Thermaltake Element S vs Coolmaster 690


Limp Gawd
Apr 16, 2009
Im a N00b. Im totally new to this forum (just signed-up today). Im kinda new to building a PC aswell. I did build one myself 2 or 3 years back but I had no clue what I was doing back then, I dont know much still but Im trying. I havent seen my PC in 2 years because iv been away to college. I will get a chance this summer to work on that puppy and the first aspect I would like to change is the case. I have narrowed it down to the Element S or CM690. Any thoughts.:)
Just say no to Thermaltrash ... 690's a better case regardless of the TT brand name.
Well, My mind has kinda shifted from mid-towers to full-towers. I was planning to stick with air cooling but then i thought why not water cooling. and since (i think) full-towers are easier to work with when it comes to liquid cooling, I have kinda narrowed it down to the rocketfish case (most probably). but can you give me some suggestions on this tower...

good price?? I kow they have decent air flow but installing liquid cooling might be problamatic. Inputs? Advice?
IDK, maybe Its just me but I dont like the look of the HAF. I agree it has expactular features inside but the outside look makes my johnson go limp.
I love my Cooler Master 690. It doesn't compare to the HAF except in looks but it has lots of room for my needs. You will also need to buy extra fans for it. It's not a bad deal for the price.
Are you serious... I mean this is just my opinion but I prefer nice clean lines and not a lot of eye candy. But, if it appeals to you then go for it.
I know that the case is nothing but eye candy, but would the case be able to fit an internal liquid cooling system??
Im probably gona go with an alienware case.
If you want an awesome custom case, check out this one.

Definitely not worth going for the Alienware... there are much better cases out there that look much nicer.