The President To Meet With Intel and Zuckerberg

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
The president is meeting with leaders in the tech industry including Intel and Mark Zuckerberg. Umm, I can see the meeting with Intel but Zuckerberg? What are they going to talk about?

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg is among a group of technology business leaders that President Barack Obama plans to meet with Thursday in San Francisco. The White House says Thursday's session will focus on creating jobs. On Friday, Obama travels to Hillsboro, Ore., to visit Intel Corp. to draw attention to the role of education in preparing Americans for new high-tech jobs.
"Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg is among a group of technology business leaders to meet the Pres."

Why not he's worth a billion now and has the potential to be a major contributor.
Gubament edumacation, its fan twagic.

Our education system needs an overhaul, from the bloated, union ran teachers organizational structure it is now (then again government is all union too, so don't bet on that happening anytime soon) to something more efficient and focused on the future. There's far too many examples of it just pushing the bottom line in order to get by, when with some tweaking it could turn from mild to exceptional.
If that was the case he should meet Gabe's all about controlling the propaganda machine.I personally disabled Obama ads on my Facebook.
Umm, I can see the meeting with Intel but Zuckerberg? What are they going to talk about?

In an effort to help educate the general public in regards to more complex government fiscal policies, they are going to explain everything in terms of Farmville. Something everyone can understand.
More advanced data mining technics.

Yeah, besides using facebook as a potential propaganda outlet, there is no other reason that would interest the government (that I can think of) than some means of "communicating" data from facebook to the bureaucrats. You know, keeping the "communication" lines open.

Oh wait, thought of another... how to make the government look 'hip,' but that also falls under the propaganda category too.
I highly doubt Zuckerberg would be instrumental in creating any substantial amount of jobs. If anything he would seek to prevent new social networking businesses from getting traction.
I highly doubt Zuckerberg would be instrumental in creating any substantial amount of jobs. If anything he would seek to prevent new social networking businesses from getting traction.

he sure could. if he blocked all business networks from accessing facebook think of all the production that businesses could get back.

with businesses actually working again think of all the extra jobs they would create.
he sure could. if he blocked all business networks from accessing facebook think of all the production that businesses could get back.

with businesses actually working again think of all the extra jobs they would create.

No, they'd be more efficient, so they'd need to cut jobs.
I think Zucerkberg is going to dazzle the prez, and then on the way out tell him to drop the "the" from "the white house"... the prez will buy it hook, line, and sinker.
It's called money. President Erkle is going to hit up these deep pockets for 2012. The rest is just a pretense.
Government does not create jobs. It regulates and taxes them out of existence, then pats itself on the back and calls it progress.
If Zuckerberg were to run for President he'd win.

That's actually an indicator of how powerless the Presidency really is, you will never see someone who's been successful in business run for President simply because being the US President is a shitty job no matter how you look at it. CEO > President.
Uhhh... To be fair, isn't the federal government too big. That means there are too many federal jobs. What the President can do is fire a bunch of federal workers. Like Boehner said, the federal government created 200,000 FEDERAL jobs last year. He blames that on the President. We need to increase unemployment not decrease it. Jobs are overrated.
Anyway saying that the President does not create jobs is dumb. Over half the country blames the President when there is high unemployment. If you blame the President for economic problems related to unemployment, then you can't say that he doesn't create or lose jobs.
Our biggest problem today is that people don't think anymore.
I think Zucerkberg is going to dazzle the prez, and then on the way out tell him to drop the "the" from "the white house"... the prez will buy it hook, line, and sinker.

Or he could always go the Radioshack/Pizza Hut route and just have them call it "The House" in an attempt to look "cool" :D
Obama wants to know when his fixed Sandybridge board is coming back from RMA.
I highly doubt Zuckerberg would be instrumental in creating any substantial amount of jobs. If anything he would seek to prevent new social networking businesses from getting traction.

There is an entire legion of new crappy marketing consultants that have created their own little niche with his website.
For every new crappy marketing consultant job facebook created there's probably a hundred newly unemployed lazy sacks of shit who became addicted to farmville or whatever on company time and got the boot.

Ergo, facebook is a net drain on society.
Hopefully Intel doesn't suffer from the "touch of death" of Obama. Why he is doing this is just like most of the other stuff he does. No rhyme or reason, just a way to get attention.
Hopefully Intel doesn't suffer from the "touch of death" of Obama. Why he is doing this is just like most of the other stuff he does. No rhyme or reason, just a way to get attention.

:rolleyes: About as intelligent a reply as "Ur Mom."