've heard they even have a DLC pack that costs more than the actual's crazy.
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After hours of playing I'm stuck. Anyone else here? It's a room with a broken elevator.

Ugh... I'm tired and my hands hurt.
One thing I find odd is that the PS3 version (which I finished last Friday) appears to have sharper, more detailed textures than the PC version with the video settings cranked. This is most obvious with fine text. I remember funny writing on a wall from when I played it on the PS3, so I went over to check it out again on PC and I couldn't make out anything. On the PS3 it is totally readable while on the PC it is an illegible blur.

The PC textures seemed softer to begin with, but I thought that was the result of the PS3 being 720p while my PC is outputting to 1440p, thus making any imperfections more apparent on the PC. The text issue tells me something different though. I wonder if that is the product of Blu Ray having more storage room for more detailed textures (Portal 2 on PC is already 11GB), or if it is some sort of oversight in the PC version and they just need to throw in an even higher texture setting.

The PS3 version also has much sharper textures than the 360 version:

The 360 actually looks a bit closer to the PC version than the PS3. Obviously the PC version has a higher framerate, but the difference in texture sharpness is quite noticeable. I may post screenshots tomorrow night to compare and contrast.
unpacking/decrypting the game right now why the heck is it taking sooooo long???
unpacking/decrypting the game right now why the heck is it taking sooooo long???
Well, something has to take a while, because the game sure doesn't :D. There's already a bunch of "Hey guys, just finished portal 2" threads popping up all over the internet.
The first Portal was also short, but you could make up for it by increasing the difficulty and playing again. Co-op now should also help. Given the shortness, I think it might be a bit overpriced, but whatya gonna do, you still want to play it.
First impressions:

Runs really smooth (~120fps) at 6048x1080 out of the box - running all settings maxed, 4x AA, max AF on a single 5870. No HUD is actually a nice feature (no HUD fix required). The old source engine is looking great. 100% GPU utilization!

I am wishing I had crosshairs -- is this an option anywhere?

I do wish I had gotten to play more than an hour last night before retiring to bed.

I think there is a lot of potential for awesome when mod makers get their hands on the co-op.
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I have taken a number of Screenshots....
find my account via patrioteagle07 or just patriot...
if any of the SS look random... its because I have not changed fraps off F12 lol...
One thing I find odd is that the PS3 version (which I finished last Friday) appears to have sharper, more detailed textures than the PC version with the video settings cranked. This is most obvious with fine text. I remember funny writing on a wall from when I played it on the PS3, so I went over to check it out again on PC and I couldn't make out anything. On the PS3 it is totally readable while on the PC it is an illegible blur.

The PC textures seemed softer to begin with, but I thought that was the result of the PS3 being 720p while my PC is outputting to 1440p, thus making any imperfections more apparent on the PC. The text issue tells me something different though. I wonder if that is the product of Blu Ray having more storage room for more detailed textures (Portal 2 on PC is already 11GB), or if it is some sort of oversight in the PC version and they just need to throw in an even higher texture setting.

The PS3 version also has much sharper textures than the 360 version:

The 360 actually looks a bit closer to the PC version than the PS3. Obviously the PC version has a higher framerate, but the difference in texture sharpness is quite noticeable. I may post screenshots tomorrow night to compare and contrast.
Higher res textures for PS3, console UI appearing in the PC port, Valve pushing for Steam on PS3... seems like the console dollars have lured yet another PC dev to the promised land.
Higher res textures for PS3, console UI appearing in the PC port, Valve pushing for Steam on PS3... seems like the console dollars have lured yet another PC dev to the promised land.

If that's the case then it is a dark day for PC gaming. Silus pointed out in the other Portal 2 thread that the FOV is low...