The Saboteur

Doesn't matter where he got it from. Regardless, I've heard the same rumors about ATI cards having problems. There's no way I'll be buying a game that is heard to be having these issues until I'm sure they're resolved. There's no demo in sight. (Steam maybe? I'm hearing?) There's three possibilities I can think of here...

1. These problems are inherent in the game itself. This does not reflect well on a company especially with a "plays great on ATI " logo. These kind of showstoppers can't be available at release and will hurt sales once word spreads through the PC community.
2. This is an issue with a crack. Now, I have a friend who gets early access to legit copies all the time, and he says it is unplayable on his 4850, so this may not be the case. If it is, there will be a fix coming down the line for the crack, and those who plan to buy the game legit have nothing to worry about.
3. This is a "gotcha" implemented to foil pirates for a short time. However, why would it only hit ATI pirates? In addition, all it does is spread rumors that your game doesn't work on ATI cards, so I can't imagine why anyone would want that kind of pre-launch bad press. Still I remember something similar with Batman.

Hope we have answers soon.
Doesn't matter where he got it from. Regardless, I've heard the same rumors about ATI cards having problems. There's no way I'll be buying a game that is heard to be having these issues until I'm sure they're resolved. There's no demo in sight. (Steam maybe? I'm hearing?) There's three possibilities I can think of here...

1. These problems are inherent in the game itself. This does not reflect well on a company especially with a "plays great on ATI " logo. These kind of showstoppers can't be available at release and will hurt sales once word spreads through the PC community.
2. This is an issue with a crack. Now, I have a friend who gets early access to legit copies all the time, and he says it is unplayable on his 4850, so this may not be the case. If it is, there will be a fix coming down the line for the crack, and those who plan to buy the game legit have nothing to worry about.
3. This is a "gotcha" implemented to foil pirates for a short time. However, why would it only hit ATI pirates? In addition, all it does is spread rumors that your game doesn't work on ATI cards, so I can't imagine why anyone would want that kind of pre-launch bad press. Still I remember something similar with Batman.

Hope we have answers soon.

I'm seeing some speculation around that it could be a driver issue. If that is the case hopefully ATI had planned to release this month's driver before the game releases.
Doesn't matter where he got it from. Regardless, I've heard the same rumors about ATI cards having problems. There's no way I'll be buying a game that is heard to be having these issues until I'm sure they're resolved. There's no demo in sight. (Steam maybe? I'm hearing?) There's three possibilities I can think of here...

1. These problems are inherent in the game itself. This does not reflect well on a company especially with a "plays great on ATI " logo. These kind of showstoppers can't be available at release and will hurt sales once word spreads through the PC community.
2. This is an issue with a crack. Now, I have a friend who gets early access to legit copies all the time, and he says it is unplayable on his 4850, so this may not be the case. If it is, there will be a fix coming down the line for the crack, and those who plan to buy the game legit have nothing to worry about.
3. This is a "gotcha" implemented to foil pirates for a short time. However, why would it only hit ATI pirates? In addition, all it does is spread rumors that your game doesn't work on ATI cards, so I can't imagine why anyone would want that kind of pre-launch bad press. Still I remember something similar with Batman.

Hope we have answers soon.


You begin by writing: "Doesn't matter where he got it from..." - and then you begin to explain how the problems some people are having with this game could be due to the fact that these people are playing a pirated version.

Yes, my friend, and that is exactly why it DOES matter where he got it from.

How can I convince you that when people pirate games - especially games that haven't even been released yet - they do a tremendous amount of damage, not just in terms of lost sales, but in terms of giving a game bad publicity for code that either isn't final or is deliberately buggy.

Your argument is just downright ignorant and silly. At the end of your post you even have the complete audacity to write: "Hope we have some answers soon." The game hasn't even been released yet. And somebody needs to tell you this, son: A gaming company doesn't owe anything to a software pirate, and certainly doesn't have to 'provide answers'. You can discuss the game when it's been released to public, when people either buy the game off Steam or go into the store and buy a legitimate copy.

Until then, put a zip on it.

You begin by writing: "Doesn't matter where he got it from..." - and then you begin to explain how the problems some people are having with this game could be due to the fact that these people are playing a pirated version.

Yes, my friend, and that is exactly why it DOES matter where he got it from.

How can I convince you that when people pirate games - especially games that haven't even been released yet - they do a tremendous amount of damage, not just in terms of lost sales, but in terms of giving a game bad publicity for code that either isn't final or is deliberately buggy.

Your argument is just downright ignorant and silly. At the end of your post you even have the complete audacity to write: "Hope we have some answers soon." The game hasn't even been released yet. And somebody needs to tell you this, son: A gaming company doesn't owe anything to a software pirate, and certainly doesn't have to 'provide answers'. You can discuss the game when it's been released to public, when people either buy the game off Steam or go into the store and buy a legitimate copy.

Until then, put a zip on it.

HIS copy (as in, the person who posted all those screens) is obviously working fine. Thus, it doesn't matter where he got it from There's no reason to interrogate him as quite frankly, its none of our business. We have no way to verify anything and he is not compelled to produce evidence to make a couple of forum posters happy.

That said, I was talking about the rumor of issues in general. There is no reason at all people can't discuss the quality of an upcoming project. Be it data from professional reviewers, people from another release zone who got the game early, or simply someone who's Target sold the game before the release date, there's no ban on discussion pre-official release impressions.

Secondly, your argument for bad publicity isn't even making sense. First of all, if the GOLD master copy of the game is truly this buggy, that is worth bad publicity. That means that without a 0-day patch, the game will be unplayable, and this never should have occured. 99% of pirated games are not some odd alpha or beta, they're legit retail copy that somehow was lost from the chain of custody. This is what the developers intended to put on the disc.

Now, by your own admission that developers put "gotchas" on the disc, shouldn't they be ready for that bad publicity? If you willfully cripple your game to frustrate a few pirates for a day or do, don't you know that you're going to have to put up with lots of rumors on the internet that you made a bad product? That must be a sacrifice you're willing to make, which is exactly why MOST games today don't intentionally try to foil pirates by negatively impacting play. Its just not worth it.

Yes, we do need answers. Paying customers need to know if its worth giving this EA-published product their hard earned cash. If this is a game bug or a driver issue, then players need to know that and have every right to discuss the issue, so they can withhold their cash until it is fixed as smart customers. If this is somehow a "gotcha" for pirates (and there is no evidence for this), then legit buyers need to know they can purchase without fear of the same issues.

Really, the holier-than-thou, condescending attitude needs to go. The latest crop of hardcore antipiracy posters on this forum are downright religious in their hatred, and any good points they may have are obscured by vile. After listening to someone like you, I WANT to pirate anything you've developed just to spite you.
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As much as I dig the Monty Python reference, I think making them walk the plank would be more appropriate ;) ARRGGH

First, cut his dick off and feed it to him. Then burn him. And then make him walk the plank, preferably above shark infested waters.
HIS copy (as in, the person who posted all those screens) is obviously working fine. Thus, it doesn't matter where he got it from There's no reason to interrogate him as quite frankly, its none of our business. We have no way to verify anything and he is not compelled to produce evidence to make a couple of forum posters happy.

That said, I was talking about the rumor of issues in general. There is no reason at all people can't discuss the quality of an upcoming project. Be it data from professional reviewers, people from another release zone who got the game early, or simply someone who's Target sold the game before the release date, there's no ban on discussion pre-official release impressions.

Secondly, your argument for bad publicity isn't even making sense. First of all, if the GOLD master copy of the game is truly this buggy, that is worth bad publicity. That means that without a 0-day patch, the game will be unplayable, and this never should have occured. 99% of pirated games are not some odd alpha or beta, they're legit retail copy that somehow was lost from the chain of custody. This is what the developers intended to put on the disc.

Now, by your own admission that developers put "gotchas" on the disc, shouldn't they be ready for that bad publicity? If you willfully cripple your game to frustrate a few pirates for a day or do, don't you know that you're going to have to put up with lots of rumors on the internet that you made a bad product? That must be a sacrifice you're willing to make, which is exactly why MOST games today don't intentionally try to foil pirates by negatively impacting play. Its just not worth it.

Yes, we do need answers. Paying customers need to know if its worth giving this EA-published product their hard earned cash. If this is a game bug or a driver issue, then players need to know that and have every right to discuss the issue, so they can withhold their cash until it is fixed as smart customers. If this is somehow a "gotcha" for pirates (and there is no evidence for this), then legit buyers need to know they can purchase without fear of the same issues.

Really, the holier-than-thou, condescending attitude needs to go. The latest crop of hardcore antipiracy posters on this forum are downright religious in their hatred, and any good points they may have are obscured by vile. After listening to someone like you, I WANT to pirate anything you've developed just to spite you.

I'm against piracy and am vocal about it, and will continue to be vocal about it. If you want to call that 'holier-than-thou' then go right ahead.

And I'll save you the bother of asking the question - no I haven't ever copied an MP3, DVD, or game.

I'm against piracy and am vocal about it, and will continue to be vocal about it. If you want to call that 'holier-than-thou' then go right ahead.

And I'll save you the bother of asking the question - no I haven't ever copied an MP3, DVD, or game.


Ever cut n' paste a news story without the authors permission? Ever resend an email story. Xerox something that wasn't yours? Ever print a story or web page? Do you have any phots on your PC that you didn't take?
I can confirm that people at Pandemic were working a patch to fix the ATI card issues but they were fired with pretty much everyone else in the studio, including my source.

I think the last game that wouldn't run for me on an ATI card was Freelancer. It only did software rendering until they patched it. Too bad the Xbox killed that Microsoft owned studio, I would have loved to seen a sequel.
I think the last game that wouldn't run for me on an ATI card was Freelancer. It only did software rendering until they patched it. Too bad the Xbox killed that Microsoft owned studio, I would have loved to seen a sequel.

So would a whole lot of us.
I can confirm that people at Pandemic were working a patch to fix the ATI card issues but they were fired with pretty much everyone else in the studio, including my source.

I think the last game that wouldn't run for me on an ATI card was Freelancer. It only did software rendering until they patched it. Too bad the Xbox killed that Microsoft owned studio, I would have loved to seen a sequel.

The people who went over to EA LA hopefully continued work on that patch.
What I don't understand is that he's Irish, they were neutral during WW2. He has no reason to fight the Germans and they have no reason to fight him...
What I don't understand is that he's Irish, they were neutral during WW2. He has no reason to fight the Germans and they have no reason to fight him...

You think the Nazis would always be "Neutral" to all neutral countries if they had one the war?
I'm against piracy and am vocal about it, and will continue to be vocal about it. If you want to call that 'holier-than-thou' then go right ahead.

And I'll save you the bother of asking the question - no I haven't ever copied an MP3, DVD, or game.


"Vocal" people like you are the ones ruining gaming for the rest of us.

If you think piracy is the cause of all the problems the PC gaming platform faces... why dont you give me $20 and I'll mail you $20 million back in a week... promise :rolleyes:
What I don't understand is that he's Irish, they were neutral during WW2. He has no reason to fight the Germans and they have no reason to fight him...

Just because he's Iris doesn't mean that he has no persona stake in the events...

Look at all of the US volunteer groups that existed before the US entered the War.
"Vocal" people like you are the ones ruining gaming for the rest of us.

If you think piracy is the cause of all the problems the PC gaming platform faces... why dont you give me $20 and I'll mail you $20 million back in a week... promise :rolleyes:

I apologize for 'ruining gaming for everyone else' because I buy every game that I play, and also for being vocal when I find out that another person thinks it's okay to pirate games.

Also, please explain to me where I wrote that I believe piracy is the cause of all the problems for the PC platform? Where did I write that? That's you putting words into my mouth. I never wrote anything remotely like that.

If you want to attack me for being vocal against piracy, that's one thing - but please don't start putting words into my mouth.
Can't wait for this game!! Anyone heard anything about how long it is?
IGN is reporting that The Saboteur will have DLC available for the PC at launch that adds nudity to one of the brothels.
IGN is reporting that The Saboteur will have DLC available for the PC at launch that adds nudity to one of the brothels.
Actually, it's not DLC for the PC version. It's included with the game right off the bat.
I just hope this game is good.

I wonder if this game will be on Steam or any outlet like that?
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It's available at D2D - if you buy from Steam then there's no reason not to buy from D2D.

They now have a big notice over the purchase button which says you can download the game as many times as you want to. I think they were hurt by rumors of install limitations. Not true. Once you buy the game digitally, you own it digitally (unless the publishers themselves have decided to limit the installs - but that's not D2D's fault, it's the publishers.)
It's available at D2D - if you buy from Steam then there's no reason not to buy from D2D.

They now have a big notice over the purchase button which says you can download the game as many times as you want to. I think they were hurt by rumors of install limitations. Not true. Once you buy the game digitally, you own it digitally (unless the publishers themselves have decided to limit the installs - but that's not D2D's fault, it's the publishers.)


I have no particular loyalty to any one brand or provider. I don't mind using D2D right along side Steam at that rate. :)
Jeff Green, EA's publicist, and former editor-in-chief at CGW/GFW, has been commenting on the game via his Twitter feed, and he seems to like it - this is a decent enough sign for me (and yes I believe he would say it was bad if he thought that - he certainly wouldn't say it was a good game if he believed it not to be.)

I'm not expecting a triple-A title here, but this might be something to fit in around Christmas time.
Jeff Green, EA's publicist, and former editor-in-chief at CGW/GFW, has been commenting on the game via his Twitter feed, and he seems to like it - this is a decent enough sign for me (and yes I believe he would say it was bad if he thought that - he certainly wouldn't say it was a good game if he believed it not to be.)

I'm not expecting a triple-A title here, but this might be something to fit in around Christmas time.

I'm not looking for perfection, I just want something good and fun. :)
I watched the stripper scene over at GT and I must admit the physics engine for tits is pretty good.
Jeff Green, EA's publicist, and former editor-in-chief at CGW/GFW, has been commenting on the game via his Twitter feed, and he seems to like it - this is a decent enough sign for me (and yes I believe he would say it was bad if he thought that - he certainly wouldn't say it was a good game if he believed it not to be.)

I'm not expecting a triple-A title here, but this might be something to fit in around Christmas time.

While I doubt he would say if it was a bad game, its unlikely he would be talking it up if he wasn't enjoying it. His current position at EA gives him some leverage to speak more candidly, but not enough to say a game is bad and negatively effect its sales.
The video called "Peep Show?"

Yep, that's the one. I got around to watching some gameplay footage that I stumbled upon in a youtube search. I think it's old E3 footage. The art style concept is cool and very Sin City-esque... although I have some feeling that the gameplay will be repetitive "liberate" city sections by blowing up stuff, stealing stuff and assassinating people. The game being developed by Pandemic, I can't help but feel that this is going to be Mercs 2 with a WWII costume.
Yep, that's the one. I got around to watching some gameplay footage that I stumbled upon in a youtube search. I think it's old E3 footage. The art style concept is cool and very Sin City-esque... although I have some feeling that the gameplay will be repetitive "liberate" city sections by blowing up stuff, stealing stuff and assassinating people. The game being developed by Pandemic, I can't help but feel that this is going to be Mercs 2 with a WWII costume.

Check out the Quick Look EX and Quick Look for the game at Giant Bomb, they give much better examples of the game than any other gameplay videos and the QL has them giving their opinions on the game.
Check out the Quick Look EX and Quick Look for the game at Giant Bomb, they give much better examples of the game than any other gameplay videos and the QL has them giving their opinions on the game.

I just checked out the Quick Look and the EX, but I stopped halfway through the EX since it's the same E3 footage I saw in the Youtube video. But uhhh yeah everything seems very much the same as their previous 3rd person, free-roam shooter that Pandemic put out. The 2 guys talking made the gameplay more enjoyable to watch, lol. I never played Merc'ss 1, I did play Merc's 2 and I like it, but it's worth the $10 it goes for now instead of the $50 I paid when it came out :eek:. So, i'll probably pick up The Saboteur when it's bargain bin or maybe earlier if there's ever a good deal.
I just checked out the Quick Look and the EX, but I stopped halfway through the EX since it's the same E3 footage I saw in the Youtube video. But uhhh yeah everything seems very much the same as their previous 3rd person, free-roam shooter that Pandemic put out. The 2 guys talking made the gameplay more enjoyable to watch, lol. I never played Merc'ss 1, I did play Merc's 2 and I like it, but it's worth the $10 it goes for now instead of the $50 I paid when it came out :eek:. So, i'll probably pick up The Saboteur when it's bargain bin or maybe earlier if there's ever a good deal.

Even for great games, the QLs always make them better since they're funny. The EX is worth finishing though as they do talk a bit about other gameplay elements like the skill system and how the transitions from black and white to color work.

The biggest problem the game seems to have is the climbing. The animations just don't like that good while the character climbs. After playing Uncharted and Assassin's Creed its so obvious.
So the game's out today. Anyone going for it? I'm tempted but I'd like to see some reviews and feedback first.

^^ Mostly promising looking, shaping up in the early goings.

Waiting for them to patch it so it actually works on ATI cards. Impulse has a little warning up saying it doesn't work.

Important Notice: Windows 7, Vista and XP users with ATI 3K, 4K and 5K series graphics cards may temporarily experience compatibility issues. Thank you for you patience while this issue is resolved.
Being an EA game, I'm a little surprised I don't see this on Steam or even a mention of it anywhere.
Being an EA game, I'm a little surprised I don't see this on Steam or even a mention of it anywhere.

EA doesn't always have games on Steam at launch. Some do and some don't. It'll go there eventually.
Overall, the consensus I'm getting on this game is: Pretty good and fun. Stealth, climbing, brawling, and driving need more polish.

Maybe a patch puts this thing over the top? I'll be interested to hear from anyone here that takes the plunge.