The sucking


Apr 25, 2005
1,668 expect us to discuss this, just so you can read it? Come on, give a thought or two, don't just post links and an ambiguous "discuss" COMMAND. Can we at least get a please and a thought or two from YOU?
One thing I'll definitely agree with. Remember the original Zelda commercials from the 80's with the geeky kid and his friend on the couch acting like the class outcasts? Who the hell cared...they had ZELDA!

And that provided refuge for all the non-populars.

Now the frat parties with cheap beer and easy women have Halo playing.


Oh, and video game companies reallly need to focus on gameplay rather than graph-*erk*

Um, this isn't a representative of EA, and we haven't slit this member's throat. And Battlefield 3 will be out next year.
Bo_Bice said:
why do people start these topics and then simply say 'discuss'?


So they can start a conversation without contributing to it.
The locking.

See what I did there.
Posting links and saying "discus" lowers your defense by 4 and with my +16 Lock of the Monkey, you never stood a chance.
This thread gets a free res for first post editing.
odoe said:
The locking.

See what I did there.
Posting links and saying "discus" lowers your defense by 4 and with my +16 Lock of the Monkey, you never stood a chance.

LMAO... that's great.
Well I dont want to start a flame war or anything but ya there is a lot of sucking going around right now. Maybee its just me but I agree with this the most.

The second box. where they talk about bump maping the toy instead of seeing if its more fun.

I know its been said over and over but I think to much emphasis is being put on the technology aspect of games. Even when you read a review's and previews of games now days a large portion of it talk about the technology in the game instead of gameplay.

Another problem is the over hype and the impartial reviews. How are developers supposed to make a better game if the reviews are impartial and biased. How do they know what they are doing right and what they are doing wrong? I recently read a thesis on how to properly review a game and I agreed with most of what the author said.

Unfortunatly I cant find where I put the PDF on my drive but some of the things I remember where
-To make better games we need to define what better means
-To define what better means we need good criticism
-Thus to make better games we need good criticism.
Im sure you guys understand where this is leading. Its a big circle. If the people reviewing the game arent doing a good job how do you expect the developers to do a good job? Sure its not entirely the reviewers fault. The developer must understand this to. He/she must know how to properly critique their own game so that they can fix it themselves befor it launches as a product.

The author goes on and quotes Justin Hall which says.
Game publication and websites still employ low paid hobbiysts who are easy targets for lavish marketing events that encourage inappropriate ties between game makers and game critics

What does everyone think of that? True not True? I would say I have to agree with it, but I leave that up to you guys.

I dont remember too much else because I read through it fairly fast because it was 2 in the morning, but there is a bunch more. I will see if I can find it on my Hard Drive. (Hurry up windwos vists)

But without the text there are other things I would like to bring up. The biggest thing is a game cannot be talked about in terms of its technical aspects. What do we accomplish with that? That is a major problem I see now days. It even happens on these forums a lot. But this is going to lead to the debate of whether Hardware causes innovation or Software Causes innovation. I know that is coming and it will turn into a huge flame fest so I dont think I will dwelve into this to much.

One thing to think of is this. If we had someone from gamespot review the sims 2, and then we had someone who is a casual gamer review the sims 2 what do you think would change and what wouldnt? They each would have a different opinion on what makes this game good or bad.

Or is it the simple fact that the hardcore gamers are just getting bored with the same old stuff that seems to be put out lately? Or that yestdays A rated games are going to be better then todays B and A games. Has anyone seen the unreal 99 thread? Is another problem the fact that gaming has gone mainstream? I personally dont like how mainstream gaming has gone but there is no other way to do it. It all comes down to the money.

I cant believe how many stupid design desicions I have seen over the last couple years and the people reviewing the games dont point them out.

Anyways I will post some other stuff when it comes to me.
LMAO thats a good one.

In reality I have to agree with the kids games, adult games comment.
Whenever I start to lose faith in the game industry, games like Ico, Katamari Dimacy and Psychonauts come along.
Aye. It's not so much that games today suck, but we have more experiences under our belts. Back when things first started out, every idea was a new one. It didn't matter whether there was a story or not. All games could have been about rescueing the president from ninjas. Now we're not so fortunate. Doom -> Doom 3 didn't change too much. We're still interacting with the game world in largely the same manner. The only substantial difference is atmosphere. To it's credit, a lot of good can come out of atmosphere. It presents a new experience without necessitating a new idea.

What is important, is good games are still being released. I have almost made it a point to not closely follow anything with a number in it. UT 2K7? Splinter Cell 4? I have already played these games. I am sure they will be amusing, but they don't bring anything new to the table, short of technology. It's the games I haven't even heard of yet that I will pursue. Shadow of Colossus? Sure, it's an ICO sequel, but the goal is an original experience. Platforming and environment puzzle solve is still at their cores, but going from no boss battles, to nothing but boss encounters is a huge shift. It takes the gameplay into a new territory.

I have historically had a lot of luck with games I have 'never heard of'. I recently picked up Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy this week. Fun stuff. Nah, it's not too much more than a traditional adventure platformer; but as is the case with a lot of new intellectual property, the developers weren't inhibited to try anything new. The result is half of the game allowing you to be immortal. Atmosphere effects gameplay, and gameplay effects atmosphere. Great stuff. In a similar instance, Beyond Good and Evil is another that came out of nowhere. Not too much more than a Zelda clone, granted, but altogether fun, and surprisingly original.

To put it simply, I try and keep my reservations as soon as I see "X Game 2+". Part of me is greatful, but at the end of the day I think I have much more fun with the games I don't know what to expect from.
I have to agree with Kiggles here. I loved playing games when we were in the "Original Game Boom". For those who don't know, that boat sailed past about three years ago. Everything since then (or before, with those evil sports-games) has been either a sequel, or complete rip-off (LOTR: Third Age; FFX anyone?).

I'm fed up with sequels, or games based purely on hype, like Def Jam. But, I'm sorry to say, sequels have just as much chance of stopping as MTV has with actually airing some music.
hignaki said:
I'm fed up with sequels, or games based purely on hype, like Def Jam. But, I'm sorry to say, sequels have just as much chance of stopping as MTV has with actually airing some music.

Concidentally, norway's biggest cable company just dropped MTV in favor of a channel that sends only (shock, horror) music videos.
(That they are even worse than MTV when it comes to airing non-hitlist music is another matter entirely. :rolleyes: )

I'm not sure how this relates to what you were saying, but let me pretend it's a good sign.
HHunt said:
Concidentally, norway's biggest cable company just dropped MTV in favor of a channel that sends only (shock, horror) music videos.
(That they are even worse than MTV when it comes to airing non-hitlist music is another matter entirely. :rolleyes: )

I'm not sure how this relates to what you were saying, but let me pretend it's a good sign.

That's no surprise. Seems like a lot of that Death Metal, or whatever they're calling it these days, comes out of Europe. Wasn't it a Norweigian band that had someone on a cross during their concert? And one had a couple having sex right on the stage. You folks know how to have a good time.
I'm the Dude said:
That's no surprise. Seems like a lot of that Death Metal, or whatever they're calling it these days, comes out of Europe. Wasn't it a Norwegian band that had someone on a cross during their concert? And one had a couple having sex right on the stage. You folks know how to have a good time.

I wouldn't be suprised. There's a lot of, uhm, interesting stage shows in that business. :D
(Personally I prefer my music a touch softer. Rammstein and turbonegro rather than dimmu borgir and the like.)
And yeah, the "fuck for forest" [1] people got on stage during the Quart festival last year, invited by the band that was playing. Both they and the festival got a fine [2], but that was more or less that. (I imagine no-one would have bothered with even that if it was in denmark.)

Just a shame the replacement channel varies between top 20-rubbish and SMS-TV. (And unlike others, they don't bother getting the uncensored videos.)
I'm on satellite myself, so I get both. MTVe is better between 0100 and 1100. :)

[1] Honestly. They make porn to save the rainforests.
[2] "Sex in public areas", and all that.
I've been seeing "Why do games suck today?" threads appear on a regular basis every three months since 1995 on the Internet and since 1985 on dial-up boards.

Torgo's Axiom #19: It is a constant that someone, somewhere has posted, is posting, or will post "Why do games suck today?"
Torgo said:
I've been seeing "Why do games suck today?" threads appear on a regular basis every three months since 1995 on the Internet and since 1985 on dial-up boards.

Torgo's Axiom #19: It is a constant that someone, somewhere has posted, is posting, or will post "Why do games suck today?"

Ridiculous..everyone knows Al Gore didn't invent the internet until the early 90's.