"They Wonder Why People Don't Make PC Games Any More"

Which is one publisher. And, as I recall, if you backtrack through the past through years, Activision's sales weren't nearly as stunning. Remember, across all platforms, CoD 4 has basically matched Halo 3 in sales (and Halo 3 spent a TON more on advertising than CoD 4 did).

I was wrong

For 2007: 534 million dollars gross profit
For 2006: 526 million dollars gross profit
For 2005: 560.91
For 2004: 380.51
For 2003: 298.94
For 2002: 251.70

The revenues increased for all the years listed above from 786 million in 2002 to 1.5 billion in 2007.

Seriously... for activision to be whining about business doing badly because of piracy is idiotic...
The "you can't prove I would have bought it" argument is, and always has been, utter nonsense. The very purpose of a market-based economy (at least with respect to intellectual goods) is to preclude that line of thinking because it is inherently self-serving and non-provable.

yep, been saying it for years, yet people will be forever convinced they are omniscient.
so ppl are playing online with a cracked cd key? didnt know they had keys that that allow that. owell cod4 got my 50 bucks.
This is just astounding...

I know the world is going to hell in a thimble, but no matter how much I observe and am aware of the devolving state of humanity, it never ceases to shock and disgust me to see the mentality of people.

No matter how loud you "scream", these monkeys aren't going to hear you.

Piracy = stealing, period.
Stealing = you're a fucking low-life, period.

I cant believe this is even up for debate, and that there are monkeys trying to justify themselves and their loser, mooching ways. Grow the fuck up and achieve some level of honor and respect, or just put a gun in your mouth and stop polluting my fucking planet.

You don't feel "obligated" to pay the $50 for a game? You don't deserve to have it, period.

Once something is created, anything and any form of art, it's technically automatically Copyrighted, did you know that? No, of course not, because for all of the superfluous bullshit some of you want to vomit forth, quoting U.S. Law etc. claiming that piracy is not technically stealing, you only do so because you're a fucking mooching scumbag, fucking period.

Not to mention, you're far off-the-mark in your understanding of ownership and theft.

Whether a company is rolling is not the fucking issue. That's no excuse either for pirating shit, because you feel, "Well, they made their sales quota". So fucking what? They still own it, you still want it, so fucking pay for it.

The issue is, they made it, they put a lot of money into making it, they own it and they're selling it. If they wanted to give it away for free, the would be, and it'd be up for download everywhere legally and with their consent.

You not getting the packing and attempting to use that as an excuse, along with all the other insane fucking bullshit I've heard in this thread, just proves further that we're in a world filled with degenerate fucking scumbags who are mentally and emotionally deficient in every god damn way.

A game being a "virtual" product, therefore being yet another diseased excuse for theft, is equally as insane as everything else. It's still "physical", as it's a compilation of code that creates something you're interacting with on a very physical machine, fuck-whits.

Neither is the "try-before-buying" theory. You've got to be fucking kidding me.
You take a chance, and if you don't like it, tough shit... that's life, get a fucking helmet.

Because the bottom line is, you're not entitled to anything, so fuck you.

Did you spend countless hours sitting and coding?
Did you sink your money into hiring a staff of people to create something you're attempting to make a living off of?

No and no, so what makes you think you're entitled to it for free?

For all those who would defend pirating for ANY reason, think how you would feel were you to create something in your own home, with your own money and mass amounts of time. Now imagine some loser asshole breaking into your house and stealing it... same shit. You own it, you made it and now some dickhead stole it... feel good? Even if you made 500 of whatever it is for free, how pissed would you be? Out of the fucking principal that some asshole invaded your space and stole something that belongs to you? Well, the sane and rational person would be off the fucking chain about it.

Whether or not piracy is the cause of any developer losing money, is not the issue.
Whether or not these companies are shitting one-hundred dollar bills, is not the issue.
Whether or not you'll feel "ripped-off" if you end up not liking something, is not the issue.

The only issue is that you're stealing something that you're not entitled to, for various "reasons" you attempt to justify in your little deluded, sick fucking worlds that you live in, and that makes you a worthless fuck.

Ah, what's the use... you cant reason with monkeys.
Which is one publisher. And, as I recall, if you backtrack through the past through years, Activision's sales weren't nearly as stunning. Remember, across all platforms, CoD 4 has basically matched Halo 3 in sales (and Halo 3 spent a TON more on advertising than CoD 4 did).
Well, then blame it on lack of games that people were interested in buying. You can't just narrow it down to piracy being the biggest reason why profits were low.

Regardless of the piracy issue, game developers that were once mostly PC-only have gone multi-platform. They know where the real money is and it certainly isn't the PC and never really has been. Back when there were PC-only games, you heard about piracy but few game publishers complained because they basically said we will just raise the cost of the game to make up for the loss. They're only bitching now in numbers because people just aren't buying or have gone console only. Yes, piracy is to blame but it's not as big as they think it is. They can always quit making PC games if they feel it's going to put them out of business.
Ah, what's the use... you cant reason with monkeys.
You also can't reason with somebody else's ethics and morals that don't follow your own.

It's like saying everyone must obey certain laws that are in place because you will either go to jail or have a guilty conscience for the rest of your life if you don't get caught. Piracy appears to be one of those crimes that goes unpunished. So, it must be okay to do it since no one is coming after me for it. That's the world we live in.

The reality is that people steal for whatever reasons. If you don't like it then report them or mind your own business. Until all PC games require activation that is crackproof then piracy will go on and on.
This thread is retarded.

The world is changing, get used to it. Go watch Steal this Film 1 and 2 from the Pirate Bay.

Wasn't VHS supposed to be the end of the movie industry?

And wasn't the cassette and cd supposed to be the end of the music industry?

These companies are losing money because of their own doing, not piracy or file-sharing. Take the movie industry, aka Hollywood. I'd take a stab at oh... 80% of the movies are total shit and not worth my time. Same thing with games and music. Now this doesn't mean I'm going go right out and pirate a bunch of shit I don't want to see in the movies or buy to play right now.

All I can say is . "Please."
Ah, what's the use... you cant reason with monkeys.
Agreed. You're talking to the choir section. They don't see what they are doing as wrong.
Lie to yourself long enough and you'll believe the lie.
Remember Clinton's excuse? His lawyer's defined sex differently and made it all okay...
2 Main points I'd like to make.

1) Not every pirated copy is a lost sale, this is a gross assumption and just completely false. You dont "lose money" for each person that pirates the game, you've only lost a sale if that person would have bought the game had there been no option to pirate it.

2) Piracy may enourage sales that might not have otherwise been made, some people may pirate a game to see how good it is first and like it enough to then buy it, much like the functionality of a demo. Others may pirate it and come to the realisation that it's so good the developers deserve the money.

You can argue backwards and forwards all day about what sort of percentages we're talking about here, I'd probably argue that number 1 is actually quite common, piracy is rampant on the PC and there are lots of full price games released every year, and most gamers can't afford to buy all of what they'd like, there's a finite amount of money people can spend on entertainment before they simply cannot afford to invest anymore. Point number 2 is probably quite small, never the less exists to some extent.
I doubt PC games on PC are going to dissapear. I am pretty sure more people own computers than any specific console. It would not surprise me if PC-only dissapears, but it would be stupid to stop offering PC games as a whole.
I doubt PC games on PC are going to dissapear. I am pretty sure more people own computers than any specific console. It would not surprise me if PC-only dissapears, but it would be stupid to stop offering PC games as a whole.
There's way more console gamers than PC gamers. It's been that way since PCs and consoles became popular, which was around the late '70s. PC gaming is a very small market and is getting smaller due to consoles. PC games won't disappear for good unless people quit buying them or game publishers pull the plug.

I've seen the huge development costs mentioned here and it surprises me that they are spending that kind of money but, IMO, the end product doesn't show it. A game publisher banks on a known or unknown development team to create the next big game knowing well in advance it could fail due to a number a factors. Piracy is not on the top of the list because if it were then no one would ever invest in it. NO ONE.
There's way more console gamers than PC gamers. It's been that way since PCs and consoles became popular, which was around the late '70s. PC gaming is a very small market and is getting smaller due to consoles. PC games won't disappear for good unless people quit buying them or game publishers pull the plug.

I've seen the huge development costs mentioned here and it surprises me that they are spending that kind of money but, IMO, the end product doesn't show it. A game publisher banks on a known or unknown development team to create the next big game knowing well in advance it could fail due to a number a factors. Piracy is not on the top of the list because if it were then no one would ever invest in it. NO ONE.

I said "people who own computers" not PC Gamers. Why would you not even try to market to that segment?
I said "people who own computers" not PC Gamers. Why would you not even try to market to that segment?
It's irrelevant since the majority of people that own computers do not play games on them--at least not the $50 kind that requires expensive hardware and constant upgrades to play them.

You can't market PC games to a market that uses their computers for work, web surfing and e-mail. PC gaming is an enthusiast market. It always has been and always will be. Looking at the bigger picture, most people find other ways to entertain themselves.
It's irrelevant since the majority of people that own computers do not play games on them--at least not the $50 kind that requires expensive hardware and constant upgrades to play them.

You can't market PC games to a market that uses their computers for work, web surfing and e-mail. PC gaming is an enthusiast market. It always has been and always will be. Looking at the bigger picture, most people find other ways to entertain themselves.

My grandparents never played video games before but Nintendo sold them a Wii. My brother in law (who is a pilot) never gamed on PC either until he saw FS: X. Went out and built a computer. Its all about the marketting.
if a game is good, it SHOULD be bought
it's "worth" buying, games like HL/HL2, Far Cry, Quake series, etc. etc..
crap games, Diakatana?, etc... aren't "worth" purchasing
The solution is play the demo first, seriously
Take the UT2004 demo, people, me included, played that more than some full games, and I ended up buying the full game because of it!
If a game is good, it will sell, and the cheap, igonorant people who pirate them and think it's cool are just silly, immature and probably don't understand real life economics.
These kidz think "heeehee I got a free game!, I didn't have to pay $30-50 like those fools!" are the same people that think frozen burritos are a good, healthy lunch or that women are hoes. Low life ghetto cheap bastids.
It takes time to earn money, and it takes time to make a good game, and there is real satisfaction that comes from paying good money for a good product, a satisfaction that these kind of people will probably never know, like the difference between a 'fotey of malt liquor and an ice cold hefeweizen w/ a thin slice of lemon.
Some people just don't know any better and live cheap, ripoff lives and some people don't.
It's really a reflection of the kind of person you are and the way you live your life.
I myself like to pay for quality games and drink quality hefe.
Oblivion had absolutely no protection at all, yet it sold extremely well.

OMG, just think of how many people stole these players.


"Industry watchers were abuzz with reports that retailers were seeing heavy return rates on HD DVD players since Christmas after buyers realized many of the movies they wanted were only on Blu-ray"

They should have seen the "demo" of HDDVD. "try before you buy" bastages. They have no right to return those players. I guarantee many of those returned the open movies too.

But somehow it's OK for the anti-piracy nuts to return stuff like this. And don't even try to argue there wasn't a single anti-piracy nut who returned a player.

Buying ANYTHING and returning it is stealing. Technically you still got an "experience" from it and never paid for it. In fact, you cost them money because now they have to resell it as used. Playing a demo for a game cost them money to make that demo. If we all pirated a copy then paid for it later, it wouldn't cost them a dime. You can't lose something you never had. If somebody would have bought it but didn't just because they could get it for free, then YES I would consider this stealing.

$50-$60 may be a sneeze for most of you, but what if we are talking a $20,000 car? I "demo'ed" it by test driving it. I'm happy because it had everything I wanted. I buy it and something breaks on it 3 times a week. That is called a warranty. If the car cannot be fixed you get a new one or your money back (i.e. the whole production line was fubar). Why doesn't software have have warranties? Maybe software wouldn't have all these bugs and glitches if it weren't for people who blindly bought software. I can only imagine what cars would be like if it were the same thing. Reminds me of the 80's to a lesser extent. :)
WTF is this guy talking about?! You need a valid key to play online, the number of people playing on cracked servers would be absolutely minuscule given that:

(a) there are always very few cracked servers, and are impossible to find unless you know where to look;
(b) cracked servers tend to be populated by complete tards; and
(c) cracked servers tend to be of shit quality and are poorly administered.

And the biggest reason why people would not bother playing on cracked servers....lack of stat tracking and achievement unlocks. There is no way you could bare playing this game online without the benefit of being able to unlock weapons and perks!

I have not read anything on the web to suggest people have managed to circumvent CD-key authorization or have enabled stat tracking on cracked servers, so quite frankly I find this guys story difficult to swallow without plausible numbers and explanations as to how hordes of people are able to play this game online.

Something tells me we're not going to be getting an explanation of how people are doing it, and I think it's fairly obvious why.

If the exploit was so well known then there would plenty of information on the web about it, I have taken a look around and have found absolutely zero information to confirm that people have bypassed the online protections. So unless someone else can confirm that such an exploit exists, its just some idiot at infinity ward whining about something he truly knows nothing about.

This discussion has gotten completely off track, the issue does not concern the evils of piracy. People should be questioning the veracity of this persons statements, because last time I checked, online CD-key authentication is an ultimate and unbreakable copy protection. The same cannot be said about the Xbox360 version of this game.
If the exploit was so well known then there would plenty of information on the web about it, I have taken a look around and have found absolutely zero information to confirm that people have bypassed the online protections. So unless someone else can confirm that such an exploit exists, its just some idiot at infinity ward whining about something he truly knows nothing about.

This discussion has gotten completely off track, the issue does not concern the evils of piracy. People should be questioning the veracity of this persons statements, because last time I checked, online CD-key authentication is an ultimate and unbreakable copy protection. The same cannot be said about the Xbox360 version of this game.

Are you suggesting that you can play COD4 on Xbox Live on a cracked copy of the game? Because I do not believe that is the case.
My understanding was that Microsoft could detect, and then subsequently ban, anyone that did so. Maybe that is incorrect.

This is incorrect, only poorly copied games can be detected. If done properly people are able to play pirated games online with no hassles whatsoever.


And from a questionable site whose link I will not reproduce:

Microsoft Starts New Ban Wave on LIVE Against Modified Firmwares *update*
>> It looks like Microsoft started a new wave of bans against modified DVD firmwares or DVD+/-R DL discs.
Several users on our forums and on IRC report their Xbox 360 has been banned from LIVE today. We get reports of Toshiba-Samsung and Hitachi-LG drives banned with both Xtreme and even the newer iXtreme firmwares. However we also see many reports of people who are currently on LIVE and have no been banned (yet). No reports of banned BenQ drives yet (but few of these drives have been flashed yet).

If you have the 'Z Code' 8015-190D it means you are banned. As always Microsoft bans the console serial from LIVE, not your LIVE account.
If your console is banned or if you have been playing on LIVE today with modified FW without getting banned, report you findings in this thread (include at least your live status, full drive model (swapped drive?, spoofing?) and firmware version used).

It appears that modified fw is NOT being detected, and is instead once again due to 'bad' discs. Keep in mind that the only full proof way to make a 1:1 backup is to do it yourself. iXtreme is as fullproof as it can be, in that it validates everything it possibly can from a firmware point of view, but a game can have slight data change somewhere, most commonly in DMI. Or it can be due to early copies being watermarked so to speak.

This is why you run the risk of being banned on xbox live if you pirate games. Always remember that you run a risk doing such actions.

In regards to game data being properly validated, xdvdmulleter is a tool that has a constantly maintained database to validate backups against retail copies to ensure full stealth. If you have a samsung SH-D16x and would like to contribute to the project to prevent future Live bans, please join #stealth360 on Efnet, IRC.
They can always quit making PC games if they feel it's going to put them out of business.

And you want them to? PC gaming is hurting right now relative to console gaming, and despite what you and many others are trying to espouse, pirating is not helping it. First, the mere perception of pirating that the publishers hold is negative. You're not going to change that. Thus, the more of it they see on a given platform and the more they see their sales decline, the less they are going to want to rely on that platform- regardless of whether or not piracy is the reason for those declining sales. Second, while all of you here are stating that you buy the games you like that you have pirated, I can assure you that not every pirate does that. Even if that results in a few "extra" sales for a given game, there will always be people who will never buy it because they have already pirated it, and the amount of those people is significant enough that the flow of money from pirates will be negative.

Now, half of my above statement is based on the power of perception. So let me evaluate the power of that. Perception is what is killing PC gaming right now. The common perception put forth by consolites and even the console industry (including Microsoft, whom I am and have been absolutely furious with since the launch of the Xbox- they have pushed the Xbox to death and have completely disregarded the PC [in terms of gaming], only looking to it occasionally as a cash-cow to push a new OS or service- granted, Vista is a great operating system, but that doesn't change the fact that Microsoft tried to push it first and foremost on gamers) is that PC gaming is expensive and complex yet provides a negligible benefit. You know why so many PC gamers tout Crysis as they do? Without going into its gameplay merits (imo, I am a huge fan of the first half of the singleplayer game but haven't gotten around to the online yet- I will merely put that out there to answer the question of "bias"; there are plenty of other topics on [H] that discuss Crysis if anyone wants to argue about the merits of its gameplay), it can produce, hands-down, the best graphical experience of any game presently on the market. I am running Crysis w/most settings on High (Textures, Physics, Sound, Shaders, and Post-Processing on Very High) at 1600x1200 with the rig in my sig- the game just looks amazing. Nothing on the consoles approaches it and nothing on the current generation of consoles can. It really is where PC gaming is going, and hopefully games like Far Cry 2 will be able to provide a similar experience next year (granted, FC2 is also coming to consoles, but PC seems to be the lead platform, meaning it should take advantage of the PC). And, for only a little more than $900, you can get a PC that can run Crysis on High settings at a good resolution and a stable framerate. So, for $900, we're talking about getting superior graphics to what the consoles are pushing, plus a brand-new, very capable PC that can handle web-browsing and whatever else you do on your PC breezily. Really, if you're just looking to get a new PC anyway, for the price of less than a 360, you can get something better. And while the mouse and keyboard are king for PC games, the PC is an open platform. You can hook-up a gamepad, a joystick... whatever, and use it to play games (some props to MS for pushing the 360 controller, b/c that should hopefully get more games on the PC that usually would not come to the PC b/c of controls, but ofc they should have been pushing support for all gamepads- w/GFW Live and the standardization of the 360 controller, they seem like they are trying to monopolize the PC as they do the Xbox...). And, there is the fact that PC games are cheaper. This is the reality of PC gaming. It is not the general perception. Unfortunately, because of the discrepancy between the two, many gamers often overlook the PC entirely and simply buy a console.

That is the power of perception.

And, imo, someone needs to change that perception- be it EA, be it Microsoft... just someone. And, rest assured, whoever does will benefit- I don't have much of a doubt of that.
There's way more console gamers than PC gamers. It's been that way since PCs and consoles became popular, which was around the late '70s. PC gaming is a very small market and is getting smaller due to consoles. PC games won't disappear for good unless people quit buying them or game publishers pull the plug.

I've seen the huge development costs mentioned here and it surprises me that they are spending that kind of money but, IMO, the end product doesn't show it. A game publisher banks on a known or unknown development team to create the next big game knowing well in advance it could fail due to a number a factors. Piracy is not on the top of the list because if it were then no one would ever invest in it. NO ONE.

World of Warcraft alone can at least keep the MMORPG genre alive. I look at it from a regional perspective. Consoles are big in the US and Japan, while small in Europe and Asia. PC gaming is big in Europe and certain sects of it are utterly huge in parts of Asia. These are mostly MMORPGs, but another interesting thing to look at is Starcraft in Korea. PC gaming in Asia is bigger than David Hasselhoff in Germany.
Worldwide, PC gaming is larger than console gaming. Hell, even EA Sports has realized that- the new EA Sports, led by Moore, the guy who left the Xbox 360 division of Microsoft- and plans to treat the PC accordingly this year. When a guy- especially a guy like Moore- who worked for Microsoft's 360 division who now works for a company (EA Sports) that has made its living for years on end on the consoles and which has ignored the PC almost entirely as of late, when a guy like that flat-out says the PC is the dominant gaming platform worldwide, you know it to be a very true statement.
Piracy = stealing, period.
Stealing = you're a fucking low-life, period.

since stealing is stealing with you then, people who steal food to feed themselves to live or their family are fucking low lifes too then.

nice to see you are so above a large population in this world.

Because the bottom line is, you're not entitled to anything, so fuck you.

BINGO - owning a computer and one to play games is a privilege not a right! goes back to the people confusing "need" with "want in life.

Oh and consoles are just becoming PC's anyways.... consoles arent consoles any more, once they can do everything a PC can, they are now a PC, so if anything with the way consoles are going, their wont be any more consoles games cause it will all be PC's :) thas just my weird thought on it.

i mean what will seperate a console from a PC? closed coding environment? okay so Mac are conoles?

Buying ANYTHING and returning it is stealing. Technically you still got an "experience" from it and never paid for it. In fact, you cost them money because now they have to resell it as used.

This is a great counter, it is true really for many people who claim you didnt pay for the experience...when you return something.... people (women) who buy a dress, wear it for that one night, then return it... to some degree stores get smart and give a "store credit" no more cash back... they got smart in that way at least to keep the money in the store somehow, but they still lost the money on the first purchas returned
since stealing is stealing with you then, people who steal food to feed themselves to live or their family are fucking low lifes too then.

Are you REALLY going to try to link stealing food to survive with pirating games? Because last I checked, you don't need to play video games to survive.
Are you REALLY going to try to link stealing food to survive with pirating games? Because last I checked, you don't need to play video games to survive.
Pfft, you do if you're a real gamer! :D *high fives random person*
Oh and consoles are just becoming PC's anyways.... consoles arent consoles any more, once they can do everything a PC can, they are now a PC, so if anything with the way consoles are going, their wont be any more consoles games cause it will all be PC's :) thas just my weird thought on it.

i mean what will seperate a console from a PC? closed coding environment? okay so Mac are conoles?

Rather, gaming consoles are taking more and more of PC gaming's strengths while leaving behind the weaknesses of PCs, and that's why gaming consoles are going to be so successful for a long time.

one of PC gaming's strengths is also it's weakness as well, and that's having multiple configurations with several brands and models, which makes it a pain for developers to develop for. This is not an aspect of PCs that consoles are ever going to take on.
Pfft, you do if you're a real gamer! :D *high fives random person*

*High fives*


Rather, gaming consoles are taking more and more of PC gaming's strengths while leaving behind the weaknesses of PCs, and that's why gaming consoles are going to be so successful for a long time.


Sorry but it is, consoles are becoming like PC's and now we're starting to see them need patches and fixes for servers and all sorts of other things, it's not very frequent at the moment but it's increasingly so.

The very thing that limits console from having certain PC pitfalls also creats their own. Having a static hardware profile for example avoids a lot of the bugs and issues that PC's get but also creates a platform that shows its age very fast, compared to one which can be upgraded to keep your gaming system current.
Hehe, won't be long and we'll be seeing "console upgrades" or "upgradability" in console designs. Wouldn't be hard to do, and would still have some of the console strengths (control over the hardware). Would not surprise me if this isn't already in the works, because it is pretty much a no brainer for a smart console designer.
Yes, but then you introduce the added complexity of having to build games which work on your multiple platforms, the consoles in all their possible combinations of being "upgraded"

Consoels will get more and more like PC's because...well PC's are just better.

Modern console are just a very highly dedicated PC's which are built around doing 1 thing very well using mostly the same technology that is derived from the progress that is made making PC technology. The gaps between the generations in consoles is too high to naturally work improving the hardware over time, this is done with the PC where for example the roadmaps for CPU's and Video cards put the new generations of technology approximately 18 months apart, which is really giving us constant R&D towards constantly better products by constantly providing the consumers with something better which funds their own progress.

Consoles come in and borrow from that tech, they use all modern inventions such as the improved GPU's from companies like Nvidia and AMD which have been continually developed and improved on PC's many times since the previous console.

In short they're a subset of PC's which are increasinly becoming more like PC's because users demand the same kind of functionality such as being able to store things on hard drives, and have internet access to get more content and interact with others, somthing PC users have been doing for decades already.
since stealing is stealing with you then, people who steal food to feed themselves to live or their family are fucking low lifes too then.
Yes. They are. We also call these individuals "bums", and they're society's main pollutant.
Back on topic, I think many here will like how Sins of a Solar Empire (and, as an extension, Stardock) are handling game pricing and customer treatment/service-

[URL=http://blogs.ign.com/Stardock_Games/2008/01/18/77446/]Article[/url] said:
It eschews the traditional, forgettable “campaign” so that the retail box is only $39.95 ($49.95 for Collectors) making the game affordable to a wider audience (and provide more people to play multiplayer with). And it comes from Stardock so there’s no CD copy protection and free updates to continually enhance both the single and multiplayer experiences while also being able to re-download the entire game digitally even years after no matter where you purchased the game.
well there is no cd key generator to get online. IF there is someone send me a generator....it ain't out there.

Did they say how many copies they sold...I bet it was more on the pc than consoles.

They are getting paid just like ID was to swap to the console and saying this crap to tell the people who spent money and supported them to go F themselves.

WHY if they made all that money on COD3 ( forget the name of the console version it was the one after cod2 and not released on pc )
why did they develop a pc version of COD4 ?????????

I wonder why when I purchased the game there was a kid in front of me paying $20 more for his console version.....SO a dumb ass pays more so that is all they will develop for.
and we all know there is no piracy in consoles.
*High fives*



Sorry but it is, consoles are becoming like PC's and now we're starting to see them need patches and fixes for servers and all sorts of other things, it's not very frequent at the moment but it's increasingly so.

The very thing that limits console from having certain PC pitfalls also creats their own. Having a static hardware profile for example avoids a lot of the bugs and issues that PC's get but also creates a platform that shows its age very fast, compared to one which can be upgraded to keep your gaming system current.

The pitfall you describe is irrelevant to console players though, and business(something you obviously know nothing about)

none of the console players/companies care if the console is upgradeable, what they see is a cheaper solution with hordes of games that look just as good as PC games. This is why theres more money in console gaming compared to PC gaming.