The Witcher

I picked up the original release and just loved it. From the moment I met that one chick behind the "wailing shack" and the cut scene where people were hearing the "wailing" coming from the building I was hooked. The story really is awesome and outside of a fairly inefficent inventory system back in that version (I heard they fixed it in the EE) it just played really well.
So, I've been trying to get into this game, but I'm having a really hard time. It's the combat. I cannot stand a combat system that makes me click at a certian time to continue my attack. Is the entire game like this? Is there any way to change it? Perhaps a different difficulty does it in different ways or something? I doubt it, but the combat just makes me want to quit the game on the spot. I want to be either controling my character and telling him what to do based on my input (think Mount & Blade) or I want to tell him what to do before hand and he just does it (think turn-based RPGs). Not this babysitting the fight making sure I time the click right bullcrap.

For some reason, I simply cannot stand it.
It's not going to change much but it's not all bad. Your magic skills (I forget what they're called) will allow you to knock people down, stun them, burn them etc. and that allows you to kill faster. Potions you mix up (if you choose to) will make you faster or do more damage, and certain items will keep some of the more annoyingly present weak enemies from attacking you (much).

Otherwise, you're stuck swinging and clicking.

The inventory didn't get all that much better in EE, imo.
It's not going to change much but it's not all bad. Your magic skills (I forget what they're called) will allow you to knock people down, stun them, burn them etc. and that allows you to kill faster. Potions you mix up (if you choose to) will make you faster or do more damage, and certain items will keep some of the more annoyingly present weak enemies from attacking you (much).

Otherwise, you're stuck swinging and clicking.

The inventory didn't get all that much better in EE, imo.

Yeah I agree with you, the inventory system is a only a tiny bit improved...still ugly and fairly inefficient.
Yes, the whole battle system is built on the rythmic clicking. Frankly I find it pretty entertaining and more 'realistic' if that can even be said. The witchers sword skills I see as a bit like a beautiful deadly dance that requires rhythm for execution.
The witchers sword skills I see as a bit like a beautiful deadly dance that requires rhythm for execution.

There are 'making of' live action videos of the swordplay they used to model the game. IIRC they came with the added content.
I'm going to restart Witcher. Now that I have EE installed, and a GTX 260 capable of MS/SSAA in this game, I'm going to play through it on hard. :)
I'm going to restart Witcher. Now that I have EE installed, and a GTX 260 capable of MS/SSAA in this game, I'm going to play through it on hard. :)

Play on hard hey. On that note I need to post some card screenshots asap!

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I somehow got sidetracked when this game came out and only played it a little. After reading this thread, I went out and got the Enhanced Edition and am installing now. :)
I installed the EE version. I started the side quest and there is no audio for the text at all. I got bored of it and haven't finished the quest. It's kind of buggy still.
I haven't ever experienced any bugs in witcher original or EE... but I will say the improved load times in EE are grand...

I love this game, I just wish I had more time to commit to playing RPGs, I find sitting down and RPGing for 30-45 mins "pointless"... similar to reading a book in rounds of 2 or 3 pages... I need to read a chapter or 3 to really get into it.
I love this game, I just wish I had more time to commit to playing RPGs, I find sitting down and RPGing for 30-45 mins "pointless"... similar to reading a book in rounds of 2 or 3 pages... I need to read a chapter or 3 to really get into it.

i know exactly what you mean. most games are playable in short stretches, but a few (like good rpgs, total war games etc) really do require and reward longer stretches of playtime.
I'm considering getting this game but the odd combat system and weak inventory make me worry. I think the combat wouldn't be too bad but there is nothing worse than a limited inventory in an RPG. I've been playing a lot of Morrowind and Oblivion lately, along with VtM:Bloodlines, but I'm looking for another epic fantasy RPG to play other than Bethesda's offerings.
I'm considering getting this game but the odd combat system and weak inventory make me worry. I think the combat wouldn't be too bad but there is nothing worse than a limited inventory in an RPG. I've been playing a lot of Morrowind and Oblivion lately, along with VtM:Bloodlines, but I'm looking for another epic fantasy RPG to play other than Bethesda's offerings.

combat isn't the focus of the game. and it's a little more complex than what is immediately apparent if you play the demo i.e. it's not all about timed button presses. you have to use the right weapon type, fighting type and signs and potions to be successful in fights.

i wouldn't say the inventory is limited in any way. heck, figuring out alchemy itself will take a while and that's all to do with the inventory. this isn't a standard rpg where you change weapons and armor very often, so your inventory will never be flooded with items to equip. it's mostly alchemy ingredients, potions, stuff to sell, crystals etc.

i wouldn't miss out on the witcher because of these perceived shortcomings if i were you. the game really is the best crpg to come out in years. the atmosphere, the story, the settings, the music... these are the things that make the game. you play the way you want to with real choices that have consequences in the game. these easily trump any gameplay shortcomings you might believe exist in the game.
these easily trump any gameplay shortcomings you might believe exist in the game.

Um yeah, I didn't perceive any shortcomings, they were clearly pointed out in this thread as a weakness in this game. Sounds kind of boring now that you give me a more accurate description, though.
This game is anything but boring. Definitely gripped my attention by elements such as the story, graphics, music, enemies, and environments. Highly recommended.

BTW, the Blizzard potions (bullet time) are the way to go. :D
I know exactly what you mean.His whole fighting style blew the game for me.I loved the graphics and all I thought was a got gothic3 all over again.I played to the first villiage and quit.Who ever was in control of the combats in this game need to be fired.Period
I know exactly what you mean.His whole fighting style blew the game for me.I loved the graphics and all I thought was a got gothic3 all over again.I played to the first villiage and quit.Who ever was in control of the combats in this game need to be fired.Period

Do you think by quitting so early you maybe missed out on a great gaming experience? Just asking out of curiosity b/c I see people rave about this game, but my reference is Morrowind/Oblivion/WoW/NWN. I loved Morrowind because it is huge & expansive, had such an epic feel. I could care less about graphics, story is almost pointless as they usually suck (heheh you know it), and I guess what I am looking for is something epic.
Do you think by quitting so early you maybe missed out on a great gaming experience?

He did. I know, because I almost did too. Luckily, I stuck it out, learned how to click-jiggle the mouse to swing effectively, and got thoroughly and rewardingly engrossed in the game.

I could care less about graphics, story is almost pointless as they usually suck (heheh you know it), and I guess what I am looking for is something epic.

Well the good newses are, The Witcher IS epic, HAS great graphics, and best of all, the story far, far from sucks.
well i just picked this up, but its sitting behind my Stalker: CS and SIlenthunter 4 installs at the moment. perhaps ill give it a whirl in the next few days.

sounds like a gem
well i just picked this up, but its sitting behind my Stalker: CS and SIlenthunter 4 installs at the moment. perhaps ill give it a whirl in the next few days.

sounds like a gem

You'll need to dedicate solid hours to this game. Addictive stuff. Clear that calendar! Tough one though as STALKER - CS is superb too.
alright so help me out here. im installing the enhanced edition right now. on the back of the box, it says rated m for strong sexual content, language, blood/gore, partial nudity.

is this the uncensored version? or do i still need to patch it?
alright so help me out here. im installing the enhanced edition right now. on the back of the box, it says rated m for strong sexual content, language, blood/gore, partial nudity.

is this the uncensored version? or do i still need to patch it?

the american version is censored. european and other versions are uncensored. check on the box where it's published. alternatively, you could just wait and you will find out during the prologue (within an hour to 90 minutes of gameplay).
Has anyone played the Strands of Destiny DLC?
The one where you travel to Kaer Morhen and have to decide the fate of the princess with the wolves? I thought it was pretty good - short, but good. She is a real bitch if you get into a fight with her.

Has anyone here read any of the Witcher books? I can't wait for the Times of Contempt translation after reading the Last Wish and the Blood of Elves.
The one where you travel to Kaer Morhen and have to decide the fate of the princess with the wolves? I thought it was pretty good - short, but good. She is a real bitch if you get into a fight with her.

Has anyone here read any of the Witcher books? I can't wait for the Times of Contempt translation after reading the Last Wish and the Blood of Elves.

i picked up the books after playing the game as well. they need to translate those books faster for the love of god
I had mixed feelings on this game. There were periods when it was pure joy but other times when the combat nawed at me (for the most part it seemed a bit simplistic). I also made the mistake of playing on a relatively easy level and disocvered I couldn't change it after the fact (without starting over).
It is not a bad game - but it is more of a story game than a tactical game. While (for example) BG2 has a lot of humor and a decent enough story the mechanics also provide for quite a bit of tactics.

I'm not unhappy I played it or purchased it but I would like to see a different type of game or impovements to the combat to make it more multi-dimensional rather than mechanical (that might be difficult given the single player/single character orientation).
I'm downloading this from steam now. Should I play it in English, or Polish with English subs?

edit: oh god these controls and camera angles are HORRIBLE

not to mention the cut scenes are all jumpy and out of place
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I got the EE version. And I totally hate the game. I played for less than an hour and felt sick to my stomach. Horrible gameplay and shitty content. Hopefully I can Ebay this crap....
I got the EE version. And I totally hate the game. I played for less than an hour and felt sick to my stomach. Horrible gameplay and shitty content. Hopefully I can Ebay this crap....
Give the game at least a couple more hours. The game gets a lot better in Act II.
Yea, that's what I thought about STALKER as well... but it turns out I loved it. There is a reason certain games get raved about.
Any RPG will suck if you only play it an hour. It takes at least 10-20 hours to really get into any good RPG (FF series, Elder Scrolls series, etc.).
I'm downloading this from steam now. Should I play it in English, or Polish with English subs?

edit: oh god these controls and camera angles are HORRIBLE

not to mention the cut scenes are all jumpy and out of place

Switch to the OTS view. The default camera settings and controls are somewhat jarring.

i picked up the books after playing the game as well. they need to translate those books faster for the love of god

I can't agree more. As a bonus the UK imports I bought on are in a nice readable form factor unlike those god awful mass-market paperbacks that seem to dominate here in North America. I wish more books were the same size (page, margins, font, etc). So much easier to read.
I'm downloading this from steam now. Should I play it in English, or Polish with English subs?

edit: oh god these controls and camera angles are HORRIBLE

not to mention the cut scenes are all jumpy and out of place

I got the EE version. And I totally hate the game. I played for less than an hour and felt sick to my stomach. Horrible gameplay and shitty content. Hopefully I can Ebay this crap....

Unlike Fallout 3, this game gets dramatically better as the story goes along.

Play OTS, on Medium+, and play longer than an hour.....
i only had enough time to play the game for about an hour, and i think its pretty cool. only got as far as when the dudes steal your stuff from the castle place and you get the first option to level up and spend skill points.

i didnt really know what i wanted to spend my skill points in since i figured there was probably a right and wrong way to do things. figured id do some research on character development before i went any further.

this is probably the reason i only played for an hour. definitely enjoying this one.

heres to hoping i got the uncensored one.

does anyone have a link to a straightforward or reputable website that has the uncensored content for the EE version? i went looking and found a couple different sites with varying file sizes and directions.

thanks in advance.

(p.s. deadspace on pc with an xbox controller and v-sync turned off = awesome)
I absolutely loved the game :D

When I graduate college next month I have a whole lot of gaming to catch up on, including the enhanced edition!

I got the EE version. And I totally hate the game. I played for less than an hour and felt sick to my stomach. Horrible gameplay and shitty content. Hopefully I can Ebay this crap....

I sent you a PM lol
I try to play this game very hard up in till act 2 (halfway), then it just dies out for me

The combat really sucked but other than that it was been good
i only had enough time to play the game for about an hour, and i think its pretty cool. only got as far as when the dudes steal your stuff from the castle place and you get the first option to level up and spend skill points.

i didnt really know what i wanted to spend my skill points in since i figured there was probably a right and wrong way to do things. figured id do some research on character development before i went any further.

this is probably the reason i only played for an hour. definitely enjoying this one.

heres to hoping i got the uncensored one.

does anyone have a link to a straightforward or reputable website that has the uncensored content for the EE version? i went looking and found a couple different sites with varying file sizes and directions.

thanks in advance.

(p.s. deadspace on pc with an xbox controller and v-sync turned off = awesome)

I do, I have it on a disc. PM and we can talk about getting it set up.