The story of Micron's -5b G and -5b C

Jan 30, 2005
So earlier tonight, me and mr. eclipse were discussing the origin of Microns wonder chips, the -5b G's and the -5b C's. they have really interesting characteristics, as they are the only chip to have a lower trcd and trp then their cas latency, eg 2.5-2-2-X or 3-2-2-X. So i came to the conclusion that the boys over at Micron were thinking of new wonder chips, and a low trcd and trp value is the best way to go.

and heres the story of Micron -5b C and -5b G

so they went over to the old winbond warehouse, before UTT had been discovered, where they hold the bh-5 dies that do 270 2-2-2-5, and over to Hynix warehouse, where the micron boys knew that they had D43 dies, that were binned to ddr500, which are today known as D5, instead of the ddr400 that they should be, and picked the healthiest looking sample. They got the nicest anti-static bag they could find, and of coarse a case of wine coolers, to help nature take its course. So they left the bag alone for 9 months, and when they returned, a brand new stick of Crucial Value Ram hopped out. and thats the story of Micron -5b C. The boys were astounded, but they didn't know why there was a Cas latency and overall speed hit, but then realized a case of Wine coolers were too much, so they went back to do a new experiment.

They got the same bh-5 dies that do 270 2-2-2-5, and over to samsung to steal some of the new TCCD chips that they had heard were binned to ddr500 with 2.5-3-3-7 timings. They picked the most robust samples they could find from both bins, and went and got a deluxe anti-static bag, with the nice heart shaped bed. They got only a 6 pack of wine coolers this time, to insure the higher speeds. Again they left for 9 months, and when they returned, they were greeted by a shiny Golden heatspreadered ramstick names Ballistix. It would reach higher speeds, but still had a cas latency hit. It like lower volts and loved trp and trcd of 2, just like the old -5b C's.

Micron had succeeded in making a new wonder chip.

this story is completely fiction, but (cf) and i thought it would really good story to tell. tell us your thoughts, and if you really know how -5b C and -5b G is made, please tell us, were still baffled. hope you've had a good read :D
I just want you to know I jerked off during half of that story. RAM-on-RAM action is hot.
hehehe, i'm glad this made it into existance ;)

for those not in the know, micron 5b C and 5b G is surprisingly unpopular for what it does.

in the form of crucial value ram, and ocz EB, and some assorted other rams, 5b C is.. well fun.
here's a thread explaining my adventures in the stuff

for 5b G, it's basically the same thing, but can use a lower cas latency to higher mhz. i have a stick of ballistix that can do better than most winbond bh and ch at 2.9v:

and still scales past 250mhz at 2.5-2-2 :p
and if you really know how -5b C and -5b G is made, please tell us, were still baffled


Soo...didn't you say you were getting ahold of a 1GB module soon?
(cf) is, he said it should be here rather soon. hes excited cause it has micron -5b G's which we all now are bh-5 and TCCD mixed.
ashmedai said:
Soo...didn't you say you were getting ahold of a 1GB module soon?
yup, hopefully by monday or tuesday. we'll see how good fedex is to me this time :p
That's strange, because I could have sword Micron had "mT-Xb" dies way before hynix had the d5 die nailed down. The 1Gb ballistix don't use mT-5b-g, it's some other die, the codename of which escapes my memory. Either way, they're different.

Eh? I don't see any reason to like micron chips. They are very inconsistent. The highest I ever saw them do was about 296Mhz 3-2-2, which isn't bad... but then again, TCCD can do something similar. And then again, they are inconsistent. One stick may do 300, the other can't do over 255. You never know. There's a Winbond "DH" die out in the channels, there is no ram that uses it atm, although OCZ is planning to start using it soon. Don't think it will be anything special though, probably the BH-5 -> CH-5 story all over again. Samsung and Micron are focusing their attention on DDR2, which sucks in general. Which is why there were only like 2 video cards that ever used it, 5800U and 9700Pro. GDDR3, or maybe XDR is the way to go, DDR2 is just stupid... it's as if they tried to make the upgrade to DDR2 an easy one by bridging it into the DDR world, but... you need a new mobo memory and CPU for it anyway. Why not leave it quad pumped? The world will never know...
iddqd said:
That's strange, because I could have sword Micron had "mT-Xb" dies way before hynix had the d5 die nailed down. The 1Gb ballistix don't use mT-5b-g, it's some other die, the codename of which escapes my memory. Either way, they're different.

Eh? I don't see any reason to like micron chips. They are very inconsistent. The highest I ever saw them do was about 296Mhz 3-2-2, which isn't bad... but then again, TCCD can do something similar. And then again, they are inconsistent. One stick may do 300, the other can't do over 255. You never know. There's a Winbond "DH" die out in the channels, there is no ram that uses it atm, although OCZ is planning to start using it soon. Don't think it will be anything special though, probably the BH-5 -> CH-5 story all over again. Samsung and Micron are focusing their attention on DDR2, which sucks in general. Which is why there were only like 2 video cards that ever used it, 5800U and 9700Pro. GDDR3, or maybe XDR is the way to go, DDR2 is just stupid... it's as if they tried to make the upgrade to DDR2 an easy one by bridging it into the DDR world, but... you need a new mobo memory and CPU for it anyway. Why not leave it quad pumped? The world will never know...

Hey, can you please make a thread outlining why DDR2 sucks? Because, aside from some inefficiency of converting the QDR signal to DDR, it seems like it would be some kickass memory when matched with an integrated memory controller. I've been seeing a lot of potential in it since people are hitting near-A64 quality latencies on INTEL SYSTEMS.

Oh and why do you hate CH-5 so much? I know that the old BH-5 was great, but it's not available anymore, and thew new CH-5 seems to be doing just as well.

3-2-2 at 296mhz will blow away anything TCCD does at 2.5-3-3
iddqd said:
That's strange, because I could have sword Micron had "mT-Xb" dies way before hynix had the d5 die nailed down. The 1Gb ballistix don't use mT-5b-g, it's some other die, the codename of which escapes my memory. Either way, they're different.

Eh? I don't see any reason to like micron chips. They are very inconsistent. The highest I ever saw them do was about 296Mhz 3-2-2, which isn't bad... but then again, TCCD can do something similar
aside from the fact that cas latency does next to nothing, and trcd - trp is a decent hit? ;)

also, the mT part before the chip code just identifies the package type. this day and age, most of us are used to the tsop :p
as for the 1gb sticks.. i don't know about the ballistix, but i was talking to someone else who got the 1gb crucial value in, and this is what he said:



(the first one is the newegg model number)
i have 2 x 512 of the -5b gs thanks to eclipse's recommendations now if only I knew how to OC 100% sure heh

still iffy on timings and such, but I'll figure out eventually.

Anyone in NJ want to come over and help me out haha :p
hey, now i'm confused.. i thought you said you have 1gb sticks, not 1gb total! :eek: :(

well, then your 512mb sticks should do better than i expected, and i retract my statement of the 1gb sticks haveing -5b G :p
(cf)Eclipse said:
hey, now i'm confused.. i thought you said you have 1gb sticks, not 1gb total! :eek: :(

well, then your 512mb sticks should do better than i expected, and i retract my statement of the 1gb sticks haveing -5b G :p

oooo noo no sorry i have 2 x 512 of the -5 b g chips sorry!

I bought 2 of the sticks off newegg and am running them in dual channel. Sorry you misunderstood me.
it's cool. i've got a 1gb stick of the stuff on the way anyhow. and those 512mb sticks should definitly be able to do 2.5-2-2 up to a respectable mhz with some voltage :D
Well, the mT-5b-g is a 32-m chip, so you can't possibly have a 1gb stick with those... unless you stack them, and that technology is not very developed, so it's not done. Therefore, other IC must be used.
iddqd said:
Well, the mT-5b-g is a 32-m chip, so you can't possibly have a 1gb stick with those... unless you stack them, and that technology is not very developed, so it's not done. Therefore, other IC must be used.

Imagine what a stacked dimm or even a pair of them would do to the A64 memory controller...

(cf)Eclipse said:
you mean in 64m chips, 64mx64 = 4096 / 8 = 512mb

and doing a bit of digging, it seems that the single sided 512mb sticks come with -5b D, so most likely the 1gb sticks will to.

There are 16 chips on a DIMM. So they are 32m chips ;)
robberbaron said:
There are 16 chips on a DIMM. So they are 32m chips ;)
32mb chips, but for some reason, m != mb, or else i'm just confusing myself needlessly :p
No, I meant Mb. The organization is a little meaningless nowdays.
ah, gotcha. then yes, they are indeed 32mb chips, and i was being silly :p
i'm pretty sure by now that the 64mb chips that go into 512mb single sided and 1gb sticks are -5b D, but i'll find out for sure soon enough ;)
Im going to start overclocking more once I figure out if i want to do a side fan or not.

I could cut a 120mm blowhole, but see my case is a v2000a and to cut into a 200$ lian li would be a sin :(
just hold down a fan over the ram with some rubber bands. simple, cheap and effective :p
(cf)Eclipse said:
just hold down a fan over the ram with some rubber bands. simple, cheap and effective :p
Is that a rubber band? Luxury! Is that a fan? Sloth! Is that a case? Vanity!

It's hammer time.
Monty Python reference. You can also find that one in Warcraft. If you look hard enough :D
and it's a value stick :p

right now baron and i are crazy busy with something that you guys are sure to like :D
so I decided to tweak around alittle bit on my box and oc'ing.

I put my cpu at 290 x 9 because I know it can do 300 x 9 np :), but I wanted to mess with the ram this time.

My ram now is at 2.5 - 3- 3 - 8 @ 2.8 vdimm w00t

and my divider is at 133 mhz + OC so ram is only running at 188 mhz right now, but once I bump my fsb back to 300 it'll be running at nearly 200 which isn't bad at all for value ram.

Whatcha all think