The WTF Video of the Day

Windows Phone 7 owners freak me out.

Not as much as some iPhone users freak me out, being a Windows Phone user myself. This video just set back WP about two years unfortunately.

Windows Phone is just, simple and sleek, a great option for people who want a smart phone instead of computer phone. The biggest problem for Windows Phone right now especially in the US is that there simply aren't enough models, only one each on Verizon and Sprint, that's GOT to change. But the app library is growing quite nicely, there are some nice devices, just not on Sprint or Verizon, and the development seems to be progressing nicely, Mango was a fantastic update.
Bwahahaha! Theyre so bad ita funny. I loled.
However, the chick in the glasses is kinda cute. The one on the far right isnt bad either. I'd bounce em. ;)
I feel physically sick and I only lasted 47 sec. When that blonde one said hollah I felt like pimp slapping her. Worst start to my weekend ever.
Why would you do that to your loyal readers! As soon as they really started rapping I had to turn that crap off. Maybe if they were hot and in skimpy clothes but...pudgy buttafaces trying to rap about Windows Phone??!?! Check please...
My brother has a WP7 phone and loves it, he is planning to get one of the newer models coming out. His wife likes his current phone and plans to use it (and ditch her iphone 3g instead of getting a 4S).
Am I the only one that ripped the song from youtube and used it as my ringtone for my Windows phone?
I guess this is our reminder that one of the nokia phones names translates to prostitute in Spanish. Seems we have our first test group. lal
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Of course they were, their are limits to the ridicule they can take. I have no doubt their peers working down at the beauty parlor have given them as much as they can take already.
I guess this is our reminder that one of the nokia phones names translates to prostitute in Spanish. Seems we have our first test group. lal

That was kinda wrong, it was actually portugese, but apparently someone used it at some point in the borders between portugal and spain and is now a part of the RAE, even though noone can actively say they heard it in the language :p

And well about white girls,well:
I just could not do it, I could not click on the link. :D (Well, at least I will be able to sleep at night.)
GD it Steve! Where can I send a bill to you demanding my 0:52 of time back! This was more disturbing than your bra pics! (And that's saying a LOT ROFL) :p