The switches on this controller... anyone have this?


Limp Gawd
Aug 14, 2001
Do these switches control the 4 adjustable speed dials/fans or does one control the 4 fans on the dials and one switch the two (connectorless) bare wire fan connections?

I'm looking to control 4 fans on the side of my Stacker and prefer to not have them on all the time but the speed control would be nice at the same time.

Anyone have one that can tell me?

looks like the switches switch between 5, off, and 12 volts. Whether thats just for the last 2 fans or for all of them i can't say.
looks like the switches switch between 5, off, and 12 volts. Whether thats just for the last 2 fans or for all of them i can't say.

I know it's adjustable off/5/12 but its the later part of your reply that Im wondering...
after some research, by looking at several websites that sell these, I have determined that your correct. The 4 knobs control 4 fans and the two switches control the remaining two fans.

i might be better off with a switch setup that allows me to turn them on/off instead.

I dont want them running all the time now that I think about it.

My temp in my apartment is almost identicle to outside and thats pretty cold till summer rolls around... then it might be nice to have the option to turn them on.