The Secret World beta invite

Dave, it is likely a good idea to tell those interested if this is a Beta Weekends key or a Closed Beta key, as there are BIG differences between the two!

I may have Closed Beta key(s) to provide to dedicated fans as well, but give me a little while to see what is available. If I only have a small amount, I'll be giving them preferably to 1) Those who have pre-purchased the game through Funcom and bought the Grand Master/Lifetime Subscription pack. If you have done that and you don't have a spot in the beta, you should! 2) Those those with the Master and/or Initiate Pack on top of the Pre Order 3) PreOrders from Funcom direct and 4) Those who've really enjoyed the Weekend Beta already and finally 5) Those with The Secret World official forums/crygaia network active accounts.
You have been selected to participate in the Closed Beta of Funcom’s upcoming MMO, The Secret World.

Your exclusive Closed Beta Key is: