Thermaltake, BMW, AMD to Show Chassis of the Future at Computex

Terry Olaes

I Used to be the [H] News Guy
Nov 27, 2006
Thermaltake exclusively work[sic] together with the renowned design consultancy BMW Group DesignworksUSA and the prime manufacturer of processors and graphics solutions Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) on a chassis project called Level 10. Level 10, the Extreme Gaming Station chassis, reflects the vibrant and pioneering vision of DesignworksUSA which results from their work in the automotive area as well as for diverse industries from lifestyle to aviation, yachting or IT. Level 10 entirely breaks with traditional case architecture conventions and explores a daring and futuristic concept in which most components are compartmentalized, making the case an open and modular structure, allowing for most convenient access to and exchangeability of the most important components.

Pic on front page...
I didn't know that taking the cover off the side of your pc was so hard that they would need to design a complete modular case with many covers to make access to hardware easier?
I remember this from a bit back. We([H] posters) were split on opinions of the case design.

It still creeps me out and probably costs a stupid amount of cash.
I didn't know that taking the cover off the side of your pc was so hard that they would need to design a complete modular case with many covers to make access to hardware easier?

Maybe they'll do something like giving you extras of the compartments so you can just pop in the configured compartment of your choice. Of course that may just be wishful thinking.
I want. I will buy it if it's < $200. I need a new case badly and this looks damn nice to me. Plus it looks like it couldn't be easier to install/swap components, which takes presidence over any features/style for me. Very clean looking too..
I like it has potential for looking pretty cool in some homes where people collect zany looking HiFi's. But it wouldn't look right in my own computer room.

I'm an Antec Nine Hundred owner and I love that thing.
How is this good for airflow? Or is the entire case designed as a heatsink?
Just when you thought that there couldn't be an uglier case than the lian li pc 888. The sail one, not the seashell one. That was a pretty cool looking case if you ask me. Looks like something that belongs at some fancy nancy modern art exhibit or something. The lian li pcx 500 is more appealing if you ask me
What % of people too dim to take the side of the case off and plop in a video card are going to be sporting and aftermarket case?
cleaning that has got to suck.. think of all the dust collecting on the horizontal surfaces
I actualy like the compartmentilization approach of it. Independant isolated thermal zones, if its done corectly, and has sufficient cooling capabilities.

Cost could be a huge factor here though, as a lot of the specialized TT cases are way over priced IMO. I love my TT Armor+ and TT Tsunami cases, as they both have massive amounts of air flow through them.
What kind of protection does this offer from accidents?

IE: Spilling something
IE: Cat attack
IE: Stupid room-mates
IE: Stupid parents
IE: Random ball
cleaning that has got to suck.. think of all the dust collecting on the horizontal surfaces

That would be easily remedied in < 30 secs by one of these:


Plus I think it'd be easier to clean out inside the compartments compared to the bays of a normal case.
Sub 200$ and I very well might have to spring for one of these for my next build. But ONLY because I think it looks DAMN cool.
I didn't quite get it the first time I saw it but now I want one. Too bad it'll be hella expensive.
I've always said... It looks like a PS2 and an IBM desktop case were fused together in some genetics experiment gone awry.
Designed by BMW, the automaker?
Next we will have Porsche designing shoes! Oh wait.... right....
I suppose it's practical to keep hot components away from other components in a separate compartment. As long as everything is tool less, I think this is very practical. I wouldn't want to unscrew a hard drive out of it's compartment every single time to change it. If it just pops out that would be brilliant.
I want one of these have have requested that TT send us one for my personal usage after Computex. :) I like the idea.
Just because BMW designed doesn't mean they have any idea about what a case should and should not have.
Hmmm...this is better looking than the Antec skeleton, and yet somehow it looks like a giant laptop docking station, I'll stick with my Xaser 4 thanks.
looking at some of the other posts before hand, it seems I'm not the only one who seems to think the design is a bit... ugly. I'm reminded of Ferrari's Station Wagon for some reason :

While I have little doubt that from a technology and cooling standpoint, the Level 10 is probably friendly to those who overclock and or change components on a regular basis... to the average user.. it's a bit daft. It still takes up the same amount of floor space as a regular tower... takes up about the same amount of height space... as a regular tower... and if you really were trying to shove things into a tight space, there's plenty of Small Form Factor chassis around, from a wide range of vendors like Shuttle, Apevia, and Thermaltake.

Then again... if people who read HardOCP forums cared about stuff like that... Antec would probably have never made the Skeleton...
The case looks like ass, plus its thermaltake which I personally believe makes cheap garbage.
Looks friggin fugly...More like a transformers stuck midway.
Sorry but Antec destroys Thermaltake any time, day or night. My Antec 900 has absolutely been the best case I have ever used for a machine. That thing looks like a piece of garbage giving Mac fanboys even more reason to laugh at us.
I don't look at this case as anything else than pretty looks. As long as you've got the basics, any case is about the same as the rest except for looks and the 5% extremeists. I own a P182, and I love it. Except that the only time I notice I have a P182 and not anything else is when I open the computer up, otherwise I'm more worried about killing someone in a game.

It's very much a "for looks" case. And that isn't allways bad, although it can be horrid. In this case I like it. And like I said, if it's reasonable (sub 200) I might get one for my next build.
My first reaction after it being ugly was that it looked shrinkwrapped. The lines of it are terrible from my POV. Even a small effort of surrounding it with a thin black/red-lighted wireframe that an equivalent tower would take-up in volume would help. Or a smoked window or two would be nice, but that won't help enough.
Nice first step, but I'll wait for the follow-ups.
From the pic, I doubt this is modular enough that if you remove HD enclosures you can actually reduce the overall height.
What does this look like with a cable mass off of the back? If you pack the cable slots in the back dense enough that you can black-sleave the entire cable mass, then you are talking about something interesting.
I would guess this case would only work with certain hardware. Making upgrades on this case would be a pain, making sure it will fit and get the cooling required. its a cool design exercise, but not practicle for the real world enthusiast. Would probably work for a company like Dell, HP, E-machines....
Antec cases are garbage overpriced cases for people who haven't learned to shop online.

Most thermaltake cases are as well for that matter, they do have a handful of nice ones however. Though nothing that has managed to pull me away from lian-li.

I love the design of this case personally, however after seeing close up pictures of it, it looks far better in the "polished" pictures then it does in reality. It really is a shame as I would of gladly bought one had it been constructed as good as the initial pictures made it look. Instead the production model looks like another antec/thermaltake piece of crap case.
Looks damn cool IMO, but I don't see how airflow can be good.

As others have said, I bet the price will be high.