Thermaltake Level 10.

Aside from the fact that that much machined... whatever it is is going to cost god-knows-how-much, and that they arguably could've done a much more aesthetically pleasing setup (not that it's bad by any stretch)...

Dual slot cards.

If you own a $800+ case, you know damn well you're going to have dual slot GPUs; two, maybe even three of them... and that case won't support them, unless it comes with its own magic space folding system.

I could forgive that apparent oversight if it included any kind of watercooling (or even high end aircooling) alternative, but it doesn't. There's nowhere for such a setup to go.

Hopefully this is an early version and they've already worked out a fix. If not, so far as I'm concerned it's dead in the water.
Is it just me or does this remind you of someones farm set up? PSU, drives and mobo mounted to a board? All they need to do now it mount it to the wall. Only thing is each part has its own case...seems kind of pointless (and costly) to me, and I don't see it being cooled very well...Looks like the HDD's might get a little toasty, and good luck fitting a TRUE in there. :D
I've tried to find single reason why this would be good and I can't think of any...
It's huge so one could expect it to be roomy. Unfortunately it isn't :/
Passive/quiet cooling? Not really, with so little room and close to no vent holes [some tiny ones only] it's gonna be rather loud.
Passive HDD cooling? [Let's forget that generally they don't need active cooling anyways...] Possibly, but if that was their intention why didn't they mount them vertically to make a better use of convection?
Good for WC? No once again.

Looks like just another TT's failed idea. But this time it's gonna be extra expensive and rare -> they'll sell in under 1 ns.
Let's hope it's at least full alu [thick plates that is] so it would look good modded >.>
In a word, fugly. Okay, so that's really two words combined to avoid swear filters... but...

Looks like it's got warts or boils or something...
Thermaltake should just stick to copying other companies' ideas. Innovation just isn't their style.
It actually looks pretty nice. However, it looks like the thermal management is absolutely horrid.
If the compartments were sealed, it could be the first stock immersion-cooled case.
like has been said, theory is cool, but it serves no role in the real world, what about all the expandability of pc's, what about sound cards, dual slot vid cards, sli, etc etc.
Looks like there's plenty of room for multiple full-length cards in there. The motherboard area alone looks to the the size of some small chassis.
In a word, fugly. Okay, so that's really two words combined to avoid swear filters... but...

Looks like it's got warts or boils or something...

Fucking Ugly :)

But, I agree... It looks cheap, like a PS2 cannibalized an IBM desktop case. :rolleyes:

This CeBit, the one that made me sit up and take notice was the Thermaltake Level 10 case, by far the best thing at the show.

Says so much about Charlie. I can't believe anyone reads his trash.
Yeah.. i guess this would be great for someone who wants to make their PC look like a Console gaming system for a Home Theater setup.. Nice idea, but looks extremely generic
very cool looking, but first thing struck me is this- the cooling is going to be horrible, hands down. I'd buy it though, if it isn't too expensive.
Looks like installation being surely complex and time consuming because of those countless separate covers isn't yet mentioned.
(hopefully they don't add "hidden" screws typical in casings of so many devices)
That's got to be the most pointless and absurd waste of material at the show, but it certainly does express TT's approach to things, makem big pointless and shiny. I bet each compartment has one of those amazing 6" 5k rpm fans.
I'm surprised a lot of people here don't like this case. Personally, I think it's a good step outside of the box (pun intended). Not to mention, the case was designed by BMW. Here's a short snippet on the case, with MUCH better pictures.
I'm surprised a lot of people here don't like this case. Personally, I think it's a good step outside of the box (pun intended). Not to mention, the case was designed by BMW. Here's a short snippet on the case, with MUCH better pictures.

Car companies should stay out of case design, that's all this proves.

It's horribly executed, and the design itself is pretty bland, to be honest. I'm amazed as many people like it as appear to.

400-650 euros? Come the hell on.
the more i look at it the more i kinda like it. Sadly no one is insane enough to dish out 400+ euros on it
This looks like a piece of shit. I'd rather have the Skeleton over this any day. I can make a ghetto version of this case. Buy multiple sizes of gladware, paint them black, and glue em to my wall. Walla less than $25 worth of material. This case is level 10 ugly.
And why the hell would BMW design a computer case anyway?

... because they have a design team that wants to step outside the box? Why would Porsche design anything? Because they can? Every auto maker has a design team that does things besides cars.

As I said before, I'm surprised this many people don't like it. Is the design radical? No, not really, but it's different. And the reason it's so expensive is because it's a special edition case, commemorating their 10th Anniversary. I doubt though it'll cost 400 euros. Maybe 400 DOLLARS, but definitely not more than that.
... because they have a design team that wants to step outside the box? Why would Porsche design anything? Because they can? Every auto maker has a design team that does things besides cars.

As I said before, I'm surprised this many people don't like it. Is the design radical? No, not really, but it's different. And the reason it's so expensive is because it's a special edition case, commemorating their 10th Anniversary. I doubt though it'll cost 400 euros. Maybe 400 DOLLARS, but definitely not more than that.

Pininfarina (the guys behind some of ferraris designs) designs trains too, so yeah.
Too odd for my taste, I'd rather a slick Li-li or silverstone at this point