Thermaltake Shark + 2x120mm Radiator?


Limp Gawd
Oct 17, 2004
Or two 120mm radiators instead of 2 held together.
I don't know if I have to post this here or in case modding and I don't want to spam.

But how could I install 2 seperate 120mm radiators? Or held together as one...?
(I thought that maybe I could put one radiator under the roof, or even 2x120 there, there's a lot of room?)
I know that performances will be much better like this with my rig. (Sig)

stick with a dual 120mm rad. not 2 seperate ones.

possible mounting spots are the top of the case, or the back using a radbox.
Then it will be on top because I like it internal. But why is the seperate solution not good?
The more resistance you add to your loop the less effective it is. thus adding another rad makes the total loop more restrictive.
