The Witcher


Apr 6, 2005
There doesn't seem to be enough hype on this forum about the game so I thought I'd make a post and remind everyone that it's being released Oct. 30th.

It seems like I've been waiting forever to play this game. It looks prettier each time I see it though I think I'll need to finally buy a new video card because I refuse to lower the graphic settings :(

Oh, has anyone read any of the books that The Witcher is based on? Any good?
looks very promising.. I have been looking forward to it.. :)
the only problem is that Hellgate:London comes out on the 31st....I don't know which game to get first!
Oh, has anyone read any of the books that The Witcher is based on? Any good?

Yes, I haven't finished the whole saga yet but those books are fantastic, when they finally get translated it is a must read for everyone - not only fantasy lovers... if the game delivers than you will have an idea of what The Witcher is all about, devs are saying that they are trying to keep it close (settings, characters, beasts) to the books and I hope they will...

Check Witcher's official forums, they might give you update info on the books, I know it's in the process of being translated but have no clue how far in they are on it.
Hellgate: London? Yeah, I played the beta. I'll be picking up The Witcher.
the only problem is that Hellgate:London comes out on the 31st....I don't know which game to get first!

Look at the videos and shit and decide which you think you would like more. Personally I havne't bought into the Hellgate hype and probably won't buy it for awhile, once I know it's decent.
I think the Hellgate: London hype will delegate this game to sleeper hit status, which is sort of unfortunate as the game will probably not do as well as it should and they dev may go under :(. But hey, lets not be negative, and keep a positive outlook for this game. I for one think it looks truly awesome. This and Mass Effect have really got me in the RPG mood.
Hellgate: London? Yeah, I played the beta. I'll be picking up The Witcher.

this will be a much different game than Hellgate... me thinks.. lots of wide open spaces and exploring to do.. I didn't care too much for HGL while playing the alpha.. it was amusing for a week but I got bored of the massive repetition of tunnels and "towns" were very uninteresting to me.. perhaps that will change in the demo and full release, but I lost interest kind of quickly.. I need places to explore and a feeling that I am not confined to an area to keep me engaged long term.. I think the witcher will be one of these types which I can get into.. I hope so! :)
Looks awesome, the best part to me is the decisions you make won't have immediate reprecussions - they will take effect 10 to 15 hours down the line, so it won't be like the many CRPG's where the decision's you make show the results right away so you can just save and reload.

I do admit they picked a shitty day to launch on - Universe at War and Hellgate: London on the same day, along with Timeshift (which needs a different release date or else it will be lost in the hype of everything else) and Gears of War the next day.

I really want this game to do well, I'm going to be buying it, but PC gamers mostly buy one game at a time that I've noticed and devote a large chunk of time to that one game before moving on. I got a feeling most people will go for Universe at War or Hellgate London since they have both been mega hyped.

Fixed Wiki Link

Also, heres a couple screenshots...




I am honestly not that interested in Hellgate but I didn't realize it was being released the day after. If The Witcher turns out to be a quality game it's sure going to suck if sales don't meet enough to warrant a sequel.
I'm all about the Witcher on launch day.. looks B-E-A-utiful.. hope the gameplay is as good as the game looks/sounds.
Been following this game for awhile now. Getting excited for release! I have a Witcher screenshot as my desktop for about a year now.
Looks like the official US release is going to happen on Halloween Day! Happy Halloween indeed..
lol.. the Witcher main char, Geralt, looks like Lucious Malfoy. :eek: watching some of the movies of the environment litterally had the hair on my neck standing up. freakin bad ass!
I was really looking forward to this game. Mostly for my wife because she would dig it, until i found out there is no character creation. My wife has this issue with playing male characters in RPGs. And i wont be buying it now soley for that reason.
Outpost shows the game for 36$ if you want to preorder it or pick it up at FRY's on OCT 30th.
Yeah I got to mess around with this game at Gen-Con Indy a bit. It looks to be a promising game from what I can tell. Definitly going to pick it up when it comes out.
the only problem is that Hellgate:London comes out on the 31st....I don't know which game to get first!

The one that has a chance of being a decent game? :confused:

Get witcher. It's actually done and getting good reviews.
I played the hellgate london demo (I wasnt impressed at all with it) ... granted the graphics are pretty good its just the game seemed 'clumsey'.

This wont be my D2 remake thats for sure ...

Witcher on the other hand looks like a great game. Looks like it has a great story line and some nice openendedness to it.

-wanted to add-
gives a very faverable review of the game ... sounds like people with mediocre machines will be able to enjoy the games graphics also.

sounds like a great game - Ill definately be picking this up ... along with crysis and Cod4 in the next month
Damn, I may have to hope this doesn't fall under germany's violent game ban, I'd love to get an uncensored version. That said, a download might be neccesary due to a mild language barrier, my german isn't 100% fluent yet. :)
So wait, do we know that the US version is going to get censored? I'm hoping that's not the case because then I'll have to order the import and wait for it to get here, and that's never any fun.

I need dem titties.;)
So wait, do we know that the US version is going to get censored? I'm hoping that's not the case because then I'll have to order the import and wait for it to get here, and that's never any fun.

I need dem titties.;)

Damn, I may have to hope this doesn't fall under germany's violent game ban, I'd love to get an uncensored version. That said, a download might be neccesary due to a mild language barrier, my german isn't 100% fluent yet. :)

...Or, you're in Berlin, no? just skip on over to Poland and pick one up. ;-)
(but I bet your polish isn't any better than your German)