The State Of HD DVD

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Gizmodo has a rather enlightening article posted today on the state of HD DVD. This is a follow up to their Blu-ray article posted last month. Definitely good reading.

Where Blu-ray is a freight train of unrivaled weight and marketing might, backed by 13 of the world's most well known electronics and computer makers, HD DVD is a Little Engine That Could, the product of a much smaller group of collaborators that has gotten over each obstacle by simply thinking it can. Judging from early buzz, HD DVD should have been beaten long ago. Today, though, it appears healthy and gaining in momentum thanks to lower prices, less confusion about disc standards, less in-fighting among the format's supporters and a high likelihood of cheap Chinese models arriving soon.
My thoughts are, we REALLY don't want Sony controlling our DVD future...

...and a high likelihood of cheap Chinese models arriving soon.
There already are the Venturer (Alco) chinese brand players at Wal-mart for under $200.
I just enjoy watching the sweat roll down Sony's mug...or is it tears. :D

Meh, actually I could give a crap about HD DVD's. Regular letterbox DVD's on my 55" wide screen looks incredible. Next!
Blu-Ray is a freight train of unrivaled weight? Could have fooled me...
I invested in HD-DVD myself. BlueRay just was too much for me to consider spending money on given that we have no idea what the future will hold.
same here...until blue-ray or hd-dvd burners are available and cheap...I could careless about these formats...
What do you call a $100 HD-A2 with 5 movies? At $20 per movie the player was free.

That's a good deal, and that definately qualifies as "cheap" players.

Even though you can't find that particualr deal today, you can still get players for $200 with up to 7 movies. Sony still doesn't have anything in that price range.

This article is behind the curve. The HD players ARE cheap.
They also didn't mention there are now more total available and exclusive movies on HD DVD vs what is available and exclusive on BR. They pulled ahead quite some time ago, and there really haven't been articles mentioning it. One of BR's biggest selling points was they had more studio support thus more movies. Now that the 51GB TL disk has been approved, Disney actually voted in favor of it (the only Blu-ray exclusive member to vote), so it looks like they might be now considering going dual format.
Well the adult industry is not supporting br.. only hd-dvd.. reason cost and well hd-dvd works a whole lot better. so me thinks hd-dvd will win.

anothing not mentioned is that blue-ray plan too (in the future) charge people per viewing. that is the sole main reason for the studios supporting br.. more $$$ but they are missing the point.. let hd-dvd win.. and sell them discs like mad and make money now.. pay actors less (if they wont act in your movie get some one else) no one is worth tens of millions for a movie.

br is very expensive to produce where as hd-dvd is cheap.. go hd-dvd.. :)

I loves me hd-dvd player (pats player on teh top..)

Uh there has been pr0n releases on blu-ray. Also if Blu Ray's cost less then why are hd-dvd's more expensive in retail? You really need to updated your little speech there.
There is both HD DVD and Blu-ray porn. There is just less of BR porn because the licensing costs and authoring costs are higher.

But I also don't get where you guys are coming with with the numbers that HD DVD movies are more expensive than BR movies. Everything I've seen in retail stores indicates the prices are nearly identical, but a more popular movie on either format might be $5 to $10 more than older movies. I always buy my HD DVD movies when they have the buy one get one free sales, or I buy them off amazon for $10 to $20.
the author probably just loves his ps3.

My brother's the same way. He swears on BluRay because he has a ps3 and swears it's the mightiest console and format God ever made.

Needless to say, my brother ain't so bright. Lets just say he also bought an 720i 42" widescreen and claims it's the best image anyone can possibly view.
Saw this display setup in Costco the other day.

Their Blu Ray player meanwhile was plugged into a panasonic.

It was changed today. I wonder if someone from sony saw it and had a heart attack. Picture quality was excellent.
BTW, for anybody who does not know, Wal-Mart is doing a Secret Friday sale tomorrow and guess what?

Toshiba HD-A3, 12 free HD DVD's = $298.00
I grabbed the HD-A3 from the BB $199 deal.

Will be buying Bourne Ultimatum and The Kingdom when they are released.

Both are KICK ASS movies and I am very happy to see they are on HD-DVD.

It'll be a cold day in hell when Sony controls all media.
I'm playing w/ an A20 right now. Stupid not coming w/ a manual...grrr...and printer's out of toner.
It'll be a cold day in hell when Sony controls all media.
Sony and Philips developed the CD. Turned out ok.

And there are even more companies on board with Blu-Ray. Here is just their Board:

Board of Directors
Apple, Inc.
Mitsubishi Electric
Sun Microsystems
Twentieth Century Fox
Walt Disney
Warner Bros.

You think Sony can outmuscle that group? HD DVD is getting it's ass kicked in every region except the US. In the US, it's only losing 2:1. That is the state of HD DVD.
Haha, don't we wish. Ok, so it turns out going from DVD to HD-DVD and NOT having the manual in the box doesn't matter. No matter what setting I change, it looks A LOT better. 300's got a very serious audio track too...ooh, it's nice.
Sony and Philips developed the CD. Turned out ok.

And there are even more companies on board with Blu-Ray. Here is just their Board:

Board of Directors
Apple, Inc.
Mitsubishi Electric
Sun Microsystems
Twentieth Century Fox
Walt Disney
Warner Bros.

You think Sony can outmuscle that group? HD DVD is getting it's ass kicked in every region except the US. In the US, it's only losing 2:1. That is the state of HD DVD.
Just as of a few weeks ago, the numbers for movie sales in the US stood at 3.01 million in Blu-ray and 1.97 million in HDDVD sales, and HD DVD has been closing the gap since. That would be a 3:2 sales margin. Where are you getting 2:1? Also, some of those companies you mention for Blu-ray are dual format supporters. (Samsung, LG, HP, Warner, and a few others you didn't mention) Now Disney has voted for the 51GB TL HD DVD disk, so they are seriously thinking of going dual format as well. Also, just since last month HD DVD went from having sold 500,000 standalone units on the market, to 750,000 sold. I'd call that more of an embarrassment to Blu-ray than anything else. Every day HD DVD is catching up more and more. They should have been blown out of the water by now.
Sony needed to knock HD DVD out early. A long fight favors HD DVD because it's cheaper. It's the Wal-Mart $100 crowd that will determine the winner, not the people that can afford a $600 player.

Sony can't sell the BD players too cheap or they won't sell PS3's. They're stuck, while more and more cheap HD players keep hitting the market. Sony is still ahead, but I don't think it will be long before HD passes them and some of those BD only movie studios start going dual format. Once that happens, the fight is probably over.
Neither is winning, but Sony is currently leading. Simply put, the market penetration for high definition media is so pathetic that the status of each format doesn't matter.

Whoever makes switching to high definition media cost the same or very nearly the same as sticking with normal DVDs will win. Period. $99 players and $15 movies with widespread availability will be the end of the race.
Consumers vote with their wallet. When it comes to the Wallet, HDDVD has knocked BR right off the shelf.

I think this christmas season will be telling when it's all tallied up early next year.

Average Consumer:

"My hubby/wife/boyfriend/girlfrend/brother/sister/etc.... wants HD for christmast. What should I get them. Hmmm...., Blu-Ray at $300 and above or HD-DVD at $99."

Guess which one ends up in the cart.
Consumers vote with their wallet. When it comes to the Wallet, HDDVD has knocked BR right off the shelf.

I think this christmas season will be telling when it's all tallied up early next year.

Average Consumer:

"My hubby/wife/boyfriend/girlfrend/brother/sister/etc.... wants HD for christmast. What should I get them. Hmmm...., Blu-Ray at $300 and above or HD-DVD at $99."

Guess which one ends up in the cart.

you cheapsake ;)

jk hehe

I would pick HDDVD too. After shelling out $1600 for a television, I'm not willing to spend much for a player too.
Just as of a few weeks ago, the numbers for movie sales in the US stood at 3.01 million in Blu-ray and 1.97 million in HDDVD sales, and HD DVD has been closing the gap since. That would be a 3:2 sales margin. Where are you getting 2:1? Also, some of those companies you mention for Blu-ray are dual format supporters. (Samsung, LG, HP, Warner, and a few others you didn't mention) Now Disney has voted for the 51GB TL HD DVD disk, so they are seriously thinking of going dual format as well. Also, just since last month HD DVD went from having sold 500,000 standalone units on the market, to 750,000 sold. I'd call that more of an embarrassment to Blu-ray than anything else. Every day HD DVD is catching up more and more. They should have been blown out of the water by now.

My bad I didn't specify, I was talking about rates, not YTD or Since Incpeption/LTD. Doesn't matter that some of those companies are dual supporters, my point was in response to the previous poster, that Sony can't muscle that group around.

Thanks for pointing out that 500k-750k announcement though, I'm sure you didn't read that the HDA decided to include the 360 add on, which resulted in a huge chunk of that 250k jump.

I know that is a blu-ray forum, so ignore that. It has a summary of weekly sales, and links directly to Home Media Magazine (a ubiquitous source in hollywood/industry) which has the Nielsen numbers. Since Inception numbers have been deteriating slowly. HD DVD had some good weekly numbers here and there though, but the two weeks where it was thought they woudl win, release of Transformers, and the weeks after the massive A2 sale and black friday, it did not.
Consumers vote with their wallet. When it comes to the Wallet, HDDVD has knocked BR right off the shelf.
If that was the case, Sony themselves wouldn't even exist. Almost everything they produce is more expensive than their competition. Yet their CE department is wildly successful. It's not always that simple as some try to make it out to be. Price is a factor, one of several.
Thanks for pointing out that 500k-750k announcement though, I'm sure you didn't read that the HDA decided to include the 360 add on, which resulted in a huge chunk of that 250k jump.

You mean an add-on which is only capable of doing one thing (playing HD-DVD's) as opposed to a console which is a dual use machine. It seems people buying the add-on would be inclined to buy HD-DVD's as well given that is all it can do (making it far more of a stand alone player than something integrated into a gaming system) than those people purchasing say a PS3 whose supposed first purpose is to play games not watch Blu-ray movies.
That is a pretty decent point. I never really thought of it like that. But we can see with the PS3, the attachment rate for buying movies is pretty low. Compared to how many total players are out there on both sides and how many movies have been sold, HD DVD's attachment rate is around 6 fold greater than that of Blu-ray.
Gee well

Thos that print porn on br are simply spending soo much money.. the main reason that hd-dvd is the same price as dvd/br is simply because the market will sustain the price.. (not to mention that most dvds have hd-dvd on the other side..). why do you think hd tvs are the price they are at...? you honestly think it costs that much to produce the it doesnt, think about the 25%price plunge and yet they are still making a huge profit.

if tomorrow that hd-dvd sales dropped to next to nothing than you would immediately see drop in the price. will hd-dvd win, you bet, why.. well the price is one..and two is very simple.. why on earth would sony make br ?? space... well they needed that cause they are still using mpeg2.. so drop that..hmm it is because they will begin charging people per viewing (so pay $$ for movie, than after X viewings then pay $$ each time u wathc your bought moive.. and they will turn this on dont kid your self)..the only thing the care about is $$, they own several movie studios and well they really want the money. is also why the other studios support it.. they dont do it for the format, just for the prospect of making more money by making you pay twice to watch it at home. that is why they dont care about loosing money to producing br... br quality sucks... i ownd a ps3 and that stayed in my house all of 2 days and promptly gave it back... yuck truely a craptastic product..

hd -dvd is nice, i register all me players (whn all features are turned on) and can make 1 copy of my movie that will only work on registered players and leave my orign alone.. i can watch it as many times as i like... woohoo.

so if you support br, remember the betta tape war..yeehaa....lolz during that time some porn did come on betta, tho the bulk was on vhs.. much like hd-dvd... go hd-dvd it is going to win.. then not too long after that video streaming will be coming in full force... :)


Waaaaaay back when this all started, I said (and still firmly believe) that just because one standard might win, that doesn't mean the winner will succeed. It kills me that people think the ONLY hurdle is "beating" each other. That is the EASY part and the retards (BR and HD DVD) can't even do that.

If anyone can prove that a format can fail, even without competition, it is Sony. They have a proven track record of flopped formats. So just beating HD DVD means squat if they don't beat them on price too.

I sincerely hope these two knuckheads can get back to where they started and work together on a standard that everyone can embrace.
