Thermaltake's new Level 10 case: only $849.99!

The price is a little, ok, extremely outrageous, but I think it looks pretty awesome. Id own one (if it were a helluva lot cheaper)
I used to like thermaltake now I hope they go out of business.
Posted via [H] Mobile Device
Would I pay that for it? No. (And yes I COULD afford it, so no I'm not saying that because I can't. :p ).

If I would pay that for it, would I buy it? Probably not. I won't say it's hideous. I will say it just doesn't catch my eye. I'm more of a middle ground, one of the rare few maybe who isn't in a "love it" or "hate it" camp. It looks odd to me, but not ugly.

Actually, if the bottom "panel" comes off, I could almost see mounting it on a wall for some reason. That to me would work a bit better then having it sit on a floor. (It's too tall IMO to work on a desk).

I guess in short, I neither find it truly ugly or a work of art. Just odd.
:( I'm the only one who likes it.

nope. I like it a lot too. It's something outside the box, literally. I personally wish instead of aluminum, they partnered with BMW in manufacturing the case and made it out of carbon fiber. Wow that would be awesome, and probably justify the price.
I actually like it...pretty awesome design and stands out real well without being hideous...but its wayyy too much $!!!
I think that looks cool, kinda reminds me of a mod project I saw before...... cant remember where, but I know I wouldnt pay more than $200 for it..... doesnt even come with a PSU, and at that price it should come with the 1500w moduler PSU's and a $500 gift card.... sheesh.
that case is not worth more then 200 at all
its not even much too it and unless its made of Ti or some thing way way over priced
Case Material Aluminum
NO Alu case is worth that much fail
From Twitter: Exclusive! Be the envy of all geeks:Thermaltake Level 10 comp case: $849 + Free Shipping - Use Code SNCLEVEL10 -

Free Shipping?! How can I lose?!

From newegg's Facebook Fan page:
newegg said:
For those with fat wallets and are not faint of heart, be the envy of all geeks by being the first to own a Thermaltake Level 10 case for $849.

Use promo code: SNCLEVEL10 for free shipping. (Not that you would
care if you could afford this.)
It's good to see that newegg's Facebook team has a sense of humor. :)

Now, the real issue is whether it's worth the price. I mean, for over $800, I could have a really nifty case, buy all the modding tools, and have some budget left over for a couple of components. I didn't find a ton of reviews on it, but while the ones I did read think the case is a cool concept, it also fails in odd ways (only 2 SATA backplanes, locks aren't smooth, component doors sag from weight, etc.).
well it is different i guess but i'm still not a fan. looks like someone stuck a satellite receiver to the side of a fairly ugly case. not to mention the price is just insane
From newegg's Facebook Fan page:
It's good to see that newegg's Facebook team has a sense of humor. :)

Now, the real issue is whether it's worth the price. I mean, for over $800, I could have a really nifty case, buy all the modding tools, and have some budget left over for a couple of components..

I agree, but just to pay devil's advocate one could argue that some of the price one is paying is for not having to take the time, or if one is inept with power tools, having the skill to do case modding.

For me though, it still isn't worth $849.00 even at that, even if I do find the case just "odd" and not truly ugly.

I do picture some guy buying it, building his PC in it, and then turning around and gluing Lego Star Wars figures all over the thing for some bizarre reason though.
I guess I'm one of the few that likes the uniqueness of the case. It looks good to me. I love the "barebones" look to it. Kinda reminds me of the Half-Life 2 fortress.

However, at that price point, I'd have to make a lot more than I do now AND be drunk and reckless to order it.
I'm all for having a unique something that not many other people have - and the case itself is interesting enough for that reason . . . but what the hell makes it cost $849.99???

They MIGHT get some bites even if they priced is a $100 or $200 above the premium level Lian Li's or Silverstones - but who the hell is going to buy it for that much? The max I can see they realistically pricing it is somewhere between $300 to $450 and still get some buyers. There's just no reason to price it at $850 other than for the pure shock and awe of being able to market a case costing nearly a grand!
Be the envy of all geeks
Good god...

I guess I'm one of the few that likes the uniqueness of the case. It looks good to me. I love the "barebones" look to it. Kinda reminds me of the Half-Life 2 fortress.

However, at that price point, I'd have to make a lot more than I do now AND be drunk and reckless to order it.
I kind of like it too. That doesn't mean I'd ever fork out $850 for it.
Son-of-a-bitch.......:eek::eek: $850......Holy shit.

I like the design, but not that much.
My only gripe is where I'd put all my watercooling gear.
But I'm not going to loose sleep unless this goes on sale for $100.
I think its kinda cool, could maybe pass for around $400-$500 (where the high end lian li, zalman, htpc, etc. cases are). But $850 is extreme in my book.
I like it but not enough to pay there asking price. Cut the price in half and I would consider it. For now the 800D will have to do!
Use promo code: SNCLEVEL10 for free shipping. (Not that you would
care if you could afford this.)

Newegg just made me laugh.
I like the looks but for $850, no thanks. That's about how much my new build will cost me.
It's a step in a direction that might someday end up as a great thing.
No matter how they market this.. or what they make it out of...
It is still a Thermaltake. :D

Way too expensive, given their name brand. I could see if this were an offering from Silverstone or Lian Li.

Thermaltake, lawlz. :p
that thing is weird.. who would want it? it looks like plastic shrink wrap my computer w/o its cover. no thanks.
Id like it if the side panel was up the middle. The youtube video review of it is pretty funny lol
That case better give the best blow jobs ever.

You know as soon as you posted that, some guy is right now seeing how much a Real Doll costs, just so he can gut the torso and put a uATX motherboard in the damn thing...
IIRC this case was designed by BMW which would explain the price tag.

However, I suppose it does look............ interesting?