The Witcher

its not even a conservative/liberal political thing, though I am liberal politically. It has everything to do with the religious upbringing of the original settlers here that has permeated the very roots of our society.

Funny part of that is that they have (mostly) given up on trying to edit other things, (save for a few 'down-home' states.) There isn't much you can't do in movies/cable, TV-broadcasts are getting more and more laxed; books can and are about just about anyting under the sun. Yet electronic entertainment, (games), and anime are still being chopped up because in this country (US), they are still associated with kids.... one would have thought thats what the ESRB was for...

It's simply a sad state of affiars that the government feels the need to regulate things like this, (yet I can walk into the nearest sprawl-mart and buy a shotgun with little effort...) I'm guessing this is because of the truth we all know.... Cartoons/Games kill people, guns don't.

/psudo-tangent ;)
Because there's never been any nudity in games before!

granted, this isn't a traditional game.. but..

I remember in Fable you could have sex with female NPCs... you'd have to be pretty bad ass and then flirt with them endlessly, then they'd cave.. lol. but the screen would just go dark.. boo!
in Witcher you see a card on screen, and in the background is a very out of focus image of like the shoulders up of Geralt and his lucky lady during sex... more than I've seen in any game to date I think.
Various shots. The two blurry ones are when Geralt is drunk. A few are about a "Fight Club" that some guys have going on in the back of an Inn. You bet money and fist fight with them to win their money. The rest are just random shots of stuff, with a few of the information boxes that pop up as you find new stuff. Awesome game!!!

Because there's never been any nudity in games before!

More nudity I say. I remember back in Daggerfall, if you removed the clothing and armour from your female character you got to see titties. Now that's realism!

I also remember playing a few bad adventure games as a teen just because they had a flash of nudity. Those were the days.
More nudity I say. I remember back in Daggerfall, if you removed the clothing and armour from your female character you got to see titties. Now that's realism!

I also remember playing a few bad adventure games as a teen just because they had a flash of nudity. Those were the days.

Heheh I remember modding the files of games to add to the realism :p
LOL it is funny how many posts are directed to digital nudity. Get Oblivion and installed a nude mode for a quick fix ;)

Larry Leisure Suit 1 or 2 I think they had some ... eh ... love action. Just a black bouncing box with sound IIRC but was a good laugh.

Back to topic, is the game worth getting. Are people comparing this to Planescape: Torment? Which one is better storytelling-wise, NWN2: Exp and Witcher?
Is anyone else finding only about 1% information on this game? I always find tons of research about the game, but the main page sucks (they all do), the official witcher wiki doesn't give much info, and wikipedia witcher only gives very general information.

Is it just going to be a hack-and-slash, or like oblivion? Or any other RPG? I am extremely confused about the "class" differences of the game. I can't stand games where you are forced to play a "warrior" type class, which is what this game looks like, since I can't find ANY information regarding it.
Is anyone else finding only about 1% information on this game? I always find tons of research about the game, but the main page sucks (they all do), the official witcher wiki doesn't give much info, and wikipedia witcher only gives very general information.

Is it just going to be a hack-and-slash, or like oblivion? Or any other RPG? I am extremely confused about the "class" differences of the game. I can't stand games where you are forced to play a "warrior" type class, which is what this game looks like, since I can't find ANY information regarding it.

The Witcher is based on novels. It wouldn't make sense to base them on a novel and then turn around and ....not use anything from the novels....

You play as Geralt, you can't play as anyone else.

However just because you play as him doesn't mean there's no customization. Infact, there is quite a lot of it.

Literally when you first lv up, you'll sit there and just look over the skills figuring out what you want to learn/how you want to play the game later on.

The meat of combat is of course focused on his swords, with three stances between both of them. (He uses two swords, a Steel one for humans and a Silver one for monsters). With each stance there are many skills that you can put points into.

Then you also have signs (magic) that you have to first find over the world in exploring, etc.

Then you have your basic Strength, dexterity, int. Stamina which you can train in each with various abilities between them.

There are a lot of ways to fine tune your version of Geralt.

Also on top of the sword and signs to use in combat there is a heavy focus on Alchemy, which you will learn through various books and scrolls new potions and harvestable items that you can find in the world to make your own potions.

The combat itself is more "hands" on then your click-fest style combat (a la diablo). It's based on a rhythm system. Where you click on your enemy to attack, then hitting it again at the right moment opens another attack with more as you learn new skills and such. You can dodge on you rown (double tapping a direction key) and he'll do evasion/parrying on his own with passive skills sometimes.

You can pause during combat anytime you wish to decide on what to do next (switch stance, drink a potion, etC).
Really appreciate the reply, thanks Stiler. Finally some good information. :)

The timing the keystrokes and dodging kind of reminds me of what Age of Conan is doing. Finally games that make you feel like you're the character.

Too bad it's not multiplayer, but that would be a bit odd having a bunch of Geralts running around, haha.
Crap; just got an email from gogamer saying that the delivery date was pushed to 11-2 based on a releasedate shift... this I find very odd based on the fact that the game seems to already be out in the UK... Anyone else that preordered the import through gogamer get this?
Crap; just got an email from gogamer saying that the delivery date was pushed to 11-2 based on a releasedate shift... this I find very odd based on the fact that the game seems to already be out in the UK... Anyone else that preordered the import through gogamer get this?

Yeah same email here :(
Is anyone else finding only about 1% information on this game? I always find tons of research about the game, but the main page sucks (they all do), the official witcher wiki doesn't give much info, and wikipedia witcher only gives very general information.

Is it just going to be a hack-and-slash, or like oblivion? Or any other RPG? I am extremely confused about the "class" differences of the game. I can't stand games where you are forced to play a "warrior" type class, which is what this game looks like, since I can't find ANY information regarding it.

Go read the review at Eurogamer. They only gave it an average rating. It's not a hardcore RPG and is quite linear going by the review i read. I was interested in getting this game but not so sure now after reading their review. They classify it as more of an action/adventure game than an RPG. You can not choose any class and can only play as The Witcher character who does have some magic abilities and is not a pure warrior class.
playing only as a witcher makes sence since the game is based on a novel about a witcher, plus Geralt is a witcher - he's not a assasin, wizard, knight, preast... whatever. he's a witcher.

this game would be much better if you had read the novel (you'd know some of the characters better that way), but there is no translation to english... yet. i'm guessing that you can expect it any time soon (with all the hype). probably wery fiew would read it if there was no hype with the game
Actually they did recently release one of the books in English. Hopefully the others will be soon as well.
regarding the Eurogamer review. Go to read the comments under the review from the people that are playing the game now. Everyone of them says that it deserves at least a 9/10 and is more fun to play and has a better story than NW2 or Oblivion.
regarding the Eurogamer review. Go to read the comments under the review from the people that are playing the game now. Everyone of them says that it deserves at least a 9/10 and is more fun to play and has a better story than NW2 or Oblivion.

I wouldn't say it's 9/10 because even after the patch some things are still a little buggy and the constant **LOADING** gets annoying but I'm still having fun and the story is keeping me interested. The voice acting isn't too bad either which was one of my concerns initially. The horrible voice acting in Two Worlds killed that game for me.
Let me also remind you guys that eurogamer actualy game Mafia a 4 out of 10.......:eek:

Wow 4/10. Mafia would probably make my top 10 list of games in the past few years. In fact I think Mafia was better than GTA3. Always wondered why no one pushed forward and made more genre based games like Mafia with such a great storyline.
Wow 4/10. Mafia would probably make my top 10 list of games in the past few years. In fact I think Mafia was better than GTA3. Always wondered why no one pushed forward and made more genre based games like Mafia with such a great storyline.

They are making a mafia 2 you know :).
The game is god damn awesome. I'm loving it so much I've selved the crysis demo and WoW untill I've played it through. The controls ARE a bit weird to begin with. And I still have to fight the erge to click bad guys to death with the mouse, instead of the new timed system.

The main charactor is very cool, and the corny dialog you see in the vids is actually well timed and in context for good humor factor. I got the Euro version and the whole 'sex' part of the game is funny and tastlfully done IMO and only happens with certain ladies( ALthough, often I chose the wronge dialog and either get slapped or kicked in teh balls... just like real life i guess). You can't see anything so sorry fellas. (Mind you in the cards you earn they are usually topless).

The graphics are top notch for sure and combat is fast and very good looking. There is alot of dialog and reading if your like me and love to really get IN to an RPG, but you could glaze over that and play faster if you like.

The ability to change combat styles on the fly, and also change which camera you use give teh game a very fluid feel as you frequently adapting to the situations.

My biggest issue so far is also the over-the-shoulder-cam which I use nearly all the time has a few animation issues as you intially start running with a bit of a glide effect, but I guess that can be patched up. It takes a bit of getting used to since the charactor isn't in the middle of the screen, he's slightly off the the side. So you need to take that into acout when your going through doors and around corners.

Im about 5 hours into it and easily give it a 9/10.

PS: "Your mom sucks Dwarf c*ck!" is the best thing an NPC has ever said to me in any game EVER!

Also, theres a big ass patch over at that fixes just about everything I've found wrong with the game.
I am for sure getting this game... I'll likely order it tomorrow or something.. is there anywhere else I can get the Int version other than gogamer? I'm being lazy and haven't looked.. :eek:
Also for those that don't know you can push f(or it might be g) to change which side the OTS camera is on (Geralt's left or right side).

Here is a copy+paste of my impressions from another forum:

Also for those that don't know, the game is available for digital download via Metaboli's service. However it's more expensive then buying it at the store...which kind of seems backwords to me (since you don't get a box, cd and thus Atari saves money).

The loading takes like 40-60 seconds for me for an exterior load and about 20 for loading indoors, around 20 for saving as well :(, it's getting annoying especially loading SMALL ass huts and shit that seems like they could have easily been left open (A la Gothic).

Otherwise I am loving the game a ton, best rpg/adventure I've played in years. The atmosphere of the setting, the quest lines, the voicework/dialogue are all very well done for the most part. I'm not sure who does the voice for Geralt but he does it fairly good (it sounds like David Bateman to me, IE - the guy who does the voice for Hitman).

The combat is more hands ono then you usual rpgs, though there are a few problems where you seem to just "not" attack when you click for some reason (read the official boards, many people are having this problem) but it doesn't happen too often for me so it's not a huge deal.

There's a ton of skills to learn, I mean you literally have likle 5 tier's of skills for every combat stance (six total, 3 ffor each of your two swords) then 5 tier's for all your signs, then 5 for all your attributes (Sta/dex/int/str). So many to learn and some that sound great too. I went mostly with Dex so far because of the skills that just sounded fitting for the type of character I want to build (IE deflect arrows, higher dodge, etc).

Speaking more of the atmosphere of the game and characters.

The game, even though it features dwarves and elves, is told in a much more "realistic/gloomy" matter, not your usual high fantasy stuff. The dwaves/elves are treated as outsiders and "lower class" of humans and racism among other things you will see throughout the game. The characters themselves are brought to life with some overall good voicework which just goes to show how far a good writer (for the dialogue) and voice actor can take a game that much further. Some models are used over and you will notice "clones," even sometims standing right beside each other. However after you get into the game this won't be an eyesore really as the characters you converse with and talk to are generally very well done.

The world itself has a more late middle-ages germanic countryside feel to it. Some great time of day effects that are not only cosmetic but actually affect things in the world (IE certain monsters come out only at night, some only lwheln it's raining, etc).

The world itself is filled with more mature things that rpg's have been lacking since games like Fallout/Daggerfall/Baldur's gate left the scene. You'll encounter the things you'd expect, Violence, sex, coarse language among storylines more suited toward adults.

I have only a few minor gripes in the whole so far. The lack of a screenshot button (have to use fraps or alt-tab) and no ability to hide the hud that I can find are a bit annoying, espeically because of some of the beautiful scenes and environments you'll see exploring the world.

For some reason the cutscenes sometimes lag. At first they were doing really really bad lag, but I turned off Depth of Field (which is only used in cutscenes) and put things to medium and now it runs fine for the most part.

I'm upgrading to 2gb of ram next week, so hopefully that will help me with the loading times and such, as that is my biggest complaint so far, however it's dwarfed by how fun and great the game as a whole is.

minor spoilers for a funny quest (at least i thought at the time).

[hide]I recently did a quest for a guy to kill some "weeds" in his garden , sounds a bit generic for an rpg quest right? Well in the point of getting a price for doing this work he asks you to drink with him, so you take a shot as he does, then you try to raise the price/he tries to lower it, this goes on for a couple of more shots until you both agree to the price. Then when you leave to do the quest, you are obviously drunk, stumbling around fighting these things. Then after beating them you come back in and collect your money (still drunk) and have some more funny dialogue. Maybe it's just my child'ish/drunk humor but I loved it).[/hide]

One screenie I have for now (need to install fraps, don't want to have to alt-tab for a screenie :p).

I received this also :(.

me 4 :(

FYI you can go to and they have a very positive review up, they gave it an 89%. The reviewer literally gushes over the game though except for the voice acting, and loading.
Is the international edition even worth it? What are the main differences with it?
They are making a mafia 2 you know :).

Nice thanks for the info, did not seem to see that one. Hopefully it has the same great story that the first one had. Thats what drew me into the game, hell even played it again a few months back I found it to be that entertaining.
Is the international edition even worth it? What are the main differences with it?

Its not censored like the US version... no boobies for the US! Its OK for you to slice off someone's head, but not to see a naked female!
the diff. between the international and the US isn't huge, but really I'm buying int'l on principle. If I can kill someone and see their head fly off, I think I should be able to see some boobs. That should be okay, so hey.. I'm supporting what I believe :)
How much is 49.99 € in $$s? I don't recognize that currency. If it is EU or pounds then the game is really expensive.
sadly, games are not priced around the world based on the price in the US.. otherwise they'd be pretty cheap in some regions. They generally give a game the same price across multiple regions regardless of conversion. Hence a 50 euro game that is 50 US, but after conversion no where near the same price.
THe main reason to go the internation version IMO is the language. Man, there is some funny bloody dialog that just wouldnt be the same without the naughty words.
I just got a shipment notification for my international version of The Witcher from :D! It should arrive right around the same time as my pair of 8800GT 512's that will run in SLI, to boot!
I got the notification too! Ah I love GoGamer! They never let me down... I thought it was so odd when they pushed the release date back a week like that. W/e, I'm very happy. I'll be playing the Witcher before the weeks out :D
Hadnt heard much about this game before release until Shacknews but Im glad I did. Its RPG of the year material. The only thing that is really annoying for me are the load times.
Its not censored like the US version... no boobies for the US! Its OK for you to slice off someone's head, but not to see a naked female!

Yea, Americans are really weird in that way. And yet they are one of the largest purveyors of porn in the world too, if not the largest. Look at the hoopla over Janet Jackson showing her nipple on TV and yet no one blinks over two guys beating each other up in a hockey game on TV, instead they relish it. Strange.