The White House Hasn't Ditched YouTube

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
C|Net is reporting that, contrary to its previous reports, the White House has not ditched YouTube. Wait, yes it has. I it hasn’t. Yes. Wait. No. Ah hell, just wait long enough, they’ll report something different.

The White House has denied that it has "abandoned YouTube as the provider of the embedded videos on the president's official home page."
We can safely assume that whatever comes out of the White House, they mean just the opposite.
Sounds like somebody in the media printed something without really verifying it's veracity, and everybody ran with it.
We uhhh.. decided... uh, aaaaaaaaand... uhh... we haven't uhh... decided to yet abandon that option. Let me be clear. There will be no earmarks supporting or pork regarding this.... after I sigh several billion more into law. After that is uhh what I'm saying.
This post has been an engaging and informing post that I am glad to have spent my time reading and which greatly encouraged me to click the linked article.