The witcher 2 hardware requirements


[H]F Junkie
Dec 24, 2001
Not to pollute the Witcher 2 thread to much.

I am having performance issues with my computer.

Win 7 32-bit
Intel core 2 duo at 3,6 gig
2gig of RAM
GTX 580
latest whql driver (not the 0517)

Can´t run the game at the lowest setting which the game advice me to use. A friend claim to be able to run it at high fine on a GTX 580 and he uses 8 gig of RAM.

Curious what system those run where this game run fine on high or max settings? Anybody being able to run this good with only 2 gb of RAM?
I know there's some beta GPU drivers out today at least for Nvidia for this game.

In general, you might want to consider going to at least 4 gigs of RAM and going from Windows 7 32 to 64. You'd be really happy with those moves. :)

Your 2 gigs of RAM might be a problem here for you as well with this game. This is a new benchmark title. Take that FWIW.
Could be the core Duo too. Need to update that asap anyway.

Still, the 3D vision part of the drivers caused issues. The new beta driver addresses that.
2GB is the absolute minimum requirement for RAM in Windows 7 for the Witcher 2. I wouldn't expect it to be playable with that amount of system RAM (there is always something else running).

OS: Windows XP/Vista/7
Processor: Intel 2.2 GHz Dual-Core or AMD 2.5 GHz Dual-Core
Memory: 1.5 GB (Win XP), 2GB (Win Vista/Win 7)
Graphics: GeForce 8800 (512 MB) or Radeon HD3850 (512 MB)

You've got a pretty crazy setup there (wee bit GPU heavy).
I haven't had issues with 1x5770, 4gb of ddr2, and a phenom II. I think the only thing you could really do is increase your ram to 4gb. It's dirt cheap for ddr3 right now and ddr2 prices aren't too terrible if you just need 2gb.

Anyway, I doubt that's the problem honestly. Maybe it is to an extent, but you're probably suffering from the same issue as a lot of other nvidia users. Read a few pages back on the Witcher 2 thread, but I think someone fixed it by rolling back to the previous driver version.

But yeah, TW2's system requirements aren't really that steep imo and shouldn't be a problem at all for a gtx580(except maybe w/ super high res and/or ubersampling)
Ya, I'm gonna say its the RAM too. If you were bottlenecked by your CPU, I'm guessing it would still be playable at the lowest settings.
2 gig is on the limit for a lot of games. Generally it don´t hurt framerates that much but can cause mini stutters. What holding me back is having to redo everything and I have been lucky so far with only 2 gig.

Anyway I did try the new betas and they did wonders... Now at 40 fps+ average at high. Haven´t tried Ultra yet but this is performance I can live with if it stays this way. Now I got the expected frame rate dip using stereo3d as well so things appear to work a bit more normal now.

I don´t understand how this could get the rating excellent though. I don´t know if it´s the shadows that ruins everything. There is no option to completely turn shadows off so I can try :(
Your system is very lopsided. But it could be a driver issue as well.

But my GTX 560ti was okay at 1920x1080 everything max except ubersampling off. So the video card wouldn't be your limitation for sure unless your resolution is much higher. I have a 2500k and 8gb ram.
Same resolution here when not running 3D. It´s lop sided but I was running 4 gig before getting the GTX 580 so it wasn´t planned like this.