The SIMS 3


Nov 13, 2005
Ok....Going to throw myself under the bus here.

My situation...

Wife plays (imo) stupid Facebook games. Grade school graphics and grade school thought to complete. I want to wing (did I spell that right) her of those games and I think she would enjoy SIMS 3. Its got a ton of updates and upgrades and add ons etc etc etc.

I think that, well, if she is going to play a game, it ought to have something to do in it as opposed to moving one block over to another.

Any women on the [H] who play? How do you like it?

Anyone else play? How do you like it?

Discuss :)
Similar situation, thought the same thing, with disasterous results...

My wife was heavy into Farm/Castle/Whatever-Ville and was looking for something different. Having played Sims 2 back in the day, I thought she might like Sims 3 and bought her a copy.

After two hours of trying to teach her to play, I threw my hands up in the air, cursed, and walked away... It wasn't that she wasn't capable of doing it, it was that she didn't want to. She would rather click, click, click, click, click on stupid shit and click, click, click, click on more stupid shit and occasionally sneak in a purchase of some online money to build something.... absolutely frustrating believe me! What seems simple to me, wasn't fun for her. She didn't want to tell the Sim when to go to the bathroom and when to go to work, or even build the house. She wanted easy entertainment.

However! I was playing Torchlight 2 one day and she mentioned she would like to try it, and now she plays it religiously every night (on Casual of course, more click, click, click, click). She also got into Plants Vs Zombies and plays that a lot of the time.

I'd say download a few demos and let her try them out.
My GF likes The Sims 3 quite a bit, though she notes that there are a great deal of bugs in the game. Overall, though, she spends about 90% of her time in the character customization or house building modes, as opposed to actually playing the game itself. :p

Right now she's gotten obsessed with Skyrim and has like 250 hours into that so far...

I think there was a deal on Steam last summer or winter where it was the game plus all the available expansions for like $80. Which is expensive, but not terrible considering the normal price is like $300 (because EA likes to rape you through your pants). Also, keep in mind that support for the game is pretty bad, in that bugs from the original version still persist after a dozen expansion packs, and updates only ever come when the game gets a new expansion pack.

Oh, and I think you meant *wean* her out of those games. ;)
I have a roommate who plays it on my other system so I know more about the "hardware" than the game so much, but this is what I've learnt:

The game is deceptively hardware requiring. Especially RAMs and virtual RAM, especially when you stack updates/mods (and be careful not to stack too much user content as it can slow it down), also use a framerate cap. :D
The "Katy Prerry" update messed up the game, so maybe avoid that one.
You can get a bunch of user made content, which is much better than the developer stuff (especially the hair) from various sites, and it's pretty easy/documented to make content for.
The Stuff packs are just stuff.
The other packs add "gameplay" elements.

As for gameplay it's a sandbox type game, so it will really depend on how much you like that. Though there is a (streamed) demo on Origin (there was at least). From what I know it's a game about making a family in which you set your own goals (there's no endpoint it's all open) and improve their situation. You can also use money cheats if you just want to build stuff (ctrl+shift+c [I think, it's 2 modifiers at least] to open "console" then type motherlode) though that does remove some of the point of the game. :D
It's pretty much the same game with mods... :D

Yeah, except not really and WAY better. :p

Oh, and you brought up a point I meant to mention but forgot. The game (Sims 3) is likely to run pretty mediocre regardless of your system. I built my GF a pretty nice system and she still gets massive stuttering and framerate drops. Why? Because 1) the game has terrible optimization and always has, and 2) every new expansion just adds a massive amount more data to the game, to the point where the game plus all the expansions is some exorbitant size.
Hmmm, The "bugs" thing kinda worries me. Typical of EA...I can just imagine coming home from a crap day and hearing her complain that her character cant seem to brush their teeth or something, heh.

But then again....Its a step in the direction Im trying to steer her and thats to get away from those brain cell reducing games on Facebook. I swear, Facebook is more like a virus than a social media platform (I dont Facebook).

If I could get her to play Skyrim....Id marry her all over again.

Any other comments?

Ladies/House wives. What say you?
I would maybe just pick up the base game on sale (I've seen it for like $20 before) and see how she likes it. Don't make a major investment in expansions and whatnot until you know.
I'm not a lady or a housewife, and if anyone really thinks that The Sims is only appealing to those demographics, they're ignorant..

I've loved The Sims since the first one. So have a large portion of my friends and coworkers. I'm willing to bet at least some of the people in this thread enjoy the game but are, for some reason, unwilling to admit they like it.

Sims 3 works fine. It doesnt run like crap, it doesnt really have that many bugs (None that I can say, and I've spend well over 100 hours playing it since its release, and currently have most of the expansions installed). If you have trouble running it smoothly, you have something else wrong.

I will say that I dont play these games for the family aspect or anything of that nature. I HATE making friends in the game, much less marrying and having to deal with a household of people wanting stupid shit. I have my one guy, I disable ageing, and I live the high life - hacking all night, drinkin coffee, and writing books all day to roll in the money. Then I build a badass house. When I get bored, I start a new guy, rinse and repeat. Currently working on a guy that I want to own every property available in town.

I would definetly pick up only the base game first, theres enough in it to keep occupied for a long time, and its a lot cheaper than paying the like $200 for the base and all the expansions/addons..
So what if she plays stupid farmville games? If that makes her happy then let her play. Happy wife, happy life :)

Besides, if she gets into real games - she's likely to take over your rig - or force you to buy another gaming PC. (this happened to me back in the diablo 2 days - I couldn't play on my PC cuz she was always hogging it lol)
So what if she plays stupid farmville games? If that makes her happy then let her play. Happy wife, happy life :)

Besides, if she gets into real games - she's likely to take over your rig - or force you to buy another gaming PC. (this happened to me back in the diablo 2 days - I couldn't play on my PC cuz she was always hogging it lol)

Ahh, and there we have it folks :)

"shes likely to take over your rig"....

Again, I point out my current rig (well, actually, im on my laptop out in the driveway atm, but my desktop is what she plays).....

I need the "ok" to start a new rig. Married "guys", you know what I mean. :)
Try starting her with Sims 2 with all of the expansions (bundle should be CHEAP) first. I know more than a couple women who love this game. What I hear is Sims 3 runs like complete shit which is a frustration few wives are willing to deal with.