Thermaltake V9 mod


Nov 10, 2008

Im new to [H] and this is my first post. During the mad crazy Black Friday I stopped at Microcenter and picked up the V9 from Thermaltake. I am planning to paint the inside of the case and was wondering if I can get some advice as to which paint would be best to use. Also if anyone out there has modded this case please share your opinion and suggestions.
Thanks, I still can't find anyone who has worked with this case. Im still brainstorming of what all I want to do with it.
I plan to start on my painting project very soon. Ill take pictures and post them up to share.
The windowless version is already has a black interior, just cut a window into it? Getting a proper paint job on the windowed version would most likely require drilling out the rivets and painting the individual parts.
I am currently looking to upgrade my motherboard and CPU untill then i wont worry about cable managemnt. What CPU cooler would look the best for this case?
Yeah i know what you mean, but hey this case was on sale so i cant complain! :)
I really hate the fact that the motherboard tray is not removable.
ooh dont get me wrong, just because its a replica doesnt mean i dont like it! i like the red for sure
Ive noticed other people from other sites doing what did to my case! I really need to post my most recent pictures so i can show off! :p
few things i didnt like about this case was poor cable management. I had to create cutouts on the motherboard tray to route my cables that way. Also behind the motherboard tray, there really isnt much space back there to hide some cables. Removeable HD case would of been awsome as well. Other than those 2 things i am happy with this case although i dont plan to hold on to it that long. :p I will post my pictures soon.