There is absolutely no point of rushing to get DX10!

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Jun 30, 2006
Even though they can do DX9 why wait get a 7950 or an X1900 and you'll be set and then get a high performance DX10 card when games actually utilize it. By the time vista comes out those DX10 cards will obsolete.
By the time vista comes out those DX10 cards will obsolete.

I don't agree with that point since both camps are waiting for Vista to be released in order to launch their graphics cards.

DX10 cards are expected around Nov/Dec at the earliest with Jan/Feb being more reasonable. That is the time frame Vista is being released.
But we have to wait for the bugs to be cleared because there will be bugs
Windows Vista is an illusion, it doesn't really exist. The beta is just a huge gimick, (yes Microsoft makes that much money that they can do this.) Bill Gates is bored and this is his farewell prank to the computing world. And DX10 was made up for filler in forums like this because conroe was getting too much discussion.
man never landed on the moon, 9/11 was an inside job, george bush shot kennedy. :D
I'm not holding my breath for Vista to release anymore. After this many delays I won't be suprised if they push it up to May 2007.

There was an article I read last week that indicates that M$ could be delaying it past the Jan. timeframe. They were quoted as saying that Vista is "on target" for a Q1 release. Whenever they've used the term "on target" it has always been followed by an announcement for a delay. Even after DX10 cards come out, I'm going to wait til the 2nd gen cards come out before I upgrade.

I want something that will run UT2K7 and Crysis as smooth as butter and not just barely keep up at max settings. Plus it'll give time for ATI/AMD/Nvidia to fix driver bugs. Who knows how good they'll be the first time around on a new DirectX platform on a new OS.

Get a x1900 card or 7950gx2 and be happy with it and wait til next summer for some new cards.
I'm Jack the Ripper, I wasnt gonna ever tell anyone but I figured since every mystery in life is being revealed id let everyone know.
BarneyGumble said:
Windows Vista is an illusion, it doesn't really exist. The beta is just a huge gimick, (yes Microsoft makes that much money that they can do this.) Bill Gates is bored and this is his farewell prank to the computing world. And DX10 was made up for filler in forums like this because conroe was getting too much discussion.
yea, just wait and see, they'll push Vista back until like March. I guarantee it. They'll talk it up like its freakin sweet for businesses and they'll offer 24/7 updtime guarantee if they switch to it upon release thru their pre-install program or something. Then, when the clock hits April 1st 00:00:01am, they'll be like "ZOMG APRIL F00Lz LMAO ALL UR BASE ARE BELONG TO US!!1one!!WTFBBQL33tSAUCE-BILLGATES-IS-T3H-WIN-0wNzUhardcor3!.. Then the nation goes into a down spiral and the stock market crashes and WW3 breaks out, then Bill Gates leaves in his DX10 powered rocket ship and moves to Mars where he already setup Camp Microsoft with his 90 billion dollars.
maverick777 said:
I'm not holding my breath for Vista to release anymore.

Ive been holding mine since XP was released......needless to say im really close to passing out....... :eek:
EQTakeOffense said:
I don't agree with that point since both camps are waiting for Vista to be released in order to launch their graphics cards.

DX10 cards are expected around Nov/Dec at the earliest with Jan/Feb being more reasonable. That is the time frame Vista is being released.

Nope. G80 is directX10 card and its ETA is Sept. It's all over the Evga forums.
Vista does include DX10. I don't know where you got the idea that Vista will make DX10 obsolete.

In fact, Vista will be the only operating system that can support DX10!
Vista doesn't exist, and the moon landing never occured. The earth is flat, and the sun will explode in the next 20 years. :p
remember 9700pro? that came out a LONG time before DX9 games came out and it still kicked ass for years after
Yeah my 9800pro lasted me 3 years.

I think my new X1900XT will last me a good 3 years.
ive used a few betas of vista ,

and from the latest builds i can tell that there is really nothing i like about the OS ,

the new interface is unclear and mostly confusing,
the new search is a joke ,
its a resource hog ,it will eat your pc for breakfast
as ADMIN, you have almost no control over the OS files untill you "take own" the windows folder ,and then you still need to assign permissions to files that you want to edit/delete etc,
who knows what kind of new spying features have been implemented for nsa ,mpaa and riaa

i found kubuntu and opensuse to be head and shoulders above vista ,
the only problem is lack of well developed apps and of course no gaming ,

ill stick with xp as the main rig , and linux as backup ,
Big Fat Duck said:
remember 9700pro? that came out a LONG time before DX9 games came out and it still kicked ass for years after

Remember 9700 was great card for it's time but once we started playing real dx9 games... It became too slow on high settings/resolutions...
Marvelous said:
Remember 9700 was great card for it's time but once we started playing real dx9 games... It became too slow on high settings/resolutions...

Actually not so (at least the 9700 pro) would easily handle Far Cry and HL2,still the best DX 9 games out today @ 1152x864 on high settings, as long as you have at least a gig of ram. If you mean 1600x1200 then i agree :)
w1retap said:
man never landed on the moon, 9/11 was an inside job, george bush shot kennedy. :D

Someone shot Ted Kennedy?!!!! It's high time someone took out that shrivelled old pinko drunkard. :p
zone_86 said:
Actually not so (at least the 9700 pro) would easily handle Far Cry and HL2,still the best DX 9 games out today @ 1152x864 on high settings, as long as you have at least a gig of ram. If you mean 1600x1200 then i agree :)

radeon 9700 is one of my all time favorite cards... Nothing could touch it's performace for a long time... It was quite a jump from running 4 pipes for so long to a 8 pipes with 256 bit memory bus...

Far Cry was still choking for me @ 1024x768.. But not much... Half life ran good... Doom 3 was alright... But than second wave of dx9 games showed up it started to choke...
The only reason I replaced my 9700 Pro was because it died. Far Cry and HL2 were ok at 1024*768, but my aged Athlon XP just didn't keep up.
As for VIsta, there is currently little if any need for a new OS, especially one that offers little or no benefit over current products.
Wait and see...
The fact that you need vista AND a brand new video card to run DX10 effects, probably means we're going to see an even larger delay between having the hardware available and seeing the games available. That lead time at the moment is somewhere between 6 months and a year for features in new DX releases to actually get utilised by any significant amount in the mainstream games.

I can't see ANY advantage to buying a DX10 card before DX10 games are readily available, only if you havn't upgraded in years and your current system is struggeling, even then it would probably worth the stretch.

Just my opinion, future proofing for new features is never really a very good idea, chances are that by the time you're using DX10 in any quantity that the next cards will be out and will run these effects a lot faster.
Marvelous said:
Remember 9700 was great card for it's time but once we started playing real dx9 games... It became too slow on high settings/resolutions...

1 7950 or x1900xtx cannot play oblivion at max settings and super high res, so whats your point?
chinesepiratefood said:
1 7950 or x1900xtx cannot play oblivion at max settings and super high res, so whats your point?

I could ask you the same thing.
really i dont see any reason for windows vista. the windows 98 to xp jump was much needed. but xp to vista is pretty baland. they are just going to force everyone to use with new software and the big selling point is eye candy. i dont know about you but i have my windows xp looking like windows 98 and i wont be using the getto eyecandy with vista.
DX 10 can be done on Windows xp and it can be done easily, but microsoft is gonna lose alot of money cause vista left in the dust by gamers
Marvelous said:
radeon 9700 is one of my all time favorite cards... Nothing could touch it's performace for a long time... It was quite a jump from running 4 pipes for so long to a 8 pipes with 256 bit memory bus...

Far Cry was still choking for me @ 1024x768.. But not much... Half life ran good... Doom 3 was alright... But than second wave of dx9 games showed up it started to choke...

farcry and doom 3 was design for the 6800 generation if you can't afford to play it at that time too bad
chinesepiratefood said:
1 7950 or x1900xtx cannot play oblivion at max settings and super high res, so whats your point?

My overclocked 7950GX2 handles oblivion in max settings in 1600 1200 quite nicely...1920x1200 or whatever the large widescreen resolution is, is not that many more pixels in total, the [H] review showed that in them resolutions the stock card can handle mostly max settings.
Marvelous said:
Remember 9700 was great card for it's time but once we started playing real dx9 games... It became too slow on high settings/resolutions...

For example: Doom 3 ate those cards for lunch. And that was fall '04.
Bona Fide said:
Vista doesn't exist, and the moon landing never occured. The earth is flat, and the sun will explode in the next 20 years. :p

The earth is the center of the universe, and global warming is just an illusion used by liberals to dominate American politics. Iraq actually did have BLTs, there really was Tampax in the mail a few years ago, and man will one day walk on the surface of the sun.
w1retap said:
yea, just wait and see, they'll push Vista back until like March. I guarantee it. They'll talk it up like its freakin sweet for businesses and they'll offer 24/7 updtime guarantee if they switch to it upon release thru their pre-install program or something. Then, when the clock hits April 1st 00:00:01am, they'll be like "ZOMG APRIL F00Lz LMAO ALL UR BASE ARE BELONG TO US!!1one!!WTFBBQL33tSAUCE-BILLGATES-IS-T3H-WIN-0wNzUhardcor3!.. Then the nation goes into a down spiral and the stock market crashes and WW3 breaks out, then Bill Gates leaves in his DX10 powered rocket ship and moves to Mars where he already setup Camp Microsoft with his 90 billion dollars.

OK - I found this very funny. Is it because I also enjoyed 'Freddy Got Fingered'? Whatever, I don't care - thanks for the light relief :)
BlueFridays said:
farcry and doom 3 was design for the 6800 generation if you can't afford to play it at that time too bad

im pretty sure doom3 was designed with the gefore3/4 series in mind.....when pcgamer got their hands on the first doom 3 build, it was running on a 9700pro. of course, the game ran better on newer hardware (ie, the 6800 series), but im pretty sure it was designed on the geforce3/4 series
mrmetal_53 said:
im pretty sure doom3 was designed with the gefore3/4 series in mind.....when pcgamer got their hands on the first doom 3 build, it was running on a 9700pro. of course, the game ran better on newer hardware (ie, the 6800 series), but im pretty sure it was designed on the geforce3/4 series

the two cards that john carmack worked the most with were the fx5800 ultra and the 9700 pro. Ironically, he much preferred the fx5800 because of the much longer shader length it supported. But yeah, your point still stands.
I'm the Dude said:
For example: Doom 3 ate those cards for lunch. And that was fall '04.
You should have dumped your 9000 series card for an X800 by then.
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